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toonami is honestly the only time i tune into adult swim now....

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Adult Swim Relies so heavily upon Fox Reruns and cheaply made stoner shows that any other night except saturday is like torture


it's amazing that adult swim can get  so popular just from family guy reruns and other shows they didn't even make....






Adult Swim Relies so heavily upon Fox Reruns and cheaply made stoner shows that any other night except saturday is like torture


it's amazing that adult swim can get  so popular just from family guy reruns and other shows they didn't even make....


Welcome to the plague that is 'mainstreamers'.


Has it ever occurred to you that everyone else is right and you're wrong?


Just saying.


The side that only watches Family Guy reruns is right? The very same people who make fun of anyone who watches anything slightly nerdy?


No side is right really, but at least we have more variety in what we watch and don't just turn something down for something shallow like "it's anime and therefore it's for nerds".


About what? Everything, or just this idea?


I've gone off at length at how I despise the "everyone has taste cancer but me!" mentality.  It reeks of elitism.


As for the topic, other than Rick and Morty and the occasional Robot Chicken, what is there?


I haven't watched the AS comedies religiously since before Futurama, which was a long time ago. That's not to say I didn't watch Family Guy and Robot Chicken regularly, but in terms of watching the whole comedy block/segment, that only happened very early on for me. Anime is forever. I could even watch Toonami in its worst times like when Zatch Bell and Pokémon Chronicles were on.


The last few years I watched Rick and Morty(2 seasons) and Venture Bros(1 season), adds up to more time spent than watching Toonami since it was rebooted.


I've gone off at length at how I despise the "everyone has taste cancer but me!" mentality.  It reeks of elitism.


As for the topic, other than Rick and Morty and the occasional Robot Chicken, what is there?


Except that's not at all what I mean. I don't think only my tastes are what matter. Just wish the grand majority of Americans are more open-minded and not so shallow. That goes beyond just watching shows.


Except that's not at all what I mean. I don't think only my tastes are what matter. Just wish the grand majority of Americans are more open-minded and not so shallow. That goes beyond just watching shows.


"Majority of Americans."


Yeah, because they don't watch what you watch.  Most TV is only watched by a portion of the population anyway.


"Majority of Americans."


Yeah, because they don't watch what you watch.  Most TV is only watched by a portion of the population anyway.


It's not about watching what I watch. It's about giving anything other than sports and reality tv a chance and about not judging others for watching the "nerdy stuff".


For example, I shouldn't have to hide when the latest anime movie comes out in theaters. Not when you got dude-bros and dude-bras showing up in droves for the latest Fast and Furious movie.

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