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All 9 of my egg slots are alolan, even after cycling through all my eggs during the event yesterday.

When I get around to it, I'm gonna check to see if I'm missing any alolans and once I got then all I will probably wait until my egg cache is full to open gifts, rather than the reverse now.

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4 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

It will make gym battles annoying as shit, really.

I don’t think so. I don’t think Slaking is anything special. Especially not with the motivation system we have. 


I got Lickitung from doing Field Research.  Also got a Eevee from that which gave me enough candies to evolve it into Umbreon.

Also I finally caught enough regular Meowths to be able to evolve my Alolan Meowth into Alolan Persian.  I think I only hatched two Alolan Meowths from those eggs.


I keep getting Alolan Sandshrews and Rattatas lately.  I got enough Alolan Sandshrew to be able to evolve it twice so far.  Still haven't got a Alolan Vulpix yet.

I wouldn't be surprised if I catch one of the Gen 4 pokemon or hatch one from a egg before I hatch an Alolan Vulpix.



also word of Lugia returning to raids yet again for this weekend, shiny Minun and Plusle are out in certain areas, Alolan Geo and Diglett

3x catch dust for Eevee days, dunno how they're gonna handle moves/evos

23 hours ago, viperxmns said:


also word of Lugia returning to raids yet again for this weekend, shiny Minun and Plusle are out in certain areas, Alolan Geo and Diglett

3x catch dust for Eevee days, dunno how they're gonna handle moves/evos

Plusle/Minun shinies confirmed, by the way. Yes, Lugia is back. There's like 3 in my area alone.

Posted (edited)

After looking for one for over a month, I finally caught a ditto.

I was close to ranking up so I was catching sentret and other normal types at the library and it turned out that the sentret was a ditto.  It's cp 288 so it's weak but I don't care.

I'm so happy.  Now I only need to battle in 10 raids and evolve a magikarp to complete A Mythical Discovery 6/8.


Currently I have 299 Magikarp candy so it shouldn't take a lot longer.  I'll probably be able to evolve it before I finish fighting in 10 raids.

Caught a couple new pokemon on Sunday.  Slugma, Snorunt, and Alolan Diglett are my new pokemon.  Also today I finally caught enough oddish that I was

able to evolve my Gloom into Bellossum.  Also evolved my Clefairy into Clefable.


Edit:  I forgot to mention that I also caught a Magmar over the weekend and I caught an Aerodactyl on Monday.

Edited by blueraven1999
16 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

Currently I have 299 Magikarp candy so it shouldn't take a lot longer.

I think there's double candy right now, so for every magikarp you use a pinap berry on, you get 12 candy instead of 6, plus 2 for transferring.

Posted (edited)

Alolan Raichu and Marowak are raid bosses now. Level 4, I think 

update Raichu is tier 3 Marowak tier 4 and the middle evolution to Gardevoir is level 2. Kinda hyped for that even though its name escapes me at the moment 😆

Edited by 1pooh4u
Posted (edited)

Provincetown is the  bomb for catching rare stuff. Caught a 91% beldum caught a 90% male ralts and a 96% Trapinch. Caught a couple of trash Bagon. Raiding sucks though and I might be SOL on Zapdos day tomorrow 😬

Edited by 1pooh4u

Okay......I’m going to preface this with 2 things. Look at the temperature. This is IN THE FUCKING SHADE. Second, I wound up doing 12 raids while walking in the sun. Third, FUCK ZAPDOS RAIDS. Fucking bastard wouldn’t let me catch it. 



  • Sad 1

I evolved a few pokemon over the weekend.  Female Nidoran was evolved into Nidorina.

Alolan Grimer evolved into Muk.  Just evolved Alolan Diglett into Dugtrio and evolved Metapod into Butterfree.

So now I have 111 Pokemon from Kanto, 61 from Johto, and 86 from Hoenn.

  • Like 1
18 hours ago, viperxmns said:

I think that might be an iOS thing, encounter is the same as usual for me


Sounds like they reverted it across all platforns

I wish they would revert the encounter animation. It’s bad enough playing this game totally unaware of my surroundings but now I gotta close my eyes too 😆

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