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A Farfetch'd has finally appeared in a gym by me


I wonder if these are always spoofs or if anyone actually travelled anywhere


I'd believe the Heracrosses/Corsolas given Florida but anything else, prob not


A Farfetch'd has finally appeared in a gym by me


I wonder if these are always spoofs or if anyone actually travelled anywhere


I'd believe the Heracrosses/Corsolas given Florida but anything else, prob not

I'm with you I only buy Heracross and Corsola as well all other regionals are most likely cheaters.

I've seen every regional in gyms. Stupid to cheat and put them in gyms cuz this game has a lot of snitches.


Yeah it's like, what, are you showing off your successful cheat? Also totz takes the thunder away from legit players


And besides something is happening with regionals soon so why risk it now


Such amuse when you look at Pokemap and see electric and fire Pokemon hanging out in the ocean (Flaafy, Arcanine)


Wonder what the chances are of a surprise event tomorrow, given the 1st anniversary


SO far no official event announcement from PoGo but data miners saw a bug fix that included something about a one year anniversary.

Tomorrow morning will be one year for me and to think the reason I DL the game was cuz of reports of people being so into it they were walking into shit or getting robbed. I was like hot damn I gotta check this out.  :D


My bf called me furious cuz he couldn't take down a lvl 3 Gengar.

I'm like, "Dude you probably need one other person but also use your strongest dark types absent those use all your Snorlax with Hyper beam and the one with lick"

I wonder if it worked out.


The game sets up your team but I'm not sure they choose based on what's good against what you're battling. He said it chose all his Exeggcutor which I think might not be best cuz of the psychic type vs ghost.


I'm still not great at the typing stuff. I'm slow  >:D


Yeah I dunno often times the 'team' the game puts together for you is kinda like, sorta 'whatever' from your higher CP Pokemon, not always the Pokemon you wanna go in with, lol


After Flareon I haven't ventured to take on any lvl 3s by myself, I think no matter what the only ones a single player can take on are 1s and 2s. I keep wondering if it'd be broken or balanced if raid bosses took damage scaling like in gyms in case a player gets stuck alone.


So far they just sent out an appreciation tweet last night, nothin more at the moment


Blissey and Vaporeon hangin out in gyms for a couple days now.. Blissey came close to returning the other day but nope


Yeah I dunno often times the 'team' the game puts together for you is kinda like, sorta 'whatever' from your higher CP Pokemon, not always the Pokemon you wanna go in with, lol


After Flareon I haven't ventured to take on any lvl 3s by myself, I think no matter what the only ones a single player can take on are 1s and 2s. I keep wondering if it'd be broken or balanced if raid bosses took damage scaling like in gyms in case a player gets stuck alone.


So far they just sent out an appreciation tweet last night, nothin more at the moment


Blissey and Vaporeon hangin out in gyms for a couple days now.. Blissey came close to returning the other day but nope

Last week I tried beating an Alakazam with one other person and I couldn't.  I read that people on reddit, I guess particularly the silph road peoples say they all can be done alone but I don't buy that, maybe THEY can cuz they're wizards but definitely not a normal Joe like me :D but even then the Silph Road guys said they couldn't take out Snorlax solo :D


I have a Donphan in a gym 2 days now, lol, some kind soul keeps feeding him berries :D


Man one thing is Tyranitar's height and distance make him so much easier to hit than Lapras or Snorlax, got another (used Nanab) but only strong IVs this time. One of our crew was another player's level 9 little bro who now has a 2000+CP Tyranitar  :D


Man one thing is Tyranitar's height and distance make him so much easier to hit than Lapras or Snorlax, got another (used Nanab) but only strong IVs this time. One of our crew was another player's level 9 little bro who now has a 2000+CP Tyranitar  :D

lol yeah now everyone above 5 can raid Tyranitar gotta be his strongest piece ::spin::


I think when they unlock lvl 5 raids they'll be level locked higher. One of the developers said you'll have to be invited and only the most dedicated players will get that invite


That kinda makes me say, " now I don't wanna do it"


Also event is a go go anniversary box is in the shop so I'm assuming the ash hat Pikachus are out.


Yeah there's a technical delay


Also seems like tier 4s have been increased today


Can't even afford the anni box

  :( aww man


This game should allow you to gift people stuff. The box is shit only save 80 coins  ::]::


Wait the combined cost of all the items in the box is only 80 more coins than the box?

Not worth it considering the black balls have no known value


Caught 'em



Done did :D


Funny remembering when it took forever to get a second King's Rock and now the only evo item I have less than a bunch of is a Dragon Scale


Also hearing it's possible to catch a Shiny karp in a raid, but I dunno if it's any more frequent than in the wild


Ppl were talkin bout a wild Blissey by Coney just now but I didn't see one on map


Also I dumbly realized Unown is in the top list on pokemaps and not the alphabetical one


For NYC there's the website nycpokemap, they note spawns n raids n stuff, been visiting it from time to time to see what's around

Oh, I should check that out if you can't get b& for using it.


I'm thinking it should be kosher since everyone can use it and it's a separate entity, but it still feels sorta iffy lol, not really sure how they're gettin the spawn info out there


Like I feel more comfortable doin it on computer


They seem to be able to keep it going tho


lol, I use this IV calculator as I find it the most believable and easiest to use




I use it on my phone sometimes but I'm not gonna lie, I get that doomy feeling inside when I do cuz it's kinda cheating and Niantic doesn't distinguish between blatant cheating and the silly thing you or I are doing >:D

Totally just used that calculator on a bunch of Pokemon, quite enlightening  ::spin::


Totally just used that calculator on a bunch of Pokemon, quite enlightening  ::spin::

Isn't it great? ::spin::

It's the best one I've used so far and I trust it's accuracy

I used to use one made by reddit's the silph road but it just wasn't accurate and the sliding arc scale was a pain in the ass >:D


Aw man, hatched a Pichu just now but no hat, pretty sure this egg was during the event but maybe it was just before, guess I keep tryin


That sucks. You can't even tell anymore cuz they used to keep the date you got the egg but now it changed to when it was hatched


What was it before? I never hatched one.

He was nothing, just got added to eggs  ::spin::

Which is nice cuz finding a good one is hard, my first hatch is pretty good but not super good tho, better than my catches


He was nothing, just got added to eggs  ::spin::

Which is nice cuz finding a good one is hard, my first hatch is pretty good but not super good tho, better than my catches

::spin:: cool....I caught a not great Ursaring cuz none of my Teddiursa were any good but had I not caught the Ursaring I wouldn't have one

I still never hatched a Lapras, if it weren't for the Fire & Ice event I still wouldn't have one :D


Is Lapras in the raid pool?


Yes Lapras is a 4 star raid and the jerk keeps not letting me catch him

lol, what a son of a bitch :D


I saw a Rhydon 4 star raid, didn't bother no one appeared to be nearby and I'm tired of wasting raid passes S:



>:D it took me forever to recognize that the symbols were Rhydon faces >:D


lol you're right, I also did not notice it's Rhydon


yeah since Rhyhorn is so common no one cares about Rhydon raids lol

Likewise since Blastoise and Venusaur are so underpowered no one cares about them, Charizard maybe a lil more esp since Charmander is rarest starter


lol you're right, I also did not notice it's Rhydon


yeah since Rhyhorn is so common no one cares about Rhydon raids lol

Likewise since Blastoise and Venusaur are so underpowered no one cares about them, Charizard maybe a lil more esp since Charmander is rarest starter

With the new motivation system the starters are just as good as anything else even despite them being nerfed but I find myself losing interest with the game now.

Taking out gyms is just way too easy >:D


If I had my way I'd keep the 1 Pokemon species per gym but nix the motivation cuz as it stands right now it's just a big "fuck you" to people that have been playing a while and not being dirty cheaters >:D


The cap makes it annoying for when you have a Pokemon hanging out in a gym for days and it fucks with your coin get, there's no point in motivating past the 8 hour window, plus all the motivating in the world ain't gon help if someone is intent on busting you out


The cap makes it annoying for when you have a Pokemon hanging out in a gym for days and it fucks with your coin get, there's no point in motivating past the 8 hour window, plus all the motivating in the world ain't gon help if someone is intent on busting you out

They need to raise the coin amount and if a 'mon is in a gym for days he should never return with nothing


My boyfriend got a notification telling him different type of Pokemon are in the parks surrounding his area?


I never got one like that, have you? ::spin::


Nvm I know why he got it, there were Snorlax, Swinub and Onix in a nearby park, stuff we don't see that often


lol, the notifications aren't that frequent with PoGo.

I crack up when they send me emails about events that we're already knee deep in, I'm like, "thanks for the heads up guys!" :D

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