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Attack on Titan Mid-Season Finale Episode #49 (312) Discussion

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EPISODE #49: Night Of The Battle To Retake The Wall


We've witnessed a coup, a coronation, the death of a cowboy, and a bystander's confession.

Now the time has finally come to retake Outer Wall Maria, tonight (11/10) at Midnight in the mid-season finale!!


(apologies for crappy video quality, but it was the best I could find...)

Edited by OwlChemist81
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You know, I've really warmed up to this show.  I think I actually... like it now?  Maybe?  A little?  I didn't care for Attack on Titan much at all when it first started.  I think the hype and behavior of some fans didn't help matters.  I  usually not try to let that affect me, but ehh.  But yeah, it was said how in this show that no one is safe, when there's an obvious group of characters who aren't going to die and others that are expendable.  It's really easy to see, like that group Eren trained with that you just knew were going to die.  And there was that Marco guy and some viewers were broken up about him dying?  I'm not even sure who he was lol.  The characters in general can be pretty thin and one note, as well.  This show is really over-the-top and melodramatic, even for an anime.  The constant flashbacks interrupting current events you really want to see what happens next with, and how the pacing could be, was annoying, not to mention the constant losses and setbacks for the protagonists.  And being right at the edge of learning new information only to be stopped short.

That said, even when I didn't like the show much, I still found the world and the things made for it creative and interesting, and wanted to know what would happen next.  The characters have been better developed over time, even if they are still a little one-note, and while there's some I could give two shits about, there's others I find myself liking and caring more about.  For example, Christa/Historia wasn't much of a character at first, just that nice cute girl, but she's been a developed a lot since those early days and I never would have expected her to turn out this way or be this important.  Now I love her! :P Probably doesn't hurt that she's Rukia size. :P  Still easy to see who is going to die though! :D The action, designs, art, and animation were always good.  I have to give the author credit for this coup storyline.  With many series I would expect that to drag on obnoxiously forever, maybe even be one of the end game things.  And those earlier setbacks and losses were definitely building up to the victories and real progress being made now.  I've also been pleasantly surprised with the number of reveals that have happened.  Now we just have to find out what the deal is with the Titans themselves and what faction might be behind them.  Should be interesting!

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8 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

But yeah, it was said how in this show that no one is safe, when there's an obvious group of characters who aren't going to die and others that are expendable.  It's really easy to see, like that group Eren trained with that you just knew were going to die.  And there was that Marco guy and some viewers were broken up about him dying?  I'm not even sure who he was lol.

The first time I watched the show, this was one of the biggest complaints I had. It was a huge deviation from something that was literally called "Japan's version of The Walking Dead", and it made me wonder how much the stakes actually were in the plot. At least I warmed up to it over time.

While I tried to get into AoT again after having been pleasantly surprised by the last season, I crapped out after two episodes. I've since set a goal that I want to (re)watch the entire series up to here by the time the next batch of episodes starts in April. It should be fun. B|

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9 minutes ago, Daos said:

Opposite for me, I was all aboard the hype train for S1 but S2 just squashed most of my interest in this show. S3 hasn't been able to turn it around for me.

Haha yeah Season 2 was like appetizer, or half an appetizer.  We learned who a bunch of Titans were... though originally I didn't think they had humans in them, much less that they would be known characters.  Once it was clear that Eren wasn't unique in his Titan Shifter ability, I assumed the Colossal and Armored Titans would be important people in whatever enemy faction might be behind the Titans, with the Colossal probably the leader, but they were just grunts and either didn't know much or didn't fork over much knowledge.  It was like the cocktease when Annie turned herself into crystal, haha.  Not the best way to follow up those reveals, perhaps.  Ymir was also a Titan, but without feminine features, for whatever reason, and from a foreign country (how mysterious and interesting!) and wanted to bang Historia (like the rest of us)... but then left, lol.  I never watched the new Battlestar Galactica, because I didn't like the old show, which I felt was like a cheesy, poor man's rip off of Star Wars, but from what I hear, tons of characters kept ending up to by Cylons LOL.  YOU GET TO BE A TITAN AND YOU GET TO BE A TITAN, AND YOU GET TO BE A TITAN! :D Maybe they should have delayed Season 2 and put it with Season 3, but I guess they didn't want to make people wait forever.  They're already having to split and delay part of season 3.  WIT, get your shit together!

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Lol I've compared this to Battlestar before. It started out good but towards the end it was pretty clear the writers had no idea what they were doing.

Kinda like Lost where they get near the end and they're just like... ya know what? Writing is hard. Fuck this. I've got other stuff to work on.

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Yeah I was glad I never watched Lost or Battlestar Galactica, haha.  With Lost, since I didn't watch it when it started, and it was obvious this wasn't one of those shows you could just jump into, and it wasn't so easy to catch up on shows back in those days, I never got around to watching it.  I had to catch up on Charmed by recording reruns.  Not that I was super interested in Lost anyway, but when I heard how things turned out, I felt like a dodged a bullet lol.

Hopefully the AoT author can avoid such a fate.  He's pleasantly surprised me with most of the reveals and developments with Historia and the government, among other things.  Let's hope whatever the thing is with the Titans isn't something stupid.

Though, I remember reading somewhere a long time ago -


That it's later revealed the series takes place on a Dyson Sphere.  If that's true, then LOL.  I mean, how is day and night even happening?!


Edited by ben0119
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6 hours ago, Blatch said:

The first time I watched the show, this was one of the biggest complaints I had. It was a huge deviation from something that was literally called "Japan's version of The Walking Dead", and it made me wonder how much the stakes actually were in the plot. At least I warmed up to it over time.

While I tried to get into AoT again after having been pleasantly surprised by the last season, I crapped out after two episodes. I've since set a goal that I want to (re)watch the entire series up to here by the time the next batch of episodes starts in April. It should be fun. B|

Not sure about that. In Season 1 at least, anyone COULD die. Eren died! We just didnt know he could become a Titan at that point!

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This is certainly interesting to note...

Anime News Network Reviews
  Season 2 Season 3A
Ep. 1 A- A
Ep. 2 A+ A
Ep. 3 A- B+
Ep. 4 A+ B+
Ep. 5 A- B
Ep. 6 A- B
Ep. 7 A+ A
Ep. 8 B+ B
Ep. 9 B B-
Ep. 10 A- B
Ep. 11 A B
Ep. 12 A ?
ANN Community Scores
  Season 2 Season 3A
Ep. 1 4.4 4.5
Ep. 2 4.4 4.6
Ep. 3 4.3 4.5
Ep. 4 4.6 4.4
Ep. 5 4.4 4.4
Ep. 6 4.7 4.3
Ep. 7 4.6 4.6
Ep. 8 4.1 4.5
Ep. 9 4.1 4.5
Ep. 10 4.3 4.3
Ep. 11 4.7 4.4
Ep. 12 4.7 ??

What grade did tonight's episode get? Find out tonight after the episode!

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11 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Ymir was also a Titan, but without feminine features, for whatever reason, and from a foreign country (how mysterious and interesting!) and wanted to bang Historia (like the rest of us)... but then left, lol.

I think Ymir left because she felt she owed Reiner and Bertoldt since it was their friend she'd eaten as a mindless Titan to get her life back by becoming a Shifter, and she seemed to be relatively sympathetic to what they were telling her and Eren about their (and by extension also Annie's) shitty situation, especially when they offered to take Historia with them, which we clearly still have a lot to learn about in the future, and I just remembered thanks to a clip from the S2 finale that there's also the detail that after Eren's power had sicked all of the Titans on them they were almost definitely going to die if she didn't assist them.


I actually forgot that when they were riding away from the battle the show also specifically had Armin mention that at the time he too couldn't understand why Ymir left to help them, so I think that this line totally hints that it's something we'll get a definitive answer to in the future when we see her again.

For the time being though I feel like it's possible she felt guilty about eating Reiner, Bertoldt, and Annie's other companion, Marcel, even if she didn't do it consciously, so maybe she also didn't want them to be punished for coming back empty handed since they'd failed to keep Eren, or perhaps more likely she just felt she owed it to them to try to save them from nearly certain death in that scene above.

Plus even though she had to leave Historia behind to go save them everything we saw her do still also likely has a secondary motive as being for Historia so maybe since she couldn't take her with her she still at least hopes to find a way to protect Historia in the event of another attempt to attack or infiltrate the walls.

Also, hmmm. At this point I'd guess that the reason Ymir's Titan didn't have female features like Annie's Female Titan is maybe just down to the class of Titan in the injection that Reiner and Bertoldt's friend had in him that Ymir took by eating him.

Edited by DangerMouse
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16 hours ago, ben0119 said:

For example, Christa/Historia wasn't much of a character at first, just that nice cute girl, but she's been a developed a lot since those early days and I never would have expected her to turn out this way or be this important.  Now I love her! :P Probably doesn't hurt that she's Rukia size. :P  

Oh yeah I guess she is Rukia size! lol :D

Annie saving herself by crystallizing herself was totally also since she knows too much lol. ;) All those spoilers! Maybe she'll be back once we finally know everything she does.

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Just now, CorbeauKarasu said:

something like that. the powerto wipe and alter peoples memories en masse.

That doesn't really mesh well with this show IMO. Are people going to start throwing fireballs and lightning bolts at each other too? Now that just plain magic spells are on the table in this world?

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Just now, Daos said:

That doesn't really mesh well with this show IMO. Are people going to start throwing fireballs and lightning bolts at each other too? Now that just plain magic spells are on the table in this world?

it's a titan power. like hw eren can control titans and annie can crystalize into transparent walluminium and how bertolt could appear and vanish as the colossal titan instantaneously as well as other speicific titan powers yet to be seen

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15 hours ago, elfie said:

Not sure about that. In Season 1 at least, anyone COULD die. Eren died! We just didnt know he could become a Titan at that point!

... -_-


Did you really expect Eren to die?  Maybe we change main characters mid-run?  To Mikasa maybe?  I would have applauded since Eren was still in his angry edgelord phase.  The chances of that hoppening were extremely slim, though.

And like I said, almost everyone else who died were obviously set up to die or expendable cannon fodder.  That really hasn't changed, either.  Not even Erwen died.

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