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Bonus catch XP is running as well, base catch is 300, throw in a curve, nice, and first throw bumps that to 600...

I got 750 XP for catching a Vulpix on a first and excellent throw.  ::spin::


Congrats!  :brownbottle: :brownbottle:


Seems like there's massive XP boost on eggs, coulda sworn 5k gave me 2550 earlier

:D/ :brownbottle:

Took almost a year but this event is throwing them out there more than any other that Lapras was part of.


Yeah I thought I got like 3000 from a 10 but that could've included catches prior to the hatch.


Saw a random Lapras for the first time the other day, before event started, this was in Ohio tho (by a Pokestop)


Someone put a Corsola in the gym near me


On that notion given my recent evos Unown is my last regional Johto Pokemon..


Caught my first Typhlosion (after evoing one), really weird that he can have Solar Beam


The one I evod has good stats and moves but such low CP, powering up would be annoying.. naturally right after I evod I caught another pretty good higher CP Cynda still not crazy great.. hoping for a real good one to evolve another.


Where you at Charizard (only starter form I still never encountered in the wild)


Caught my first Typhlosion (after evoing one), really weird that he can have Solar Beam


The one I evod has good stats and moves but such low CP, powering up would be annoying.. naturally right after I evod I caught another pretty good higher CP Cynda still not crazy great.. hoping for a real good one to evolve another.


Where you at Charizard (only starter form I still never encountered in the wild)

I caught a Typhlosion last night 2068 CP average stats.

I thought it having shadow claw and solar beam was nuts.  >:D

I put it right in a gym cuz I caught him and was so proud :D


I reckon it's meant to be a defense, someone uses water against him and suddenly BAM Grass Splosion, same thing with Arcanine getting Wild Charge


But throwin a Fire Pokemon in a gym in this game is largely a 'yeah so what I'm gon do it move' than a strategy lol


I reckon it's meant to be a defense, someone uses water against him and suddenly BAM Grass Splosion, same thing with Arcanine getting Wild Charge


But throwin a Fire Pokemon in a gym in this game is largely a 'yeah so what I'm gon do it move' than a strategy lol


I'm tired of seeing the same stuff in gyms.  I put my Gengar and Charizard in them a lot just to do something different.

Usually  I'll do it in the last gym I'm raising or taking over because I'll be the weakest one and prone to getting sniped :D


They should make it so only one of a pokemon can be in a gym. Only one blissey, only one Dragonite, only one Snorlax, only one rhydon, etc.

Agree 100%, there are a few level 10 Gyms locked down around me cuz they got 7 Blissey and 3 Snorlax


I wonder if the impending gym overhaul will provide any new balance. So far they seemed to hint at more teamwork or some such.

I'm curious as well.  Sounded like P v P will be introduced too, that sounds like fun.


My other thought is that maybe gyms should mirror the pokestop and first catch streaks - every day in the gym your daily prize increases, but after the seventh day your Pokemon gets kicked out and can't go straight back in.


That way there is increased incentive to holding the gym but at the same time it forces gyms to cycle out so they don't stay locked down forever by those same seven blissey and three snorlaxes.


I appreciate how since Slugma was everywhere during Adventure Week he's been mercifully dialed down to almost nothing for the Solstice Event. Do not need more Slugma.

When I caught one I literally groaned but then was relieved to see they aren't common during this event

When gyms are disabled I wonder if everyone will get their 'mons back.


I think my boyfriend was temp banned from the game for no reason

That or the servers tanked this morning. Pokestops would spin but nothing would come out. He was being errored out of gyms and he went on a 7 Pokémon flee streak  ::spin::


My other thought is that maybe gyms should mirror the pokestop and first catch streaks - every day in the gym your daily prize increases, but after the seventh day your Pokemon gets kicked out and can't go straight back in.


That way there is increased incentive to holding the gym but at the same time it forces gyms to cycle out so they don't stay locked down forever by those same seven blissey and three snorlaxes.

I recently started using my Machamp and Poliwrath with submission against Blissey and I'm having better luck not running out of time.

My Blissey is a pain in the ass she has Dazzling Gleam which she seems to be able to use almost constantly. I have a feeling they are going to do something about this. Perhaps they will intro berries that we can use mid battle to strengthen our guys back up instead of them fainting. Six guys is just not enough sometimes it's that or they will nerf Blissey and I don't want that.


My Ampharos has Focus Blast, once I can power her up maybe I can use her more against strong normal types


My Blissey has Hyper Beam, but she wasn't a super high IV Chansey so I'll need a lot more spare candy before I feel comfy boosting her. I figure Dazzling Gleam is prob good against Tyranitar and Dragonite though.


My Ampharos has Focus Blast, once I can power her up maybe I can use her more against strong normal types


My Blissey has Hyper Beam, but she wasn't a super high IV Chansey so I'll need a lot more spare candy before I feel comfy boosting her. I figure Dazzling Gleam is prob good against Tyranitar and Dragonite though.

My Blissey is pretty high IVs all my high IV mon's don't have the best skill set for their specific type. That's always unfortunate  >:D


Yeah I'm surprised I haven't seen any Jynx, given she's generally not super rare. I have seen a bunch of Magmar though. Sadly no Lapras.


Edit- caught Charizard! Shitty CP but ok otherwise. Oh well.


Yeah I'm surprised I haven't seen any Jynx, given she's generally not super rare. I have seen a bunch of Magmar though. Sadly no Lapras.


Edit- caught Charizard! Shitty CP but ok otherwise. Oh well.

Now you get to raise it and love it and toss it in gyms for the lols  >:D








New insight to the gym rework, includes team raids and something called motivation. 

A gym takeover will automatically give six slots, which can only be filled by one pokemon, ie one Blissey, one Snorlax, etc

also there will be an introduction to something called motivation.  Your assigned pokemon will lose CP over time as it loses battles, your Pokemon

motivation can be restored with a special type of berry, also gyms will now spin and give items like pokestops.


ANother thing, when a big boss egg appears at a gym any Pokemon assigned will be returned to you.  You will have 5 minutes to defeat what rare pokemon hatches from that egg.

Only my boyfriend and I play together, I don't know if this new system will allow us to play the game, it will make it harder for sure S:


Edit a jillion:  You will need a raid pass to partcipate in the gym raid, you get one free one a day and OF COURSE you can buy more at the Poke Shop.  I'm having mixed feelings about this

but will reserve final judgement for when the updates actually happen.  I'm ascared ::spin:: :P >:D


Read through the post, holy shit this is nuts :D

I like they gyms doubling as stops, it's a decent solution for people that live in rural areas where stops are scarce.

I'm almost certain that gym motivation will have to be tooled with because part of me wonders if this will cause more

gym stagnation.

Will the legendaries and the mews be in those raid eggs?  I'm excited to find out. ::spin::


One type of Pokemon per gym, a 'decay' system to promote turnover/more effort to keep the money in the gym.


The raid bosses look to be powerful pokemon, but not actually legendaries. But you get rewarded rare berries and TMs to change movesets. That will either be a good thing or will lead to one optimized moveset for every mon.


I logged into the game and see at least three new gyms on the block towards where I park for work. Any ETA when they go live? Days, weeks?


One type of Pokemon per gym, a 'decay' system to promote turnover/more effort to keep the money in the gym.


The raid bosses look to be powerful pokemon, but not actually legendaries. But you get rewarded rare berries and TMs to change movesets. That will either be a good thing or will lead to one optimized moveset for every mon.


I logged into the game and see at least three new gyms on the block towards where I park for work. Any ETA when they go live? Days, weeks?

I have no idea. I haven't noticed extra gyms anywhere and I got my Pokémon back but my boyfriend didn't. Don't know what's up with that.


Wondering if it'll roll out west to east like with the Tracker


I'd bet days over weeks.. *jittery lol*


Did he restart the game, just in case?

Yeah he did. Even the counter says he still has a Pokémon assigned to a gym. I bet he won't be able to collect though.


I think you're right, it will roll out from west to east. Probably Seattle or wherever Niantic is HQ is will be that beta subset and get it first.


Stuff that happens at Fests will not stay exclusive to Fests-


i.e. maybe the rest of us will finally be able to catch Regional Pokemon..

Yay! :D


My bf finally got his Gyrados back.


Just saw what they are gonna be doing with the gyms, looks pretty awesome

I don't like it cuz now I gotta meet people and be friendly  :P


I kid, I'm looking forward to it.

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