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The ratings are down.

Everyone is panicking.

Sorry, got Netflix.

This made me laugh. :D


Actually most of these made me laugh.



Beerus likes to eat

someone give him some pudding

or Earth will blow up


I'm not staying up for these, but...



ninja in orange

probably not too stealthy

but he believes it


set sail for One Piece

it's the name of the treasure

on the Grand Line, yo


But Cille's a chick.  :|


She then, works either way.


Funnily enough/believe it or not I actually had a (?) next to the "he" when I originally typed out that post precisely because I wasn't sure, but, thinking it looked too awkward and the law of averages was on my side, deleted it just before posting. I've gone on record as saying this before but I assume literally everyone on here is male unless/until explicitly told otherwise and that hadn't happened yet with Cille. I took a gamble and lost. Even on the old boards it was my opinion that we should have a list of confirmed female members to avoid such embarrassments but...oh well. :D


Oh and:


Of course Cille's a girl.

PokeNirvash informed Buu.

Now Buu feels like shit.  :(


Also THIS: ::HMM:: is our thoughtful contemplation emoji? C'mon Admin[/member] we can do much better than that!


But Cille's a chick.  :|

5-7-5 or GTFO  >:(




Empress of Fangurlz

she needs to step up her game

so all know her sex


wait that came out wrong

I meant all know her gender

stupid syllables


Also THIS: ::HMM:: is our thoughtful contemplation emoji? C'mon Admin[/member] we can do much better than that!


oh hey you know what

I bet this is what he meant

he just can't haiku


find something better and give it to one of the Vipers.


Why do I sense a bunch of PM's coming my way?



Now I know why

I have access to the emogi panel


I keep forgetting about that



Hey watch your mouth man

When you call someone a whore

Zeni knocks you out


Whore whore whore whore whore

Whore whore whore whore whore whore whore

Whore whore whore whore whore

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