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Rewatched Death Note ep 3.

Before I started watching this a couple days ago, I think it had been ten years since I last watched this show.

It's fun to watch it again after so long.  I'm glad Netflix has it or I don't think I would have thought of watching it again.


Aria the Origination 13

Nice finish. Still I think it would have been better if Alicia had unzipped her face and turned out to be Caith Sith, but if that had actually happened I probably would have fallen off my chair and split my head open, so probably for the best. Gotta say this ranks as one of my favorite series of all time, which I never would have expected would happen when I first started watching it.

KumaMiko 1 - 8

Beary silly. How did this wind up in the kids section of my local library though? Do they just look at the ratings from the manufacturer or something? It's rated PG by Funimation I guess, but just based on the first episode alone where you got kids getting nosebleeds from imagining what I guess you could only say is heavily implied bestiality/rape . . . Yeah, nevermind the fanservice stuff, this is not exactly a little kids show. I'm a little loathe to say anything to them, but I think when I return it I feel like I kind of have to.

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A Place Further Than The Universe 3


So Yuzuki really was the key as I suspected. Lucky for the girls all she wanted was friends so convincing her was easy. Yes girls, let the yuri flow through you!xD That post credits stinger though....someone related to Shirase and her mother? I sense more drama on the way...

Overlord II 2


Goodness, spending so much time with the lizard tribes I almost forget what show I'm watching. I certainly enjoyed seeing their interactions though. That little romance stuff thrown in was cute too.xD I'm still a bit confused though. So that monstrous entity they're trying to band together to face....it's not Ainz related right? Because they'd have no chance if it was. And watching all this just to see them wiped out would be shitty. So I'm wondering when he'll interact with them finally. Through Cocytus right? Well if it remains as interesting as it has been so far I guess I'm in no hurry.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Dark_Cloud_Overhead said:

KumaMiko 1 - 8

Beary silly. How did this wind up in the kids section of my local library though? Do they just look at the ratings from the manufacturer or something? It's rated PG by Funimation I guess, but just based on the first episode alone where you got kids getting nosebleeds from imagining what I guess you could only say is heavily implied bestiality/rape . . . Yeah, nevermind the fanservice stuff, this is not exactly a little kids show. I'm a little loathe to say anything to them, but I think when I return it I feel like I kind of have to.

Yeah, the ending of that show isn't very good, and kinda takes a turn in the very last episode. Curious to hear your reaction. 

Edited by EyeOfPain

KumaMiko 9 - 12 + OVAs 1 & 2

Sigh. . . Well, honestly this show had its moments where it was pretty darn funny I thought, but at the same time it was just so darn frustrating and quite pathetic really. I think the very final line at the end of the last OVA episode actually kind of sums up my feelings about it all perfectly: "You never learn, do you, Machi?" Yep, you think there would be a backstory, or some character growth, or something to give the main character any kind of depth, but . . . no. She's pretty much just pure moe from start to finish. Other characters weren't much better either; the bear being about the only sensible one is just plain sad. On the plus side, the OP and ED themes were very catchy, and I burned through it all pretty quickly and have Giant Robo now up to watch next. Finally.

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The Ancient Magus' Bride #10

Made in Abyss #11 and #12

Recovery of an MMO Junkie #2

I have to say, #10 is definitely the high point of MiA in terms of sheer cruelty. I didn't find it uncomfortable to watch, but at the same time, it packed about as much pain and suffering from the Curse as I would ever want to see, and things felt genuinely hopeless for a little bit there. Major A+ props to Mariya Ise (as Reg) for her performance in that.

Regarding the next two... eh, Nanachi's status as a "fluffy stuffed toy" keeps things from being too dark. I was somewhat expecting the show to be this relentlessly bleak tragedy, but I love that it actually has levity and range. Of course, then Mitty shows up and we're implied that she's in pain and unable to talk to anyone, and creepily wrapped in a bundle of skin that strangles all of her except for her eyes; easily a fate worse than death, so the heartstrings don't get a break. And they're saving her and Nanachi's backstory for the final (double-length) episode. What I think of the series as a whole is going to verge on the finale, although I'm expecting it to try and rip my heart out and play multidimensional chess with it anyway. But the show has been amazing up to here, so it'll still get my full recommendation regardless.

And now for that other program I don't like anywhere near as much:




Oh man! I'm on a productivity roll in the last 24 hours!

Here's the shows I've watched, in order:

  1. Star Blazers
  2. Last Exile: FAM - The Silver Wing
  3. Devilman: Crybaby
  4. A Sister is All You Need
  5. Tara Duncan
  6. The Ancient Magus Bride

(I'm still watching some of them. I finished the majority, though.!)



Not to be a jerk or nothin' like I was earlier about the Harry Potter/spoiler-marking thing, but can someone please remind Spindack that posting links to the full episode of what you just watch is kind of obnoxious?

Your Lie in April 22

I only started watching this because I needed to hear a voice I could associate with Max Mittelman that wasn't Saitama, for writing reasons. In that respect, the show did its job. Even so, with the exception of the Brotherhood-huge imbalance between serious and comedic, I'd say this show was excellent in many respects - this concluding episode solidifying some of those respects and elevating others - and is well worth the positive reception. 9.5/10.

Posted (edited)

March Comes in Like a Lion 35


Even if Your Lie in April's finale wasn't as tragic as I was expecting, this episode was still a good pick-me-up from that.



Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san 3


So even Wacky D's has ramen eh? The Hawaiian branch anyway. Interesting, but Koizumi's engrish and sexy as fuck bikini scenes were far more interesting!xD Meanwhile I think Yuu's accidentally stumbled on the way into Koizumi's heart: her stomach! Just keep cooking her ramen girl and you'll be carrying her like you did this week only wearing a wedding gown one day I'm sure! xD 

Yuru Camp 3


Nadeshiko sharing some gyoza hot pot with Rin-chan under the night stars surrounding Mount Fuji. Warm and comfy, such a warm and comfy series. Nadeshiko's facial expression all wrapped up was so peaceful, so adorable. And how sweet of nee-chan to stick around and sleep in the car too. My goodness, this remains such a feel good series.:)

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody 2


Holy fuck those tits on Martha!xD I mean uhhhh.....another fairly leisurely paced episode. Setting up more of the world such as the slavery system and briefly seeing several of our leads. Plus learning about dragons and whatnot. Still enjoyable for me, but I am a fan of the source manga. Still, I am waiting for a certain event to go down and see how the pace might pick up from there.

Koi wa Ameagari no You ni 2


Another fine episode. Proof that no good deed goes unpunished too, though in a positive sense for once. Because well as it turned out Akira reigniting that old track injury at least allowed her to spend more time with Mr. Kondo. Such a sweet and earnest guy he is, and it was nice to see her laughing so happily while they were out together. Even if they are on two totally different wavelengths as that "confession" at the end demonstrated.

Edited by BUU8800

Naruto 217

These genin seriously can't tell the difference between Naruto being pumped for the mission and him assuming control from Shikamaru? It's amazing they all went on to become chunin...

On 1/17/2018 at 4:25 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Not to be a jerk or nothin' like I was earlier about the Harry Potter/spoiler-marking thing, but can someone please remind Spindack that posting links to the full episode of what you just watch is kind of obnoxious?

Your Lie in April 22


  Reveal hidden contents

I only started watching this because I needed to hear a voice I could associate with Max Mittelman that wasn't Saitama, for writing reasons. In that respect, the show did its job. Even so, with the exception of the Brotherhood-huge imbalance between serious and comedic, I'd say this show was excellent in many respects - this concluding episode solidifying some of those respects and elevating others - and is well worth the positive reception. 9.5/10.


Okay, sorry about that, I guess I thought that by embedding videos it would make it easier for people to see the episode. I'll stop if that's how you guys really feel....If you guys have any complaints, just PM me, I promise I'll listen.

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The Eccentric Family #5 and #6 (topic of spoiler)

The iDOLM@STER #15


Well, it took a couple of episodes, but now I completely understand why this show is so loved. These two had so many great low-key character interactions, as well as somehow having consumption of food act as a meaningful proxy for morality. Chotaro seems like one of the best dudes to have a beer with, or even a whole dinner, as the Friday Fellows could attest to.

But one thing I was a little hung up on... it's not bad at all, but worth the mention: what the hell was up with Benten's backstory? The tengu just up and took her from her family like that? Did they even notice? You'd think that a missing teenager would be quite the issue around town. Of course, they may have been okay with it, if parental abandonment really is as not taboo as anime makes it out to be. I just thought it was a little audacious, is all... but of course, if they're willing to boil up tanuki and eat them every year, this is probably another excepted behavior.

Edited by Blatch
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Hakumei to Mikochi 2


3 more cute and touching stories this week. We got Mikochi and Konju the songstresses appeasing the tsukumogami. Sen the bone master. Careful what you swallow Hakumei! And finally the birth of a new tsukumogami. Through fondness that transcends generations, so sweet. Such a relaxing series.:)

Toji no Miko 3


Well disarming Sayaka proved to be an easy task. Those glowing red eyes she had though...was she in a trance or something? And they were interruted just as the plot was gonna start moving too. Seems like the head they're after Yukari really is just an aradama in disguise and not just being controlled. I dunno, I'm still gonna be iffy on that for awhile. For a bit there I thought she might have been Hiyori's deceased mother or older sister or something but that seems increasingly unlikely. Still love Mai the most, though Ellen's big tits are certainly appealing to me.xD Seems the preview shows the girls might be clashing with her soon, but like Sayaka the op/ed already foreshadow an alliance. Honestly I just want all six girls to join forces already.

Killing Bites 2


I almost wish this series would air on animal planet or something.xD Anyway, Yuuya hasta be the punching bag to get all those crotch peeks. Equivalent exchange I suppose. That aside not much going on really, just introducing several new characters with more of that to come next week by the look of it. Cheetah girl honestly doesn't do much for me moreso interested in seeing bunny girl next week.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Takunomi 2


Michiru with the lack of work outfits blues. Luckily the power of alcohol, and some friendly help, got her through it. Now if only she wouldn't mix up her words so much.xD


Edited by BUU8800
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Slow Start 3


Happy Birthday indeed Hana. Very adorable seeing the girls spend their Golden Week holidays first away from each other and then together on the last day. The highlight of the episode though was definitely seeing Shion jogging in that outfit....my god!xD I swear if we somehow get a beach episode she MUST be included. I think I might die.xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Evil or Live 1
Pop Team Epic 3

I'll be honest, I'm kind of liking EoL so far. Not in a "it's a legitimately good show" kind of way, but in a "yeah, I can see Poke liking this" kind of way. That, you can blame on the visual direction. Grainy visuals in widescreen letterboxing to give it a cinematic feel is my jam, and the lighting choices they use for various scenes have my approval as well, especially the ones in the locked room. The live-action intersplicing is weird, but I'm just gonna assume that's a Chinese thing. I also find it interesting that Shin made Hibiki his prison bitch, and yet he has no desire to have sex with him. In fact, he actually supports him having a heterosexual mindset. It's just a neat turn-around of what one would normally expect, that's all.

This week's PTE did the list comic just right, and while the cuckoo clock segment won't match CptNameless's version, it was still genius to end with it and have the ED play on the TV in the background. AC-bu's Samba Master segment was great too; I ship Samba Master and Flamenco Master.

Edited by PokeNirvash
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Yakitate!! Japan 6 - 17


Yeah I decided when I resumed SKET Dance that I'd resume this too. It felt like a good idea. I had put both on-hold after 5 episodes, both are older series(especially this) with larger episode counts. So I figured why not watch both in alternating clumps? I honestly don't have much to say about this series though, it's fun and goofy and easy enough to watch if not particularly memorable. I will point out Food Wars! must've taken some inspiration from this regarding the over the top foodgasms. I mean we even had a Gamera cameo in the form of one in this last episode for crying out loud.xD Not really much ecchiness here though. Not that I expected any mind you, but that preview for next episode may have teased a bit funnily enough. Guess I'll find out eventually. Still not sure if I'm gonna switch back to SKET Dance next or watch something else first and get back to both of these again later or whatnot. There are several more movies I've been meaning to finally sit down and watch for instance, but we'll see.

Edited by BUU8800
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The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 1


First let me just say how fucking dumb it is that, at least for the moment, this is only available via fansubs. Funimation literally just released the first series on blu-ray less than a month ago and can't be bothered to simulcast the sequel? What horseshit. And a sequel to one of my favorite anime of 2016 too. I only hope they get their asses in gear and announce something soon, but won't hold my breath. Anyway this first episode of season 2 was pretty great. I was surprised, but happy, to see they were actually keeping the 5 short segments format. The Christmas, New Years, and "little sister" ones were the best. I particularly got a big laugh out of the Stephen King name drop during the Millionaire parody. They were all fine though, even the first with the Gintama nod that served primarily to reintroduce the characters. Honestly it felt like a treat just getting back into the wonderful pace and tone of the series. I eagerly await more and am very happy to see MAL says this season will be 2 cour as well.:)

Edited by BUU8800
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Mitsuboshi Colors 3


Selling bananas and disarming bombs, all in a day's work for the Colors. They looked so cute in their Chu-Chu-Cabrilla costumes. Just be careful about shouting poop in an underground market girls!


Kokkoku 3


So Juri entered a state where she can forcibly remove the jellyfish, called Specters. And Makoto woke up like I figured. That scene was cute, well as cute as this series can get anyway. Turns out we didn't get more flashbacks though, not really anyway. Why do I get the feeling whatever "deal" is offered to the dad will come back to bit them in the ass? Second episode in a row where we end on a Juri being killed cliffhanger and it's still obviously a fakeout. I figured that guy was only pretending to be frozen just by his design, as soon as I saw him. Unfortunately the preview seemed to potentially spoil Makoto getting killed next episode though, hope that's just misleading because it would be a huge downer. But we'll see.

Edited by BUU8800

Yona of the Dawn 22

Of all the things I was expecting to happen to Yona at the end of the episode, I was not expecting her to run into fucking Su-won! O.oxDAmazing plot twist delivery there, show.



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