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Posted (edited)

Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited Episode 6


LOL at them all snitching on Haru with the quickness.

I need this show to go downhill because I don't want to pay more Aniplex prices 😒

Edited for minor spoiler 😝

Edited by DragonSinger

Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited Episode 11



I'm on the fence on how to rate the series. The beginning was good, parts of the second half kinda bored me, but the last episode was fun. What bugs me about the show the most is that it feels weird tonewise. The characters' emotions sometimes felt out of place or a little rushed which usually comes with seasons of this length. The animation is great, but I was sometimes thinking that it was kinda wasted on this show. I wish something with better writing could get whatever budget this show had. Maybe I'd rate this a 6.8/10. It was decent, but there are plenty of places it could be better. I am looking forward to a second season and equally hoping it's better or sucks(the latter to protect my wallet).


Posted (edited)

Detective Conan 868

I'm glad that bookstore owner didn't die.  He's only five years younger than my

dad and the son is five years younger than me.  I think the girlfriend is too young for him.

It's too bad they couldn't make a combo cafe and bookstore like Barnes & Nobles but on a smaller scale.

Edited by blueraven1999

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