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Toilet Reading


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I know the thing to do these days is to be on your phone while on the toilet but who here would rather take something to read in the bathroom with you instead of your phone? I haven't read while on the toilet in years but I recently bought this book



and wouldn't you know it has revived one of my favorite "pastimes". And while I'm on the subject have been some of your favorite bathroom books?

Edited by Thrak
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I used to read my comic books on the toilet (Dilbert, Far Side, Pearls Before Swine, Bloom County, Calvin and Hobbes, etc.). I haven't brought any reading material to the bathroom with me in quite a while. And I refuse to use my phone on the toilet. That's gross as fuck. 

Edited by Doom Metal Alchemist
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5 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I used to read my comic books on the toilet (Dilbert, Far Side, Pearls Before Swine, Bloom County, Calvin and Hobbes, etc.). I haven't brought any reading material to the bathroom with me in quite a while. And I refuse to use my phone on the toilet. That's gross as fuck. 

Hence why the stylus was invented;)

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I haven't read a book in the bathroom in forever. I probably should .... I used to just take whatever I was already reading into bathroom with me .... yaoi, teen fiction, text books .... just not those intentionally erotic books. I only read those when I can keep my legs clenched together  

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