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Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


Our Kami, is an awesome Kami.

He reigns from Korin's Tower above.

With Popo.  Whether he's Kami or Dende,

Our Kami is an awesome Kami.


(repeats until infinity)


I still love TFS Popo


edit: also TFS's editing is better than most professional dubbing studios TV content edits


Also, TFS Dende might be sexually attracted to Gohan.


Does it count if one of them is technically genderless?


Also, TFS Dende might be sexually attracted to Gohan.


Does it count if one of them is technically genderless?

considering the Crystal Gems are counted as lesbians despite being technically genderless I guess so



Namekians are a Genderless species BUT identify as men, so any romance between two namekians or a namekian and a male human would be considered Gay


much like how all Gems identify as women, making any gem on female romance a lesbian one



considering the Crystal Gems are counted as lesbians despite being technically genderless I guess so



Namekians are a Genderless species BUT identify as men, so any romance between two namekians or a namekian and a male human would be considered Gay


much like how all Gems identify as women, making any gem on female romance a lesbian one


They don't identify as men... stop desperately reaching to insert "Gay" shit into everything when it only exists in your mind.

Man you really have shit-tier tastes across the entire spectrum don't you?

You do if you think those fucks are funny.  I couldn't even get past the obnoxiously annoying disclaimer jingle.  Ugh.


Lanipator's DBZ Movie reviews are good, though, I'll give you that.  But, ahh, totally different format, and he's not corrupted by the others.


They don't identify as men... stop desperately reaching to insert "Gay" shit into everything when it only exists in your mind.

:|......they answer to male Pronouns:|, physically resemble men, and their voices deepen in Puberty :| they have no concept of a female gender but clearly have one of the male gender, it's canon that they identify as men


from the DBZ fan wiki


"According to an interview with Akira Toriyama, Namekians are hermaphrodites that possess physiques similar to those of human males. Despite the fact that hermaphrodites can reproduce sexually, the Namekians in series are seen reproducing only asexually"


to be fair, Toriyama later contradicted himself and said they were genderless


Either way, they don't show romantic feelings for each other, so once again your "they're gay!" reaching is false.


Because Dende being in love with Gohan is only in the Abridged series and is totally made up for laughs... I would hope you would know that.


:|......they answer to male Pronouns:|, physically resemble men, and their voices deepen in Puberty :| they have no concept of a female gender but clearly have one of the male gender, it's canon that they identify as men


from the DBZ fan wiki


"According to an interview with Akira Toriyama, Namekians are hermaphrodites that possess physiques similar to those of human males. Despite the fact that hermaphrodites can reproduce sexually, the Namekians in series are seen reproducing only asexually"


to be fair, Toriyama later contradicted himself and said they were genderless

Dende didn't know what genders were.  "He" is the default genderless pronoun in English.  They'd probably answer to anything deemed appropriate in the language of the planet they were living on.  They can reproduce asexually by spitting eggs out of their mouth.  Are the dinosaurs King Piccolo coughed up "Gay" too? >:D Grand Elder was the "father" of all of the current Namekians.  Piccolo and other Namekians have no concept of romantic love or sex, etc.  They care about each other as family, but that's it.  They probably don't even have genitalia we would recognize, and they're based on fucking slugs!  God damn, Mochi.  Stop with the "Gay" conspiracy theory bullshit.

Either way, they don't show romantic feelings for each other, so once again your "they're gay!" reaching is false.


Because Dende being in love with Gohan is only in the Abridged series and is totally made up for laughs... I would hope you would know that.

He probably head-canon'd it, like he did all the male human and Saiyan characters being bi. >:D


They're supposed to be best friends.  The fact Mochi would "Gay" ship two children to get his jollies off is sick.


Now you're just being transparent. :P

I was being serious with that comment.  That's how horrible they are as "comedians;" their obnoxious opening disclaimer jingle is viewer repellent.  You get one first impression, and they blew it.  Plus none of their famous jokes are even that funny.  The Frieza ONE MILLION thing is way funnier than OVER NINE THOUSAND anyway.  Bleh.

I was being serious with that comment.  That's how horrible they are as "comedians;" they're obnoxious jingle is viewer repellent.  You get one first impression, and they blew it.


Alright, let's try something different.






[snaps your neck]


He probably head-canon'd it, like he did all the male human and Saiyan characters being bi. >:D


They're supposed to be best friends.  The fact Mochi would "Gay" ship two children to get his jollies off is sick.


So...Tumblr where everyone is gay and "The straights" want to ruin everything.


As much as I want to punch Tumblrinas in their crooked ass teeth, I think you're overreacting to Mochi.


So...Tumblr where everyone is gay and "The straights" want to ruin everything.


As much as I want to punch Tumblrinas in their crooked ass teeth, I think you're overreacting to Mochi.

I'm only pointing out the simple fact that Namekians think of themselves as male


Ben(and moose) appear to want Namekians to be girls for some reason\



it's especially strange in Ben's case because he has an entire thread in the TV discussion thread about how he headcanons Luke Skywalker as gay


It's probably their canonical lack of penises that's making them think that... :P


But seriously, I don't care what gender they really are, it's up to them really.

to be fair they also don't have vaginas or anuses (their only orifice is their mouth)

I'm only pointing out the simple fact that Namekians think of themselves as male


Ben(and moose) appear to want Namekians to be girls for some reason\



it's especially strange in Ben's case because he has an entire thread in the TV discussion thread about how he headcanons Luke Skywalker as gay


Since when did I say they were based off women? I know they're male based. I'm just saying they're asexual, so they're not 'gay', as you seem to believe for some reason.


I'm only pointing out the simple fact that Namekians think of themselves as male


Ben(and moose) appear to want Namekians to be girls for some reason\



it's especially strange in Ben's case because he has an entire thread in the TV discussion thread about how he headcanons Luke Skywalker as gay

No they don't.  Again, Dende had no concept of gender.  Piccolo thinks the whole romance thing is just whack.  Namekians are agender or bigender, in either case, there's only one gender, and therefore none, effectively.  This wouldn't make them "Gay" even if they were attracted to each other, as there would be no "straight."  They are capable of reproducing asexually.  So, I guess if you are into manpreg and egg-laying porn (or Kami forbid if there's some fusion of that out there), Namekians are the thing for you.  Otherwise...  Now that I think about it, can't recall stumbling upon any egg-laying porn where the eggs come out of somebodies mouth.  What the FUCK is up with that shit, anyway?  People are weird.  ANYWAY.


Yes, that's due to the evidence and the apparent way Luke behaves.  He's also made some tweets to the fact, teasing it, and told people who write him to see Luke however they want to see him.  I mean, it would be nice for young gay people (not you, because keh!) to have a gay character to identify with in the Star Wars Universe besides Ziro the Hutt*,-


-and it doesn't get much better than the main hero of the original trilogy and "Obi-wan of the Sequel Trilogy,.", Luke Skywalker.  JJ and Lucasfilm have been signaling the extreme likelihood of there being a gay character in The Last Jedi (there's already some in the new canon books and comics).  Will they actually reveal Luke as gay or bi?  Probably not, if Lucas always envisioned the character as straight.  We don't want another Sulu incident on our hands.  Though, to be fair, this time it looks like the actor portraying the character would be open to the idea if not supportive of it, unlike George Takei, so maybe... Not sure about Lucas himself, though.  But, if that doesn't happen (and maybe not because as well it would be a huge sea change for a long-known beloved character), I can see a new character being introduced as gay or bi.  There's going to be an Asian girl, and a character that's likely Poe Dameron's father, among others, introduced in the new movie.  And hopefully Lando will show up.  He's gotta' at least be at Han's funeral!  And we know it can still happen, because Episode VIII is going to be the first Star Wars movie with no time gap in between films, picking up right where VII left off.  Unsure how they will start, though, since it Star Wars always starts with a space shot.  Maybe start above the planet and zoom down Google Earth style to the island with Luke and Rey?  Could be pretty epic. ANYWAY,  I've gone off on a tangent.  Imma copy this into a different thread. 


In any case, point is, Namekians are slug people and therefore have no gender and can reproduce asexually, have no concept of romantic love or sex, and therefore are not "Gay."  End of discussion.


*Hutts can be male or female and have the ability to choose their own gender, though most choose to be male.  ...Some Cracked writer actually said they are the trans people of the Star Wars Universe. :| ::)


So...Tumblr where everyone is gay and "The straights" want to ruin everything.


As much as I want to punch Tumblrinas in their crooked ass teeth, I think you're overreacting to Mochi.

You really have mellowed and gone soft.

Since when did I say they were based off women? I know they're male based. I'm just saying they're asexual, so they're not 'gay', as you seem to believe for some reason.

To Mochi, anyone who isn't bending the opposite sex over a barrel onscreen is "Gay."

Well this thread is going to hell quicker than Goku went to HFIL.


Of course, I will continue to be entertained by the bitch storm that is currently happening.




I merely showed mochi the door. Now he and ben are fighting over it.


I merely showed mochi the door. Now he and ben are fighting over it.

I actually kind of lost interest, at this point it's mostly Ben yelling at thin air

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