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Good day. Caught both Articuno and Lugia. Also finally got a Dragonite and Steelix, hit lvl 30.


4 raids total. 3 Articuno, 1 Lugia. For Articuno, dont bother with less than 13 people, for Lugia, less than 18. Unless you got high levels in group.


Fucking photobucket.....


Yeah, defeating isnt the hard part, catching them is. I was lucky to find a group of people who follow legendaries around. We had so many people, end up splitting into two groups of 15 plus each, by teams.


Eh? Legendaries are a permanent part of the game, no? That'd be really unfair then.. having the raids be less common is one thing.


Evod my best tank


It might revert to invitation thru LRP after. The article said 48 hours. Calling bs if I don't get one.


Lugia has rejected me as well


Need a fucking Master Ball

Unreal. I'm going to try again tomorrow but it won't be easy cuz of work I'll only have 3 hours of day map to find a 5 raid and I'll have to pray enough people are there ::D::


I really need irl friends  :(


Me too!!


Still no Lugia tho, 0 fr 2

YAY!  I actually went AWOL from work to do this, there was about 17 of us and then one dude was really cool and made me a member of a PoGo alert group

I'm hoping a Lugia raid will be available when I get off, they're all over the place currently.


My articuno didn't have great IVs but I don't care it's one for the 'dex, calling bullshit on only getting 6 candies though, that means when double candy is over it'll be 3 only S:


I'm hearing Lugia is very hard to catch


Yeah my Arti's not great either but hell yeah I'll take the dex


They're both really hard to catch, it's all luck, annoyingly.. other than using a Golden Razz nothing seems to really impact a greater chance of legendary catch. My cuz got Lugia yesterday


At least now we can focus on Lugia, once I can catch him I'll see if I can get more Artis


When I got home from i saw there was an Articuno raid happening at the plaza the next block over. So i walked over and plopped myself down and created a room - I'd probably lose by myself, but who gives a shit amirite?


Then a guy comes out from the sushi restaurant and says 'hey, I got four people on their way over - quit the battle and wait and you can join us.' Soon enough, a family the guy knows shows up - father, son, and daughter - each with their own game (and the father duel-wielding on the mother's tablet too). A couple other solo nerd guys were drawn to the crowd and we had ourselves a group of 8 that materialized out of nothing.


We beat the articuno, but I was only awarded 6 balls and didn't catch it. But it was the most "pokemon go" experience I've ever had thus far, like what I imagine it was for people in July 2016.


Lugia still hates me, feelsbadman


Wish they'd tell us how long we have for Articuno, that way we can plan accordingly.. divided between focusing on Lugia til I fucking get him or tryna get a better Articuno while he's around


Scratch that, here are dates- https://nianticlabs.com/blog


I dunno how long we have for Lugia. I can't believe they won't keep them in the game not even rarely


Giving you luck on Lugia. Lost a very high IV one yesterday it was 2040 lady next to me caught same same one. Was perfect on HP

My bf needs Articuno I think at the least people on mystic should have a higher catch rate for Arti and the same for Valor and instinct when they release them.


Since they said nothing about Lugia I'm taking it as he'll stick around for now, at least until they announce anything regarding Ho-Oh or Mewtwo.


I'm thinking maybe they'll cycle, like what if Articuno came back for winter solstice/Christmas


I wonder if there could be a way to balance wild legendaries, like if they spawn suddenly for five minutes so you have to be extremely lucky but at least it'd be possible to obtain one for ppl in rural areas n such where no one raids.


I think Niantic should make a spoof app for rural folks. Just don't let them leave the country maybe state too cuz I'm almost positive every state has at least one city that's got enough stops and gyms.





82 IV, might be breakin out my TMs, at least on his fast move


Some are claiming he's going away, not sure.. maybe both their catch rates have been increased, I dunno. He took my excellent curveball for once


Also caught a 96 IV Pikachu earlier w good CP, I almost don't want to evolve him


evo'd my 82 hat chu


There was another articuno raid at the same gym and same time as my last venture. Predictably, one of the guys who was there last time was there again with a friend, and we turned that into a decent group of maybe 10 people. I think catching on that that other stranger is playing too and initiating conversation definitely breaks the ice for everyone else, because other people recognize you're a group now and are more comfortable coming over and joining.


I didn't catch articuno, but a lugia raid just started a few blocks away so most of us walked over and met even more people at the gym on the corner of a dirty looking alley (picture this old black guy walking his dog by with the most confused look on his face). We didn't have enough to kill lugia in time, but while battling more people showed up and there ended up at least two groups because we were well past the 20 as people continued to show up either solo or in pairs. I caught him in round 2.


I had to use coins to buy the special box with raid passes, and now I understand how Niantic bet on the one free pass a day working out just fine. I might not go out of my way to do raids for Pokemon I already have, but in the moment once you're in that group it's hard not to keep going.


It'd be a pretty dick move if they took him away altogether without warning, since yesterday they posted about the team birds and said nothing about Lugia.. if he's still gonna be out there but rare, ok..


Otherwise the bonuses end tomorrow, if Lugia is going away I would expect tomorrow at soonest..


Remote feeding is working, you have to access the pokemon to do it, not the gym


I have 2 meh ones and a pretty good one

My lugia is ok at best, hoping for a Lugia raid close by for another crack at it


I was curious to see how far you need to walk Legendarys for buddy candy....it's 6.7km that's like 20+km after even ends.  Glad I have rare candies.


I'm still trying to figure out what gets you the most items and better boss after raids.  Yesterday I got 2 Fast TMs and 2 Charged, not sure what I did different than any other raid S:


It seems like you may get an extra ball at the end based on performance, there are times when members of the same team seem to receive different amounts of Premiere Balls. It'd be cool if by doing more attacking (rather than dodging half the time lol), or having a good attack/dodge rate you can get a better catch at the end, or better rewards. Just as it'd be nice if a better throw would directly influence catch rate; some sources say yes, other times it seems like it doesn't matter.


And yeah with the 20k distance it kinda reinforces how Rare Candy is basically for Legendaries


I guess I can make myself feel not so bad knowing Legendary IV can dip as low as 60s, or low 70s, from what I've seen


It seems like you may get an extra ball at the end based on performance, there are times when members of the same team seem to receive different amounts of Premiere Balls. It'd be cool if by doing more attacking (rather than dodging half the time lol), or having a good attack/dodge rate you can get a better catch at the end, or better rewards. Just as it'd be nice if a better throw would directly influence catch rate; some sources say yes, other times it seems like it doesn't matter.


And yeah with the 20k distance it kinda reinforces how Rare Candy is basically for Legendaries


I guess I can make myself feel not so bad knowing Legendary IV can dip as low as 60s, or low 70s, from what I've seen

My first Articuno was a 73% IVs, lol, I cried, from both sadness and laughter :D


I notice you do get balls for damage but there were a couple of times I was raiding a Mystic gym but I didn't get gym control balls


The highest CP Lugia you can catch is 2056 so anything approaching that is good


I forgot Articuno CP , total shit bird, not even strong it's 16something >:D it gets 10 less a rasie or more than Lugia


I used coins to buy a lucky egg to evolve through a whole bunch of stuff before the event ended and I hit level 30 - my inventory was at max and now I have about 94 items passed full capacity. I was going to use the great balls I got to catch the random pokemon still around me, but then I realized that unless I dump 100 items, they might be the only balls I have for a while. :|


My first Articuno was a 73% IVs, lol, I cried, from both sadness and laughter :D


I notice you do get balls for damage but there were a couple of times I was raiding a Mystic gym but I didn't get gym control balls


The highest CP Lugia you can catch is 2056 so anything approaching that is good


I forgot Articuno CP , total shit bird, not even strong it's 16something >:D it gets 10 less a rasie or more than Lugia


Regarding CP Articuno is basically Lapras on steroids, lol


Yeah one Lugia that got away was less than 2000, glad the one I caught was at least over that


I've been desperately in need of Pokeballs, I do not want to use an Ultra on a Marill


Daang ppl I know scorin perfect Articunos





Bonuses are over, though there is still an uptick in Pika (no mo hat)


Isn't there a Pikachu Fest in Japan happening?

That could account for it sticking around.  There's also that safari event in Europe.

Only a few days left to catch Articuno then Moltres comes.


Seems to me Lapras has more HP than Articuno. I'm unimpressed with it. You wait a year for the ability to catch it and it's a womp womp.


Yeah I know people catching perfect ones too. Not me, lol.


I been using nycpokemaps to locate raids. Fuck it everyone in this game cheats and they do it proudly so I will use the map. Lol


I'm saltier than a pretzel right now. Was going to catch a 1655 Articuno the ball was just about to do the 3rd rock when it errored out it was my last ball they didn't take the ball but the other one was 1638 and I didn't get it. I reported the bug and emailed Niantic to tell them what I thought told them to fix their fuckin game. I didn't curse but I'm so mad right now


They cancelled euro safari in Europe cuz they ascared. They know their game is shit




They don't mention the catch error, that happened to my friend twice before he finally caught his first Articuno. My game started crashing a bunch yesterday but thankfully not during my earlier raid. So far I had one incident with Lugia where it crashed at the end of the match, but this was the case where I could get back in for the win and attempt to catch.


It is indeed a shit thing to have to worry about your game crashing, let alone the Pokemon staying in the ball. I know sometimes during normal catches if you get a type of error during your catch you will actually have caught the Pokemon, maybe they should fuckin do that for Legendaries too.

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