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Ash hat Pichu is almost too cute for words.


I threw mine in a gym cuz I got it pretty early on and wanted to show the world how damn cute it is :D


Seriously, I wanna plushie of the Ash hat Pichu, how can you not d'aaaw every time you look at it :D


At least two Unown appeared today, one I had no shot at, the second was in Coney and I attempted to reach it via bike but alas I failed


Next time, Gadget...


for a lol







We'll be able to spin a gym after a raid and other things

Cool I thought it was dumb not being able to spin the disc. The berry stuff meh. Now your guys will be stuck in gyms for a month.




Today I had my first raid Tar that refused to be caught


But immediately following


I had



My greatest catch ever


97 IV


Props to one of the FB group members for alerting me in time




Does Unown pop up at stops or rando?  Congrats on the Chansey. I got a 96%er I turned into a Blissey.

I gotta go into Bklyn. I'll try to convince my bf to come to the Aquarium with me or something.


So, did you turn her into Blissey?


Need some more candy, walking Chansey once again lol


This Unown was rando, so my theory stands as far as I know, wil def go for any I can get to lol


Now is good time to come to BK Marine Park is Machop nest


I also have three hat Pichu now  ::spin::


3 of them ::spin::

I have the one only.

I'm on Staten Island, MP isn't even very far I just don't know if I can convince my bf to come with.

I most def need machop candy for my, I believe 93% Machamp. He's 14 in all areas. I'll take that any day of the week  >:D


I'm still all dazed and confused with typing Pokémon. I get the non elemental ones confused like I can't put my best foot forward on Tyranitar raids cuz I forget what's strong against his dark type. Same with ghost, fairy and psychic. I used to not like that my Blissey did dazzling gleam but now I'm not so sure it's a deficit. I'll figure it out and remember eventually  >:D


I can't wait unti Saturday I hope we help go fest peeps unlock Legendary Pokémon.

There's a data mine by silph road and there's data for legendary and mythic. Are the mews mythic not legendary?


Cool, so I didn't misunderstand the Silph Road data mine, there was a warning for legendaries being placed in gyms and I took it to mean we wouldn't be able to do that but then I thought I was wrong and the warning was just that warning we get about them not coming back until defeated.


I suppose it's fair to not allow them in gyms, they would lose CP fast anyways.



So excite!


Oh snap!  Is that Lugia? ::spin::  Oh snap, it could be all the ones we were expecting! ::spin::


I hope the LP does work like that, give you 3 days to get to a specific location ::spin::


Self control containment levels critical.....super excite now!!! ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin::


You won't be able to drop Legendaries in gyms, offense only


Buddies 4 lyfe


Yeah now I would not mind if my second Blissey got Dazzling Gleam, has some advantages over Hyper Beam


Evo'd my 98 IV Chop and got Counter and Close Combat, not sure if I wanna risk one of my charge TMs to try for Dynamic Punch (caught a 93 Chop by the park last night)


Speculation that Legendaries catch automatically if you win the battle, I would be ok with this lol

Hm.. they do say "opportunity to catch" in the post however, guessing we'll just have to have heart attacks then


Weird glitch, Instinct players showing Candela replacing Spark in appraisals, guess Spark went to poop and asked her to fill in


lol Team Instinct must be all "wtf?" >:D


I doubt it will be automatic catch, I'll have to listen to my bf say how he's never gonna play again if he doesn't catch one :D


Update doesn't work on iOS can't feed berries from a distance errors out and says walk closer to gym S:

I like the new colors though. You can see it most in the poke balls


You fuckers, ive yet to get a Blissey and havent even seen any unknowns. My 10k eggs give me shit, and there are more anti-pot protests here than there are rare pokemon (none)


You fuckers, ive yet to get a Blissey and havent even seen any unknowns. My 10k eggs give me shit, and there are more anti-pot protests here than there are rare pokemon (none)

anti pot protests?  Those mother fuckers >:(


I never caught a blissey or seen an unown either, I have a blissey but cuz I went on a Chansey hatching spree, it was bananas I tells ya! :D


I'm so frustrated so PoGo Fest is happening we're supposed to work cooperatively but hey let's have problems with sightings drop off and let's put less Pokémon out there. Fuck you Niantic  ::]::


Lol the ceo of niantic was getting booed off stage at the even due to sign in issues

It blows my mind how much they troll their customers.

I know what they did. They want us to buy and drop lures.


Sounds like GoFest was a disaster they even stopped the twitch and YT streams  ::HMM::


People with PTC accounts get screwed every time there's an event. Kinda glad I couldn't open one cuz their servers sucked.


Lugia and Articuno confirmed first legendary people at Go Fest were given Lugia for their troubles

We should start seeing them in the next 48 hours also double XP is happening now


Actually all rewards are being given. Candy dust buddy distance and encounters


Crezzy stuff, catching up now


lol we got a free t-shirt for our trainers


I caught a Blissey yesterday ::spin::

::spin:: awesome


lol I can't believe Go Fest was a total flop. At least we still get the  rewards and legendarys


The other day an awesome Chansey spawned within biking distance, this time it was a mid-level Blissey I could've walked to if I was home


Her defense is good though






Lugia and Articuno are the first legendaries out; increased spawns/spawn points, double everything and reduced buddy/hatching til Monday afternoon


Go Fest had technical problems so they're awarding Lugia and other incentives to those affected


I'm also hearing the normal buddy distance for a Legenday is 20k a candy, which is kinda fucked up


and Legendaries are caught like any other raid boss


Also, region locked pokemans should be available to all regions during this event.


Did you see any articles bout this? Havent seen anything confirming regionals beyond Heracross being in Chicago.


Did you see any articles bout this? Havent seen anything confirming regionals beyond Heracross being in Chicago.

Articuno raids everywhere accessible with Reggie raid pass


One Articuno raid down, could not catch  ::D::


Righ now though Lugia would be the more useful one since he's good for Machamp raids

Not enough people with me to even try. Will be going back out later  ::D::


Lugia is supposed to be out there too. Haven't seen any and I wanna catch them before the event is done cuz they aren't requiring a LP now but they might after if the LRP is really a thing


Lugia is around but less common


I'd hope they aren't suddenly gonna switch the pass requirements, they didn't say anything to that effect


Funny how many things we thought might be things weren't, like the invites and 48 hr window..


Lugia is around but less common


I'd hope they aren't suddenly gonna switch the pass requirements, they didn't say anything to that effect


Funny how many things we thought might be things weren't, like the invites and 48 hr window..

lol yeah cuz they threw out false clues I heard golem with rock throw and stone edge is good against the Legendarys


How many people were in your Articuno raid?


I made machop my buddy for event cuz machamp is good for all level 4s. I only have one and nowhere near enough candy for a second


Have you seen any regionals?  I haven't


I forgot, might've been double digits


Yeah I felt irked my good Golem doesn't have any ground moves but I need rock for Articuno so it helps now, Tyranitar is good for both birds


Also Arti is still a beast so you still can benefit from Blissey and Chansey in there for stamina


Haven't seen any regionals


I forgot, might've been double digits


Yeah I felt irked my good Golem doesn't have any ground moves but I need rock for Articuno so it helps now, Tyranitar is good for both birds


Also Arti is still a beast so you still can benefit from Blissey and Chansey in there for stamina


Haven't seen any regionals

My golem has mudslap and earthquake I have a fast TM but no charge. I have a geo 14 across the board can try my luck that way.

My Tyranitar has iron tail and crunch  ::D::

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