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This is the 3rd time I've had this happen in a dream

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My dick falls off........I have no idea why my subconscious hates me so much, and the dream is always with me frantically trying to reattach it or find some ice to preserve it.  This time it really made my heart pound because my ex and come over while I was looking for it, and I didn't wnat her to find it for some reason.......At the same time, I was wearing a towel (it came off in the shower) and for some reason I couldn't find any pants to put on either.


I eventually found it and was hiding it behind my back, waiting for her to leave.....I guess I thought she would take it from me....Weirdo.......It was at this point I tried to wake myself up....This HAS to be a dream, right.......And I did.......Problem is, I awoke in another dream and when I looked, my dick was still in my hand.  Now I'm frantically looking for ways to reattach it again.....I was looking for super glue??????!!!!!!!......Dafuq.  And since I could recall losing it in the other dream, I kept it tightly gripped in my palm.


I finally woke up from this neverending nightmare, only to find my boy right where he's supposed to be........I gave him a celebratory and shake just to make sure it still worked.......Still, my heart is beating out of my chest.


My last dream series, the first one involved me opening a double door fridge, looking at the two drawers on the bottom, seeing them full of bloody pulp and human bits, discovering that my dad had killed my mom and the pulp was her body, then pretending like I was cool with it once he realized I knew what he had done so he wouldn't kill me too.


This somehow transitioned into me running through a dense city of mostly streets and alleys, all the buildings I went into were very small and narrow one room affairs, hiding from four characters from The Wire who were after me for some reason. At one point I was sitting at a table at a diner catching my breath when Pooh and another character came in and sat at a table next to me, smirking at me and casually loading their weapons. I ran out and managed to eventually kill those two separately, but there were two more still after me when I awoke.


Both dreams were unusually lucid


I haven't watched the Wire in a long time but I think reading Russell Westbrook's stats just before bed influenced that dream, because he looks exactly like the character Bodie.


I've never had that dream........I've dreamt my teeth fell out and I've dreamt I was naked in public but never that my dick fell off


you'd think I would have considering I constantly draw guys with unrealistically big junk and your dick falling off in a dream apparently symbolizes inadequacy


The only dreams that bother me are when I become hideously bald like some freak. The thing is I'm not really afraid of going bald all that much.


Well, that's a shitty dream to have.  I think the interesting part is that you're afraid your woman is going to steal it from you.  I'm not big on the whole symbolism in dreams thing, but it sure seems like there is some kind of power struggle in the relationship, even if it isn't any kind of obvious argument or anything,



To dream of your genitals represent your feelings toward sex and sexuality and your attitudes toward femininity and masculinity. It also relates to issues of commitment and pleasure.


To dream that your genitals disappear indicate your fears or lack of confidence toward sex. You feel inadequate.


Well this is completel off the mark....Have you ever met me.....I'm me.


Well, that's a shitty dream to have.  I think the interesting part is that you're afraid your woman is going to steal it from you.  I'm not big on the whole symbolism in dreams thing, but it sure seems like there is some kind of power struggle in the relationship, even if it isn't any kind of obvious argument or anything,


It wasn't my girl, it was an ex....Like an old, old ex.  High school years.


Sorry, that's what I meant.  The indication is that there is something unresolved with this woman, but specifically in that she has something of yours that she doesn't have a right to.


Sorry, that's what I meant.  The indication is that there is something unresolved with this woman, but specifically in that she has something of yours that she doesn't have a right to.

Nah dreams are just random shit happening it doesn't mean anything
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