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are people overreacting about the new discovery bosses and what they might do to adultswim?

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seen several people on reddit say "We've been through this before with AOL And AT&T Where people thought they'd ruin adultswim and drive everything else into the ground with them but that didn't happen"

ending the statement by saying there's no point in saying that when more likely than not business as usual will continue and adultswim will be like it's been before discovery stepped in

do you agree or disagree?

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Both of those mergers were a case of a telecom company buying a media company. In the case of AOL, I wasn't around for that but I assume it was nothing major, as [as] was just getting started back then, while AT&T's buyout didn't result in anything significant... well, except for Mob Psycho 100 airing on Toonami, plus all those co-pros. And yet, this is the [as] folder, so I'll try to stick to that topic.

I'm a little pensive about this smashing together of Warner Bros./Discovery, but I've heard comments from Jason that the higher-ups do want Toonami to be a part of whatever grand scheme they're hatching, so I think the block will definitely stay around. As for [as], I'll give some predictions on that: they'll keep milking Rick and Morty for all it's worth (not that they have a choice, given that there's still a season or two left from its previous order), invest in some cheap in-house animation that'll go straight to streaming services (a proper Aqua Teen revival, perhaps?), and maybe greenlight a vanity project here and there to throw a bone at the fans of classic [as], because with TBS and TNT being felled by the merger's sword, I can't see them doing anything elaborate on our end. Actually, maybe more cheap anime co-pros is the solution?

Oh, and here's a totally random thought: that episode of Mike Tyson Mysteries that spoofed House Hunters has definitely aged well.

[r.i.p. norm macdonald]


The merger with AOL was a small tremor that didn't affect [ as ] in much if any ways since it was still only a concept at the time [ 2000 - 2001 after all ]. If that merger had changed anything, we wouldn't have known it. [ as ] started out as a late night collection of off-beat comedy and old anime after all that flew under the radar for a fairly decent amount of time that allowed them to really do stuff with the very little they had to work with. 

The AT&T buy out has been far more damaging since [ as ] had numerous things going for it that they no longer have due to both pandemic cocooning and the new overlords deciding they wanted their moneys-worth back immediately [ which is not how investing goes ] and resulted in numerous cutbacks and outright purges. While the boards had already been purged by then [ owing mainly to poor definitions of 'new media' and 'community' held by those in charge that didn't actually allow for knowing what either of those terms mean ] , they still had live programming that brought massive eyeballs to the site via their streaming and interactive chats. All those programs are gone now. One of the first things to happen was the cancelling of Venture Brothers despite there already being an active contract. The streaming programs themselves started to have connectivity issues too because apparently no one was really giving a shit about them working on all platforms anymore. I don't think the ones uploading clips to the youtube channel actually even interact with anyone anymore and while I don't twit or facespace, I kind of feel like any comments from anyone at [ as ] to anyone posting on those mediums are likely to be cursory, limited severely on numerous levels, and with zero potential for actual community. In short, since AT&T for sure, the little pirate-company-that-could decided to put a tie on and go corporate. 

What does this mean for the Discovery move? Time can only tell since it's not like there's much to completely destroy any more in order to get their personal dick prints on things while still having something to get their dick prints on. 


Ohhh, I forgot about those cutbacks. Getting rid of their digital shows as a big one, even if I never cared for FishCenter and the like. And the changes to the bumps and such definitely sting; I miss the days when [as] would actually converse with their audience and do stuff like hype up their own shows. Now they plus the black-and-white bumpers with random jokes and observations about the world solely out of tradition. It's better than nothing, but the soul isn't there.


Agree, agree, agree so goddamn much. It's gotten to the point where I started typing up threatening reply tweets to people who acted all matter-of-fact about the "impending end" then deleting them as a coping mechanism. Sure, I don't watch the linear network all that much anymore and can get my fix elsewhere, but it's nice to just have the network stick around like it has been, y'know? I've been watching [as] most of my life and most of its life, so it's only natural for me to feel this way.

On the topic of the Streams, I didn't really pay much attention to them until the pandemic, and though my time with them was short, watching them on a regular schedule helped me get through some of the more boredom-inducing stretches of being a NEET. Honestly, the firing of most of the streams people bummed me out more than the streams ending themselves, but I'm sure that in time, some of them will find their way back to the network as full-time employees. It's unlikely, considering they were laid off, but still more likely than Brett Gelman ever coming back.

[bring back the still-image bumps]

4 hours ago, Blatch said:

Ohhh, I forgot about those cutbacks. Getting rid of their digital shows as a big one, even if I never cared for FishCenter and the like. And the changes to the bumps and such definitely sting; I miss the days when [as] would actually converse with their audience and do stuff like hype up their own shows. Now they plus the black-and-white bumpers with random jokes and observations about the world solely out of tradition. It's better than nothing, but the soul isn't there.

i remember when we used to get stuff like This Bump that would let you know this is  a place for night-owls to chill



i don't really get the vibe from the bumps now a days....



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8 hours ago, katt_goddess said:

The merger with AOL was a small tremor that didn't affect [ as ] in much if any ways since it was still only a concept at the time [ 2000 - 2001 after all ]. If that merger had changed anything, we wouldn't have known it. [ as ] started out as a late night collection of off-beat comedy and old anime after all that flew under the radar for a fairly decent amount of time that allowed them to really do stuff with the very little they had to work with. 

The AT&T buy out has been far more damaging since [ as ] had numerous things going for it that they no longer have due to both pandemic cocooning and the new overlords deciding they wanted their moneys-worth back immediately [ which is not how investing goes ] and resulted in numerous cutbacks and outright purges. While the boards had already been purged by then [ owing mainly to poor definitions of 'new media' and 'community' held by those in charge that didn't actually allow for knowing what either of those terms mean ] , they still had live programming that brought massive eyeballs to the site via their streaming and interactive chats. All those programs are gone now. One of the first things to happen was the cancelling of Venture Brothers despite there already being an active contract. The streaming programs themselves started to have connectivity issues too because apparently no one was really giving a shit about them working on all platforms anymore. I don't think the ones uploading clips to the youtube channel actually even interact with anyone anymore and while I don't twit or facespace, I kind of feel like any comments from anyone at [ as ] to anyone posting on those mediums are likely to be cursory, limited severely on numerous levels, and with zero potential for actual community. In short, since AT&T for sure, the little pirate-company-that-could decided to put a tie on and go corporate. 

What does this mean for the Discovery move? Time can only tell since it's not like there's much to completely destroy any more in order to get their personal dick prints on things while still having something to get their dick prints on. 

speaking of the youtube channel...it really seems to be  rather aimless these days mostly uploading old clips from random shows(was surprised to see they uploaded a bobs burgers clip not too long ago)


44 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

speaking of the youtube channel...it really seems to be  rather aimless these days mostly uploading old clips from random shows(was surprised to see they uploaded a bobs burgers clip not too long ago)


I don't think they've really figured out a decent way to use it and it's being left up to whichever intern wants to play upload roulette. Unless they were advertising late late at night, I don't think there was too much of a push for people to check it out when they were releasing new ATHF shorts and that would have been a perfect chance to drive some attention their way. I think there was like a single sad little 'look what we did' commercial after the fact but that was about it and all that stuff was youtube specific. 'Current' clips of anything to do with Metalocalypse, Venture Brothers and ATHF can be directly tied to the eventual upcoming movies but even then, it's not really anything new-new and seems random. 

There was a brief moment where it seemed like they were trying to show their zest for diversity by featuring clips about local artists who paint murals graffiti-style for causes but I think there was a backlash from all sides for the weird not-[ as ] clips and they got canned as being too much work. 

41 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

I don't think they've really figured out a decent way to use it and it's being left up to whichever intern wants to play upload roulette. Unless they were advertising late late at night, I don't think there was too much of a push for people to check it out when they were releasing new ATHF shorts and that would have been a perfect chance to drive some attention their way. I think there was like a single sad little 'look what we did' commercial after the fact but that was about it and all that stuff was youtube specific. 'Current' clips of anything to do with Metalocalypse, Venture Brothers and ATHF can be directly tied to the eventual upcoming movies but even then, it's not really anything new-new and seems random. 

There was a brief moment where it seemed like they were trying to show their zest for diversity by featuring clips about local artists who paint murals graffiti-style for causes but I think there was a backlash from all sides for the weird not-[ as ] clips and they got canned as being too much work. 

it gets even weirder when i notice they uploaded a loiter squad clip this week for no apparent reason whatsoever....

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, katt_goddess said:

The only thing that seems to have happened is the amount of time they have to spend on a bump has been shortened. 

It also 'tastes' like there is a shift of newer members to the Bump Team. 

it really does....these bumps feel like they are struggling just to make them and eventually say "screw it...this is good enough"

a lot of them come off as someone trying to imitate the vibe of adultswim and failing miserably

the Bumps before and after a commercial break aren't as good anymore(as i stated previously) it's just images they probably copied from a google image search with little to no effort put into them


Edited by CountFrylock

I'm curious to see how high of a priority Discovery makes [as] because its been mostly THE late-night cartoon/comedy/anime block for years. I saw somewhere this week when FXX was talking about the new season of Archer that their ratings are getting pretty close to [as], and that's just one or two new shows at a time and then spamming The Simpsons and Family Guy most of the time.

On 7/7/2022 at 9:02 PM, Blatch said:

AT&T's buyout didn't result in anything significant...

AT&T has subtly had it's hand in things since the advent of direct communications.  I just wanted to enrich that particular aspect of your discussion.  They are like radioactive roaches, not capable of being purged or eliminated, but on a much higher tier than even the best of media conglomerates.

1 hour ago, CountFrylock said:

it really does....these bumps feel like they are struggling just to make them and eventually say "screw it...this is good enough"

a lot of them come off as someone trying to imitate the vibe of adultswim and failing miserably

the Bumps before and after a commercial break aren't as good anymore(as i stated previously) it's just images they probably copied from a google image search with little to no effort put into them


In the beginning, they didn't have the budget for much of anything hence the cheap black-n-whites that are now 100% associated with [ as ] . But they did get a message board which offered up not just 'official' Dear [ as ] suggestions but entire folders of people just posting. If you wanted ideas for the weekend bumps, all you really had to do was skim the folders to see which was the most popular topics or jot ideas down from random posts about random things that just inspired. It wasn't like they were locked only into the Culture folder with the official submissions. There was an entire community that came for the channel but stayed for the people and they all had opinions about lamps and shoehands. There was interaction between the Bump Team and Users. Hell, if you had a decent real question about something, you might just as easily get a reply on the boards instead of on tv which was just as fun as far as I was concerned.

They don't have the level of interaction or inspiration anymore. Their social media presence is just sort of homogenized and the comments that get aired are often farmed from a question they intentionally put out at some point. It's hard to get to the same level of 'creativity' that made Dancing Stick and the AquaMan Dance Party bumps such strangely enticing blips on the screen when everywhere you go is a stream of the same thing being repeated over and over again because that's all the salmon in those streams are capable of anymore.  

15 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

In the beginning, they didn't have the budget for much of anything hence the cheap black-n-whites that are now 100% associated with [ as ] . But they did get a message board which offered up not just 'official' Dear [ as ] suggestions but entire folders of people just posting. If you wanted ideas for the weekend bumps, all you really had to do was skim the folders to see which was the most popular topics or jot ideas down from random posts about random things that just inspired. It wasn't like they were locked only into the Culture folder with the official submissions. There was an entire community that came for the channel but stayed for the people and they all had opinions about lamps and shoehands. There was interaction between the Bump Team and Users. Hell, if you had a decent real question about something, you might just as easily get a reply on the boards instead of on tv which was just as fun as far as I was concerned.

They don't have the level of interaction or inspiration anymore. Their social media presence is just sort of homogenized and the comments that get aired are often farmed from a question they intentionally put out at some point. It's hard to get to the same level of 'creativity' that made Dancing Stick and the AquaMan Dance Party bumps such strangely enticing blips on the screen when everywhere you go is a stream of the same thing being repeated over and over again because that's all the salmon in those streams are capable of anymore.  

this promo for durarara was simple but it sticks with me just because of how it plays out and the music chosen for it instills this vibe that something special is coming and you should pay attention

this doesn't really happen that much anymore if at all on adultswim these days...


i remember the [ASMB] and how important it was to adultswim's night owl persona

once that died so did adultswim's night owl persona(which was already gone by that point thanks to the removal of the owls from most adultswim bumps)

this board was formed as a replacement for the adultswim message boards....however few people here seem to give a shit about adultswim discussions and i do mean few

the adultswim sub-forum is a ghost town most of the time

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