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Episode 21: "One Hundred Against Two"


OP: "Bloody Stream" by Coda

ED: "Roundabout" by Yes... but which part???


RIP Caesar.




And screw you, Kars!


Looks like JoJo and Lisa Lisa may have bitten off more than they can chew? Find out Saturday Night (3/18/17) @ 12:30. Only Toonami!!




Side note: Next time I go to KFC, I'm gonna order a 4-piece meal with a little sand worm on the side.


Let get the show Jim Ross is flattered all the characters are emulating started.


I know the joke's been made already but every time they say Lisa Lisa I'm tempted to link a Lisa Lisa music video from the 80's


"It was like I grabbed the hand of something cold and dead."


Could you at least wait a while before making fun of Caesar?


I feel like part of the reason the British accents in this show bother me is because they use American Slang


having watched a letsplay of Xenoblade Chronicles I can sort of recodnize then the wrong idioms are being used


Wtf... that door?  It's a fist?  No wait that's not a door!


Oh hey a vampire.  I forgot they could make more with the masks.


What the hell is with this guy?  What is he wearing?  Jeez this guy is fruity as hell.


Now his hair is gone.  The hell?


Well at least this chump will give us a chance to see what Lisa Lisa can do.


Delayed death hahahaha. :D


Okay it's a promise to Caesar now but it's still silly to wait to use it.


Wamu healed fast.


Hopefully that specific vampire does not come back.


Wammu is the focus here. I was worried that the new character would put off the battle with Wammu.


A hundred vampires?  Why do they wait until now to employ fodder?


Wamu is all about honor.  Kars, not so much.  But he does seem to have a soft side (remembering the dog and flower).


Wow Lisa Lisa has planned this out perfectly.


That's a nice proposition Lisa Lisa.


Wait, what? Is it just me or did that make no sense at all? If they win, then they'll never know where the stone is!

I guess the Pillar Men aren't too smart, haha.
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