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DeMarco hosted another AMA on Twitter 2 days ago, which includes his vague plans for the case where the Coronavirus delays production of their shows. I won't list everything he said, so here's a comprehensive post on reddit for you instead.


The closest I've ever gotten to "bingeing" on Netflix was watching two episodes of Kengan Ashura in a row. And I only did that because the first one I watched ended on such a down note, the only way I could recover from it was watch the next one and hope for a more uplifting ending on that one.


Way back in the Before Times of our ancient One Piece chats, the most we used to do in one night was 5 in a row, and that was an absolute chore.  I have no earthly idea how people string together a dozen 45-minute episodes of just sitting there vapidly staring at a screen.


I generally don’t binge entire shows at once, but what I do appreciate is being able to watch a show 5 days a week vs 1 day at a week.  Given Toonami’s origins you would think DeMarco would appreciate that.

I’m also not a fan of people ripping the competition in general over their format.  There was this belief back when that only Williams Street did it right and if you suggested anything else, you were a hater.  Show me what you bring to the table, rather than take shots at others.

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4 hours ago, Top Gun said:

While that's certainly true, I fully agree with him in principle. Bingeing seems like such an unappealing way to consume media. 

Bleach and Inuyasha used to get binged a lot. I don't think it really hurt the show at all. I remember back when they'd have them on every night of the week, then saturday they'd show last weeks episode and the new episode, sometimes two new episodes. Though right now the only show I'd say they should even try to dump multiple episodes of a night is Naruto. One episode a week will take for fucking ever. That's over 4 years at the point the show is at. Even 2 eps a night would help a lot and it would still take years. Boruto though I would not binge that "again". I watched the first 60 episodes in 2 days back when they were only that far in, and it was just fucking painful in how badly that show is written. Everyone said that it isn't as bad if you just watch it weekly. Which I think says something about the Boruto fanbase in that they acknowledge it sucks but still watch it anyway. 

3 hours ago, Top Gun said:

Way back in the Before Times of our ancient One Piece chats, the most we used to do in one night was 5 in a row, and that was an absolute chore.  I have no earthly idea how people string together a dozen 45-minute episodes of just sitting there vapidly staring at a screen.

Fuck I watched the whole series at the time years back in 09 from the first episode to whatever the current episode in Amazon lilly was which was over 400 episodes. I think I did it in around 3 weeks. I was doing like an average of 20 episodes a day. 

3 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Boruto has some bright spots. It's not great but it's by far not the worst thing I've ever seen!

Binge watching it though is like pulling teeth. Especially the early seasons where it feels like fucking nothing is happening. Then like any danger that did arise it was either too underwhelming or the adults would just step in and solve the problem.

Like Root 2.0 that really went nowhere and the girl who "isn't" knock off Hinata hasn't done jack shit since. The legendary 7 jobbers of the mist arc were very underwhelming; and Sarada blocks a damn legendary sword with a normal Kunai. The new Chunin exams are a joke compared to the blood sport they used to be, Everything about the find Mitsuki arc was cringe and just gave everyone sauske flashbacks. The only cool part was that Boruto was offered to learn Snake Sage Mode and had a Snake summon for a short time. The School Shooter Uchiha attack of the clones arc was horrible and they just dropped them all off with Kabuto. The hotsprings arc was padded to hell except for the fanservice because the guy Kishi put in charge is a lolicon and doesn't like breasts which is why Hinata had her tits cut off. Jugo's arc and the Konohamaru laid arc were both terrible. I actually liked the episodes with Shukaku. Then the time travel arc was just so repetitive, and they didn't even do anything really interesting with it. 

I mean the number of episodes that have been out are the same as the first 4 seasons of naruto and it feels like next to nothing has happened in the series. At this point in the original Naruto we already had an ass ton of iconic arcs and battles. Zabuza and Haku, The forest of Death, Neji vs Hinata, Gaara vs Lee, the leaf invasion, Orochimaru vs Sarutobi,  Naruto vs Neji, Naruto vs Gaara, Kimimaro vs lee and gaara, Sauske retrieval, sound 4, Tsunade and Jiraiya vs Orochimaru,  Naruto vs Sauske, Itachi and Kisame etc. 




My thoughts on his answers -

Okay sorry but I'm not seriously concerned with Uzumaki. I won't be heartbroken if it gets delayed.

They don't know what's going to happen if MHA isn't dubbed in time by the time they need the episodes. Sure inspires confidence in their abilities!

Again same thing on Blade Runner. I liked the original movie but I could take or leave this series.

HAHAHAHA no plans to bring Boruto back! I told you! And many of us told you DeMarco is a bullshitter! His previous comment "I'm sure it will be back at some point" LOL.

DeMarco says they want to air the new Bleach eps! YES! But screw the guy who asked the question that said the last arc "objectively bad." Art and entertainment is subjective! Your opinion is not fact!

DO NOT MAKE MORE FLCL SHOWS DAMN IT! Progressive was good enough for what it was, yes, and I'm glad the characters and elements from it exist, and yes it added to the universe, but was not nearly as good or memorable as the original. And Alternative was a mess! Lol at DeMarco having issues with Progressive and not, or not also, Alternative.

DeMarco bullshitting with more vagaries about block length.

It would be cool to see the DC animated stuff on the block they swore off movies, so...

12 hours ago, Jman said:

Looks like another Netflix jab.  We’re not going back to the pre-Internet days, I’m sorry.

Yeah DeMarco is out of touch and doesn't want to adapt.  Ironic considering Toonami used to be the rebels and now they are the dinosaurs they once rebelled against.

When DeMarco goes the way of Blockbuster will he have to commit seppuku?


What's DeMarco gonna have to say when inevitably HBO Max posts entire seasons of original content to binge? We'll see.

Personally I dislike the Netflix model more often than not. I prefer not having to feel the need to finish a show immediately to be able to take part in the discussion. It's rare for me to have such a large window of time to allow me to binge a whole season in one sitting and I like to savor episodes more often than not. It really depends on the show though. Some are easy to binge, others I like pace myself with watching 1 episode a week and others are perhaps best enjoyed by watching one or two episodes a day.

I've been rewatching Gundam Wing and thus far I'm finding it best enjoyed once a day with a break on the weekend, just like it was aired on Toonami. Every now and then I decide to watch more than one episode and once recently I tried to watch a handful back to back but I'm definitely going back to the once a day pace. It's enough time to let things marinade a little before moving on but it's not the snail pace of once a week. I'm telling you watching a 25-50 episode Gundam show can really kill the pace. I'm pretty sure that's why Gundam SEED tanked on Toonami, the first 15 or so episodes were a slog and by airing it once a week they only exasperated that. Even Gundam Wing probably wouldn't have been a hit if it only aired once a week on Cartoon Network in 2000.

One Piece on the other hand is a show where so little happens in an episode that it's better to watch at least two back to back if not three or four if you have the time. In more recent years I have primarily watched the latest dubbed episodes of One Piece in large chunks in one sitting with my local friend. We watched into Skypiea with my DVDs before One Piece returned to Toonami and finished Skypiea streaming the dub on Hulu before Toonami started airing it again. Then we watched it recorded off Toonami until it left the block. At that point went back to watching it in occasional 3-6 hour marathons until we ran out of dubbed episodes to watch. We're still waiting to continue but hopefully not for much longer. It's good for a long binge session if you're watching with another person but IMO if you're trying to watch over 900 episodes of One Piece, 2-4 a day is the way to go.

2 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

Yeah DeMarco is out of touch and doesn't want to adapt.  Ironic considering Toonami used to be the rebels and now they are the dinosaurs they once rebelled against.

When DeMarco goes the way of Blockbuster will he have to commit seppuku?

I mean, there's something plenty rebellious about airing anime on US television and furthermore if the norm is binge'n at any time then Toonami is still being rebellious by focusing on cultivating a live-television experience. Curation has its uses when people end up scrolling endlessly through their various streaming apps trying to decide what to watch. Toonami says they'll pick something for you and your only choice is to tune in or not.

Either way they're going against the grain still whether or not that's a progressive decision or not. xD

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, Top Gun said:

While that's certainly true, I fully agree with him in principle. Bingeing seems like such an unappealing way to consume media. 

Dude are you serious?  If I'm watching a show I love I almost can never get enough of it.

And if you notice, when binging long-runners, they flow a lot better that way.  And if the pacing is too slow it's not nearly as noticeable. A lot of shows are improved by binging rather than watching week to week.  I went through hours upon hours of One Piece eps back in the day to catch up to Toonami's premiere.  Bleach and InuYasha I would watch and re-watch just for fun.  You can also skip filler!

I've done it with shorter shows too.

At the same time I can get my fill and then I might take a break and watch or do something else.

I think weekly is probably good for first time airings.  It builds anticipation and hype and well, makes it last longer.  It's fun for the fans and discussion.  Mandalorian was great this way. 

But I'm not completely against dropping them all at once, either.  People can watch at their own pace and if the show is really that great it will be talked about for a long time after the episodes dropped, well beyond the time that would have taken if the episodes had aired weekly.  And it hasn't hurt Netflix, has it?  Not that I am interested in their shows at all, but they seem to be generally well-received.  And they have grown their brand and subscriber base.

Right now, I am re-watching all of the Forensic Files episodes, since the show was brought back by HLN.  It is the best show on the forensics subject, in my opinion.  Always been one of my favorites TV shows. 

But I am having to use the Wikipedia episode guide because Netflix has them in a random jumbled order for some unknown reason, and I want to watch them in airdate order, and Netflix is missing a few episodes so I have to go to YouTube for those.  I am mostly using Netflix, despite its issues, because the episodes are probably higher video quality than on YouTube.

I still will never forget the "Raw Terror" episode where the kid eats the half-cooked or raw piece of hamburger meat and almost dies.  (Not every episode was a murder case, some covered accidents and illnesses.)  That is why I became so obsessed with food safety, expiration dates, and don't eat anything raw or undercooked!  Steak that isn't well done is disgusting anyways.  And no you don't have to cook it to hell to get it well done!  Sorry, got on a tangent there lol.


Boruto is better than Shippuden in a lot of ways, but that's not saying much.  Part 1 was best but watching it again when Adult Swim Toonami re-aired it a few years ago it was not as good as I remember.

I didn't know that the new author is a lolicon.  Oof.  So maybe that is why Hinata's tits are so reduced!  Booo!  And what was the deal with some Sarada outfit that fans complained about?

33 minutes ago, Sketch said:

What's DeMarco gonna have to say when inevitably HBO Max posts entire seasons of original content to binge? We'll see.

Personally I dislike the Netflix model more often than not. I prefer not having to feel the need to finish a show immediately to be able to take part in the discussion. It's rare for me to have such a large window of time to allow me to binge a whole season in one sitting and I like to savor episodes more often than not. It really depends on the show though. Some are easy to binge, others I like pace myself with watching 1 episode a week and others are perhaps best enjoyed by watching one or two episodes a day.

I've been rewatching Gundam Wing and thus far I'm finding it best enjoyed once a day with a break on the weekend, just like it was aired on Toonami. Every now and then I decide to watch more than one episode and once recently I tried to watch a handful back to back but I'm definitely going back to the once a day pace. It's enough time to let things marinade a little before moving on but it's not the snail pace of once a week. I'm telling you watching a 25-50 episode Gundam show can really kill the pace. I'm pretty sure that's why Gundam SEED tanked on Toonami, the first 15 or so episodes were a slog and by airing it once a week they only exasperated that. Even Gundam Wing probably wouldn't have been a hit if it only aired once a week on Cartoon Network in 2000.

One Piece on the other hand is a show where so little happens in an episode that it's better to watch at least two back to back if not three or four if you have the time. In more recent years I have primarily watched the latest dubbed episodes of One Piece in large chunks in one sitting with my local friend. We watched into Skypiea with my DVDs before One Piece returned to Toonami and finished Skypiea streaming the dub on Hulu before Toonami started airing it again. Then we watched it recorded off Toonami until it left the block. At that point went back to watching it in occasional 3-6 hour marathons until we ran out of dubbed episodes to watch. We're still waiting to continue but hopefully not for much longer. It's good for a long binge session if you're watching with another person but IMO if you're trying to watch over 900 episodes of One Piece, 2-4 a day is the way to go.

Was it said if HBO Max is going to release entire seasons at once, or weekly?

Well not just that but you'd have to watch as much as you can as fast as you can to avoid spoilers.  Though, it's not too bad if you just completely avoid any places where said shows might be discussed.  What is annoying though is when Youtube recommends videos that are spoilers (and worse on the Youtubers including spoilers in their titles and thumbnails,) and I have been spoiled by Google News articles that pop up in my feed.  Not sure what to do about that, since I don't make a  habit of checking anime news sources and I have learned stuff I was glad to know at that moment by some of those articles.  Though I suppose it's lucky the Netflix originals really don't appeal to me at all, so the only real spoilers I have to worry about are anime-related.  But yeah most of the time I would enjoy binging a show, but not always, and I get tired of watching some shows faster than others.  Other shows I never want to stop watching!

Well, my solution would be to just not watch the 25-50 episode Gundam show at all. :P

Oh yeah you got to watch several, if not way more One Piece episodes at once.  I should really get back to watching it one of these days.  I mean, just about any long-runner is better binged.

  • D'oh 1
36 minutes ago, Sketch said:

I mean, there's something plenty rebellious about airing anime on US television and furthermore if the norm is binge'n at any time then Toonami is still being rebellious by focusing on cultivating a live-television experience. Curation has its uses when people end up scrolling endlessly through their various streaming apps trying to decide what to watch. Toonami says they'll pick something for you and your only choice is to tune in or not.

Either way they're going against the grain still whether or not that's a progressive decision or not. xD

That is true.  Too often you can end up in the "infinite scrolling trap."  Usually the problem happens when multiple people have to agree on something to watch!  Even then it often won't be something everyone wants to watch, so some people in the group end up going to another room to do something else, or the show or movie ends up as background noise for them while they do stuff on their phone.  I find it better, if I'm by myself, or maybe with just a few people I know will want to watch the same type of thing as me, to pick out what to watch and then go figure out where I can watch it.  But yes, curation and traditional TV still has its advantages.  You can stumble upon stuff you might not watch otherwise that way, either by landing there with your remote, or seeing a promo for a show.  And maybe I'm just old, but my other issue is I forget to watch shows that don't come on TV!  So even if they are released weekly on said streaming service, I'll end up binging anyways since I forgot to watch.  I watched the first Clone Wars Final Season episode but now it's apparently up to episode 7 already?!  I've got to catch up lol.  That's also how I fell out of watching NXT several times.  It's much easier for me to "commit" to a show on TV.  Even if I forget or don't want to or can't watch a show when it comes on, it will be on my DVR.  I have to actually remember to watch a streaming show when it's released (and sometimes it's hard to find out the specific time or day a show is released for some reason) and then deliberately go to the streaming service and go and watch the show.  Regular TV is "always on."  Demarco is still rowing up river, though!

Well yeah that is correct I suppose. xD

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