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Slow Start 5


Ice Cream, Panties and Eiko's Doppelganger: the episode! Whoulda thunk Eiko had a beautiful imouto? Mickey was it? Or perhaps Miki. Regardless Kamuri and Eiko might as well just get married when they reach that age, they're clearly destined to be together. Kamuri's adorable "yoshi yosh" reassurance head pats re-filling Eiko's power gauge ought to be proof enough of that. Just start wearing pants or a skirt Kamuri, I ain't feeling the loli fanservice. Just not my style. Now if Shion or Hannen stopped wearing pants we might be in business. xD 

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Hunter x Hunter 2011 81 (rewatch)
Initial D: Fourth Stage 1
Freezing 1


I liked the first episode of Freezing; I guess that makes me a bad person. :P


Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 3


Ah yes, I do so love snowy atmospheres. Even if the shoveling sucks. I found Saiki trying to alter the future coincidentally humorous as just earlier today I downloaded the Radiant Historia remake demo on my 3DS.xD Meanwhile Saiko kinda lost the forest for the trees while trying to impress the guys, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I loved tiger taming Nendou, and had a thought about getting stuck in that door before Nendou did so that was also coincidentally funny for me. Learning what or who set Kaidou on his path was great as well. Looks like a new student next week though, can't wait!

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Mitsuboshi Colors 5


Surprisingly morbid premise this week: The Colors decide to raise hell at the zoo by illegally feeding the animals after failing to save Pops' life after he gave them his old toys to fend off a hungry tiger that was after him. If only they realized sooner! Well I guess Pops is dead now, that guy we saw later? Clearly an impostor.xD Seriously though I hadn't ever heard they had to kill the animals at the zoo during WWII. I guess it makes sense, but still a very sad note for this series. Well at least the zoo was fun in the present. And Kotoha loving Sat-chan's bad puns never gets old. Just wish they'd learn to appreciate best-girl Yui a bit more. And that includes Saito, such a dick sabotaging her paper airplane like that!

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Kokkoku 5


Damn, major death flags for Tsubasa. As I said from the start none of the family's lives really felt safe to me except Juri and maybe Gramps so I'm not surprised, but I woulda picked the dad as the first to go if any of them had to honestly. He's the least likeable. I'm not quite convinced Tsubasa is dead yet though for two reasons. That preview where Juri mentioned something "strange" happening to him, could that mean something other than death? Was that brief figure we saw in the preview him? Plus this show's general tendency to not payoff on these kinda cliffhangers in the past leaves me skeptical. We'll see either way next week. Either way now we got Majima's motivations. Her whole family got turned into heralds and she wants to release them, even as bones. I loved the bluntness behind that one dude wanting to fuck her, but Juri played the role of cockblocker by taking him out nearly immediately after that little arrangement got made. xD An alliance could definitely form by the end between her and Juri now, wouldn't shock me. I also loved when that one douchebag got his head knocked clean off, now hopefully Tsubasa's would-be assassin gets a similarly gruesome fate next week.

Edited by BUU8800
  • Like 1

How come you can't put all that into one post? ¬¬

The Ancient Magus' Bride #11 and #12 (italicized = ratings images inside)
Kakegurui #1
Pop Team Epic #5

The sheer amount of time they spent recapping all of Chise's past adventures and how much she matters to the world almost seemed like self-fellatio. And there was also an unusually final feeling to it all in general, as Chise had a genuinely cool moment and they brought back the cute pygmy dragon. I'm actually wondering if the show was originally planned to be one-cour (and a quick montage of dramatic events before the preview as a preview of a potential S2), but then Crunchyroll liked the show so much they threw a bunch of money at it to make the second happen immediately.



And now for round two. Hopefully, a lot of people should be able to figure out why I chose this particular show... well, aside from it being on Netflix. It has been a while since Poke finished Kuromukuro, after all.



Posted (edited)

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 5


Man, Nishikata's total lack of a poker face destroyed him this week, as usual. Lotta romantic tension in the air though. Shirt-swapping, and that confession. Oh Takagi was lying alright....about lying.xD To be young and in love, how sweet. :)

Edited by BUU8800
On 2/4/2018 at 9:18 PM, Blatch said:

How come you can't put all that into one post? ¬¬

Maybe he's in the party who believes that posting several times in succession will merge the individual posts together, but doesn't bother to check and see that it doesn't work anymore?

March Comes in Like a Lion 38

From the mostly voiceless cold open recap to Rei finally going dere-dere for Nikaidou (no homo), with the tutorial on making the perfect soft-boiled egg comfortably nestled in-between, this was a great episode. Real shame we have to wait a month for the next one, but hey, what can you do when it's Winter Olympics time?



Posted (edited)

A Place Further Than The Universe 6


Singapore passport drama! Thank Christ Shirase got her money back, that woulda sucked. But really, all that drama because Hinata had to be so foolishly stubborn. She may be the sexiest girl, but her personality needs work. I was glad Shirase gave her that talking to while buying the tickets. On a lighter note, I loved Mari's bed monopolizing!xD

Overlord II 5


Okay first, and it's only early February I know, but that scene of Ainz accidentally turning on lizard porn was fucking hilarious. Easily the funniest scene from any anime I've seen this year so far.xD That aside that went about as expected. Pretty impressively effortless and brutal by Cocytus but it was nice of him to ask Ainz to revive them. I wasn't expecting just Zaryusu to get revived, but I'm guessing the rest will too. And I guess we're done with the lizard tribes for now? Despite the predictability it was still another pretty absorbing episode. So far I'm definitely enjoying this season more than the first so keep it up show! xD

Edited by BUU8800

Inuyashiki Last Hero 7

Between the fact that Hiro was already planning on quitting randomly killing people before the police got involved, and my headcanon that his personal declaration of war on Japan was brought on by the lingering emotions of offing a bunch of reporters and 2channers, his vowing to start healing others for Shion's sake doesn't really seem as farfetched as others have made it out to be.



Posted (edited)

Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 6


Uh oh Yuu, looks like onii-chan might love Koizumi! Or at least be inspired by her! Lucky he hasn't made the connection between them...yet. But it does remind me, if Koizumi doesn't grow up to be the CEO or a ramen company or something I'll be surprised.xD I mean, she can even speak German for crying out loud! Cute little girl btw, and always nice to see a mother and daughter reunited. :) Brooklyn huh? Not a location I'd immediately associate with ramen but sure, why not? xD 

Yuru Camp 6


Nadeshiko's onee-chan certainly is kind and beautiful. But then I've always thought so. Mainly a setup episodfe this week, Rin and Nadeshiko camping by a lake to try out Rin's portable grill. Hopefully the nighttime scenes are mixed with a little more ghost fun next week. Nice seeing Aoi at work and Aki taking meat from an old man too....wait...

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 5


Lulu and Arisa in the house! Oh boy, I somehow forgot all about that long nude scene. Thank goodness Satou ain't a lolicon!xD That ending cliffhanger though....oh the events it portend should be interesting....

Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 5


...why do I have the strongest urge to watch Hamtaro?xD This was just the healing episode I needed after last week's obnoxious date episode and some anxiety I had earlier today. Yuto's such a good kid, playing wingman for Akira like that. He's the kinda kid I can get behind: energetic, slightly mischievous, but not in a mean way. You can tell he's got a good heart, and a good dad. For what it's worth Tsubu was sort of a wing-hamster of sorts too. Helping Kondo socialize with his employees more. Ah hamsters, the fatter the cuter...possibly the only animal that can be said about actually. xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Hakumei to Mikochi 5


A very constructive episode, and I mean that literally as Hakumei joins Iwashi on a job-site restoring a stone wall along with other construction workers led by Boss Narai. Narai turned out to be a cool character, and once again I enjoyed Iwashi. Hakumei sure has a passion for her work, whatever it may be. Very admirable, and I'm glad her effort and perseverance paid off. If there was any negative about this episode it might be that there wasn't much for Mikochi to do really, even cooking on the job-site she felt kinda just there. Not a big issue though really, and besides, it was sweet of her to come cheer on her "husband" just as Narai's wife did for him, right?xD

Toji no Miko 6


Oh yeah, just as I thought Ellen and her big tits got lotsa focus this week!xD Sparring with the aradama-drugged Yomi. She needed help when Yomi really started rampaging though. I'm guessing all of the elites are using aradama to enhance their power in some way, if those glowing red eyes were any indication. Poor Sayaka, her superior doesn't give a damn about her. I hope Mai gets to save her. Hot damn though, guess Ellen's grandpa got a sub! Seems we'll be focusing on that next week.

Killing Bites 5


Gorilla Grodd and Killer Croc got owned! Initially anyway, but that little trap they pulled on tiger guy was ingenious. Wonder if hippo might help him out or something. Meanwhile of course the rapist becomes something with a long, phallic or tentacle-esque theme. I could have done without that honestly, so trashy though not surprising. He needs to get gone. xD At least cheetah sliced his face good, though the preview seems like he and gecko both ain't done transforming yet. I actually think gecko is far sexier than cheetah, but she's evil so she'll lose, ah well. xD Now was that girl talking to our mc with the fan a new character? If not I already forget who she is. The girl constantly berating him in the red dress seriously annoys me. She needs to get taken down a peg. And finally our best-bunny girl Ui still isn't doing anything. Hang in there girl! xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Juuni Kokuki 1 - 45(END)


Well that's it huh? Just ending after a recap of the last mini-arc. Not the strongest ending, but I guess it's fine. I can see why people say it should have ended after the long arc that ended in episode 39 but oh well. So yeah, it took right around 10 days, but I'm glad I finally finished this. Unfortunately relief might be a better choice of words as I wasn't really big on this. For awhile the 8+ score this has on MAL surprised me, even after reading that it got better after the first several episodes. But I think I understand why it is scored as high as it is. The highlights of the arcs were very good. And to the supporters' credit it did get better, particularly after Rakushun was introduced and they finally made it to En; Rakushun easily being the best character in the series. But I feel like it didn't really stay better. You know that old saying it's about the journey and not the destination? I feel like the opposite held true for me regarding this series. The destination, or final few episodes, of both of the longer arcs were far more enjoyable than the slow, tedious buildup episodes they both had. Filled with obnoxious characters which made it harder to get through. Now some of them, primarily Suzu and the blue-haired princess whose name I couldn't be bothered to remember, did manage to become likable by the end. Others, mainly Asano but also Sugimoto, didn't. Not really anyway. I'm aware neither of these characters played the roles the anime gave them in the source novels, but that doesn't really change the fact that the anime chose to use them and did not use them well. Especially Asano who was pretty much dead weight to the story. His whole role was a forced, confusing mess. At least Sugimoto got out after the first arc more or less, even if she was obnoxious for nearly all of it. Then we got the two shorter arcs. They were both alright, but the first in particular with Taiki felt extremely pointless. Nothing came of it, and while I'm sure it was addressed in later source novels again, I'm just judging from this anime that has been over for 15 years and is most likely never coming back. I think the second one with King En was probably better just because it was shorter, though as I mentioned earlier weirdly placed at the end. There were other odd decisions like just skipping the fight at the end of the first arc against Joyei the false queen or whatever her name was, and of course there were those 3 or 4 padding clip shows. I'm inclined not to hold those against the show too much given when it was made, but at the same time they do add to a larger point I'd like to make: I feel like at least 15 or so episodes of this series I would never want to watch again, and probably more than that. And not because they were good but far too depressing like some anime movies, just because they were bad/extremely tedious to finish. So how can I give it a particularly high score? I can't so I'll go with a 6 out of 10. For what it's worth though part of me does feel like this still had potential to get better had it only gone on for longer. But I don't intend to seek out the source material so I guess I'll never really know for certain.

Takunomi 5


Oh hell yeah Kae and her big, beautiful tits! My god she's the sexiest and it ain't even close! Thank goodness Michiru walked in on her!xD 

Ahem....this was my favorite episode...for no particular reason....at all. ;)

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

The iDOLM@STER #17
Girls' Last Tour #4
Keifuku-san (you know, this)

I typically catalogue shorts, although they don't get content ratings unless they're over five minutes.

Edited by Blatch

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