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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders s2 ep 13 discussion

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The way you placed the first pic, it's like all the characters are checking out your icon's ass. Did you do that on purpose, or was it just a happy accident?

happy accident

what was her name again?


Same. No fucking clue who her name is.


Doesn't help that everyone keeps calling her "Kid." Should be her name by this point, really.


That's girl is just daring one of them to be a pedo. They don't need any more trouble!!



Y'know just becasue Rape ape was a thing that happened doesn't mean the chat can't take the high road and stay classy


Christine's after them....now there's a big truck..


.......MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. That's what happening. Stephen King is canon in Jojo's world!


..... Oh my god WE ARE getting sentient cars aren't we?!?


We had a rapist ape with an interest in children not long ago.


I'm pretty sure sentient automobiles isn't a stretch for this show.

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