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I hate famous people


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so i got a part time job at a bookstore. i just come in a few days a week and shelve in the mornings. it's pretty chill for the most part except for this one issue.


there's this actress who keeps coming into the store. every saturday at 9am sharp she comes in to get coffee. i know it's her because one of the girls who works the register i.d.ed her for a credit card purchase.


i'm not one of those people who cares about celebrity. i have no interest in asking for her autograph or any of that shit.


it's just... uncomfortable.


i've watched a show she was on, so i recognize her and every time she comes in my brain is like "person you recognize is here" so, obviously my automatic response is to look at her.


but, of course, i don't know her and i don't want to stare because that's creepy. so now i'm like "stop it brain. you're being weird." and i'm self conscious because i don't know if i've made this person, who probably gets stared at a lot in public already, uncomfortable.


basically, i want her to stop coming into the store so that i won't have to feel awkward about intentionally trying to not stare at her. 


am i weird?


i feel like i may be weird...  :|

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Just let your brain acknowledge she's there and go about your business.


Half the problem is you trying to tell your brain to not pay attention - that just makes it focus on it that much more.


you haven't met my brain. there's no reasoning with it.  :(

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so i got a part time job at a bookstore. i just come in a few days a week and shelve in the mornings. it's pretty chill for the most part except for this one issue.


there's this actress who keeps coming into the store. every saturday at 9am sharp she comes in to get coffee. i know it's her because one of the girls who works the register i.d.ed her for a credit card purchase.


i'm not one of those people who cares about celebrity. i have no interest in asking for her autograph or any of that shit.


it's just... uncomfortable.


i've watched a show she was on, so i recognize her and every time she comes in my brain is like "person you recognize is here" so, obviously my automatic response is to look at her.


but, of course, i don't know her and i don't want to stare because that's creepy. so now i'm like "stop it brain. you're being weird." and i'm self conscious because i don't know if i've made this person, who probably gets stared at a lot in public already, uncomfortable.


basically, i want her to stop coming into the store so that i won't have to feel awkward about intentionally trying to not stare at her. 


am i weird?


i feel like i may be weird...  :|


Just smile, say "Good morning," and try to find something else to concentrate on while she's there. Like the coffee. Maybe think about the brand, how it's made, the color, the smell, or what makes it different from other coffees as a sort of distraction technique while she's there.

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