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Black Clover Page 85 Discussion

Last time on Black Clover, the Royal Knight Selection Tournament came to a close.  Rill and Yuno faced off head to head, while their teammates fought each other separately.  Yuno went right to Rill and his crystal.  Yuno used an ability to merge with Bell and use her energy for a transformation/super-form of sorts.  In his zeal to fight against Yuno, Rill didn't notice that he released too much energy too close to his crystal and ended up destroying it.  Yuno's team ended up winning.  But, afterwards, the Wizard King even team members that lost would be considered for Royal Knight positions.  Langris will be investigated after he is healed.  The Wizard King revealed he knew and fought alongside Zora's father, Zara, and extended an invitation to join the Magic Knights, but Zora seemingly turned it down.  Learn the next developments tonight, on Black Clover, on Toonami!






Edited by ben0119
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time for the only Series on the block that isn't filled with rape homophobia and all the other negative Shonen clichee's



only the positive shonen clichee's

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Just now, OwlChemist81 said:

So like does Gray give herself a penis when she's in that form?

And that's ok somehow...???

Trans Man Gray confirmed

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4 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

So then why did Yami have to ask if William Vangeance used Light Magic when he thought he was Licht?


Says this episode is canon.  So why tell this story now, and what's with the whole Light Magic thing?  Yami would've already known what magic this guy used.  Before it seemed like Yami barely knew this guy too.

4 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Is that the first non-white person we've seen besides Yami?

It should be there on your right. LOL.

Seven, uhh, ONE Samurai!

Whoop, how could I forget Sol!


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Okay, I re-watched episode 53, which is the one where Yami has his meeting with William Vangeance in the tree.

Yami acknowledges their history, going back 10 years, and how they both became Magic Knight Captains, and fought together on the battlefield multiple times.  So Yami already knew about this guy's magic.  He asks if World Tree Magic is the only kind he has.  So I guess people can have more than one type? 

Vangeance's backstory is that he was the illegitimate son of a noble, and when the heir dies, he is brought to live with the noble family.  The noble's wife and everyone else hates him, and mocks him because on the birth mark, yada yada yada.  Wizard King invites him to join the Magic Knights, and makes that mask for him.  Even Vangeance thought it was tacky! :D

Yami internally monologues that the scars don't show any energy, so they really are birth marks and not wounds from a fight and/or magic (I think that's what that meant,) he doesn't sense any illusion, and his ki tells him that Vangeance isn't lying.

Yami decides that Vangeance having the same build and face (scars aside,) and similar voice, is a coincidence.  They also had similar ki!  Didn't some people theorize at the time that the "dead" heir could be Licht?  So they could be brothers? 

I thought that Licht was an elf, but he's briefly shown when referenced in this episode and has normal ears.  I could've sworn he was an elf.  Then what was the reason for that flashback with those elves getting wiped out at a wedding during that arc where they fight Licht in a cave?  Licht wasn't the groom there?  I guess there is some connection to elves because I think that third eye magic is elven or something, and Licht, Vetto, and I think Fana, when she was angry mode, talked about hating humans.  And didn't Fana have elf ears when she was with the Midnight Sun and under that spell, or am I remembering wrong?  Maybe I should re-watch some other eps if I get the chance.

I mean, it wouldn't make sense for elves to be among the nobles, right?

There was also some hilarious stuff in this episode with Bell being jealous of Charmy and Asta.  She calls Charmy a pint-sized fivehead!  Charmy talking about how she's nineteen and her sexiness lmao.  Charmy needs to stop being chibi all the time!  At least she stops it for a while when she tries to get Yuno's attention in this ep LOL.

This is also the ep where Langris tries to kill those villagers along with the enemy snot mage, but Asta, Charmy, and Finral take out the snot mage.  Asta launched like a missile and holding his sword in mouth because his arms were still broken LOL.

At the end of the ep they have that short scene with the Mage Knights in the Diamond Kingdom.  The mysterious one talking still hasn't been fully revealed, but the captions name him as Morris and the credits say he is played by Chuck Huber.  Though he sounds different to me, so maybe Chuck Huber has more range than I thought.

Mars and the crazy laser beam guy are clearly visible in the group. 

There's other ones we haven't seen in action yet.  One is a big tall fat guy that sort of resembles Gray's big dude form, for whatever that's worth.  One looks kind of like Mr. 1 from One Piece, so there's another non-white character.  There's another one who is completely in silhouette and impossible to make out anything.  Could be a woman, or a guy with shoulder length hair, or that's a helmet lmao.  Damn you sunset!  Oh, and they all wear fur capes lol.

So yeah, lots of relevant stuff in that ep!

Oh, and Marx, the Wizard King's assistant is played by Aaron Dismuke!  I had thought he was John Burgmeier (Tien, Fried)!

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