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Im surrounded by 13.5 million dollars worth of chocolte beans right now.

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Guest The Hound




Chocolate beans smell like feet.

Guest The Hound

Unprocessed chocolate is a bean. It comes in big ass burlap bags loaded with insects and nasty ass lizards and snakes and shit that can kill you. My friend works at an in and out processing werehouse where the beans get loaded and delivered to what ever company needs whatever grade of chocolate. Could be godiva, could be tootsie roll.

Guest The Hound

Thats a very tiny area of this huge ass place.

Guest The Hound

The number is just a very rough estimate my friend gave me


Unprocessed chocolate is a bean. It comes in big ass burlap bags loaded with insects and nasty ass lizards and snakes and shit that can kill you. My friend works at an in and out processing werehouse where the beans get loaded and delivered to what ever company needs whatever grade of chocolate. Could be godiva, could be tootsie roll.


Has a live South American pit viper ever wriggled around on that floor?

Guest The Hound

I find this very hard to believe. :|



Warehouse in jersey.

Guest The Hound

stop playin thats coke man

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