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One of the greatest games of all time. There's so many ways to finish it, DLCs and all. And unlike most of the other Fallout games, you don't start in a vault. FNV is also the most inclusive Fallout game because the best way to maximize your damage output is by playing as a bisexual character (taking both the Black Widow and Cherchez La Femme perks if playing as a woman, or Lady Killer and Confirmed Bachelor if playing as a man). No matter what your build, you want those perks for the damage bonuses and dialogue options. FO3 doesn't have the gay perks unless you mod them in. And FO4? You're locked into playing as a cis-het lawyer (Nora) or soldier (Nate) who's married and has a kid!


The best way to play the game is to be a confirmed bachelor and a cannibal. Store the human meat you receive in the Novac apartment, just like Jeffrey Dahmer, but make sure it's only male meat.

6 hours ago, bnmjy said:

The best way to play the game is to be a confirmed bachelor and a cannibal. Store the human meat you receive in the Novac apartment, just like Jeffrey Dahmer, but make sure it's only male meat.


I never play male characters, and I only added the Cannibal perk ONCE to see what it did. I aborted that playthrough and started over with a new character right after that. A lot of my playthroughs are meant for testing out mods. My most recent one was installed to test out Caesar's New Regime and a few weapon mods I installed. To my surprise, CNR didn't conflict with The Legion Will Ryse, and I kept that mod for how it replaces Salt-Upon-Wounds' helmet with Glott's helmet from Ryse: Son of Rome. I have several playthroughs under my belt where I modded in Link's Barbarian Armor from Breath of the Wild, part of this tribal genius build that I've perfected over the years.

By now, I have a system for tackling the whole game. I always start the DLCs first, then go on to the main quest and side quests. My advice? Start Dead Money at level 1. You'll be glad you did.

8 hours ago, Distortedreasoning said:

yeah i can agree, the game is great. 

tho i still prefer the first two fallouts, im really just glad obsidian got to take a shot at it. 

but sad that we probably will never get another obsidian made fallout game. 

I wouldn't say "never" to that. Microsoft owns both Bethesda and Obsidian now.

  • 3 weeks later...

I keep thinking I need to replay this.  Its popping up everywhere and was such a great game.  Its been ages since I played.


The real question is if I bother to mod the hell out of it before I play it or go in vanilla. Maybe just a few graphics mods.....and a gun mod....and character mod......and........................


I still learn new things about this game. Mr House didn't completely fill the bottom levels of Vault 21. He only made it seem that way and cut off access to the lower levels because they connect to the other casinos in the Strip. In fact, this was how Benny was planning to eventually infiltrate the Lucky 38.

On 8/27/2021 at 10:55 AM, Master-Debater131 said:

I keep thinking I need to replay this.  Its popping up everywhere and was such a great game.  Its been ages since I played.


The real question is if I bother to mod the hell out of it before I play it or go in vanilla. Maybe just a few graphics mods.....and a gun mod....and character mod......and........................

If you want to run FNV in 2021 and have it run right, you'll want to mod it. At least download New Vegas Script Extender, the JIP LN NVSE plugin, New Vegas Anti-Crash, the Brotherhood/House alliance mod*, the Yukichigai Unofficial Patch, and the 4GB FNV patcher. Nexus Mods should have these mods readily available. Anything else, it's whatever. I mostly have weapon and armor mods installed, but if you want to go that route, Classic Fallout Weapons is a must-have.

*There was a planned option to convince Mr. House to forge an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel. The dialogue options are still in the game files, just disabled in vanilla.

  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

I got my spurs on New Vegas.  For anyone who cares about a playthrough nowadays, Honest Hearts was the dlc I had with the mercenarie’s pack and a skybox mod that improved upon the already impressive visuals.  You can start your journey as a courier in neutral standing by doing a few things early on to bolster the alliances you have.  You will end up being vilified by either the NCR or Caesars legion by end game however.

The powder gangers can stay neutral after you leave Goodsprings by enticing the npc standing by one of the abandoned homes to bring his gang to Trudy and lay a trap with landmines that are acquired from Primm on the bridge across to the casino.  I placed about 5 or 6 of them right near the edge of the road where you can run to get to Yangtze's monument.  Make sure a save is present when you do this.  If all goes correctly, you should drop most of the powder gangers and be able to plink away at the rest.

From there, you are open to all resources at powder ganger HQ, I forgot the name of the prison where they are set up. From here you can choose to hike your way to the NCR on the southwest edge of the map or explore the whirlwinds and small points of interest in the valley.  The 40mm grenade launcher you get with the purchase code after buying a physical copy of the game makes those edgy boss battles more manageable and you can obtain ammo for it once you reach the strip.  To tell you the truth, I don't remember much of the first playthrough I did.  I know I capped my character and logged about 250 hours on him alone.

Anyway, I like the direction NV went and hope there is a reimagining sometime in the future.  A few morr tips before closing the book on this.  You can make caps easily early on by (1. Playing caravan with shopkeepers (2. Invading cazadore nests (3.  Salvaging beers bottles, cans, tools, sarsaparilla and hides.  The crafting is kind of hard to get into and I didn't use it much, except for the healing powder recipe.  Also, pick up Chance’s knife northwest of town if you want to take on reavers at the west edge of the map.  True to Kaisar!


Edited by Ahutz
pr sp pn’s
  • 1 year later...

If you go to the great divide, finish upgrading Ed-E, then use console commands to teleport back to the main map... Ed-E is still there with you! And guess what? This does not prohibit the inclusion of the other Ed-E in your party, so you can have two eyebots.... I figured this out because I had gotten sick of the Divide and didn't feel like making my way back to the proper passage, then I was like... wtf, Ed-E is still here.... :LithiumSmileyLaugh:

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