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DISCLAIMER: Apple purposefully fucks up their phones by sending updates that slow the phone down. Frustrated, the apple user is pushed into thinking they need to upgrade and usually do. So part of the thirst for each apple release is also fueled by their currently poor performing device. 

DISCLAIMER: Everything... EVERYTHING.. causes cancer. Everything emits waves that effects and changes humans on a cellular level. The answer to this is to do things in MODERATION. Change it up. Dont do too much of one thing that can greatly impact your cells in the same way over time. Also.. you wont ALWAYS definitely get cancer..my mom has smoked since she was 13..no cancer anywhere in her at age 65. BUT she is not wholly unaffected by it. ALSO..there is cancer killing plants on Earth the MAN doesnt want you to know about. GOOGLE IT.

DISCLAIMER: Old people can have just as high as sex drives as young people. If not HIGHER. I learned this in college. The instructor kept reiterating this ad nauseum because students keep getting the question wrong on the exam. Old folk homes have a problem with outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases. Put that in your book and file it. HAHA!!

DISCLAIMER: permature babies are prone to ADHD and are likely to go through puberty early. Kinda sad.. born all small.. then they have problems all their lives. Ah well. THANK GOD FOR HIS ULTIMATE WISDOM!!

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36 minutes ago, fuggnificent said:

DISCLAIMER: Apple purposefully fucks up their phones by sending updates that slow the phone down. Frustrated, the apple user is pushed into thinking they need to upgrade and usually do. So part of the thirst for each apple release is also fueled by their currently poor performing device. 

DISCLAIMER: Everything... EVERYTHING.. causes cancer. Everything emits waves that effects and changes humans on a cellular level. The answer to this is to do things in MODERATION. Change it up. Dont do too much of one thing that can greatly impact your cells in the same way over time. Also.. you wont ALWAYS definitely get cancer..my mom has smoked since she was 13..no cancer anywhere in her at age 65. BUT she is not wholly unaffected by it. ALSO..there is cancer killing plants on Earth the MAN doesnt want you to know about. GOOGLE IT.

DISCLAIMER: Old people can have just as high as sex drives as young people. If not HIGHER. I learned this in college. The instructor kept reiterating this ad nauseum because students keep getting the question wrong on the exam. Old folk homes have a problem with outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases. Put that in your book and file it. HAHA!!

DISCLAIMER: permature babies are prone to ADHD and are likely to go through puberty early. Kinda sad.. born all small.. then they have problems all their lives. Ah well. THANK GOD FOR HIS ULTIMATE WISDOM!!

Um. No.

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