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Wasn't there a real porno called Nailin' Palin?


George Herbert Walker and His First Lady's Bush

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Dick.

Slick Willy (I didn't even make that one up)

Hillary's Clit On the Tip of My Tongue

Bar Cock o' 'bama

Operation My Rack is Freedom

The Liberty Balls

The Revolutionary Whore

We Shredded the Articles of Clotheration and Replaced it With The Constant-Nude-Show.

Cock and Baaaah (you don't want to know what kind of porn this one is)

The Right to Bear Our Genitals in Our Arms Shall Not Be Infringed (is "bear" correct, or should I have used "bare"?)



On 8/6/2019 at 12:28 PM, imchapp.in said:

The Liberty Bell-End

Richard Dixon

Calvin Cleavage

Lyndon Gains Johnson

John Titzgerald Kennedy

Warren G. Hard-On

William Howard Shaft

Woodscrew Wilson


Some of those I don't get, and Richard Dixon should've been Tricky Dick and a note that you didn't even need to make that one up... but on the whole, good shit.

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