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I feel I'd do it justice by following up my initial thread by taking away from someone who wants it more, but might not do as good of a job. ;)


But rest be assured, because I am excited for this show again. There are Titans in the walls, everyone is going to fight them, and apparently the actual Titans walk more creepily in this season. This episode will apparently introduce a new kind of Titan was well as... well, continue the general adventures of Eren and friends. I'm hoping the reduced episode count results in a crispier pace and less overall ennui.


See you all at 12:30.

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It is my pleasure.


To bestow upon you.



The first episode discussion thread.



Of the never-before-heard-or-seen dubbed Attack On Titan Season Two premiere.


So good to have this back!!


Can't wait to hear the cast again. Really enjoyed the first two new eps in Japanese but I've really been waiting for this since I really liked the casting choices for the dub.



Looking forward to hearing what the Beast Titan is going to sound like.



So....Attack on Titan is next.


I'm not sure how I'll end up liking it. First season was okay, but otherwise nothing special. It took too long to get to the point and left many questions unanswered. Many questions in the manga are apparently still left without answers (or forgotten entirely).


"Hi there. You may have heard of me from Pink Floyd. That's a nice town you have there. It'd suck if something bad happened to it...."


"There's a titan / in the wall / and the sweat drips from its balls"


"Don't let sunlight catch it!!"

Titans are vampires.


That's actually really awesome, he's got the dream job and a happy marriage ahead

he was once consideing Gender Reassignment surgery


he changed his mind


he was once consideing Gender Reassignment surgery


he changed his mind


I saw both the post of his announcement and his second post of his reconsideration.  He was happy with both decisions.


huge spoiler



the world outside their city wasn't destroyed, it turns out they're from a nazi germany like world and their walled city is a nazi social experiment, apperently they trapped all the jews inside the walled city, brainwashed them into beliveing the world outside was destroyed, and are sending mutated Jewish children transformed into Titans into the city to kill their own kind


I'm only exaggerating slightly


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