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Princess Principal 4 - 6

5 and 6 each involved one of the girls confronting their father and each ended with a dead daddy. 5 had some very nice sword fighting with a neat train setting and 6 was more of an emotional gut punch. Not to say Chise's tears after killing her father in episode 5 weren't sad, but Dorothy and Beatrice happen to be my two favorite girls and episode 6 primarily featured them working together so it naturally interested me more. Dorothy's dad was scum don't get me wrong, but to an extent he was also a victim. And certain aspects of him were sympathetic. His death itself didn't sadden me so much, it was much too obvious, but the likelihood that Dorothy herself will never find out, instead just assuming he lied to her yet again and stood her up, did. More than saddened it bothered me really. I'd prefer she found out and took out that dark-skinned girl as vengeance, but I honestly don't expect anything like that to happen. Who knows though, with the non-linear timeline this follows anything is possible I suppose. She might end up taking out dark-skinned girl anyway while remaining unaware that she killed her father,  guess we'll see. Either way this remains a much better series than I was expecting so far. I'm tempted to score it higher too but we're only halfway.


Princess Principal 7 - 8

7 was cute, loved how the story unfolded with our team helping the girls at the laundromat, and Chise's little role/bond with the head washer. A rare happy ending for this show. I'm a bit conflicted on 8, but I'm gonna blame it on myself as opposed to the show. So as I saw theorized on MAL back after episode 2 Charlotte and Ange switched places Prince and the Pauper style. That's fine, the implication that Ange, now Charlotte, had the tougher transition bothered me. It shouldn't be easier to go from rich to poor than poor to rich as this episode implies. Well I mean it's always easier to lose wealth than gain it but I mean Charlotte becoming poor should without question be harder than Ange becoming the rich princess. I don't care how many languages she had to learn. I guess it's possible, realistically speaking, but if that's true then fuck realism! I just don't like it. Oh well.

Posted (edited)

Princess Principal 9


Interesting format for this one, Chise narrates a letter she's writing to her sister about her life as a spy. It worked for me, for the most part. I did want to roll my eyes at the whole cultural commentary going on with that duel. Must westerners always be depicted as such evil, ignorant, scumbags? Then again this country elected one to its highest office last November so maybe that point is fair. Anywho, glad the series doesn't let us forget what is easily its best aspect:



Edited by BUU8800

Knight's and Magic 7.

My low standards are that this be better than Voltron: Legendary Dumpster Fire of a Fandom.  And it passes with flying colors.

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Princess Principal 10

Another tragic death for someone Dorothy cares about.

:( Nice subversion expecting it to be Ange she admired. That suicide scene was probably more explicit than it needed to be. Left wondering what that drug she was taking was for, unless it was just generic drug reasons. That cliffhanger though, no way Ange goes along with it. This series hasn't yet shied away from the darkness/violence so I could be wrong, but I expect all our girls will come out of this unscathed.


And I'm sorry to say he still isn't gone in the manga yet even now blueraven. Such a shame it dropped so much in quality. :(

Princess Principal 11

Ehhhh not liking this finale much. Primarily because I just don't like Charlotte much, at all. Easily my least favorite of the 5 girls. And this episode definitely didn't help that. Hopefully Ange gives her a good slap before they inevitably reconcile in the finale.

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23 minutes ago, BUU8800 said:

And I'm sorry to say he still isn't gone in the manga yet even now blueraven. Such a shame it dropped so much in quality. :(

Princess Principal 11


  Reveal hidden contents

Ehhhh not liking this finale much. Primarily because I just don't like Charlotte much, at all. Easily my least favorite of the 5 girls. And this episode definitely didn't help that. Hopefully Ange gives her a good slap before they inevitably reconcile in the finale.


Ugh that's terrible.  How far behind is the anime compared to the manga?  Thanks for the like.


Quite a bit, this Azami garbage arc has been going on for over 80 friggin' chapters now. God I hate that dumb bitch Rindou and all the other Elite Ten dumb enough to vote him into power. They're only finally in the battle to see him ousted now, and I suspect that will take at least 4 more months to play out.

Princess Principal 12(END)

This episode certainly tried its hardest to justify Charlotte's bitchy actions from the last. Effectively saying she was right to do what she did then getting her shot in the leg anyway for sympathy/atonement. My response is ehhh. It kinda worked? She's still my least favorite girl but my anger towards her was admittedly dulled somewhat. More a credit to the overall quality of the series I'd say as it really was quite good. Plus seeing Dorothy and Chise get shining moments was very nice. And Beatrice...well she's still kawaiiiiiii! 

:D Overall the payoff episode was better than the setup. The series ended with a "more could come" vibe. I'd certainly welcome it. Zelda and Dark-skinned girl need some comeuppance! Honestly were this 2 cour it felt like a series I coulda seen airing alongside Bebop or GitS during the old AS Action days. And I mean that as a compliment. That block certainly aired worse shows. I'm still torn on that 7 or 8/10 grade for it, even now. Part of me thinks I'm giving out too many high scores lately, but then I've barely even watched much anime lately. Hmmmmmmm......slightly generous 8.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, BUU8800 said:

Quite a bit, this Azami garbage arc has been going on for over 80 friggin' chapters now. God I hate that dumb bitch Rindou and all the other Elite Ten dumb enough to vote him into power. They're only finally in the battle to see him ousted now, and I suspect that will take at least 4 more months to play out.

Princess Principal 12(END)


  Reveal hidden contents

This episode certainly tried its hardest to justify Charlotte's bitchy actions from the last. Effectively saying she was right to do what she did then getting her shot in the leg anyway for sympathy/atonement. My response is ehhh. It kinda worked? She's still my least favorite girl but my anger towards her was admittedly dulled somewhat. More a credit to the overall quality of the series I'd say as it really was quite good. Plus seeing Dorothy and Chise get shining moments was very nice. And Beatrice...well she's still kawaiiiiiii! 

:D Overall the payoff episode was better than the setup. The series ended with a "more could come" vibe. I'd certainly welcome it. Zelda and Dark-skinned girl need some comeuppance! Honestly were this 2 cour it felt like a series I coulda seen airing alongside Bebop or GitS during the old AS Action days. And I mean that as a compliment. That block certainly aired worse shows. I'm still torn on that 7 or 8/10 grade for it, even now. Part of me thinks I'm giving out too many high scores lately, but then I've barely even watched much anime lately. Hmmmmmmm......slightly generous 8.


Wow that's terrible.  I was hoping this was going to be a short arc.  Too bad.

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I got my new Roku Streaming Stick yesterday. that I bought for $50...

I got Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Plex, Livestream, Funimation Now, Crunchyroll, DirectTV, Cartoon Network, Starz, History Channel, AMC, CW Seed, and Amazon Prime

Posted (edited)

March Comes in Like a Lion 29


I don't think I've ever disliked Smith-san at any point until this episode. He and that irrelevant old dude were rather harsh towards Rei this time, though not as much as those random dogs. ¬¬ Oh well, at least "Monster Grandpa" put a smile on my face.


Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

There's a thread for cartoons you're currently watching you could enter those in. Try using it sometime.

Hunter x Hunter 1999 57


Off my back, people!

see it. Links or it's bullshit.

Edited by Spindack

Quoting my response three times in a row with comments that rude is far from the best way to get people to answer your demands.

Trust me, it exists, but the Cartoons folder can't be accessed at the moment, so I can't link it to you right at this moment.

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 The Ancient Magus' Bride #3

Puella Magi Madoka Magica #11 and #12 (END)

Holy what a goddamn surreal brainfuck of a show. I'm only not saying much positive about it because you've already heard that stuff in every concievable take in the universe. However, what I found amusing about the show was that its philosophy isn't even bleak enough for 2017, at least compared to outside sources. I find it hard to believe that anything good could create something equally bad in return. If anything, you'd get twice the badness and the good would turn out to be awful in hindsight. Just look at how Hollywood is handling it all. Of course, at least the show preached tolerance and a higher mental state in the end.

I think it gets a 10/10; if not, it's still an exemplary show that should be shown to everyone old enough to handle it.

Now, as for the other thing...



Shouldn't this thread be called "What anime DID you just watch"? If you're posting here, unless you're looking at popup windows, you're not actually watching any anime, are you. You're posting here. Stop lyin' people. What anime did you WATCH today,not what are you watching.

That's disruptive and irksome to me because it's a contradictory statement.

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