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What if i asked my baby daddy to marry me?


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15 minutes ago, JehutyNinja said:

I mean I don't know your history and your past relationships and stuff except the military dude or whatever and even then I don't really know... but ex's are just that for a reason. If he wanted to get married he'd propose. I wouldn't just settle on someone.

Never dated him

We were cut buddies

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2 minutes ago, fuggstop said:

Never dated him

We were cut buddies

Like... suicidal cut? Yikes. I would definitely avoid a relationship that relies on you both remaining broken. I know a lot can happen in nine or more years however old you daughter is... but that sounds really toxic and I would not do that

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30 minutes ago, JehutyNinja said:

Like... suicidal cut? Yikes. I would definitely avoid a relationship that relies on you both remaining broken. I know a lot can happen in nine or more years however old you daughter is... but that sounds really toxic and I would not do that


Cut buddies means we used to just bang each other for funsies

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15 minutes ago, fuggstop said:

When u hit that # things change

The human aging process is not like counting rings on a tree fuggs..I am aware that it's important marker in most peoples livesand all. All I'm trying to say is the fact he is 30 years old is not a fucking indicator at all that he's ready to spend the rest of his life with you.

but I mean. You never know what he'll say unless you ask. :|

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