BUU8800 Posted December 6, 2016 Author Posted December 6, 2016 Nobunaga no Shinobi 10 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 3 Yeah, it was pretty obviously a trap from blonde communication guy's behavior. The episode gave off a Ghost in the Shell-esque vibe to me. I'd love it if Mao beat the shit out of that one girl, but she's wounded so I doubt it. Pretty gruesome neck slash, and still very little Kaname! Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 4 Ah, the old do the opposite trick, seemed to work fine. Glad they were quick to figure out the traitor. Sousuke still failing to use Arbalest properly. Hopefully Mao gets another crack at the younger sister. Literally no Kaname this time, and the preview implies little to none next time either. The show's definitely downplaying her role this season. Early on anyway. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 5 First: Holy fuck, Mao in that dress! Dead. ;D Ahem, anyway...best episode of the season so far. The mission played out very nicely, the car chase looked great, and they even worked Kaname in for some humor. Guess it was too quick to claim her role was being downplayed. Curious about who was piloting that random mech. Mao was kinda hard on Sousuke at the end, but she wasn't exactly wrong or being malicious. Were it up to me Kaname would just live with him and that'd be that. ;D Oh, and the insane guy's poolside craziness while the sister's watched? Uh...no comment. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 6 Damn that ending! And after that adorable haircutting scene where Sousuke saw some serious cleavage too. I'd tell him to ignore orders but then we'd have no conflict. You just know Kaname's getting attacked right after he leaves too. Meanwhile did we really need to see the crazy guy's ass? So the murder twins...their sensei was...oh goodness I have a guess. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 7 Geez what a dark and depressing episode. I liked the overcast, rainy atmosphere. The second half felt like watching a horror movie. Kept expecting the slasher to get Kaname, who looked visibly terrified. So this Wraith douche has been watching all along? Gives off bad vibes. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 8 Dayum, Teletha was straight up GARBAGE this episode! ;D Well she never had a chance anyway, but that certainly was the last nail in the coffin. I like the new guy, who it turns out saved them in Sicily. He gave Sousuke quite the nicely animated sparring session, and some good advice. Back to Kaname next. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 9 Well that was a huge episode. Horror vibe came back, plus plenty others. Kaname proved herself quite the badass. I assumed Wraith was dead, but apparently he wasn't even a big fat guy much less dead. So Teletha's brother or whatever...how coincidental that he loves Kaname while she loves Sousuke. Both trying to break the ship! But won't! ;D I'm rarely a big fan of the steal a kiss trope and here was no exception. Still, seeing Kaname wipe hard enough to make her lips bleed was rather dark. So the one sister was killed. This season is definitely much darker and more violent than the first. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 10 Slower episode, but learning more about Mao was nice. Sousuke's hitting near rock bottom now. What can snap him back from this? Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 11 Another slower episode. The timing for these feels weird or off. Not even Kaname's Chinese Prostitute Doppelganger could snap Sousuke out of his funk. Well lucky he found that random newspaper I guess. ;D Twin Star Exorcists 35 Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara Season 2, 10 Nazotokine 10 Sound! Euphonium Season 2, 10 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Rewatched Rurouni Kenshin S2 ep 26. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 7, 2016 Author Posted December 7, 2016 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 12 Oh for crying out loud, it really was Gauron! ;D I'd complain but at least Sousuke killed him at the end, in typical for this season gruesome fashion too. We all know Kaname ain't dead of course. In fact, pretty sure I heard her voice trying to talk with that one chubby guy. Welp, one more episode to go! Quote
mochi Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Yuri!!! on Ice 10 **high pitched screaming** Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 7, 2016 Author Posted December 7, 2016 Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid 13(END) Final Thoughts: Bit of a longer finale I see. So Season 1 ended with Sousuke and Kaname fishing together, and this season ends with them taking the train home together after she cried in his arms at school. That's...progress...I guess? ;D Geez, Sousuke was an absolute nihilistic wreck without Kaname. As soon as he meets her again though he's taking on 5 Venoms at once making it look easy. Then demanding he be allowed to stay at school, with her, to Mithril. If that ain't love I dunno what is. And she was clearly trying to confess but failed because this isn't the end of the series so of course she did. Well they threw Teletha a bone. This being the Christmas season her little scene reminded me of Rudolph's "She thinks I'm cute!" scene. But she's still got no chance. ;D This season was...pretty good. It was definitely a step up art and animation wise from the first. And definitely in it's "edginess." Lots more violence and swearing and nudity. Regarding the villains the twins didn't really make much impression, even with the very cruel death of the older after witnessing her sister's corpse played with like that. Her death actually reminded me of Ray's from Eureka Seven in that regard, reaching her hand out I mean. Balding guy was certainly flamboyantly over the top. I was a bit surprised he didn't escape. And Gauron...well, yeah. I guess Teletha's brother counts, but he didn't do much. He'll no doubt play a larger role in the future. Ditto that long haired woman who helped Kaname. Is that Wraith btw? Wasn't expecting that, forgot all about him/her. Not sure how I feel about Sousuke's arc. It kinda felt like when Renton left the Gekko come to think of it. But the whole thing wasn't nearly as interesting or well executed imo. The end seemed almost too easy too, but I'm inclined to overlook it since I like Kaname and him together. So with that said I was left satisfied until next Fall, though I do still have Fumoffu and an OVA to watch. Uh, yeah, 7/10. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid OVA Eh, I guess that was cute. Teletha fans definitely would've enjoyed it more than me though. Kaname wasn't even in it! Was that a Future Boy Conan reference? And hey, Moffle from Amagi Brilliant Park. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 8, 2016 Posted December 8, 2016 Long Riders! 6 That was a good team name. I'm glad it wasn't a recap show. Thought it might be for a couple minutes. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 8, 2016 Posted December 8, 2016 WWW Working!! 8 It really says a lot that my favorite girl in this is the one that reminds me of my least favorite girl in the other Working series. The show still isn't funny to me. I think it's barely worth watching so my MAL score might go down to 6 by the time I reach the last episode. He should have broke up with her instead of ditching her at the restaurant. Really he never should have went out with her to begin with. She probably would have got tired of asking him out after a few days of being rejected. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 8, 2016 Posted December 8, 2016 Poco's Udon World 9 It's cool that they made udon. Cute episode as always. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 8, 2016 Author Posted December 8, 2016 Flip Flappers 10 Keijo!!!!!!!!!! 10 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 1 I see, so the episodes are split in two segments. So far anyway. Fairly humorous, a group of thugs are no match for Sousuke's military training. How sweet that their leader's weakness was her love for her little brother...ruthless Sousuke! Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 8, 2016 Posted December 8, 2016 Last night: -Yuri!!! on Ice 10 -Kaiju Girls 11 -Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 10 -Girlish Number 9 -Sound! Euphonium 2 10 -Heybot 3 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 9, 2016 Author Posted December 9, 2016 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 2 Well that teacher certainly got what he deserved. WTF those mosquitoes though. The great notebook retrieval had Looney Tunes level wackiness. Who knew Kaname was so athletic? The brief break in the absurdity for Kaname and Sousuke's peaceful bike ride in the sun was pretty cute. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 I will never understand what that police lady's problem was, or how "doubling on a bike" is against the law to begin with. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 9, 2016 Author Posted December 9, 2016 I will never understand what that police lady's problem was, or how "doubling on a bike" is against the law to begin with. I've seen enough anime to know it is, but...yeah. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 3 Beach episode! Kaname certainly looked nice in her swimsuit, not that Sousuke noticed. Or maybe he did judging by his description of her to the intercom. I don't exactly know why, but couldn't help sympathizing with the rich kid somewhat, maybe it was his earnest desire to marry his cousin?. ;D Regardless, the ending shot of Sousuke and Kaname floating away against the sunset felt sweetly romantic at least. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 4 Sousuke got what he deserved in that first half. Kaname looked very nice in her Amusement Park outfit. Sousuke you lucky dog! Well that solves where Fumoffu comes from. Still can't help but think of Amagi Brilliant Park. ;D Quote
Blatch Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 [seductively taps on desk] Studies In Pessimism: Chapters 5-9 (this was a decent while ago) Kantai Collection #4 (rewatch) At least, my burning love for Kongou has been rekindled. And Fubuki had a moment of weakness just to show how bland and forgettable she is compared to the popular mobile game characters. Also, the rain-soaked battle on the seas was pretty cool. Sakura Trick #3 (rewatch) Sausage Party Since every concievable take has already been written about this movie, I'll spare you the blood-soaked paragraph. 8/10. Redbox, please send my money from the rental to the animators who worked unpaid overtime to get this thing done. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 Naruto Shippuuden 478 I forgot about the missing arms at the end. Too many flashbacks but it was a good episode. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 Haikyuu!! S3 ep 8 I'll really miss this show once it's over. Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable 37 Haikyuu!! S3 10 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 Yona of the Dawn 19-24 (dub re-watch) Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 9, 2016 Author Posted December 9, 2016 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 5 That little fantasy the janitor had was uh...shudders. Well every man has his breaking point. Hard to blame the janitor for turning into a slasher villain. ;D Tsubaki totally wants Chidori as his own...be careful Sousuke! Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 6 Fitting for a horror themed outing after the slasher stuff. So would Pony Man be a brony were this made today? I dunno, but crazy cop lady was pretty fun, and I think Kyouko kinda looked better in a ponytail. The end of the second half with Sousuke biking Kaname home at night and admitting he only got really scared at the thought of losing her was fucking adorable! Possibly the cutest scene in the franchise so far. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 7 An episode devoted to rugby? Okay...who knew Sousuke as Drill Sargeant would involve so many profanities? Leave it to Mao I guess. ;D And so the harmless sissy brigade became murderous beasts. Blame Sousuke all you want Kaname, but you came across as a bit of an instigator too. I mean that pregnant comment...wtf? ;D Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 8 Darn, Teletha arrived to ruin the Sousuke x Kaname vibes! Well I assumed she'd show up eventually anyway. WTF was up with Mardukas? His character design here looked almost nothing like Season 1 or 2...oh well. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 9 Oh yeah, hot springs! Fitting fanservice for a Weber episode. Some Austin Powers level censorship though. ;D And in the end for all their effort Shinji ended up with a face full of Sousuke. Genuinely surprised Teletha left already, figured she'd be in the rest of the season. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 10 So Ren's a yakuza daughter? Interesting...but who needs yakuza when you have the Bonta-kun squad? Hell, who needs Arbalest for that matter? ;D Loved how true to life all the little kids immediately pounding on Bonta-kun felt too. ;D Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 10, 2016 Posted December 10, 2016 The Perfect Insider 1-11 That was a well put-together mystery. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 10, 2016 Posted December 10, 2016 Days 22 Even though I like the MC, I was cheering for the other team to win except when the MC had the ball. Looks like the main characters won though. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 10, 2016 Author Posted December 10, 2016 Long Riders! 8 3-gatsu no Lion 9 Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari 10 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 11 Gotta admit, Tsubaki's plan was pretty darn ingenious. No surprise they won. But of course the highlight was "adult" Kaname at the end. Stunningly beautiful doesn't seem to do her justice. Sousuke's a lucky man to have that to look forward to in his future. ;D Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 10, 2016 Author Posted December 10, 2016 Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 12(END) Final Thoughts: Bit of a morbid premise for a finale, hardly surprising here however. Still, when all else fails EVERYBODY GET NAKED! Fitting. ;D Anywho, fairly cute, fun little fluff piece of a series. 7/10, and now the long wait for more next Fall. Well, I guess it beats waiting 12 years like everybody else...yeah. ;D Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 10, 2016 Posted December 10, 2016 The only thing morbid than the premise is the fact that all the students wanted to legitimately kill Sosuke and Sosuke, a trained military professional, didn't even try to fight them off non-lethally. That "this is the end of the show" image after the credits still triggers me. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 10, 2016 Author Posted December 10, 2016 Eh, he did beat alot of them up pretty convincingly and when you've got a slasher villain for a janitor it all seems kinda relative. Dragon Ball Super 70 One Piece 768 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Jojo DiU 37 Drifters 10 Magical Girl Raising Project 11 Keijo!!!!!!!! 10 March comes in like a lion 9 Brave Witches 9 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 11, 2016 Author Posted December 11, 2016 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 8 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 25(END) Final Thoughts: So blonde Hitsugaya did a Palpatine impression, but he's no Palpatine. Anyway very few thoughts on this one. I was hopeful going in, and even defended the show early on from people I felt never really even gave it a chance before crushing it on the old boards, but yeah...this was okay at best. My interest took a huge nosedive after realizing the secretary was the traitor 3 or 4 episodes before it became the focus. I wanna say that was maybe 8 or 9? I dunno. Then when she finally died it seemed to take too long and my only feeling was get on with it! I made a post in the Trunks thread a few weeks ago about how little the character deaths meant to me so I won't repeat it. Mikazuki was a big douche by the end, but a few characters were alright. No story comments outside a big ole meh. I'll only watch season 2 when it airs if it too is sandwiched between better shows. 6/10 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 31 Girlish Number 10 Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 11 Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 11, 2016 Author Posted December 11, 2016 Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! 11 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 106 - 110 Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2, 10(Season Finale) Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 Creamy Mami 22-28 Dear Brother 27 Heybot 6 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 Haikyuu!! S3 ep 9 This has been a great season for sports anime. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 14, 2016 Author Posted December 14, 2016 Twin Star Exorcists 36 Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara Season 2, 11 Nazotokine 11 Sound! Euphonium Season 2, 11 Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted December 14, 2016 Posted December 14, 2016 Yuri On Ice 11 Thank God we have another one to go. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 15, 2016 Posted December 15, 2016 Naruto Shippuuden 479 Looks like ep 478 was the last one worth watching. I'll probably finish it anyway but now I'm not in a hurry to catch up. Quote
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