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13 minutes ago, SorceressPol said:

I saw a oujia board in the store and walked away from it. The end.

Have you ever played one, or just leery because of so many incidents happening involving them?

4 minutes ago, midnight said:

Have you ever played one, or just leery because of so many incidents happening involving them?

Once in middle school and diddly squat happened. I've talked about it before, but the haunted boot camp building is what ended any curiosity about that shit for me. 

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None at all.. A highschool ex's house supposingly has a spirit we got in contact with. I forgot his name, but most likey it's just in her own head. She's pretty crazy. I don't believe any Ouiji board stories, and class whatever EVP/tools designed for it make me feel the same way.  I've tried many times, and set up different experiments. Ouji boards only seem to work while someone inclined to fake it is around. 

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1 minute ago, SorceressPol said:

Once in middle school and diddly squat happened. I've talked about it before, but the haunted boot camp building is what ended any curiosity about that shit for me. 

I am unaware of your story, but I can believe that had to be a spooky situation. 

I have never played one and will not play one. I have been watching videos about them, but it's tough to say if any of those are true or not, even when they claim to be. Which is why I was asking here. I would ask on Facebook, but I'd catch too much shit.

2 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

None at all.. A highschool ex's house supposingly has a spirit we got in contact with. I forgot his name, but most likey it's just in her own head. She's pretty crazy. I don't believe any Ouiji board stories, and class whatever EVP/tools designed for it make me feel the same way.  I've tried many times, and set up different experiments. Ouji boards only seem to work while someone inclined to fake it is around. 

I used to investigate a "haunted" cemetery a lot. Caught all sorts of things on video and audio. Full bodied apparitions, disembodied voices, things being thrown at me, screaming, etc. Even heard an EVP that was in German, only to find out one of the graves was for someone from Prussia. All of that said, I still was not convinced. I had seen nothing with my own eyes. I heard the scream with my own ears, but everything else was picked up on devices. 

Back when I did go to church, our preacher wanted to go to the cemetery and check it out. So I took her. She wanted us to come back at dark and play the Ouija board in the cemetery. That kind of ended any curiosity I ever had about playing one, and it ended my church goings as well. 

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well I mean I'm just a skeptic, but I'm also a paranormal enthusiast.. I've tangled with something that's supposed to be a demon when I first got into wicca/ witchcraft.. I had no drugs in my system, and I've never been one to hallucinate..In a seperate, and hopefully unrelated case I've had things thrown at me from opposite corners of a room while someone was acting possessed.. They also tried to play in traffic, and I had to fight them in more ways than one to stop them so I get ya. 

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1 minute ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

well I mean I'm just a skeptic, but I'm also a paranormal enthusiast.. I've tangled with something that's supposed to be a demon when I first got into wicca/ witchcraft.. I had no drugs in my system, and I've never been one to hallucinate..In a seperate, and hopefully unrelated case I've had things thrown at me from opposite corners of a room while someone was acting possessed.. They also tried to play in traffic, and I had to fight them in more ways than one to stop them so I get ya. 

I suppose the strangest thing to happen to me has been something that has happened many times. I will be in the bathroom, and hear footsteps coming up to the door and stopping. I will say I will be out in a minute, or what do you want, or something along those lines, just to open the door and no one is there. Even if I don't say a word and just sling the door open when I hear it, still, nothing there. Now, I just say, if you want to smell shit, come on in. 

6 hours ago, midnight said:

give me your best story involving a Ouija board. 

Tell me if you had anything weird happen while playing one.

Meh I generally don't fuck with them but there was a cute girl in college that was all excited to try one.  The little reading thing moved a just ever so slightly and she ran out the door screaming.

I never heard from her again and it was her Ouija board.  When I told my Dad about it it lead to an even funnier story he had about taking a girl on a date to see "The Exorcist" and the girl did the same thing.

  • Haha 1

When I was maybe 10 or 11, one of my friends had one. I don't remember whose it was, but we used to play it down in another friend's cellar. Not because it was supposed to be haunted, but because all of our parents were uber-Catholic and that kind of thing was simply not allowed. Nothing ever happened (unless you count the arguments about which one of us was pushing the planchette), at least, not that we knew about.

Turns out, however, that it was another one of my narrow escapes from death - seems that the friend's mom found the ouija board about a year after we got tired of it. Once my friend had denied ownership, his mother was sure that it was me  (which it wasn't; although using one wouldn't have been out of character, I wouldn't have spent money on it) and was going to tell my mother. This would have meant death, probably at the stake, and my mother was not one to mercifully strangle heretics first.

Fortunately, there was enough doubt in her mind, since the third person involved in the equation was the one who usually got us in trouble, and since it would have been well within his usual MO to store something like that at a house not his own so that his mother wouldn't find it, she decided just to let the matter drop. Hence, I am here to tell the tale, and to remind everyone that ouija boards really can be dangerous.

  • Haha 2

A couple friends of mine told me that on a very hot day, when they were little kids, they went into the basement of one of their houses & decided to mess with one.  They took it from where it was & brought it into the family room.  They started playing with it & the basement started getting cold, to the point where they each grabbed a blanket (not attributing it to anything at this point).  The next thing that happened was they were startled by a very loud crash, like a shelving unit in the room the board was kept in had tipped over.  They went to look, and nothing was out of place.  

At that point, they put the board back in the box, put the box back in the room it came from and quickly left the house.

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