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Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, Class 1-A continues formulating their ultimate moves as the provisional license exam draws ever closer, Goku has to deal with Kale's berserker form yet again, we finally learn the circumstances of the death of that one guy with the freckles from season 1, Norman's sudden impending ship-out forces the team to re-evaluate their escape plans, Kirito drops so many truth bombs on Alice that she may go half-blind, Kira makes one final last-ditch effort to turn the tides of battle his way in the JoJo Part 4 finale, the contenders and setup for the Royal Knights selection exam are announced as a veteran VA makes a long-overdue appearance, Boruto and his classmates go fishing (ninja-style, of course), Konan unleashes a Trump Card on Madara so insane that it became an instant meme upon debut, and Ging finds himself faced with the displeasure of seeing his only son all grown up.

10:30 - My Hero Academia #53 - The Test - TV-14

11:00 - Dragonball Super #114 - Bloodcurdling! The Explosive Birth of a New Super Warrior! - TV-14L

11:30 - Attack on Titan #52 - Descent - TV-14LV

12:00 - The Promised Neverland #9 - 031145 - TV-14V

12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #19 - The Seal of the Right Eye - TV-MA

1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #39 - Goodbye, Morioh: The Heart of Gold - TV-MAV

1:30 - Black Clover #73 - The Royal Knights Selection Exam - TV-14

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #34 - The Night of the Shooting Stars - TV-PG

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #253 - The Bridge to Peace - TV-PGV

3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #146 - Chairman and Release - TV-14LV

Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- Man how much would it suck for All Might to survive All for One and then get killed by a falling rock. I love how amazed everyone is that Deku's learned how to use his legs. Hiii Vlad. Shut up, Douche Rogue. Ohh that sounds rough, good luck kids. Tsu bout to go SUPER FROG. Awww my girls are cute. Get that nerd dick, Ochaco. Everyone remember to use Mineta as a human shield. Hi new people! :D Oh he's fun. Uh dude you're bleeding. Oh hey she's pretty. Aizawa is havng a bad day. :D Oh my god, she's me. I love her. Hello there, Tall Deku. Kaminari you don't have any girls to steal. Bakugo is going to beat his face in. This is just blond Aizawa. Get this man a Red Bull. Fuck you, Stain. Oh those are some bad odds. GOOD LUCK, KIDS. I admire this man's apathy on the job. :D I love Ms Joke so much. PLEASE DATE ME. Goddammit Bakugo. Goddammit Icy Hot! Oh fuck they're doomed. I'm gonna suggest again that somebody uses Mineta as a human shield. Fuck you, Tall Deku. Aizawa gives zero shits.

Titan- Just fill the hole, hold filler! Oh, it's that dead guy. I didn't think his death needed any deeper backstory beyond "he got ripped in half by a giant monster." Oh hey it's the one girl. I really have no strong emotional investment in this guy who died two seasons ago, show. Oh right, he's crazy. Who the hell is that guy? Oh god that packmule one talks. Hey dudes I think Krista's doing pretty well without y'all, what with being queen and everything. This has gone too well. I'm with Jean here, he was a bastard and I'm glad he died. Hange knows what's up. Aw fuck he ain't dead. FUCK. What kinda Donkey Kong shit is this? Whelp, y'all are fucked. Uhhh you should probably kill him now while he's distracted. How the FUCK is he still alive. Shoot him with the boom sticks immediately. Armin you are going to get eaten. "I want all of you to die" is not a good negotiation tactic, you dumb bastard. Armin you probably wanna step back a smidge. Berthold is the worst at negotiations. THANK YOU MIKASA. Whelp there goes Mikasa. Where the fuck is Levi shouldn't he be killing things. RIP redshirts. No you're the dude trying to commit genocide, you're the one in the wrong here. And then everyone died. If Hange dies we riot. Whelp, you're fucked. Armin's having a bad day. Just throw Levi at him and let them work it out.

Neverland- Last time, FUUUUUUCK. Time for some crippling depression, children. And I'm already crying. Someone please hug Norman. Could we just give them Phil instead? This hurts my heart. Oh shit that's a decent plan. The kids need strong emotions for that tasty tasty fear sauce. Please don't kill any of my kids, show. :D Emma oh my god. Quick, throw Ray down the stairs. I am cautioiusly optimistic about all this. Did she just call it "meat from camera parts" or did I hear wrong. Oh no time for more trauma. Well that sounds fucking horrifying. Oh shit where are the two other kids. Surely this will go off perfectly without a hitch. I don't fucking trust Phil. Don't make me cry again, show. Time to break a limb, kiddo. Look at him go. Just tase yourself in the neck, you'll be fine. Alright now how do you get down. One Fear. Norman what the fuck. I got a bad feeling about this. FUCK.

Sword Art- Please just stab him. I hate that jester-looking fucker with every fiber of my being. Yeah sure, you can teach all these barely-literate contry folk to fight like people who have been training for years in just a couple of months. GET ON WITH IT, DAMN IT. And then her eye exploded. This is stupid as fuck. Good luck trying to explain that she's in a Sims game. Oh come the fuck on, show. Anybody else sitting through all this and wondering what Klein is doing right now? Is Eugeo gonna get laid? Yeah I'm sure this'll work out just great. You stupid fuck. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, SHOW. This is goddamn ridiculous. How dare you sully the proud tradition of gratuitous nudity. Well shit, my ass would be doomed in .2 seconds. Bitch I just want titties. Oh my god you idiot you never go in without protection. Always remember to wrap your fluctlight, kids. :D Holy fuck this should not be so funny.

Jojo- Eat shit, Kira. RIP random ambulance worker. Run faster, Jotaro. Meanwhile, Josuke's still got a chunk of wood in his lung. Oh damn, you are creepy. :D Oh my god I'm cackling. That lady doesn't get paid enough for this shit. RUN FASTER, JOTARO. Aw fuck. What...what just happened. BITCH YOU THOUGHT. Oh shit is it Reimi's street? HI REIMI! Reimi is taking none of your shit today. Koichi for MVP. Jotaro really didn't use Star's time freezing enough. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA. Now that's a satisfying beatdown. :D He got run over by a goddamn ambulance, that's fucking hilarious. Oh good Josuke's getting some help. Haaaaa he doesn't have a face anymore. Hayato needs a hug.  love Reimi. BAD TOUCH. Can we kill him again? GOOD BOY, ARNOLD. :D He lost his hand. I like that he's getting ripped apart by hands. Kira died as he lived, being a fucking creep. Awwwww. Fuck off, Rohan. Oh hey, it's everybody. I'm not crying you're crying. Somebody's gonna need to console that milf and I volunteer. :( I forgot about fat boy. I love that Joseph's keeping invisibaby. I miss Avdol. :D Josuke you little bastard. BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN. OH FUCK YEAH, THIS SONG. Things worked well for everyone. Okuyasu kept cat plant! Awwww Oku. Rohan, still the worst. POSE.

Clover- God this is just gonna feel twice as shitty compared to that last 30 minutes. I DON'T CARE, SHOW. Oh fuck it's Hisoka. Everybody hide your young boys. I can respect that Mimosa wears her cape with her titty out. Shut up, glasses douche. Did I miss something wasn't he in a terrible hot springs plot? SHUT UP, TINK. Mimosa honey, have some standards. God, I hate all of you. Douchebag ahoy. This is stupid. One day I will die and I'll have to justify all the time I've wasted watching this show. GET OUT OF HERE, HISOKA. Oh what the fuck. I hate everything. I'll agree with him on that, Asta is terrible. There is not a single team here I can root for. Is it too much to hope for that they all kill each other? Yami just wanted to drink in peace for once you fucking idiots. Gee they're fighting a team of no-name redshirts I wonder who wins.

Hunter- Ging, three seconds before sprinting for the nearest window. LOOK AT MY BABY. Gon honey you don't have to apologize. Please hug my adorable child. I love my son so much. Yeah sure, THIS FUCKER is gonna lecture us about responsibility. My favorite thing about this arc is that everyone hates Ging. Eat shit, Pariston. You son of a bitch. Goddammit. I'm gonna kick his fucking teeth out. :D EVERYONE HATES GING. Oh right, clown scythe. I just want to see Ging get his ass kicked again is that too much to ask. YOU SON OF A BITCH. You piece of shit you wasted SO MUCH of our time. Cry harder, douche. Oh no where's my albino son. Aw fuck it's Illumi. Nope, you leave my kids alone. Get the fuck away from them. 'Kay. Order her to kill him. Aw shit. You're doing amazing, sweetie. Awwwww. Poor Nanika. :( YOU MADE HER CRY. On the bright side, hey she's cured of her demon possession thing. Oh my god she's so cute. I love my kids. Tell her she did good. 'Kay. Why am I crying.


The flashback to Marco's death feels like it's mostly there to close the slight plot hole where Annie had his maneuver gear.

Fun fact: the Beast Titan is played by Koyasu who also played Dio and Erwin is played by Daisuke Ono who also played Jotaro.

On 6/9/2019 at 3:39 AM, EmpressAngel said:

Clover- Oh fuck it's Hisoka. Everybody hide your young boys. GET OUT OF HERE, HISOKA. Oh what the fuck. I hate everything. I'll agree with him on that, Asta is terrible.

Really, I'm just disappointed that JYB voicing this new dude didn't show up in your comments once.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Oh hey, that one girl from season 2's back, this time without the OTN mask. She's definitely Angel's character proxy, and she isn't even a redhead! :D As for the other new people, Yoarashi is pretty fun, I like how tired this Mera guy is of life in general (step up your tired game, Shinso), and I'm gonna start calling Shindo "Dekirito" because boyyyyyyy is he a beater.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - xD They actually put up an advisory warning for the epileptics. Bravo, Demarco.

ATTACK ON TITAN - REPLIES TO QUEEN: I don't really think Annie having Marco's ODM gear was a plot hole - she did apologize to his corpse back in season 1, after all - but I agree that the flashback was there to explain it. Erwin vs. the Beast Titan is definitely a better Jotaro vs. DIO allegory than, say, Levi vs. Shardis. I really hope Hanji managed to asspull her way out of getting nuked by Bert's transformation.

THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - I love the visual direction for this series. Feels like an indie movie, and the soundtrack's only helping that interpretation. I also like the CGI backgrounds; yes, they look more at home in a video game from the early 00s, but not only do they allow the more ambitious shots to work better than in 2D, but it clues us in early on that there's something off about the orphanage of love.

SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Okay, Alice deciding to go through with her half-blindness was pretty kickass, as far as that sort of thing in SAO goes. "Miss Pontefex, are you trying to seduce me?" From the looks of her nudity, yes she is.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - xD I was not expecting them to bleep out "I got a boner". Rohan's parting words about Kira's fate are kinda ruined when you realize it's Vic saying them. At least he got his comeuppance, even though Hayato will never know he did. All in all, part 4 is best part, would watch again in a heartbeat, 11/10.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Wait, how'd Gon know Kite got reincarnated as an ant loli? I assume someone told him. Just fuck off already, Illumi, Hisoka did it and so should you.

BLACK CLOVER - My DVR actually forgot to record this - some people just have all the luck, amirite? ;) - so I had to catch it elsewhere. I actually kinda love Bondage Gear Hisoka JYB, he's definitely got one of the better first impressions of any character in this show, rainbow stinkbugs up Asta's nose aside. Between him making fun of Finral's hair with the others and going all human joy buzzer on Klaus, this episode is the most two-dimensional Luck's been in forever. That "cool mouth-cover thingy" is called an OTN mask, Asta, you want me to call up some friends of mine to put you through a crash course? Virgin Street Punk Dandy vs. Delicious Brown Bulldyke Seraphim is my new favorite rivalry.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - These next two, I watched late to avoid whiplash. It was alright, as far as fishing filler went.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - You know, for having two of the three namesakes of the obligatory so bad it's good episode ranking, neither the 600 billion paper bombs exploding nor the "rainbow bridge" compared to the frog costumes when it came to awkwardness in the face of drama. Still, I'm gonna miss Konan; she's proof that kunoichi and eyeshadow really do work together. I'm just not feeling Madara's new mask, too white and all-encompassing.

37 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

I don't really think Annie having Marco's ODM gear was a plot hole - she did apologize to his corpse back in season 1, after all - but I agree that the flashback was there to explain it.

True. I think it was also done to give another example of Reiner's mental imbalance vs. the Annie and Bertholdt.

Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, Class 1-A begins their uphill battle in the provisional license exam (with sexy results), Goku goes up against Caulifla and Kale's fusion form, the Titans start to wreak havoc after Bert goes into Colossal mode, Norman's acceptance of his fate sends Emma and the others into further emotional disarray, a newly reformed Alice Synthesis 30 joins Kirito as he resumes his trek to the top of Central Cathedral, the world's greatest master thief returns to the better cartoon show with a wide array of new technologies for both his benefit and his detriment, Asta and his team try to get through their first match in the Royal Knights Selection Exam, not since Tenchi GXP's "Meet the Parents" has an episode title been so foreboding in its terribleness, Naruto finally gets around to that mission that was supposed to distract him from the coming war, and Gon finally reunites with Kite (or at least, his Chimera Ant reincarnation).

10:30 - My Hero Academia #54 - Shiketsu High Lurking - TV-14S ;)

11:00 - Dragonball Super #115 - Goku vs. Kefla! Super Saiyan Blue Beaten? - TV-14LV

11:30 - Attack on Titan #53 - Perfect Game - TV-14LV

12:00 - The Promised Neverland #10 - 130146 - TV-14

12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #20 - Synthesis - TV-14LV

1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #1 - The Girl in the Twin Towers - TV-14L

1:30 - Black Clover #74 - Flower of Resolution - TV-PG

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #35 - The Parent-Teacher Conference! - TV-PG

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #254 - The Super Secret S-Rank Mission! - TV-PGL

3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #147 - Salvation and Future - TV-14V

Edited by PokeNirvash

Hero- Can you steal someone else's balls for this? Don't disappoint your teacher, kids. Stiffening, huh...false alarm it doesn't work on boners. I love Mic doing the commentary even when he's not here. Jiro is MVP here. No you should just let them get Mineta. Bird Stand does not fuck around. Oh, that's weird. Someone get that man some coffee. Oh dang, Tall Deku's quirk is cool. Bye balls. Oh hey it's that really energetic boy. MY BALLS. Damn, windy boy doesn't fuck around. :D It shocked him right awake. Whelp, my kids are doomed.WELL HELLO THERE. I have a new girlfriend. SNEAK URAVITY. Ohhhh I like her. Deku may not pass this test but he's definitely the real winner here. Punch her in the tits and run! Aw crap my son is screwed. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. Oh good you found him. Don't blame yourself, honey. He's really making up for skipping leg day earlier. Aw crap 30 people already passes. THAT'S NOT MY DAUGHTER. This is a confusing boner for him. OH DANG. Oh hey, good timing. Oh good it's the real one. :D Come back, naked girl! Meanwhile let's see what Todoroki's up to. Crap half the slots are taken. Okay why would you use such a a big group to fight one guy, only one of you can get points for him. So this episode gives us a quirk that makes things bigger, vibrating, stiffening, and a naked girl. They're from the screw team.

Titan- :D Connie's lost his mind. Goddamn Armin grow a pair already. Just give Levi five minutes and he'll get this done. Aw shit it's a rock. And then everyone died. I'm more surprised that they apparently have baseball in this universe than anything else here. Save those horses at all cost. It ain't looking too fucking good here, Levi. Alright Levi you're gonna have to do all the work here, as usual. Just let Mikasa handle this. Oh hey, Eren's actually doing something. GODDAMMIT EREN WHY DO WE KEEP TRUSTING YOU. :D Okay them heckling the monster is pretty fucking great. Whelp, you're fucked. Son of a bitch why aren't you dead anymore. Meanwhile, more rocks. Oh no, you redshirts have no chance but how dare you abandon the horses. Well this sure sounds depressing. Levi came here to slaughter shit and by god he's gonna do it. Oh shit Erwin's got a plan we're good. Oh no abort mission abort mission. Someone please hug Erwin. I'd follow J. Michael Tatum into hell after a sufficiently rousing speech, let's do this shit. Oh christ here we go. RIDE THE TITANS LEVI. Good speech, I'm ready to get on the horse with you. I immediately regret this decision.

Neverland- Please don't kill my son. Oh thank god there's a way out. FUCKING PHIL. Norman you're way too chill about this. Oh look, I'm already crying here. HUGGING. Everything hurts. OH THIS HURTS. Tiny Ray, still savage. Just go ahead and stab me in the heart, show. :( ALL HE TOOK IS THE CUP PHONE. Please god tell me Ray's figuring out one last ditch twist to save him. HUG. Oh shit. Norman no you're killing me. Oh god this music is just twisting the knife. I'd like to get off this ride now, please. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY BOY. I think "happily" is really fucking stretching it, guys. You goddamn bitch. Oh god what's going on I'm scared. Please tell me there's a twist and he's alive. Somebody hug my kids please. Ray broke. YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU CUNT. Oh jesus christ. Wait did she say "give birth" does this bitch have a kid? I don't fucking trust Phil. Oh god don't take Ray I can't do this twice in one night. Kill her, my children.

Sword Art- And now for something even harder to watch. I hate every second of my life. Oh, he's under somebody alright. Yeah, who needs two eyes in a fight. THREE FREEZE. Look on the bright side at least he doesn't have to be in Sword Art anymore. Oh, he's alive. Your mission is to cockblock your friend at all costs. Oh fucking hell he gets to dual wield now. So does this bitch fuck everyone when she brainwashes them? You heard the girl, time to kill a gay clown. Don't you know how to knock you little creep? Well that's creepy. Oh god what now. What the fuck. I want to die. I am begging you to kill him. PLEASE kill him already. He's stalling for time so your friend can cum. Oh god, what now. Wow what a shock. I take it the sex was good, then. Man, you really level up when you bust a nut in the admin. This is so bad it's kinda goddamn hilarious.

Lupin- Huh, he's not really Lupin's grandson I guess? :D Oh my god the song is French-ish now. Gooooo sports! Haaa, he's got a convenient mask. Drugs! What app is that. Jigen going full Oldseph here. I don't know shit about technology so I'm just gonna assume every word of this is accurate. Oh I hope it's a mermaid. That seems way too easy to get in there. Swim for it, boys. FUCKING BIRDS. Well, that could have gone better. Oh hey it's a girl. Lupin that's pretty heartless of you. GUNDERWEAR. Ooh I like her. Aw crap, you're caught. Thank god he's got Jigen. "Marco Polo's Backdoor" definitely sounds like a sex thing. Lupin I'm not entirely sure she's even 18 get your hand away from her ass. Hi Goemon! Titties. This guy's having a bad day. :D I love these idiots roasting each other. Oh my god girl you need to eat. Hi Zeni! The boat is a stand. FLOOR IT. I hope that car can float. RIP car. Welcome to selfie hell, boys. HIIII FUJITITS. Oh hey, there was a picture of Rebecca. Ohhhhh this may be the best ED I've ever seen.

Clover- Don't trust Hisoka. You're all terrible. I kkinda hate how much I relate to that little glutton. You're better than this, JYB. Have some fucking standards, Mimosa. You're kinda shitting the bed here already, girl. I hate you all. I can appreciate his lack of any fucks given here. Asta finally does something, it's a Christmas miracle. This is stupid. Seriously girl, have some standards. OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALL UNBEARABLE. I hate you, Tink. Gee one of them's carrying a giant goddamn rock I wonder which of them has the fucking crystal. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all kill each other. I do enjoy watching Asta suffer. Oh hey, Hisoka woke up. Wow what a surprise, they won. Now take a minute and loot their corpses. Nothing says trust like kneecapping your own teammate. Shut your screaming goddamn mouth. All of them are terrible. And we add "Sparkly Gay Bastard" to the list of thing MHA does better.

Hunter- I love my kids. The fucking audacity of Ging lecturing anyone else about responsibility. Hi Kite, I...guess? Oh yikes. Well this is depressing. Science sure is weird. You're a good dude, koala man. New koala friend! Oh, that's kinda terrifying. HI GON. Oh god here we go. "Almost" nothing, you basically were dead. You had a ton of help, from everyone except your shitty deadbeat dad. Oh, that went surprisingly well. SHIT DAD ALREADY GONE. Awwww look at my kids. That's a big tree. My kids are having a great day. Oh no don't leave. Gon is way less freaked out than he should be here. I love my kids so much. Bye kids, tell your hot dad to call me. Oh hey, it turns out I'm still capable of crying more tonight!

9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Sword Art- This is so bad it's kinda goddamn hilarious.


Welcome to the correct way to watch SAO. But hey, at least Gauche isn't saying anything this time. Heck, I'm surprised he isn't even nosebleeding after staring at that picture of his sis for so long.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I bet Dekirito's obligatory lawlharem loves his vibrate quirk. ;) Friendship with Mineta is officially over, Sero is now my new spirit animal. You can't go wrong with a sexually aggressive naked chick. Todoroki needs a little lesson in not underestimating his opponents.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - I imagine Android 35 looking like Super Android 17 from GT but with blonde hair.

ATTACK ON TITAN - Bum-rushing the Beast Titan head-on is a suicide mission, yeah, but don't y'all think that a 100% mortality rate excluding Levi and only Levi is a little farfetched?

THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - My gut tells me that Norman's alive - explaining why he went to the waiting room and not the truck - and Isabella's only telling Emma he's dead to break her spirits.

SAO ALICIZATION - The feeding time is easily the most fucked-up part of the Senators' situation. God I hate that fat clown man, even if he got away I'm glad Alice stabbed him just because she could.

LUPIN THE 3RD PART 5 - I kinda loved seeing the clips from the various Lupin movies on the monitor in the cold open. Watching Cagliostro to honor the life of Monkey Punch was the right move. (It also convinced me that open-face hoods count as an extension of my masking fetish, so yeah.)

BLACK CLOVER - You a lazy-ass punk, Hisoka!JYB. Mimosa's flamboyant older brother makes Pariston look subtle.

BORUTO - I had a feeling something was up with that Sukea guy. Thank god it was just Kakashi in disguise and not some random enemy ninja.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Well that first half was extremely wacky. Thank god the second half balanced it out with some decent plot progression.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Tell me, is it wrong that I still have my soul after spending over half my life on a Vietnamese basket-weaving forum? I personally don't think so. Also, from a multilingual perspective, the Gon/Killua/Alluka trio is very similar to Emma/Ray/Norman; same English VA for the former, same seiyuu for the latter two.

  • Haha 1

I watched the Lupin III premiere and liked it. It helps that this is a show where I haven't been spoiled on anything, unlike TPN. I also thought it was cool to see the references to the different versions of Lupin at the start... even the Pink Jacket series. It made me wish I'd watched more of the franchise outside of half of Part IV.

Oh, and you have to love how they kept the "Everyone in the world is a cop" line for the dub. It sounded very natural and well-acted all around, perhaps because I was looking through the credits and saw that TMS Entertainment basically makes the dub, with multiple Japanese names involved. That made me think about how most of the series dubbed by Sentai I've watched sound more awkward than just about every one from either Funi or L.A. studios, regardless of their personnel. It's especially glaring when you go from the first season of Squid Girl to the second, and it's the worst thing about that particular dub, although I still like it overall.


Yeah, Sentai's quality really started to suffer after they made the switchover from ADV. I still enjoy their dubs, though, even if they are objectively worse than those from elsewhere.


Tonight on Toonami, the provisional license exam continues as Class 1-A slowly gains the upper hand on their opponents, with his new level of power reachieved Goku sees if it's enough to take down Kefla, Erwin's group suicide charge against the Beast Titan continues as Armin finally comes up with a strategy to counter the Colossal Titan's rampage, with all other escape options exhausted Emma and Ray decide to break out their last resort, Kirito does battle with a brainwashed and recently indoctrinated Eugeo, Lupin attempts to figure out a way to escape the scourge of the social media bounty hunting game he's now the center of, with Asta's first match finished it's time for Magna and Finral to show off what they've got, it's time for a Kakashi-style graduation exam meaning these kids are so doomed, Kabuto and a resurrected Deidara do aerial battle with the Tsuchikage and his bodyguards, and Gon accomplishes what he set out to do since the start of the series and have a one-on-one talk with his deadbeat dad in the series finale of Hunter x Hunter.

10:30 - My Hero Academia #55 - Class 1-A - TV-14LV

11:00 - Dragonball Super #116 - Signs of a Turnabout! The Autonomous Ultra Instinct Erupts! - TV-14L

11:30 - Attack on Titan #54 - Hero - TV-14LV

12:00 - The Promised Neverland #11 - 140146 - TV-MA

12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #21 - The 32nd Knight - TV-MA

1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #2 - The Lupin Game - TV-14DLSV

1:30 - Black Clover #75 - Fierce Battle - TV-PG

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #36 - The Graduation Exam Begins! - TV-PGL

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #255 - The Artist Returns - TV-PGL

3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #148 - Past and Future - TV-14 - END

[arson, arson!]

Posted (edited)

Tonight's episode of Attack on Titan is the highest rated episode of the entire series and is still the highest rated episode on IMDb (last week's episode is #2.) It trended for a good portion of the day on Twitter when it was released. This is the first episode I watched concurrently with new releases and it's fucking amazing.

I had to get into a K-Pop group to recover tbh.

Season 4 isn't gonna be the same without WIT Studio.


Edited by QueenoftheDorks
Posted (edited)

I think I'm about a month behind on comments, but here's the oldest stuff.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - I haven't watched these yet.

DBS - Cabba, Caulifa and Kale v. the Choji ripoff seemed forced. I feel like they should've had no trouble with tubby. I liked Vegeta giving Cabba a breather and motivation to continue fighting. The reciprocal promises to use the Super Dragonballs to bring back one another's Universes was nice. That's the only way so far that Cabba will get to fulfill his promise to take Vegeta to Sadala and meet the leader of the Saiyans.

Of course Frieza had to eliminate Cabba, because he hates all Saiyans. I feel like the only way for his plan to use the Super Dragonballs to put the gods under his thumb to work would be if Zeni was the one who made them.

Goku had trouble, but Gohan refused to leave Piccolo against another Universe's Namekians. I'm not sure how much of that was faith in Goku's ability to fight through fatigue and how much was loyalty to his first martial arts master and friend.

MHA - I forgot to mention that I had mixed feelings on Endeavor's reaction to being the new number 1 hero. On one hand, Endeavor is a garbage person with a terrible personality, so seeing him suffer what he perceived as humiliation was more than a little satisfying, but on the other hand, he's a driven man who has lost his chance to achieve something which has been his goal for many years, and now he'll never have the chance to accomplish it. Ever. As long as he's the top hero, it'll be with an asterisk, because he only got there once All Might could no longer be a hero.

Also, Fuyumi (Shoto's older sister) is still pretty.

Those are some mighty nice dorms for being built so quickly. I enjoyed that they thwarted Mineta by having segregated bathrooms, which is entirely reasonable anyway. The sexes being separated by wings on floors is like one of my dorms was at college. There was a door which could be closed between the wings on the second floor (it was closed only during fire drills/alarms), and the lobby separated the wings on the first floor, while there was only one wing of rooms on the third floor.

I enjoyed the room decor contest. I feel like Tooru was too harsh to Kirishima, but Ochako, thanks to her internship with Gunhead, totally got it. It was fun to to see how everyone was in awe of Shoto's remodeling. I'll admit that I didn't do much to personalize my dorm at college the first year, so I feel Ojiro here. I'm fine with never seeing Mineta's room. Sato having baking equipment and supplies does make sense given his Quirk. Rock on with your badass room, Fumikage. Iida is so practical with the glasses. I feel like Momo will need to move her bed every time she wants to get something out of a drawer.

It might just be me, but Tooru looked extra-curvy this episode. I'm still pulling for Ojiro to get her as a girlfriend. Also, the new OP featuring her in the center at the end has me wondering what exactly is going on with her Quirk. She's not just invisible, but she's also transparent. How does the light reflecting off things behind her go through her? Her digestive system and urinary system contain things that are not part of her body, like her tissues and blood would be, but the light passes through them as well, and it does so with no distortion. Even on the Sci-Fi series The Invisible Man, there was a distortion of the light as it bent around him, but that doesn't seem to be the case with Tooru. I know this isn't a story that focuses on "how" very much, but I would like to know.

Tsuyu may not be the best girl, but she is the sweetest person. She needed all of the hugs there at the end. She's the best pal any of them could ever hope to have. I didn't cry, but it did hit my feels.

TPN - I finally watched the first episode. It was nice to see how cheerful most of the children were and how much they enjoyed being one another's family. Of course, that made the not-shocking-at-all reveal worse, because the innocent trust of these children was betrayed so completely. I admire Emma and Norman's resolve not to leave the other children to be killed and eaten, but if we're dealing with an outside world which is overrun by monsters/aliens/demons, then I'm not sure what good escape would do them. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole of humanity has been subjugated and these farms are the only places where anyone can live some semblance of a normal life. Sure, there may be isolated pockets of free human communities, but it may be misleading to call them communities. I would expect nothing larger than tribes or clans to live without being discovered and raided/slaughtered, unless they're nomadic.

I think that Emma will have more trouble than Norman with hiding what they've learned in the way they interact with everyone else, especially Isabella. Emma had such a bubbly and emotional disposition that I don't think she'll be able to hide any new-found, and entirely justified, animosity toward Isabella. Ray seems dispassionate, but I feel like he'll be the first to act on what he's learned.

I can understand why one of the creatures would say that human flesh is a delicacy only the rich can afford, because it takes a lot of resources to raise a child to age twelve, and given the size of these things, I feel like a person of such age would be no more than three meals for one of them. Plus, the children were brought to the orphanage as babies. That means they're born. Either they're grown in labs, which would probably be the more cost-effective way to make new humans, or there are breeding farms as well, which would require keeping adults alive, making the process even more expensive.

SAO: A - I'm not sure why there are ledges on this tower for Alice and Kirito to stand on them, but okay. I feel like Kirito's effort to convince Alice that what he and Eugeo did was just benefited from him not having all his memories of life outside the simulation, because an emotional response from him would've made him look more like a spastic, fickle person and less like a righteously indignant protector of others. How calm he was about it probably worked to help Synthesized Alice see the merit in his claim that the laws are flawed in allowing Nobles to abuse others. Still, the best proof that he's not a bad person is that he didn't let her fall to her death.

I'm hesitant to accept that Alice, who is one of the stronger Integrity Knights, lacks the upper body strength to climb up like Kirito, but I will admit that Kirito's arm and grip strength here would put any version of Ninja Warrior to shame. However, I can believe that he used too much mana generating spikes, and thus would need to rest until morning.

It sure was convenient for Kirito's efforts to persuade Alice that there were Gargoyles from the Dark Territory perched where not even birds are allowed to land. Even Alice agreed with the obvious conclusion that the gargoyles were there because Quinella wanted them there. I liked that Alice dispatched two of them adeptly on the ledge, while Kirito had a much harder time with just one. It was strange that Kirito didn't immediately move to wipe the blood from his face. I'm torn on Alice thinking that him having no handkerchief is a sign that he's uncivilized. I don't have a handkerchief per se, but I do keep some paper napkins in a back pocket in my "going places" pants and shorts. I don't keep any in my work clothes, though, but there is a communal box of tissues supplied to us in my work area, so I don't need to carry my own on me. Back to the story, it was thoughtful of Alice to let Kirito borrow her handkerchief, with the instruction to wash and return it before she would kill him.

In talking about Kirito's inefficient fighting style and saying his moves would be a hit at a festival for commoners, I felt like this was laying the groundwork for coaxing the Synthesis Crystal out of her, since she wasn't sure if she'd been to one or not.

Eugeo was left to face Bercouli alone. He's a little scruffy and makes me think of what Kamina would look like had he lived to such an age. I'm not sure, but I think it was said at one point that this guy is also the founder of Eugeo's village.

MB - I watched the rest of these. I feel like the yakuza guy had a good understanding of Joe's disposition when selecting what match to throw. Joe had no personal interest in beating his Semi-final opponent other than to advance. Thus, if he were to agree to dive, it would be in that match, because his desire to fight Yuri is quite strong and known to practically everyone who knows him. There's no way he'd agree to throw a match with Yuri, so this match was the only chance to get him to play along and produce the desired outcome. That said, I liked seeing him fight with the Gear just to withstand the pure force Burroughs brought, and that's all he used it as - a shield. Joe's offense didn't come until after his Gear was destroyed, so I can support him still going by the "Gearless" moniker.

Nanbu did the right thing by Joe when the yakuza guy let it spill that they'd never be free of his control. He also took a lot of risk in fighting the thugs and lieutenant, but the gesture of carving out his other eye left them dumbfounded. Maybe it impressed the boss so much that he ordered the others not to finish Nanbu while he was intensely vulnerable.

Yuri v. Pepe was not as entertaining as Pepe's entrance. Yuri used a surprising move and speed to finish Pepe in all his nimbleness with one hit.

Yuri's decision to fight Joe without Gear put the question in my mind about his skin, namely whether he still had any underneath the Gear. The scarring we saw in the match indicated to me that he did have some dermis (the layers of living cells) left, but it was very fragile. I can believe that he would be in great pain from his several square feet of tender skin alone, and that's not considering the change in nerve input from the Gear no longer being there with each connection being raw from that bond to the technology being severed. Also, I would imagine he went through similar pain when the Gear was initially bonded to him.

I like that the match between Joe and Yuri became an extended Rocky-esque battle, showing the audience the thrill that an endurance match can produce. I would imagine such a thing is rare in the age of Gear, since the increase in striking force would wear down the competitors' stamina much more quickly, and tired fighters are more likely to present an opening, which would make them vulnerable to a powerful hit, resulting in k.o.s much sooner than in standard boxing.

I like that Joe didn't let being the winner go to his head.

I'm concerned that Yuri may have such profound nerve damage from disconnecting the Gear that he now has trouble walking, if he can walk at all. I feel like that would be an important thing for Ms. Shirato's military clients to know - that any soldier equipped with Gear would face potentially debilitating consequences should they have it removed. On one hand, there is a simple answer to the problem, in that they would, like in the world of GitS, simply keep the augmentation after their term of service had concluded. However, that would put several people into the population with significantly greater-than-average physical capabilities, and these people also are much more likely to have undergone significant psychological stress than the general population, and these people, should they wear full-sleeve shirts, would be very hard to identify by sight. I feel like it would represent a moral quandary for the military, since they shouldn't force people to undergo the removal surgery (barring cases of those who've used it to commit war crimes while in service or committed other acts warranting a dishonorable discharge) and the risk it would entail, but they can't risk the public safety by letting these augmented people into the population while subject to PTSD episodes, and they can't very well forcibly commit them to psychiatric institutions if they've committed no crime. Until the risks of removal can be mitigated, I think that the various moral obligations to the soldiers and the public would preclude the use of Gear, and even then, the bonding process would still need to be only for those soldiers who volunteered for it.

JoJo: Diamond - Josuke and Kira fighting on the street made me wonder how the others didn't hear the commotion from no more than three car lengths down the street and just around the corner. Josuke is far from quiet, so they should've been able to tell it was him yelling. I guess it's just more plot armor for Kira.

Okuyasu was hit bad. It wasn't a good sign that he didn't respond after being healed. I can admire Josuke's commitment to his friend in refusing to believe Okuyasu was dead.

The air bullet bombs seemed really slow compared to Stray Cat's ordinary air bullets. Also, I feel like Josuke could use the power of S.D. on them to revert the air to a normal state, but that would make things too easy for Josuke and take too much of Kira's offensive potential away from him. Again, the story is requiring nonsense or a lack of sense being exercised to make Kira actually be threatening to our heroes when he's not truly up to the task.

BC - The line "Sisgoleon" with its rationale is more proof that Yami is a treasure.

I also very much enjoyed drunken Yami talking smack to the other Captains in the bar. I can respect the bartender insisting on no offensive magic in the bar, but I didn't expect he'd offer a free drink to smooth things over. Since it worked so quickly, I must wonder what was in the drink. The bartender being Julius all along wasn't terribly surprising.

Mereoleona (Imma call her Mere, pronounced in my head like Mary, for short) needs some Zoloft or something to keep from killing y'all. I get that she was disappointed in the squad's performance, but I'm not sure that shaming them was the best way to motivate them. Blaming her brother for being in a coma was out of line. I liked that the knights spoke up to defend Fuegoleon's reputation, and I like how she tried to redirect that response by urging them to perform better if want to truly honor him.

The proposed training mission was fine with its goal of pushing their ability to project mana. I thought that Mere roping fire-pawing Asta, Charlotte, Noelle, Yami and Yuno into going along was funny. Um, wait. They're going up an erupting volcano. I don't think that Mana Skin would be enough. That environment can be deadly just from the air temperature alone, and there are also noxious gasses which can asphyxiate them. Ignoring those factors, Asta is still truly defenseless in this strong magic region. Mere dismissing him as merely lucky so far was a challenge she knew he couldn't refuse. I like that some of the Captains who aren't total douchebags (I'm looking directly at you, Noelle's brother), will give instruction, inspiration, motivation or hints to promising knights in other squads, because making them better knights serves to make the Kingdom more secure. They may be on another "team," but they're all on the same side... well, except for Vangeance, who is almost certainly Licht.

Boruto - It was a passable story about the value of telling the truth. Boruto forgot his promise of a souvenir for Himawari. I don't know why his mind went to candy, but I can believe that everyone already ate theirs. However, I think it was possible that Chou-chou would've had some left. She was late getting to the ship because she spent so much time buying snacks, so maybe even she wouldn't have had time to eat them yet. A game of Shinobi Bout with the imported goods shop lady for the candy. Sure. Why not? Still, I feel like the shop lady would've sold the candy to him if he had said he promised a treat from the Mist Village to his younger sister. I like that Boruto told the shop lady he could see her hand reflected. He showed integrity in coming clean even when the other person wouldn't have known otherwise, both with shop lady and ostensibly with Himawari, even though we didn't get to see that part.

I'm not sure about what Orochimaru meant. Was Suigetsu not supposed to deliver the incriminating evidence to Chojuro and company? If not, then why would he have even been there?

Shippuden - I was genuinely surprised that Gai was not unconscious after coming down from using the Seventh Gate. However, after seeing him in that state of chakra use, we now know why he's called the Blue Beast.

In the history of Kisame, I can understand Kisame going back to kill his superior. He absolutely had a chance of scoring with the Cipher Corp kunoichi, but the protocol for protecting Mist secrets made him kill her along with the other people in her squad. When Tobi appeared with Yagara, it made me wonder whether the Blood Mist Village graduation trial was all Tobi's doing. It's possible that Yagara was under the influence of a Sharingan genjutsu for a long time.

Back in the present, Kisame's method of suicide was pretty brutal, but I can respect it. At least he fed his sharks. Of course he boobytrapped the scroll to send the intel.

HxH - I don't remember the events very well, but those sure were a lot of words they said there. Rat Zodiac dude tried to keep the vote split with his stunt of endorsing Cow Zodiac guy. Leorio was honest about his intention to compel the other Hunters to find a way to help Gon, but perhaps he was a bit too honest regarding his history with the wanking off part, and now that's going to be out there forever.

Edited by FoleyisGood149
7 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

On one hand, Endeavor is a garbage person with a terrible personality, so seeing him suffer what he perceived as humiliation was more than a little satisfying

This is the only hand. Point and laugh at the garbage man.

Hero- Great job Todoroki now they're throwing screws at you that are on fire. Joke's on them, only one of them can get credit for him. And then everything was pink. Todoroki's getting hella points for that. Thanks for the exposition, Mic. Fancy girls. I love that guy he's so excited. Shoji hit the jackpot on that teamup. Boo you whores. Aw shit she's bleeding. FROG DOWN. How dare you target Froppy. OH MY GOD, SLEEPY BURRITO TSU. Whelp, y'all are fucked. Her quirk is just a shitty version of Principal Mouse. Goddammit Momo start carrying a tub of frosting with you at all times. Act like Deku, break half your limbs. Titties. Fuck you and your tea. Distressed ribbit. GODDAMMIT. I'm cool with the handcuffs. FRIENDSHIP, MOTHERFUCKER. Oh my god what the fuck. Bakugo is how I feel doing group work. WHAT THE FUCK. I agree, just let Bakugo kill him. Deku's got a plan, we're good. GOOD LUCK KIDS. I am uncomfortable with this guy's power. Kaminari is regretting his choices. Heee All Might gum. Aizawa loves his children. Look at my kids go. Awwwwzawa.

Titan- Erwin no! HORSE NO! No really, who the fuck IS that guy? Sorry Bowlcut you're never getting laid. I hate Saquatch titan. KICK HIS ASS LEVI. Levi has had more than enough of this shit and I am HERE for it. Kill him. Or have somebody eat him. OH FUCK. That packmule one disturbs me greatly. Bitch you think Levi needs weaposn to take them all out? Oh come on how did that guy live I don't even know who that is. Meanwhile, everyone else shits the bed. Look at this skinnyass bastard. Armin has finally grown some balls. Uh hey Armin whatcha doing there. Eren continues to be the worst. Mikasa is not fucking around today. You're looking kinda rough there buddy. Uh Armin those sure are some red flags you're waving. OH MY GOD YOU FUCKING FELL. I vote you scream insults at him again. Oh no Sasha. GODDAMMIT. Now would be a great time for Levi to come out of nowhere. Oh, that's unpleasant. HANGE'S ALIVE AND SHE'S HERE TO WIN. Mikasa really ain't fucking around this week. Save the horses. You fucking fell for it, you idiot. Well you can count the survivors on your fingers but at least you won. Oh FUCK he's charcoal.

Neverland- Emma that face is terrifying. I mean, she probably won't ship off the babies anytime soon so you could just come back for them. ARSON TIME, CHILDREN. Ohhhh shit is going down. Ray where are you gonna be during this escape? RAY WHAT THE FUCK. Uh Ray you okay there buddy? I guess the theme tonight is fucking burning yourself to death to take out your enemy. Ohhh that's a low blow. Holy fuck we're really doing this? Uh hey Mom somebody's on fire. Oh christ here we go. Aaaaand I'm crying. Oh you cunt. Pleas etell me Ray broke his tracker and escaped. EAT SHIT, BITCH. Oh christ now she's mad. You're good, you've got two ears. I love my kids. SLAP.  I hope they left Phil behind. Norman was such a good kid. Oh shit they got a fancy pen. Those kids are taking this whole "world full of cannibal monsters" thing surprisingy well. Oh just twist that knife, show. Whelp, Mom's gone nuts. FUCKING PHIL.

Sword Art- Let's hope someone immolates themself in this show too. Don't underestimate the power of titties. Please kick Kirito's ass. That bitch must have enjoyed herself if she rewarded him with that much power. Don't insult Balto the dog like this. Damn she really did fuck his brains out. Yeah sure, cure him by stabbing him. Losing all his memories of Kirito sounds like a blessing. I do enjoy seeing Kirito suffer. I can't be the only one rooting for Eugeo to win and get more sex, right? I HATE THAT GAY CLOWN. I am uncomfortable with this. Oh shit, get it boy. Never go in without protection. Well that was a terrible plan. I'm not gonna question why she's naked I'm sure this is very important to the plot. I mean yeah this is stupid as fuck but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't work on my horny ass. Bold of you to assume you could ever quench my thirst. Do it for the titties, dumbass. NO MEANS NO. Whelp, he's doomed. FUCKING CHRIST JUST KILL THAT GUY. Kirito has come to cockblock you. Let's all just stand here and have an emotional reunion while this evil naked bitch is right there waiting to kill us. I am begging you to just kill that gay clown already. Eww, gross and also I was convinced he was gay. Goddammit woman have some standards. I am uncomfortable with this. Wow I was joking about lighting people on fire early but go off I guess.

Lupin- If somebody catches fire in the next 30 minutes I'm gonna lose my mind. :D I love these idiots. Whelp, you're fucked. Zeni's new friend is cute. Everybody split up and take a different car. Goemon to the rescue. Oh sweet, that electric car was a genius idea. Y'all are way too chill about being stalked by 100 million people. :D Lupin's lover. Get her name right, dammit! I like her. If you're not eating food what's even the point of living. I'm enjoying this way too much. Goemon can't camera. Bwanda. :D "Day drinking, I'm jelly." Lupin's got this internet thing down to a science. Hiiiii Fujiko. Isn't there porn y'all could be looking at. :D Everyone ships Lupin/Jigen. Ohhh no that's not gonna go well. ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION. "Quit acting like a hotshot just 'cause you went viral" is great advice in general. Jesus Lupin isn't fucking around today. Aw crap it's a drone. Oh shit we've got some plot here. :D Oh god she is blunt. You're a good dude, Lupin. The truck is a trap! Oh this can't be a good thing. Helloooooo. :D Jigen fighting an angry sea captain is stupidly funny to me. It's all perfectly legal I swear! These comments really are spot-on. This is such a great ED.

Clover- Man, Lupin's really in the middle of a shit sandwich here ain't it. Dimestore Sparkleboy can get the fuck out of here. Don't fight, you're all terrible. Okay I can get behind him insulting Asta. Coral Peacocks sounds like the gayest fucking squad possible. Gee I wonder if they'll beat this team of unnamed redshirts. Have some fucking standards, girl. I don't trust Hisoka. Do you know how hard a show has to fail when I won't fuck the fire guy? Leave those dogs alone this isn't Jojo. That's not even a coelacanth! Wow what a shock they won. Don't fight, you're both fucking awful. LEAVE THAT NUN THE FUCK ALONE. Is anyboody gonna have a fight that's not completely obvious? Shut up you fat bastard. Leave that girl alone you creep. This is stupid.

Hunter- Ging doesn't deserve Gon. KILLUA AND ALLUKA ARE HOLDING HANDS IN THEIR SLEEP THAT'S ADORABLE. I never thought I'd love my precious son as much as I do now. Oh I'm already crying at this recap. :D Was that Migi on that guy's magazine? There he goes. Christ that is one big fucking tree. He's such a good boy. The fuck? Those birds ain't right. Oh my god that's cute. Gee thanks for the used apple, Dad. Ging is the wooooooorst. Maybe you want a fulfilling relationship with your only child, you damn sure don't have that. DON'T YELL AT MY BIRDS. Hope that shit was worth abandoning your only child for his entire life, you dick. So what poor woman did you impregnate? The fucking audacity of this man to talk about how much he cares about his friends to the son he's been running from for fourteen goddamn years. Wait that's a SAPLING? Holy shit. Oh man I hope that other world has dinosaurs. Someone could just push him off that tree right now and be done with it. Oh my god I love these birds. Fuck you Ging, he's my son now. Hi Mito! Sweet, booze! Hiii Knuckle. Oh hey it's the good ants. MY KIDS. Leorio in a rare minute where he's not jacking off. Oh hey Kurapika. Aww they left a beer for that guy's grave. HOW THE FUCK. Was...was he a fox monster the whole time? :( Oh god way to end it with a punch to the gut. Ging you owe thousands of dollars in child support and I'm calling the cops.

10 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Clover- Coral Peacocks sounds like the gayest fucking squad possible. Do you know how hard a show has to fail when I won't fuck the fire guy?

Hunter- :D Was that Migi on that guy's magazine? Was...was he a fox monster the whole time?

1. The only thing that's keeping them at least somewhat straight is the fact their captain's a girl. It's a shame she sleeps all the time.
2. Say what you will about Magna's unfuckability (hence the nickname "virgin street punk"), but his Ian Sinclair voice, obnoxious it may be, is enough for me to like him.
3. Yes. Yes it was. Just as HxH started with Parasyte (replacing it on the schedule), HxH ends with Parasyte (that cameo).
4. That fox monster was one of the shapeshifters from early on in the Hunter Exam arc. I'm assuming they're temporarily impersonating Goto so the Zoldycks never know that Hisoka killed him, before resigning in his place and returning to their day job.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I was expecting better things out of Intelli's sole appearance, admittedly, but you gotta work with what you got. Meatblob Man's creepy children's lullaby leitmotif is easily more disturbing than All For One's funeral dirge.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - Piccolo doesn't take kindly to your "dodging is for sissies" comment, Kefla.

ATTACK ON TITAN - Holy shit this episode was so hype Queen wasn't kidding. xD I don't know what part was better: Levi fucking up the Beast Titan, Floch demonstrating that my "100% fatality rate is often bullshit" comment from last week was actually sensible, Hanji's big damn heroes moment against the Armored Titan, or Eren doing what he set out to do since the beginning of the series and finally getting a good shot in on the Colossal Titan. Probably the latter, since I squealed like a schoolgirl and gave a standing ovation. Now what to do about Extra Crispy Armin... :/

THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - I was waffling back and forth between keeping this a 9 on my MAL list or upping it to a 10. And then Ray attempted to self-immolate. From there, I knew this show was a 10. Also, goddangit Phil, you and your wild card tendencies.

SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - The only thing more repugnant than Chudelkin's personality are his custom sound effects. Not even Administrator's gratuitous nudity could save the episode, because those two things just had to intersect.

LUPIN THE 3RD PART 5 - I can't say I'm surprised that these thieves are able to recognize all those famous assassins that are after them.

BLACK CLOVER - If there's one good thing about Kirsch, it's that everyone hates him and not just the viewing audience. As for the other hateable brother-sibling, I think Cool Ice and Okuyasu should team up to sue Langris for ripping off both of their STANDs at once.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Oh wow, Anko's still got the moves, for being so out of shape.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Two words: armadillo penis.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Ging's a terrible dad, no question, but lucky for him, Gon sees him more as an idol than a parent, which makes them really getting one another all the more understandable. In the end, the true Hunter x Hunter was the group of friends we made along the way. 10/10, 99 may have had better visual direction but this is plenty good in its own right.

Posted (edited)

Tonight on SAO, this cable description. Just... this cable description. 🤣

"Kirito, Eugoe [sic] and Alice finally reach the top floor, where they confront the Administrator but end up fighting a giant clown."

In less ridiculous endeavors, Deku and Bakugo struggle to pass the provisional license exam as it rushes closer to its conclusion, Android 17 sets out to finish what he started against the magical girls from SJW World Universe 2, we finally learn the context behind the Ackerman vs. Ackerman post-credits jump scare from the end of last season, the children rush to reach the only bridge out of their free-range lives before the demons get to them in the Promised Neverland season finale, Lupin and crew fend off the world's deadliest assassins as their battle against Marco Polo enters a new stage, a previously unseen mysterious competitor in the selection test reveals himself as his battle in the first round comes up, Kakashi tells Boruto just how much he sucks as a person despite being well above his age in ninja skills, the Allied Shinobi Forces and Madara's squad prep their respective armies as Naruto begins his training under Bee, and before leaving the Better Cartoon Show for good, allow Hunter x Hunter to break your heart all over again.

10:30 - My Hero Academia #56 - RUSH! - TV-14L

11:00 - Dragonball Super #117 - Showdown of Love! The Androids vs. The 2nd Universe!! - TV-PGV

11:30 - Attack on Titan #55 - Eye of the Midnight Sun - TV-14LV

12:00 - The Promised Neverland #12 - 150146 - TV-14D - END

12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #22 - Titan of the Sword - TV-MAV

1:00 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #3 - The Killers Gather in the Wasteland - TV-14DLSV

1:30 - Black Clover #76 - Mage X - TV-PG

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #37 - A Shinobi's Resolve - TV-PG

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #256 - Assemble! Allied Shinobi Forces! - TV-PGL

3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #135 - This Person and This Moment - TV-14

Edited by PokeNirvash

Ang wrote:
Hero... I spot a new girlfriend in this OP... HI MIDNIGHT. HI MIDNIGHT'S BOOBS... HI MEI! ... Hi Mei's boobs!
Ectoplasm is a great teacher.
Jojo... you got spikes in your torso... Josuke might be dead... Josuke probably needs an ambulance.
Hunter... I'm amazed Ging didn't throw a smoke bomb and flee the scene already... Anyone else wanna get a punch in on Ging before he sprints for the nearest emergency exit?

Ms. Joke? She is pretty. Yep, the fanservice made a return here, and I'm glad for myself and Izuku, respectively.
Agreed. He was putting in some real effort to help the students figure out how to improve their moves, whereas Aizawa can really only help them figure out how to keep fighting when their moves are ineffective against an opponent. The nature of his power simply isn't suited to sparring in the way they want the students to gain experience here.
Yeah, he certainly showed that famous Joestar resilience here. I was impressed.
I also expected him to try to slink away, but we must remember that no one was allowed to leave until they had an election winner. He couldn't get away, because the exits were being guarded, and he knew it.

Poke wrote:
...  Diamond is Unbreakable's reliance on strategy and technique in its final battle.
...Illumi is... Easily the worst Zoldyck, even taking Cylon Mom and the fat kid into consideration.

I partly disagree. Kira got several power-ups, but Josuke relied on skillful use of S.D.'s powers. Recalll that Kira needed notable plot armor, like 1. both finding a guy with a similar body size and shape to help him try to fake his death and getting to the beautician Stand User all while he was bleeding profusely from the stump of his severed hand before he lost consciousness from blood loss, 2. Hayato not immediately taking his recording of the jerk couple's double-murder directly to the nearest police officer, and 3. the watch in his pocket being perfectly positioned to prevent Cat Plant's air bullet from killing him. Any one of those things not going Kira's way would've precluded the need for this final battle, but they did go his way. He then also got to incorporate Cat Plant's power into his own attacks, when he had no reason to believe that the powers would fuse effectively, but they did. I consider Kira to be a much weaker villain than Dio, and that's saying something for a guy whose power focuses on creating lethal explosions. Kira required a lot of dumb luck on his part and obliviousness (or maybe just deafness to sounds not originating in their immediate field of view :P) on the part of the heroes, not to mention an unexpected intervention from the Stand Arrow itself giving him another application of his power, if we don't consider the Groundhog Day effect to be an entirely new power in its own right (recall that he did get several do-overs to try to use Hayato inadvertently, from Hayato's perspective, to attack Team Joestar), in order to make him sufficiently threatening not to be trounced by Team Joestar with ease. Kira even had a spy in the room with Josuke, and Kira still couldn't use the (admittedly limited, as I'll address below) information said spy provided to finish Josuke. Now, once conditions were as thoroughly stacked in Kira's favor as they could be, he did make good use of his powers given his level of experience with the new ones, but it still wasn't enough to overcome two Stand Users with better command of their powers overall (mostly for Josuke, though) who could think of creative ways to use them under pressure (again, more for Josuke than Okuyasu). The real core of Kira's strategy was that fortune has always smiled on him in the past, and he expected that to continue, and it did for the most part. Kira was up against a tougher and more skillful Stand User in Josuke, so when Kira failed to kill Josuke outright, things eventually worked out in favor of skill over luck.

Now there I'll agree. Illumi is a horrible person for wanting to manipulate/control his siblings.

Here's the next batch of old comments. I didn't make notes when I watched these, so my recollection of what happened is bad, which should mean shorter comments.

MHA - All Might having the Teaching for Dummies book in his pocket was hilarious.

I remember reading one of the corresponding chapters, and it struck me that Horikoshi was simultaneously amused and ashamed that the big milestone chapter 100 ended with Mei landing on Izuku and her cleavage being practically in his face. That said, what was that face, Izuku? Are we sure you're really a teenage boy? Yes, Mei's personality is a bit eccentric, but she's still a pretty girl. We don't see you going on many (or any, for that matter) dates, so take the contact you do get graciously.

Who knew that something as simple as a costume alteration could require government approval? Le sigh.

As for the students working on ultimate moves, that's a logical extension of their Quirk-strengthening training. For several of them, they just seem like more powerful applications of their powers, but for Bakugo and Mina, that seems excessively dangerous. Explosions and acid, respectively, are dangerous already, but focusing the explosive force to a point and enhancing the potency of the acid can easily make them outright deadly. Yes, these students are instructed in the moral and legal implications of using their powers, but an accident could easily happen, and with such moves, there could easily be dire consequences for themselves and others.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - I haven't watched these yet.

DBS -  I forget whether it was this week or the next that the Super episodes had a disclaimer about the potential to trigger a photosensitive epileptic seizure. As someone without the associated condition, I found it funny that good action with lots of energy blasts and explosions can truly be too much for some people to handle.

Goku just can't help himself when it comes to teaching other Saiyans how to be more powerful warriors. Sure, it helps them and their sense of accomplishment, but he mostly does it to get better fights for himself.

TPN - I watched the second episode, and between Norman and Rei (Ray?), they reached the same conclusions I did about Emma having trouble acting normally and the world outside the farm. The most important revelation was that the children have trackers on or in them. I would presume that the devices are what I recall being called an active RFID tag, which means that the object has an internal power source which constantly transmits information. This is in contrast to a passive tag, which only transmits information when activated by the energy of a scanning signal. The former tend to be larger than the latter, since they must have their own power source (battery), but if these tags are somehow powered by the thermal or bioelectric energy of the children, then they may be smaller than I would expect. Whichever kind of tag we have here, I would expect them to be implanted in the children at a location they can't easily see or reach, such as between the shoulder blades if it isn't deep, but if it is deeply implanted, then there's no telling where they are. While it's tempting to think of Emma and Norman being "told" about the trackers as something demoralizing, I think of it as them getting valuable information which can be used to improve the odds of success for their planned escape. All they need to do is find and remove the tags. I can only hope for their sakes that the trackers aren't deeply embedded. If they can locate and remove them, then it's a simple matter of everyone keeping the trackers with them until it's time to make the escape. Now, that could be problematic for the younger children, who will be more prone to forgetting them, but, even with that complicating factor, it's not impossible to successfully dupe the tracking system, provided it's not constantly monitored.

I wondered what purpose constantly testing the children served. Now I have a real complaint against the monsters/aliens/demons (which I'll call m/a/ds for short). It's one thing for them to be the scary thing in a story with horror as a core element; you expect the vampire to kill people. If what the children deduced is correct, that the m/a/ds are really just interested in eating the brains of these children, then I must say that I'm appalled at the thoughtless (the irony's so thick it's falling in globs there) disregard for the loss of a sentient life. There's plenty of other edible tissue in those children. If they're only eating the brains, then that's plain wasteful, and that's philosophically offensive to me.

I recognize the wisdom in Rei's pragmatism, but I admire Emma and Norman's determination to save everyone, which will now be even more difficult with a new baby being among them.

Krone (which I want to pronounce mentally as crone, as in an old hag) showing up had me mentally swearing on the children's behalf. It makes sense that our trio here aren't the first children to plan and attempt escape, so it's to be expected that the m/a/ds would bring in another guard/caregiver (I can't help but think of those duties being in that order). It just really, really sucks for these kids that such procedures are in place and were enacted so quickly.

SAO: A - Bercouli was certainly the more experienced and skilled fighter, and his sword had hax that would only work in a simulated world, but Eugeo's ultimate move under perfect weapon control was exactly suited to his only absolute advantage over his opponent - he was younger and thus had more life potential remaining.

The jester senator guy appearing was completely outside my realm of expectation. Not only is he a total nozzle, but what is up with his face and body? We've seen no one else in the simulation with a similar body type. Are we sure he was a human A.I.?

JoJo: Diamond - It doesn't really make sense to me that Hayato can see the air bullet bombs, but Josuke can't. It can't be a Stand thing, since Josuke has one and Hayato doesn't. Maybe it's because Bites the Dust is still implanted in Hayato. That could be plausible.

Josuke got seriously thrashed by the shrapnel of the explosions. I respect his attention to detail in spotting that Kira retrieved something before seeking cover. While I liked Josuke figuring out that Mr. Kira was spying on them and orchestrating his demise, I'm tempted to call shenanigans, but I don't remember where Mr. Kira got the phone. We know that he, in the picture, can interact with physical objects from outside of the picture, since he used the the Stand Arrow while inside the picture. Thus, if he picked someone's pocket at some time to get the phone, then he could call Kira and relay Josuke's location to him. However, if the phone came from inside the photograph, then we run into issues of it being functional, in that it may have no charge remaining after being in the picture for days, if not weeks. Also, if it was Mr. Kira's from back when he was alive, then there should no longer be service to the number, since Kira is unlikely to have kept paying for the phone to have service after his father died, and I'm pretty confident that this is set in the days before cheap phones with a number of prepaid minutes of service. Thus, there is reason to doubt Mr. Kira being able to call Kira strictly from a technology standpoint. Even if we accept him being able to make the call, we run into line of sight considerations for him, since he could only possibly peek out of Hayato's pocket, which would limit his field of vision and make the accuracy of his directions to Kira appropriately suffer. Mr. Kira could only see what was on the same side of Hayato' body as his pocket, or maybe partly in front of him, but not really beyond his midline, so if that side wasn't pointed at Josuke, the we'd need to accept that Mr. Kira could determine Josuke's direction and distance by sound alone, which we'd have no reason to accept as being within the capabilities of this aged man, since hearing acuity tends to diminish with age. So, Mr. Kira helping Kira in the way he did wasn't impossible, but it was highly improbable, but Josuke figured it out and used it against Mr. Kira anyway, so there is that.

Josuke then going on the offensive was good, and I very much enjoyed that Okuyasu returned from his N.D.E. to help his friend. It was very satisfying to see Kira wounded badly and lying helpless on the ground surrounded by Team Joestar.

BC - There was some lava monster, and of course Asta played his part in beating it. As for the "obligatory" hot springs bit, I can respect Asta respecting the ladies' privacy, even if his reason is the same Sister Lily fixation crap. Charlotte needs to accept that she's hot for Yami and go for it. Noelle may be the spitting image of her mom, but she's not nearly as stacked (yet?), and I liked that Mere told Noelle about the kind of person and Knight her mom was both to enlighten and motivate her.

Boruto - I feel like it's a flaw with the Super Beast Scroll technique that it won't work if the artist's heart isn't in it. When Inojin made Himawari's drawings dance, my thought was that the animation team was then tripping to the level described as balls. Also, I feel like it would make Inojin a more well-rounded shinobi if he were to become proficient at the mind-transfer jutsu, so some more practice there would be a good thing.

Shippuden - Yes, Yahiko (reanimated as Tendo Pain) started the Akatsuki, and Tobi hijacked leadership from Nagato for his own purposes along the way. I fully support Konan's refusal to give the body of her dead friend to Tobi. Since a paper clone would be made of solid matter which is both flexible and coherent, I feel like it should be more resilient than most of the other kinds of clones we've seen. Dag, yos, that's a lot of paper bombs.

I feel like the bodies of Nagato and Yahiko should've started degrading by now, even if they were embalmed.

HxH - Wow, that was an astounding amount of power from Nanika. I wasn't expecting Gon's arm to be regenerated, but it was, and I consider that a pleasant surprise. The joyful reunion between him and Leorio made me smile. Come to think of it, Gon's friends and cohorts were more appropriately emotional regarding his recovery than his actual sire (I have trouble considering Ging to truly be a father, since he abandoned his son at a young age) was. In contrast to Gon's friends, Ging was unsettled, because he knew he was now right on the hook. I liked that one of his compatriots in making Greed Island made no attempt to be subtle in pointing out where he was to Gon.

I remember there were more election wranglings, and it finally got to the point of a run-off between Leorio and Pariston. Netero's crummy rules sure drug out the election process. It was a fitting last act of messing with people for the lulz from someone who derived his only true joy in life from such dickery.

12 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:


"Kirito, Eugoe [sic] and Alice finally reach the top floor, where they confront the Administrator but end up fighting a giant clown."

And we didn't even really get that!

6 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

I don't remember where Mr. Kira got the phone.

It was probably just in the house, dude.

Hero- I love that tired guy. I want regular Deku to beat up tall Deku. Oh god the meatball guy is creeping me out. Kaminari is out here regretting his life choices. King Explosion Murder doing what he does best. Oh god I don't want to see this. Ewwwwww. "It's as handy as it is horrifying!" Hey now you leave creepy meatball Kirishima alone. EAT GRENADE, FUCKER. EAT LIGHTNING, FUCKER. Mei is the MVP here. Bakugo may seem like a total jerk on the surface and he absolutely is. I love my kids. Aw shit y'all gotta take half the spots left. Look at 'em go. Quick, put your balls all over them. Use Mineta as a shield. Hey Sparkleboy. Class Dad Iida is here to help you. :D I love my idiot children. Bakugo...actually not being garbage to him? Aw fuck he knows. There is a random ghost in the background there. Sparkleboy no what are you doing. Aw shit y'all gotta take all the spots left. Awww baby Sparkleboy. And then he was a giant bugzapper, that's a bold move. :D BIRDS. Oh hell yeah. Oh hey, Invisible Girl can actually do things. Even Mineta is pulling this off. LOOK AT ALL MY KIDS. Oh hey she put on clothes and passed. I love all my kids. :D Keep twinkling, whatever that means. Aizawa is proud of you all. That is Cousin Itt from Addams Family. And then everything blew up.

Titan- Whelp. That packmule one makes me so uncomfortable. No seriously, are we supposed to know who the beast guy is? Your dad sucks, Eren. Levi's real angry. Oh shit Armin's still alive. Just kill him now while you have the chance. Lesbians ahoy. Erwin knew what was up. Hange says fuck you. Hey Armin guess what you're gonna be a titan. FUCKING PACKMULE. This is all Jean's fault. THE PLOT, IT TWISTS. Sorry Armin but I'm gonna have to give my vote to Erwin. Y'all really think you can take Levi in any kind of fight. I feel like the actual best option here is for Levi to tell them all to fuck off and titan himself. Eren continues to be the fucking worst. Goddammit Mikasa not you too. Nobody keep a grip on Berthold while he regenerates or anything. These two sure are clinging to the last vestiges of life for an awful long time while the rest of you chucklefucks hash this out. Thank you Hange. I'm pretty sure they've both died of their catastrophic injures by this point. GET ON WITH IT. This new guy who absolutely should have died is rapidly becmong one of the better characters. Levi's gonna need a drink after this. I wonder if his arm's gonna grow back after he get titan mode. Oh shit. OH COME ON. You're really gonna ask them to help you after all the bullshit you've pulled? That there is one of the few genuinely sad deaths this show has thrown at me. Somebody get Armin some pants.

Neverland- Fucking Phil. Oh, they left the toddlers. I mean, they probably have a good couple years before they're old enough to get eaten. Why am I already crying? Are you fucking kidding me Phil knew it all along. Phil being the linchpin of this whole operation is the biggest goddamn plot twist in this entire series. I still don't trust Phil. Emma fucking  came here to WIN. Run faster! Aaaand now you're being chased by monsters. Good luck kids! Oh shit Norman saves the day once again. YEET IT, DON. Zipline hanger, go! Oh my god this is fantastic. I know they're kids but those must be some strong goddamn hangers. We're all just hallucinating Norman here aren't we. I love my kids. This is going way too well. Aw shit they're gonna get caught. Goddammit kids. Awwwwww Ray. Aw shit Mom's gonna catch up before Emma goes. GO EMMA GO NOW. Oh no Bunny. Fuck you, lady. Oh hey she's really pretty with her hair down. Oh hey that's the song. She really was just like Emma back in the day. And then he got eaten. I cna't believe I'm crying over this bitch's backstory. Oky so who knocked her up? OH SHIT RAY'S HER KID. This song is so pretty. Jump bitch. That...is surprisingly decent of her. I got a real bad feeling about the outside, kids.

Sword Art- Oh christ here we fucking go. Scatter, Senbonzakura. Juuust chilling her with my tits out during this fight. I'll give him credit where it's due, thank you for killing that clown fucker. He's here because he got stabbed by a dude and we all have to suffer for it. When you're naked and crazy the world is your oyster. I like that she's just having this whole conversation while bare-ass naked. Nuke this game, devs. Joke's on you there is no god. We're really just gonna spend this entire episode standing here talking huh. Good job you summoned a pile of swords. How do you make a sword mecha boring to watch? I feel nothing, show. OH HELL YEAH NOW WE'RE TALKING. I'd rather just fight the sword mecha than the giant spider. Is Eugeo actually gonna do something? RIP Charlotte. Are you kidding is she just reversing all the damage this is bullshit. It's a goddamn spider of course it didn't have a soul. What the fuck are you talking about, NPCs sacrifice themself in games all the time. No really, you have a fake Neopet daughter who'd risk her life for your bullshit literally any day of the week. "You're just mad because you don't have great tits like these."

Lupin- Lupin says fuck you. Just shoot the drone. Nice Google Glass monocle. That dude's got a trident. Ami for MVP. That dog is straight out of Scooby Doo. Aw shit she got shot. Pops is on the way to save the day. Ohhh that's gonna hurt. Tragic backstory, go. Oh christ I don't like where this is going. I'm not okay with this. Titties. This surely isn't a trap for all of you at all, no sir. Hiiiiiii Fujiko! Aww Goemon is worried. What the hell is the point of a transparent gun? Oh hell yeah make 'em fight each other. That old man is gonna be the real problem. MY GUN. I don't like anyone's odds against Jigen and Goemon. :D Yeah Jigen's definitely a woman. We're all interested in Fujiko. Don't lie you'd be on her in a heartbeat if she asked. Not your weight thingies! Jesus he cut off his hands. Rat Man's here. RIP titties. :D Shoe gun. Seriously, shoot down that drone. HIIIIIII FUJIKO. Oh shit she came here to shoot you. This ED's never getting old.

Clover- Bird is still the best character. Now here's a fight we don't have to care about. Jesus fucking christ. I hate this show more every week. Okay the little glutton just being knocked the fuck out is pretty good. You're not even the best superpowered butler named Walter we've seen on the block. I regret every decision in my life that's led me here. I don't care, show. Is this flashback supposed to make me like him at all? THIS IS STUPID. It's amost impressive how this show constantly finds new ways to make me hate it. Oh, that is just a personal insult. Gee I wonder who's gonna win I can't already tell from a mile away.

14 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Clover- Oh, that is just a personal insult.

I had a feeling you'd view Puli as a mean-spirited satirization of you. Pierrot's petty revenge for years of disrespect towards its shows, perhaps?

5 hours ago, QueenoftheDorks said:

Levi knocked out like half of Eren's teeth when he hit him in the face y'all.

I was wondering what was up with his sudden lack of teeth! No worries, he'll just grow them back in due time.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - I swear, Bakugo's grown on me. Still a terrible person, but somehow more likeable now than he was at the start, despite nothing changing at all. I'm glad everyone in 1-A managed to pass, now let's see how they fare with rescue missions, especially since the USJ attack robbed them of their chance to really practice. See you at the back end, unless programming has a sudden change of heart.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - I swear, Ribrianne's boobs got bigger with that power-up.

ATTACK ON TITAN - The most sadistic choice since Sophie's choice, only less sadistic because here it was a choice between grown men (well, a grown man and a wise beyond his years teen) than two children. Did anyone else notice that there was zero music until the last five minutes of the episode?

THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - God this show was great, I'm glad the kids made it out at the end. I wholeheartedly await the inevitable broadcast of season 2. I'm still probably gonna call W'Z my anime of the winter 2019 season though, just because I fucking hate James Beckett.

SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Good news, Chudelkin's dead. Bad news, the fights this episode were lacking in hype. And then everyone was Haji.

LUPIN THE 3RD: PART 5 - I could've sworn the Rat Clan Chief was Richard Epcar doing his Super-Oldseph voice, why'd they credit him to another guy? Ah well, at least seeing the assassins getting taken down by either the gang or each other was fun.

BLACK CLOVER - Show of hands: who else noticed the Osomatsu-san cameos in the background there? While it's nice to see Rill get some background and development, the idea of his love of art bringing grief and regret upon his mother is downright satirical of the whole concept of tragic backstories. :D Also, between the major art love and the more annoying voice than Asta (taking volume out of the equation), I think he might be autistic.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - That's our Kakashi, so hard yet so soft.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Ah hey, we got fat and thin Anko this week. Sakura should've ended up with Lee instead of Sasuke.

HUNTER x HUNTER - Rewatched this because why not. The real Diego's little poetry recital was the best part IMO, but Meruem and Komugi's final moments were nice too.

Also, they should've aired the Food Wars promo more often than they did, Gundam Origin's time to shine was last week.

2 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

I was wondering what was up with his sudden lack of teeth! No worries, he'll just grow them back in due time.

It was supposed to be such a serious scene, but fuck I about died when he suddenly only had half of his teeth.

Posted (edited)

Did anyone else squeal in excitement when Levi said "good grief" this week? Probably unintentional, but I just can't help but love little seiyuu/VA references like that.

Edited by PokeNirvash
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, Goku faces off with Universe 2's remaining fighters while Gohan and Piccolo counter the last of the 6th's defenses, after five long years (six if you saw the subs) we finally learn what secrets lie in Eren Jaeger's basement, Cardinal joins Kirito and Alice (and Eugeo too, I guess) in facing off against Administrator, Zenigata drops in to catch Lupin while Fujiko's holding him at gunpoint (as she does), the son of a restaurant owner tries to prove he can cook just as good as his old man when a seductive businesswoman tries to use him for land development, Noelle prepares herself for her match against one of her asshole older siblings, Boruto does like his dad did in the past and tries to get on a genin squad without any Uchihas, speaking of what Boruto's Dad did in the past here's an inappropriately placed month's worth of flashback recap-filler on how Naruto went from zero to hero, the road to the One Year War officially begins when the leader of a soon-to-be-independent nation falls victim to a surprise Death Note usage, and My Hero Academia settles into its graveyard slot placement as Class 1-A takes on the surprise rescue mission round of the provisional license exam.

11:00 - Dragonball Super #118 - Accelerating Tragedy: Vanishing Universes... TV-14LV
11:30 - Attack on Titan #56 - The Basement - TV-14

12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #23 - Administrator - TV-MAV

12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #4 - Zenigata's Pride and the Desert Dust - TV-14DLSV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #1 - The Vast Wasteland - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #77 - Bad Blood - TV-PGL

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #38 - Formation of the Three-Man Squad? - TV-PG

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #257 - Meeting - TV-14V

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin #1 - Children of Zeon - TV-14LV

3:30 - My Hero Academia #57 - Rescue Exercises - TV-14DL

On one hand, a good show is ending the block. On the other, a good show is ending the block.

Edited by PokeNirvash
Lupin's title fixed, Food Wars' rating added.
Posted (edited)

Ang wrote: Hero... I love how amazed everyone is that Deku's learned how to use his legs.
Everyone remember to use Mineta as a human shield.
Hi new people! :D Oh he's fun. Uh dude you're bleeding.
Aizawa is havng a bad day. :D ...she's me. I love her... :D I love Ms Joke so much. PLEASE DATE ME.

Sword Art... Yeah sure, you can teach all these barely-literate contry folk to fight like people who have been training for years in just a couple of months.
Anybody else sitting through all this and wondering what Klein is doing right now?
Is Eugeo gonna get laid? ... Bitch I just want titties... you idiot you never go in without protection. Always remember to wrap your fluctlight, kids.

Jojo... Kira... you are creepy... That lady doesn't get paid enough for this...
Meanwhile, Josuke's still got a chunk of wood in his lung... Oh good Josuke's getting some help.
BITCH YOU THOUGHT... is it Reimi's street? HI REIMI! Reimi is taking none of your shit today.... BAD TOUCH. Can we kill him again? GOOD BOY, ARNOLD. :D He lost his hand. I like that he's getting ripped apart by hands. Kira died as he lived, being a... creep.
...Kira... He got run over by a(n)... ambulance, that's... hilarious. Haaaaa he doesn't have a face anymore.
Hayato needs a hug... Somebody's gonna need to console that milf and I volunteer.

Hunter- Ging... Yeah sure, THIS FUCKER is gonna lecture us about responsibility. My favorite thing about this arc is that everyone hates Ging... EVERYONE HATES GING... I just want to see Ging get his ass kicked again is that too much to ask.
Oh no where's my albino son... 'Kay.... You're doing amazing, sweetie. Awwwww. Poor Nanika. :( YOU MADE HER CRY... she's so cute... Tell her she did good. 'Kay.

I thought of Izuku switching to his legs as being fitting for making the power his own, as well as it being a rational realization that human legs are designed to take stresses that our arms just aren't. Plus, he has the benefit of now knowing how to limit the power flow, so he can minimize his risk of injury.
The problem there is that he's too tiny for anyone other than Tsuyu to use effectively, and she probably lacks the arm strength. Shoji would have no problems holding Mineta in such a fashion, but he'd need to move the meat shield quickly between targets.
Yoarashi is fun, and very intense and enthusiastic.
You're right. She would make a decent proxy character for you here.

You'd be surprised how motivating "get proficient or die painfully when the invasion happens" can be.
We can only hope he's getting to see as much skin as Eugeo is from someone at least as hot as Quinella, but hopefully hotter. Klein deserves it, and Kirito is far away and on an isolated server, meaning it's highly unlikely he'd intercept such a hottie to add her to his harem.
I have my doubts that Eugeo got laid. He removed his Core Protection, meaning she'd have complete freedom to seal or rewrite his memories, so she could make him think they'd boned, but never actually put out, making her not only a tease, but a liar and a welcher as well.

Agreed. I felt appalled on her behalf that not only was Kira creeping on her, but she hadn't yet gloved up, which was negligence on her part, meaning he was bleeding on her as well.
That's something where I'm torn. When I took a First Aid class back in college, which was Red Cross certified, part of triage is assessing the severity of the wounds when there are multiple injured people, and the most severely injured person gets attention first. Given what we, the audience, know about the nature of Josuke's and Kira's injuries, we know that they're comparable in severity, but Josuke has large items embedded in him which extend beyond his flesh, and the treatment for that is to immobilize the object so it doesn't move while he's being transported to a facility that can provide better care. Kira's wounds are open and bleeding, and he, unlike Josuke, is unable to stand, meaning that under the quick assessment of triage, Kira would appear to be in greater need of immediate treatment, though I'm willing to attribute that to Josuke being tough and tenacious, while Kira is a wimpy little punk. The ambulance crew has no way of knowing that Kira's a deadly danger to them, and they're going to focus on their training over the objections and warnings from these bystanders about how dangerous this wounded man is. So, from the perspective of the paramedics, I can understand why they'd give attention to Kira first, but I also know that he's thoroughly undeserving of their ministrations and that they're putting themselves in mortal peril by getting within arm's reach of him.
When I was a young kid, a dog I didn't know jumped on me unexpectedly and knocked me to the ground. It didn't bite me, but that instilled a fear of dogs in me that I took years overcoming. Even now, I have what I consider a bit of trepidation around ones I don't know, but even I, when I saw Arnold bite Kira, thought "good dog! Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!"
I didn't particularly note that when Kira was taken to Hell, there were hands tearing him to bits. Good catch, Ang.
Your sheer glee over that gruesome mortal demise is more than a little unsettling. Did he deserve it? Yep, but I feel like the appropriate reaction to it happening is, 'ewww."
If she's not into it from you, I also volunteer.

Yes. Ging is the last person who should be saying anything about making amends to someone else. Also, I feel like a parting beat-down from all Gon's other friends and associates in attendance to Ging would've been completely justified.
Killua did well in keeping Illumi at bay, but he failed to realize that Alluka considers Nanika to be part of him, and being mean to Nanika is also being mean to Alluka. It's nice that Killua realized his error and begged forgiveness, but that means that Nanika's powers are still a thing in the world and pose a mortal danger to people who've never even thought that this personality could possibly exist.

Poke wrote:
...Kira... At least he got his comeuppance, even though Hayato will never know he did.

Well, Hayato knows that this guy who stole his dad's face died, but I feel like the closure would've been better had someone told him what happened to Kira's soul.

Again, I didn't make notes when I watched these, so I don't remember a lot. In addition, a lot of things I would've addressed below are covered above.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - I haven't watched these yet.

DBS - The baseline Saiyan state of Kefla is faster than SSJG Goku. That's a problem.

I didn't like the Zenis' decision. The Potarra earrings are clearly enhancing items, but they allowed them. Senzu beans, though, which could be argued are simply a snack, are forbidden. They're food items, and all the non-Namekian biological fighters get their energy from food, but they aren't allowed to have a small quantity of food with them. If Goku did have them, then he'd have no worries through the most recent episode, but nope, can't have them. To me, they're capricious rulings, and I don't like it. It's the difference between being governed by men and being governed by laws, and you all know (or should know) on what side I sit there.

Beerus was pragmatic about using Shin's Potarra earrings. This is a numbers game, and the one with the most at the end wins. Refusing to chance losing two fighters with a single elimination was wise.

Uh oh. Kefla made Jiren twitch again.

I know that the Saiyans fighting is a grand spectacle, but I feel like the various onlookers from the still-active competitors of Universe 7 are taking a big risk of getting blindsided.

Well, Blue wasn't enough to fight Kefla's Super Saiyan form, so Goku revived his Instinct level. Good for him.

Also, good for Vegeta for finally putting Top on the ground.

MHA - The government guy seemed like he wasn't just physically tired, but he was also weary of being in the bureaucracy dealing with the Hero culture. It's the nature of government red tape; it never ends, even for the government workers.

TPN - I haven't watched any more of these yet.

SAO: A - Alice willfully defied her indoctrination, and it triggered the code in her eye. Ouch. At least Kirito did warn her what would happen.

Quinella has some flawed ideas regarding love. When she talked about the love of Eugeo's mom (and other people) and how it wasn't all and only for him, that made me think that it would be rare indeed to find anyone who is truly capable of love who would love in such a fashion. Such a "love" could easily be classified as a possessive obsession. The only real love like that would pretty much need to be in the case of an elderly couple with no children who were the last of their generation (or even up to two generations down) of family still living who happened to live in a secluded wilderness. Well, that or a couple of orphans in such as setting. They would have no family other than each other, and there would be no friends or neighbors of which to speak. What Quinella really did was tempt him with physical intimacy, which is not necessarily love, and I think she didn't even follow through there.

When Eugeo was wavering between surrendering to Quinella's charms (I can't fully fault him, because she is hot, naked, and offering to let him bone her. It'd be tough for any young hetero guy in his position to resist that) and staying on-mission, he heard three voices urging him to resist, namely Alice, Kirito and, Tiese. As each of those people in his mind were cut off, I couldn't help but see the similarity to that isolation of himself and the shape of the triangular Piety module. I take it to mean that the beginning of synthesis is to isolate and contain the essence of who the A.I. is from their memories and experiences, but maybe not all experiences, since Eugeo's training as a swordsman would be beneficial to his service as a Knight.

JoJo: Diamond - I feel like Jotaro using time freeze sooner in the show could've spared a lot of trouble for Team Joestar and saved a few random lives.

In the epilogue, things seemed to be going well for most people. It's a shame that Tonio's cooking didn't restore Okuyasu's dad to his human form, but at least he feels better.

I feel like we were left hanging on something from a flashback to when lil' Josuke and his mom were stuck in the snow when he was sick, but I know that there is a Part 5, so maybe that'll connect to it. We might even get to see what the invisible baby looks like should she gain sufficient control over her Stand by then. I feel like things keep getting more and more absurd (though some might say bizarre 😛 ) with the Stand powers as thing go, but maybe I'll be more "eh" about it should Toonami ever get Part 5.

BC - Teams were chosen and the impostor guy got on Asta's team. Whatever. I feel like Julius knows this guy isn't who he claims, but he's allowing the impersonation to continue to satisfy his curiosity about what this guy's powers are.

Asta, wow, you really were sheltered in Hage village. That mask isn't cool. That's clearly a psychopathic villain mask.

Boruto - Accept it, Boruto. You and your classmates will eventually be separated, be it by pursuing career paths other than shinobi, being put on separate teams, or dying on missions. Still, this fishing trip was a fine option for a last group activity.

Shippuden - I didn't expect so much time to be spent in flashbacks to Konan's youth with Jiraiya, Nagato and Yahiko. The tile-flipping system was a good idea for a small detail which impostors wouldn't know. Of course Tobi's hax kept him alive. I'm not sure how much chakra it would take to turn the one paper red and keep it flying however far it had to go, but maybe Konan should've kept that energy in herself to try to stay alive.

HxH - Gon definitely owes no apologies to this jerk who abandoned him. I also don't think that he truly owes Kite any apology, but I'll defer to Gon's sense of guilt there.

Illumi is a terrible person and brother. Killua at least realized when he'd done wrong and tried to make it right. Like we see in the faces on Alluka's outfit, they're two sides of the same coin, and one can't be separated from the other. I don't remember how Killua intends to protect them from those who would abuse the wish-granting powers, but good luck to them.

Edited by FoleyisGood149
54 minutes ago, QueenoftheDorks said:

I know nothing about Food Wars! but it does seem like a less entertaining version of Yakitate! Japan.

No amount of unique cuisine or clothes-ripping foodgasms could ever make up for the lack of Brad Pitt Kidd.


I'm still looking forward to it though, because... well, it's me we're talking about.

8 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

Your sheer glee over that gruesome mortal demise is more than a little unsettling. Did he deserve it? Yep, but I feel like the appropriate reaction to it happening is, 'ewww."

You cannot sit there and tell me there's not something ironically hilarious about a complete asshole being run over and killed by a speeding ambulance.

Titan- Hey Armin you okay there buddy. Aw shit Sasha might be dying. Guess what kiddo you're the Hulk now. Sure is luck how seven of those nine survivors are all from the same training group that we've known for the past three seasons. Yeah that's what happened thanks for the recap. He picked you because the other two would have whined constantly if he didn't. To be fair, there's barely a Scouts left with or without Erwin. No pressure, Armin. This sure is a lot of talking and not a lot of basement exploring. I'm gonna laugh so hard if the basement got destroyed in that fight. Enough with the flashbacks just get on with it. Amzing how that string has stayed on through all those titan fights. Hey Eren your house looks like shit. :D THE FUCKING KEY IS WRONG. :D We are all Levi. Well, this was a pointless endeavor. Forget the key, just have Levi smash up the desk. Congrats you found your dad's secret porn stash. Oh what the hell. Eat shit, Erwin's old friend who I have no memory of. I'd say everyone's getting laid but only two of you are legal. You found a photo and it doesn't even have any titties in it.

Sword Art- Man I hope I'll get lucky and all of them will die this time. I wonder if she has a run a special program to keep her hair covering her nips and vag. She seduced them with her tits, that's the answer. The stars are people, got it. Driven mad by thirst, now that I can understand. Bitch you think I wouldn't kill 300 innocent bystanders to get out of this shit? Oh yeah, trust her word that'll go juuuust great. STOP SAYING FLUCTLIGHT. I'm sure this is supposed to be very emotional but I could not give less of a fuck. Oh, is Eugeo actually gonna do something? Oh, I guess not. Does Kirito remember that this is all just a video game? Well, this sounds like it's gonna be stupid. Wow, so we're really doing this then. This sure is some mediocre GCI sentient sword fight action. Whelp, he failed. At least he missed her tits. I genuiney don't remember if we knew there was another boy or not. :D The fucking spider. And then Kirito remembered he's the main character.

Lupin- Yeah, I'd probably let Fujiko shoot me. Hey Zeni. HAIR BOMB. Bitches be crazy, Jigen. Don't worry I still drool over her enough for both of us. Aw shit. I don't trust Zenigata's survival skills. His partner is cute...I don't trust him. Ami's great and I love her. Just admit you're in love. :D Haaaa. Honey you've never been outside, this is gonna be literal torture. And then she died. Whelp, they've gone crazy. Oh hey, it's a real windmill. Aw hell this is a trap isn't it. "Drone Fighter is GOAT." Can Ami not just hack that thing? WINDMILL, GO. Awwwww she's laughing. I don't trust his partner. He's stupid like a fox. Man, they really nailed these Twitch commenters. That's Jigen isn't it. Whelp, show's over. This is a fakeout and they're walking away with millions of dollars aren't they. This ED gets better every week.

Food Wars- I have regrets. Hi there, attractive dad. We're really just jumping right in on this huh? Aaaaand of course tentacles. Food Yakuza is here. That is excessive jiggle even for my taste. Nice place you got here, it'd be a shame if something were to...happen to it. Dad doesn't want you here for the summer. Not the meat! This is stupid and not in a fun way. INNUENDO. I could be watching reruns of Good Eats right now. Bacon is a meat, you stupid bitch. Oh jesus. Kid this ain't Iron Chef, nobody gives a fuck. Are this bitch's tits made of pudding? I'm too old for this shit. That's it, show's over. We don't even get to keep the hot dad. Oh god, school hijinks. Titties AND ass. Oh what the fuck. JACKETS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY, GOODNIGHT.

Clover- I hate you all. Just keep insulting me to my face, show. Well that was anticlimactic. Shut up, Tink. Oh, this guy looks like a sex offender. No seriously, we're supposed to like Noelle? Yeah sure this  backstory is sad but she's still and unlikable sack of crap. Charmy is really taking the crown for Least Terrible Character in this arc. Wow look, another team of redshirts we don't know I wonder who wins. Wow, that looks dumb. I fucking hate that fairy. POCKET SAND. I don't care, show. Oh god what the fuck. Okay, Charmy's got competition for Least Terrible Character. POCKET SAND has failed. Maybe the shit siblings will kill each other. Of course I'm not that lucky. 

Gundam- Gonna be real honest here, I can barely focus on this franchise when it's full of shirtless jailbait. I'm not really gonna stick around for this.

Hero- Aww they cut the OP bad. For the love of god let that man sleep after this. It never occurred to me that there'd be professional bystanders but that makes sense. Remember to scream "I AM HERE" as confidently as you can. Go away Mineta. Awkward boners all around. Get it Deku. I like Cousin It here. What the hell did you do to him? GODDAMMIT GARBAGE DILF. Awwwww my girl is jealous. Good luck kids! Goddammit Bakugo. Heee look at Froppy hop. Dangit Deku, get your shit together! Hair powers. Remember to smile! :D Whelp, he tried. WIND TUNNEL. Shut up, meat boy. I love my kids. Sparkleboy, go! :D Meanwhile, Bakugo. I miss Iida's cute brother. Todoroki what the hell do you need with firewood? Aw shit it's a whale. Genuine question how does Gang Orca even work, like just existing-wise?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, EmpressAngel said:

You cannot sit there and tell me there's not something ironically hilarious about a complete asshole being run over and killed by a speeding ambulance.

For one, no, I didn't find it funny, but it was fittingly ignominious for a doer of many dastardly deeds such as Kira. For another, I don't remember the ambulance moving at a rate I'd call "speeding." Wasn't it simply backing up when the unfreezing of time allowed the pummeling S.P. gave him to propel him into the ambulance's path at a very close range? I mean, he wasn't inches from the tire when he landed, but he was very close and at a place where the driver couldn't see him. I wouldn't be willing to fault the driver for striking a pedestrian in that circumstance, and I feel like the testimony of the other EMTs would support his inability to avoid the impact.

My dvr messed up and didn't record Super, so I watched the first two AoTs instead.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - No, narrator Armin. That's not the way that (nominally) concentric circles work. The area lost when W. Maria was breached was probably over half of their total land, not a third. If I had the appropriate measurements available, I could calculate it, but I don't have them.

It would be thoroughly unnerving for the Scouts to walk through a forest all night under the dark sky of a New moon, not knowing when a night-active titan could come upon them. It's also easy to forget that the Scouts have been awake for over a day by the time they reach Shiganshina, and that's when they arrive at the battlefield. It's quite understandable that they're physically and mentally exhausted, and this is the state in which they must fight an enemy which had the chance to rest at least in watches while they waited for the Scouts to arrive. As we saw with the wave of titan activation, it's also a battlefield where the enemy had the chance to lay traps and hide for ambushes, like Reiner popping out to stab the guy who discovered him.

Given the ways that Eren has messed up throughout the show, I can fully buy him having doubts about his ability to carry out his various parts in the plan to retake Shiganshina. I'm not sure about him being nervous to the point of trembling hands, but he should've trusted Armin and Mikasa enough to confide the truth in them rather than feed them some pathetically obvious lie about being cold. I liked him putting his new skills and powers into practice against Reiner, but he got over-confident and nearly messed up again, but it did give us the chance to see the Scouts' new primitive missiles. It would be hoping for too much to think that the second volley killed or exposed his human body in his Armored body. The last shot made it look like he was able to expel the missiles before they detonated. I'll see in the next episode.

Yes, Erwin is grooming Armin to be his successor. He recognizes that Armin's intellect is far more valuable than his fighting skills, and he knows that he won't be around forever, and they're facing a multi-generational threat, so it's only sensible to get the best candidate for a future leader accustomed to deciding on an objective, formulating his own plans to accomplish it, and issuing orders to that end.

Shenanigans, show. Reiner having distributed cognitive capacity is not the way human physiology works. No. Also, the way Levi stabbed him through the neck should've paralyzed him from the wound down and possibly caused him to bleed out in under thirty seconds. Oh well, we can't let something like that stand in the way of the fights the story wants to show us.

Oh, you jerks! You leave those poor horses alone! I recognize the strategic wisdom of removing the Scouts' ability to escape, but those horses did nothing to deserve the titans targeting them.

I'm not sure this is the best time for introspection/reflecting on your life, Erwin, but I will admit it may be the only time you have. The corpse mountain brought to mind the path to Griffith's castle in his dream/vision.

I feel like the quadruped titan's rear legs shouldn't work, but eh. It possibly being intelligent is a bad sign, and it having supplies strapped to it is an even worse one. What's titan for "God is great?"

Meanwhile, Bertolt is still hiding somewhere. I wonder whether he can hear and see what happened with Reiner from where he is. I applaud Armin for thinking of the Wall itself as being a perfect hiding place and vantage point. What I'm not sure about is whether Armin knowing that there are cavities in the Walls was something that Bertolt and Reiner could've known. It's hard to keep secret mission details secret after the fact, and the titan exposed in W. Sina (Cena?) was something that could be seen by anyone with a line of sight to it prior to it being covered, so the duo could've heard about that cavity in that Wall being exposed by word-of-mouth from any number of civilians or military members who weren't on the mission but happened to see that exposed titan.

Edited by FoleyisGood149
10 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Titan- Eat shit, Erwin's old friend who I have no memory of.
Lupin- His partner is cute...I don't trust him.
Food Wars- That is excessive jiggle even for my taste. Are this bitch's tits made of pudding?
Clover- I fucking hate that fairy.
Hero- Genuine question how does Gang Orca even work, like just existing-wise?

In the end MP Dandy admitted even he was wrong; given what happened with Oscar I'm not surprised you're wary of Yatagarasu; welcome to J.C. Staff when they aren't animating Descendants of Darkness; for once I agree with you on something (she's even more annoying with her gimmick than either Gauche (the siscon) or Sol (the brown lesbian)); and let's just say he's got lungs instead of gills.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - And that's another two universes down. Kakunsa and Bikal will be the only two Universe 2 peeps I'll miss.

ATTACK ON TITAN - The secret of the basement: modern technology! I'm legit pissed that [as] cut the post-credits sequence though. Apparently this is FUNi's revenge against Toonami for deathslotting MHA. [sigh] And here I thought the days of cutting important post-credits scenes like they did with FMA Brotherhood were over...

SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Dear god, this episode was painfully over-melodramatic. Not even AIDS gave me this many instances of "oh, brother". At least Eugeo going from swordsman to sword-man was fun, sorta.

LUPIN THE 3RD PART 5 - Zenigata's more Lupin's rival than his friend, let alone his lover, but that's just as good as being a friend. It's nice to see Ami showing more emotion now that she's experiencing the world as it is. And knowing Lupin, he probably found a way out of getting explicitly sniped at the end there. Probably with the aid of a stunt double.

FOOD WARS! SHOKUGEKI NO SOMA - Dammit, now I wanna try some potato pork roast. It's nice that the show included an outline of the recipe for it. I missed Sentai's penchant for giving nameless minor characters humorous names in the credits. ("Lady Strangle" from Akame ga Kill ep 4 is still my favorite.) And with the exception of that one girl's obvious Valley accent, the rest of the voices sound appropriate, so good on Sentai for that!

BLACK CLOVER - Bell is legit the worst character, prove me wrong. All of Noelle's siblings are pricks, but Solid's easily the worst; it's one thing to tell your sister she's worthless, it's another to ruin her dinner just because she forgot to let you eat first. I think Adam Sandler's gay for Dimestore Griffith. Mushroom Man's a decent dude; weird, yes, but decent. Between chasing Bell with the random butterfly net and using her cloud magic as makeshift pom-poms, Charmy had the best gags this episode. Lastly, I don't know what disturbs me more: smiling Yuno in the new OP, or sexy Asta in the new ED.

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Huh, so it was Sarada who had the problem with being teamed up with Boruto and not the other way around. I did like that they also had a variation of the infamous kiss. :D

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Ah, nostalgia. Ain't it grand?

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: THE ORIGIN - It's probably the fact that it comes before events we're expected to be aware of instead of after like with Unicorn, but I'm actually kinda digging the plot of Origin so far. I'm also digging Kycilia Zabi. Sure, she's more a "murder waifu" than she is the regular variety, but I'm enjoying her so far. And the fact that she wears an OTN mask in 0079 only makes her better!

MY DEATHSLOT ACADEMIA - For what it's worth, it is a good show to end the block on. 😂 Goddammit Bakugo quit makin' me laugh with your anger. Kaminari and Mineta being all over Deku for his encounter with a naked Camie, though, represents the one hallmark of anime comedy I hate most: guys who want to beat up the MC for getting into situations with beautiful women. Also, the HUC are some intimidating rescuees, I tell ya what.



As I mentioned in my previous post, there was a very important post-credits scene cut from this week's Titan. For those who want to see it before next week so things make sense, here it is.

Yes, that's Deku voicing Eren's dad as a kid.

Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, the missing fighters from Universe 4's roster finally make their move, we travel back to the past to when a young Eren's father lived in a WWII allegory, Kirito faces Administrator mano a mano in the Gary Stu-tacular season finale of SAO, Lupin's apparent demise gives Ami the desire for revenge against the Marco Polo community, Soma's first day at the Totsuki Culinary Academy finds him the object of ridicule by an entire school's worth of Monomas, Asta's chances in his second round match are jeapordized by in-fighting with Troll Prince JYB 2.0 (the less attractive model), Mitsuki reflects on his past when he had none to remember, today's recap filler focuses on Sasuke witnessing Naruto's growth as a ninja during the Chunin Exams, young Char Aznable Casval Rem Deikun comes to a decision regarding whether he leaves Munzo with the Zabi family or with the Rals, and MHA takes a brief break from canon to have a movie tie-in where Class 1-A tests their skills in a mock hostage situation, and guess who one of the "hostages" is?


11:00 - Dragonball Super #119 - Unavoidable? The Ferocity of a Stealth Attack! - TV-14LV
11:30 - Attack on Titan #57 - That Day - TV-14LV

12:00 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #24 - My Hero - TV-MAV

12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #5 - A Crook's Resolve - TV-14SV

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #2 - God Tongue - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #78 - Peasant Trap - TV-PGL

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #39 - The Path Lit By the Full Moon - TV-PGV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #258 - Rivals - TV-PGV

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin #2 - A Promise to Mother - TV-14DLV

3:30 - My Hero Academia #58 - Special Episode: Save the World With Love! - TV-14V

Any excuse to post Jam-Orbital is a good one in my book. ;)

Edited by PokeNirvash
Posted (edited)

Ang wrote: Hero- Can you steal someone else's balls for this? ... Bye balls... MY BALLS.
SNEAK URAVITY. Ohhhh I like her. Deku may not pass this test but he's definitely the real winner here... THAT'S NOT MY DAUGHTER... Oh hey, good timing. Oh good it's the real one. :D Come back, naked girl!
They're from the screw team.

Sword Art-... Oh, he's under somebody alright... Your mission is to cockblock your friend at all costs...  So does this bitch fuck everyone when she brainwashes them? ... He's stalling for time so your friend can cum... I take it the sex was good, then. Man, you really level up when you bust a nut in the admin.
Yeah, who needs two eyes in a fight.

Clover- Don't trust Hisoka... I can appreciate his lack of any fucks given here... Oh hey, Hisoka woke up. Wow what a surprise, they won... Nothing says trust like kneecapping your own teammate.
...Mimosa... Seriously girl, have some standards.

Hunter- I love my kids... HI GON... You had a ton of help, from everyone except your shitty deadbeat dad... Awwww look at my kids... My kids are having a great day. Oh no don't leave. Gon is way less freaked out than he should be here. I love my kids so much.
Hi Kite, I...guess? Oh yikes. Well this is depressing. Science sure is weird. You're a good dude, koala man. New koala friend!

Presumably. I mean, they didn't say the balls were coded to each applicant or anything. Also, Tachibana flashback?
Yes, the girl who can shape-shift into other people was crafty and curvy. Good for Izuku getting an eyefull, and Sero could easily go the whole rest of the series and not have a better line than that. It's tough to pull for my OTP of Izuku and Ochako sometimes.
I thought the dude whose Quirk points and laughs in the faces of the laws of conservation of mass and energy threw nuts and nails at Shoto, which are still both prime innuendo fodder for you.

Again, I have serious doubts that she actually put out for Eugeo. As for her skanking it up with all Knight candidates as part of the Synthesis ritual, I really, really hope not, because that means she would've molested underage girls in Alice and the two poison dagger girls. Regarding the safety of sex with her, I would presume that female A.I. capacity to "conceive" was modeled after actual female fertility, meaning that the female A.I.s would experience menopause at some point, and Quinella aged far past that prior to learning the spell to restore her physical youth, which probably wouldn't have also given her new equivalent code bits for more ova, so I would consider pregnancy to be highly unlikely, and it would be a real jerk move on the part of the programmers to design and insert S.T.I.s into the simulation.
I actually dig pirate!Alice's look. I think it makes her more fun. Yarrrrggh!

Impostor!Xerx is a huge jerk, and not even the abuse of Asta saved it for me. It was just tedious. I am curious as to when he planted the trap spells, though. Unless they were attached to Asta himself, I feel like he would've needed to be at the battlefield ahead of time to cast them as an area effect thing.
She has them, but they do need to be higher. She should at least make Asta behave in a more mature fashion before arranging any kind of date with him.

I'm not sure what happened, but I've noticed your attitude toward kids has changed notably over the years. Maybe we've just gotten better child characters than we formerly had, but there was a time you'd have just eyerolled at Alluka/Nanika and wondered when Killua was going to go back to doing something useful and/or fun.
As for C.A.!Kite, um, yeah. Those sure were a lot of words koala guy said, and I'm pretty sure a lot of them were already covered by other C.A.s who defected from serving Meruem and the Royal Guards. For me, it boiled down to Kite was going to make koala guy stop being a selfish psychopath out of some sense of owing Kite or something. I don't remember.

Poke wrote:
SAO ALICIZATION... that fat clown man, even if he got away I'm glad Alice stabbed him just because she could.

BORUTO - I had a feeling something was up with that Sukea guy. Thank god it was just Kakashi in disguise and not some random enemy ninja.

Agreed. Chudelkin deserves all the pummeling the others can inflict on him.

Hmmm... does this mean that we've now seen what the lower part of Kakashi's face looks like? I'm inclined to doubt it, since he could easily alter his appearance with a simple transformation jutsu.

I think this is the last of several weeks where I made no notes within a few days of watching the episodes, and much of what I would've addressed below is covered above. The next week of comments could be longer. Fair warning.

MHA - I can understand why the students from other schools would focus on attacking the people about whose powers they have the most information.

The earthquake attack could easily injure someone severely or mortally. Keep that in mind for future combat situations, vibration dude.

Yep, Izuku is just that kind of hero. He'll help someone even when he suspects they might be a danger to him. He's a good kid.

I'm going to assume that the kid who makes things bigger has the stomach capacity of a Saiyan in order supply enough energy to convert it to additional mass. That, or he's an alchemist who has been inside the Gate and is transmuting other nearby matter into more matter for his tungsten projectiles.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - I haven't watched any more of these yet.

DBS - Goku and Kefla kept fighting, but it felt kind of drug out to me. Maybe they should've spent more time fighting and less time on Kefla bragging.

TPN - I haven't watched any more of these yet.

SAO: A - Dr. Manhattan's multiform is really the "senate." That's weird, but not as weird as feeding time. Imma say Kawahara ripped off feeding time at the Head Museum from Futurama for that one.

So, a person can be synthesized against their will by brute-force A.I. hacking. That means we not only had the usual SAO rape content against Ronie and Tiese, but we also have mind-rape of a young Alice. If the first case was par for the course, does this count as an Eagle on the depravity scorecard?

Well, crap. Eugeo let Quinella synthesize him, but he got some cool new abilities from his newly improved Piety module.

Lupin - I haven't watched these yet.

BC - I feel like they didn't give the teams enough time to formulate a battle strategy. Not!Xerx's spell to reflect and magnify the incoming attacks was actually impressive, but I feel like it's the kind of thing that would take substantial mana, since it would not only change the direction of the attack but add mana to it make it bigger.

Boruto - There were parent-teacher conferences, and I guess some of the students weren't sure about wanting to go into the workforce as shinobi right away. At least we know that they have the option to continue their educations in other fields.

I can understand there being a super-secret conference regarding Mitsuki for Orochimaru with Naruto, Shikamaru, and Shino. Wait. Was Iruka also there? I feel like he was, but I don't remember.

I thought something was fishy with the reporter who kept asking Boruto about his classmates. Like Poke, I'm glad it was just Kakashi and not some fillain plot.

Shippuden - Even if the giant animals are intelligent enough to understand human speech, I feel like they would either be fickle in supporting the Allied Shinobi forces in combat or would be too hard to control on the field of battle to work safely around the Allied Shinobi troops. Oh well.

Of course the girl armadillo is smitten with Naruto, making him have to prove his combat superiority to her would-be suitors. Never mind the whole "incompatible species" thing, too. *Sigh.*

Wait, what? How is Deidara there? Didn't he detonate himself? How would there be any cells remaining to do the Corpse Reanimation jutsu we saw Orochimaru do back in the Chunin Exam/Attack on Konoha arc? Shenanigans, show.

HxH - It was nice to see Alluka, Gon, and Killua touring the town with the really tall tree and having a fun time of it. That poor tour guide - they didn't pay a bit of attention to a thing he said. It was a little sad to see Alluka and Killua part ways with Gon. For one, Gon and Killua were great friends. For two, Killua is far to young to become his brother's keeper, protecting Alluka from those who would seek to control him and abuse Nanika's powers. For three, we know that Gon and Killua won't reunite again, since this is the next-to-last episode.

Well, I guess it's time for Gon to finally have that talk with Ging.

Edited by FoleyisGood149
7 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

Maybe we've just gotten better child characters than we formerly had

Definitely that one.

Titan- Thanks, Tom. Never trust a blimp. Yeah this'll end well. You goddamn kids. And then Deku got his ass beat. Oh jesus. Oh hey, actual backstory for this show. Well this is depressing as shit. You'd think they would have an actual gate to keep them out instead of a wall with a 30-foot gap in it. Ohhhh that's terrible. This revolt isn't gonna go end well. Get it, Grisha. Oh hey, titans in the walls there. Zeke is a stupid name. Oh hey, there's the picture. Wow, you're a dick. Ohhh, he becomes Sasquatch. Well, you can't really blame the kid you sent off to be a child soldier. Owwww. Maybe you shouldn't trust small children with important shit like this. YEET. I didn't need to see Santa titan. :D I love watching the stupid ones run. Oh no. So then that guy's the spy isn't he. Oh shit isn't that the one who ate Eren's mom. I guess she was getting rid of her competition. Mikasa honey, your hair. They don't have TV, this is the best they can do. Damn dude. YEET. Called it. RIP boat.

Sword Art- And now Kirito has magic costume changing powers. What, you're gonna make him watch the other seaasons of this show? I agree, death won't be enough to make up for his stupidity. Is her hair just glued to her tits? I enjoy seeing Kirito suffer. He's out here getting his ass kicked by a one-armed naked bitch and it's the most fun I've ever had watching this show. He's cut in half, turn him into two swords. Well the good news is he doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Why....why did his eyes just randomly change color. And now she's the black knight. Hair magic. Owww right in the tits. She is typing with her hair and they're really playing this straight. Oh jesus christ the clown's here. In case you thought we were done with the sexual assault. What in the hell just happened. So, she just got molested to death by a flaming dwarf clown? Eugeo was knocked out for that entire exchange and I envy him. Kirito you know he's not a real person, right? To be fair, we'd all give in to those titties. Love is indeed a battlefield. Now these children I hate. Oh, that's creepy. "Komugi, are you still here?" I guess Kirito just annexes his mini harem now. And now Alice is killed off the show that literally has her name in it. Oh god here we go. Oh what the fuck. Yeeeeah about Alice... COOK HIS FLUCTLIGHT. How will this show get even stupider next season?

Lupin- He'll be fine. Ami's gonna hack some shit. Awwww dog. Helloooooo Fujiko. I love Ami. Hi Goemon! Hi Jigen! Yeah this'll go well for you, douche. I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going. Oh thank god, he's just gonna drown her. Ami gives no fucks. EAT SHIT, DOUCHE. And then they killed a Juggalo. Ami's really not fucking around here. Surprise motherfucker. Called it. Kill the juggalo, Jigen. Get her, Goemon. Oh hey Zeni. At least shoot him in the leg so he can't run. Well hey you got a deep web crime lord out of this. God I love Fujiko. Just fuck already. Just an old gay couple, nothing to see here. Aww good for her.

Food Wars- I don't trus that monkey. MHA got shafted to the end of the block for this. Please don't leave us, hot dad. What in the fuck. Great, none of these characters are likable at all. Control your boners, nerds. Wasn't this a test in HxH? Great, I hate her already. Is anybody gonna cook here? Gaaaay. I don't enjoy this. You heard him, bukake rice. Bone app the tea, bitch. It's full of jello. You like Krabby Patties, don't you Squidward. This girl got paid to voice this. I'm not okay with this. Boobs still don't work like that, show. Bitch. Hey there grandpa.

Clover- Charmy continues to be the least terrible character of this arc. Aaand Tink is the worst. He's your brother now. Dimestore Hisoka is unimpressed. Shut up 90% of you are awful. Again, have some goddamn standards Mimosa. Aw crap who do I root for to die here. MHA absolutely has the better sparkle boy. Oh god what are you doing. Well, that's different. Kill him, Hisoka. I hate you. Kill them all, Hisoka. Shut up. Byakuya wants his power back. It's not a spell you dipshit it's just a hole.

Hero- Man that shirt is just painted on. God I love him. YOUNG MIGHT ALERT. I love the joke that no one knows how old he is. Cementoss is surprisingly adorable. AN EMAIL IS HERE. AN EMAIL IS HERE. The key to good filler really is just throwing in Froppy. Oh this is gonna be fun. Surprisingly sneaky idea from Bakugo. THE FUZZ? Ohhhh damn he's in the villain costume and I'm into it. There goes Bakugo. SON OF A BITCH did he kill All Might. Let's still blame Bakugo. Hellooooo Business Midnight. :D Oh my god Mic. Bakugo is best detective. Present Mic is really MVP of this scenario. I can agree with Bakugo's methods. Oh snap. I mean I'd let Villain Might tie me up. :D Amazing. I would trade places with either of them without a second thought. Bitches be crazy, kids. I'd watch an entire show of this drama. Bakugo's about to have an aneurism. Even AIzawa is impressed. :D:D:D I'M FLEEING THE SCENE AND RUNNING TOWARDS FREEDOM. Well kids you tried. Oh, she's cute. Watch the movie 10/10 for All Might fanservice. Young Might can destroy me. :D There he goes. I love my nerd son. This episode framing is goddamn beautiful.

Posted (edited)

Ang wrote: Hero... Fancy girls... Shoji hit the jackpot on that teamup... Aw shit she's bleeding. FROG DOWN. How dare you target Froppy... SLEEPY BURRITO TSU... Distressed ribbit.

Sword Art... Don't underestimate the power of titties... get it boy. Never go in without protection... I'm not gonna question why she's naked I'm sure this is very important to the plot. I mean yeah this is stupid... but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't work on my horny ass... Do it for the titties, dumbass.
Losing all his memories of Kirito sounds like a blessing.
...woman have some standards.

Clover... Leave those dogs alone this isn't Jojo.

Hunter- Ging doesn't deserve Gon... Gee thanks for the used apple, Dad. Ging is the wooooooorst. Maybe you want a fulfilling relationship with your only child, you damn sure don't have that... Hope that shit was worth abandoning your only child for his entire life, you dick... The fucking audacity of this man to talk about how much he cares about his friends to the son he's been running from for fourteen goddamn years... Someone could just push him off that tree right now and be done with it... Fuck you Ging, he's my son now.
So what poor woman did you impregnate? ... Ging you owe thousands of dollars in child support and I'm calling the cops.
Oh man I hope that other world has dinosaurs.
I never thought I'd love my precious son as much as I do now... He's such a good boy.

The fancy girls were jerks. Not only did they make Kyoka bleed, but they put Tsuyu in a life-threatening situation. Really heroic there.
Yes, Shoji did get some pretty girls for his teammates here, and he was perfectly chivalrous in looking out for the most distressed one (unconscious Tsuyu). It was the upstanding!Dandy thing to do.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking at them nearly, if not every, chance we get, and thus I can't really blame normal Eugeo or Knight!Eugeo for falling victim to their power.

Thankfully so for the dogs. Wait, it just occurred to me that Arnold finally got to act out the vengeance for every mistreated dog in the JoJo franchise by attacking Kira, a.k.a. the jerk who killed him (Arnold). Since that was the case, I'd like to believe that the spirits of the other dogs were looking on and nodding their approval when Arnold did it.

Yes, Ging was a terrible father. I can only hope Gon doesn't model himself after him in parenting. It'd be fine for Gon to see him as a model of what a Hunter should be, like Poke said, but not what a person or parent should be. The fact that everyone else who knows Ging has at least a small amount of hatred (okay, maybe only disappointment for Mito and her mom) for him should be proof of the latter point.
It's a mystery which Togashi irritatingly chose not to reveal in the show. Thinking about it, though, we did see some flashback scene of Ging with tiny Gon at some point prior to his abandonment, and I think it was in association with leaving Gon with his aunt and grandmother. That means that Ging, as bad a father as he was, decided at some point that Gon's bio-mom was a worse option to have custody of his son than Mito and her (and Ging's) mom. Granted, from what we could tell, Mito and her mom did a great job raising Gon to be a really good kid, but that Gon's mom never found, or possibly even chose to seek, Gon says that she didn't really want her son in her life, and thus I think that Ging may have been right in taking Gon from her/with him when he left her. From what we saw of Ging, leaving Gon with terrific relatives may have been the best parenting move Ging could've made. As for owing child support, I'd be fine with him reimbursing Mito and his mom for expenses related to raising Gon, but that pair are such good people that they'd likely never think about it.
I'd be cool with it.
Yes, Gon is a good kid. That he was willing to wait for Pitou to finish Komugi's treatment (who died of radiation poisoning anyway; way to waste our and Gon's time there, Togashi) is proof of it.

Poke wrote:
That fox monster was one of the shapeshifters from early on in the Hunter Exam arc. I'm assuming they're temporarily impersonating Goto so the Zoldycks never know that Hisoka killed him, before resigning in his place and returning to their day job.

BLACK CLOVER... I think Cool Ice and Okuyasu should team up to sue Langris for ripping off both of their STANDs at once.

It sounds like a plausible explanation to me.

Thinking about Langis using portals as an offensive measure, it makes me think of Raven's trash hole in TTG. All that stuff must go somewhere. I just hope no one nor any animal is unlucky enough to be underneath wherever Langris sends it.

MHA - The fancy girls chose their battlefield well, but our U.A. students adapted and overcame the obstacles the fancy girls threw at them. Shoji was a good dude, looking out for adorably vulnerable Tsuyu there.

Flesh-blob guy's power is really strange and seems like a villain power to me, since it seems like it mangles the bodies of his opponents.

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - I haven't watched any more of these yet.

DBS - It's mildly amusing that the greatest state of power that Goku can attain as a martial artist is achieved when he consciously forgets all his training and lets his body react on its own. Whis said as much, that thinking about what to do was limiting Goku's power in that form and was also the main hurdle preventing Vegeta from attaining it.

With all their Saiyans gone, things aren't looking good for the 6th Universe.

TPN - I haven't watched any more of these yet.

SAO: A - The synthesis on Eugeo was a rush job, but his newly improved Piety module gave him powers with his weapon which few other Knights have, even after decades of practice. It's strange to see Kirito get shown up in Gary-Stu-ness. I take it that the triangle on Eugeo's forehead appearing meant that he was close to ejecting his Piety module. So, he froze Alice and Kirito, but not very thoroughly. Fine.

I'm torn on Eugeo resisting Quinella's charms. Sure, there is the outside chance that Quinella actually put out earlier and was about to do so again, and it's tough to pull against one of the main characters getting laid, but there's also the fact that he'd have to submit to more memory manipulation, which would've made and kept him an enemy. Regarding Quinella continuing to walk (or float) around naked, it's fine, because 1. it's tough to take the time to get your only outfit and put it back on when a trio of opponents are right there, ready to attack you, and 2. why not? They have to keep the fanservice audience interested somehow.

Chudelkin couldn't finish the job, so Alice and Kirito also reached Quinella's chamber. That's terrible. They were immobilized in ice for Chudelkin. It would be laughably stupid on his part if he tried to use a fire attack on them and ended up finishing the thawing process.

Quinella deduced that Alice willfully rebelled. If I understand what happened correctly, Quinella made it activate the same system alert code (871... or was it 841? I'm not sure), if a Knight acted against their oath to her and the church as the normal system triggers for murder. Um, no. No, those are not equivalent infractions of the moral code of the simulation. That's a whole lot of arrogance and/or pretentiousness on her part there.

Quinella's conditional acquiescence to Chudelkin adds to my doubts that Eugeo ever got to hit it, because she could simply have manipulated his memories when his Core Protection was down to make him think they'd banged.

Relative to that... Chudelkin, we get that Quinella is hot, and she was naked right in front of you, but have you no shame? Aren't you the slightest bit embarrassed to beg her for a sex reward in front of others? Again, are we sure you were initially a human A.I.?

Lupin - I haven't watched these yet.

BC - I'd be cool if Magna and Sol got drunk and hate-banged. The ensuing awkward silence between the two whenever they met from here on would be preferable to the loud and obnoxious bickering.

As for that pair teaming with Mimosa's brother, they worked together rather well. Kirsch may have a bad personality, he does strike me as a good leader. He was able to give his teammates helpful advice on how to make more effective use of their powers, and that probably stems from helping his subordinates in his squad do the same. It might be because he has a lot of practice at it, since he practically runs his squad in the stead of his narcoleptic Captain.

I think Finral helping his team (mostly Leopold) with portals to bypass enemy defenses was this episode, but I'm not sure. If it was, then Langris directly attacking his opponents' crystal with a portal would've been the same episode. While it means that Langris is more dangerous, it also feeds his inflated ego. I'd love to see Finral's team beat Langris' team for the mental anguish it'd inflict on Langris.

It's not solely in this episode, but Charmy eating, playing and napping on Julius' lap was fun. She's just there, doing her thing regardless of whatever's happening in the matches.

Boruto - The instructors were bodyguards for Kakashi with targets on their chests to "kill" them. Fine. As for it being a test to get the lone bell, we knew what that meant.

I can buy that the instructors needed to hold back somewhat not to kill the students.

I'll agree with Kakashi. Boruto was far too familiar with him. It wouldn't surprise me if Kakashi is the ninja equivalent of a godfather to Boruto, but he should still show Kakashi some respect in public, if not for his past office, then at least for his current skills.

Speaking of skills, Boruto has good ones, but no clear objective. I'm fine with Kakashi threatening Boruto by saying he couldn't let Boruto pass. It'll do Boruto good to be forced to focus and work hard toward a goal like Naruto did.

Shippuden - Deidara and a lab clone of Manda under Kabuto's command attacked the island turtle. I can buy the turtle flipping as a result of the attack, but how was Kabuto able to grow a clone of Manda to that size within the timeframe of the franchise?

The chaperones really had to rely on Naruto's inherent stupidity for that earthquake line to work.

The "girl" armadillo was really a guy, and several of the other giant animals were heartbroken. Meh.

I find it interesting not only that the Tsuchikage and his guards can fly, but also that he has a laser attack which was too powerful to use so close to the island turtle, so he had to lure Deidara way higher. It's too bad Deidara was recalled before the attack connected.

Well, crap. Kabuto captured Yamato. That can't be good.

HxH - Gon made great time climbing the World Tree. I'm fine with it being called the tallest in the world, since it is taller than the Burj Kalifa. He finally got to meet Ging at the top and ask his question. To me, it was a cop-out answer that what Ging wants is what he doesn't have, because that means he's the truly greedy one, never satisfied and always seeking his next challenge and thrill.

I had trouble suspending disbelief in this episode. For one, those hungry, giant chicks didn't try to eat Ging and Gon, despite those two being bite-sized, present, and within reach, but that's not the worst thing. I'm noping out of that not actually being the tallest tree in the world as Ging related it. I call b.s. on the actual tallest tree leaving the atmosphere. Foliage wouldn't survive the thin atmosphere of high altitudes, let alone there being no atmosphere. We have tree lines on mountains around the world which attest to the carbon dioxide and water requirements of trees limiting the elevations at which they can exist. The branches would go no higher than the foliage could extract adequate carbon dioxide to keep building more tree cells: if it can't extract enough to build more tree, then the tree stops growing higher. The tree we saw would also require thousands, if not tens of thousands, of gallons of water pretty much daily. It might be able to tolerate sea water, so it may have that covered, but if it doesn't, then it would essentially use a river just to survive, and I didn't notice one around.

I can buy that the world map we know from the show is far from actual map, because the show said in the first season that there are places on the planet where ordinary people aren't allowed to go, and an easy way to discourage them from trying is to simply cut off the map. One small problem with that, though, is that any astronomers would be able to calculate from solar observations and time differences how large the Earth should be in circumference. When the day is much longer than the maps say it should be, that's a red flag that either their math is wrong, which is easy to check, or there's more to the world than the maps show. The governments of the world and the H.A. would need every astronomer, professional and amateur, on board to perpetuate the false map. Alternatively, it could be that people just don't talk about the rest of the map because they're forbidden to go there, so it would be a waste of time to talk about it. After all, there be dragons.

In all, it was a good show, and we got the chance to meet some very likeable characters. I liked how some of Gon's friendships grew deeper, some fell away (namely Kurapika, who disappeared for over 80 episodes, and then all he did was sit somewhere and not answer his phone), some stayed strong despite long times apart (i.e. Leorio, who dropped everything to come to Gon's aid and would've mobilized the entire H.A. to help him if given the opportunity), and he never stopped making new friends along the way. Some of the developments were nonsense, but that's to be expected in this kind of show. Because of the sheer length, I wouldn't watch it again, but I'm glad I had the chance to see it easily. Thanks for putting it in front of my eyeballs, Toonami.

Edited by FoleyisGood149
12 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

I'm not sure what happened, but I've noticed your attitude toward kids has changed notably over the years. Maybe we've just gotten better child characters than we formerly had, but there was a time you'd have just eyerolled at Alluka/Nanika and wondered when Killua was going to go back to doing something useful and/or fun.

BC - I'd be cool if Magna and Sol got drunk and hate-banged. The ensuing awkward silence between the two whenever they met from here on would be preferable to the loud and obnoxious bickering. 

I remember back when HxH started and she didn't really like Gon or Killua to start with. I still firmly believe that their actions during the Trick Tower stage of the Hunter Exam were what turned her opinion around on them.

As much as I'd like Sol to get over her #KillAllMen hangups, if Magna got laid, then he'd no longer be Virgin Street Punk Dandy. He'd be... Regular Street Punk Dandy, which isn't nearly as fun to say.

8 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

Titan- Ohhh, he becomes Sasquatch.

Sword Art- What, you're gonna make him watch the other seaasons of this show?

Food Wars- Boobs still don't work like that, show.

Clover- Charmy continues to be the least terrible character of this arc. Dimestore Hisoka is unimpressed.

And now you know the answer to the question, "Who's the Beast Titan supposed to be?" He's Eren's half-brother.

Kirito's lived through the other seasons of his show, they can't hurt him. (Well, Sugo molesting Asuna might hurt him by way of PTSD, but the rest, not so much.) Really, there are several alternate methods of suffering Administrator could put him through. Like making him watch Blue Gender and Super Milk-chan at the same time. Or Pilot Candidate and Trinity Blood at the same time. Or Tenchi Muyo! GXP and King Star King at the same time. Or Akame ga KILL! and Food Wars at the same time. Or Tokyo Ghoul and Black Clover at the same time. Or she could just force him to read Kinky Kunoichi until he realizes that even I can write a better story than his creator ever could and has a mental break from it.

It's anime, her boobs can work in whatever way they damn well please.

Charmy has been pretty fun this arc, I for one am loving her casual interactions with the Wizard King. By the end of this week, I am going to make an image showing which two anime characters had to fuck to create Troll Prince JYB 2.0, and yes, Hisoka will be one of them.

DRAGON BALL SUPER - One of the missing fighters was invisible, while the other was insect-sized. I might've known. And like that, the 4th Universe is eliminated, and boy did they get eliminated quick. Shame about Piccolo getting ringed out, though, guess 17's gonna be the one I'm rooting for on main now.

ATTACK ON TITAN - The boy gets a beating, while his sister gets mauled to death by German attack dogs. Even if it was Grisha's fault, that's still fucked. Here I was, fully convinced that the asshole behind it was gonna get off scot-free, but then came the ending where his partner pushed him off the ledge to be eaten by a Titan - the Moe Titan who had the crush on Jean in the Junior High spin-off, no less! - and revealed he was the mole and a Titan Shifter! (Bonus: voiced by Ray Chase!)
Catharsis is a wonderful thing, and Attack on Titan more than delivered with it. 🤩

SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Turns out Chudelkin delivered the final blow against Administrator, who'd have seen that coming? At least the animation of their twin demise was nice and experimental. I'd have felt bad about Eugeo dying halfway through - yes, we're only halfway - but goddamn, did they have to make his interactions with Kirito so homoerotic? Meanwhile, legitimately interesting things are happening on the secret sea base, what with the army attacking and making Kirito double brain dead. I appreciate him chewing out Kikuoka as the first thing he did in his phone call to the outside. After the shit Kirito and his butt-buddy witnessed in Underworld - two minutes of which had to be censored for American broadcast, mind you - he deserves all of the contempt.

LUPIN THE 3RD: PART 5 - People say Lupin fails in the ratings partly because of the age of its character designs, and partly because you know Lupin and his crew will ultimately win out every time, but if you ask me, the secret joy of the latter is not if they win, but how they win. But seriously, Lupin played us all. And really, would we want it any other way?

FOOD WARS! SHOKUGEKI NO SOMA - Even Discount Monoma is afraid of the tsuntsun-est tsundere in Toonami Swim History, taking even Tokine, Noelle, and the redheaded member of Seina's beta harem into account. I like how that mysterious old man responded with her failing Soma despite his food being really good with a "fuck that noise!" And I'll give the show credit, I'm gonna put scrambled egg in the stir fry I'm making tonight. Some fresh protein to counterbalance the pre-cooked frozen chicken I'm also including.

BLACK CLOVER - I'm proud of Asta for finally getting to the point where he finally has his own named attack; the only thing missing was the exclamation of "Anti-Magic" before it. I also liked him convincing Troll Prince JYB 2.0 to work with him while holding back as much screaming as he could. There's hope for them after all!

BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - I had a feeling Lupin was playing us all, but I didn't even consider Orochimaru doing the same. Good on him.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Hey, remember over a decade ago when I used to actually like Sasuke? Those were better times.

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: THE ORIGIN - In the end, everything went off without any serious hitches. Gundam women don't get mad, they get even; Kycilia blowing up her brother for bitchslapping her and Hamon letting those two tank drivers get killed as extended payback for trying to give her the sex is proof of that.

MY HERO ACADEMIA - Best rating right off the bat? Midnight playing a prominent role? Deku keeping his cool without shedding a single tear? An excuse to finally watch the first tie-in movie? All that and more are the reasons why I think this is the most underrated episode of MHA.

Tonight was a really good collection of episodes. SAO was a little much, but then again, when isn't it too much?

Posted (edited)

Tonight on Toonami, the 3rd Universe bum-rushes the 7th in a last-ditch attempt at survival in the final quarter of the Tournament of Power, yes it's a Titan rerun but at least it isn't more SAO (yet), Grisha learns a shocking truth about the Titan Shifters while his journals are discussed in the present day, hold on to your everything 'cause it's a fuckmothering Pink Jacket episode, Soma manages to make it into Totsuki High despite getting rejected by the biggest tsundere of all time, Sol tries bonding with Kirsch while Magna takes the opportunity to finally engage Asta in a real fight, the new Team 7 helps protect a small town from an infestation of bandits as part of their first mission, this week we reminisce about Sasuke getting his ass handed to him by both Gaara and his older brother, Casval and Artesia begin their new lives on Earth as the conflict within Munzo gets worse, and the remaining testees try to practice rescue people and fight off a "villain" simultaneously.

11:00 - Dragonball Super #120 - A Perfect Survival Strategy! The 3rd Universe's Menacing Assassin! - TV-14LV
11:30 - Attack on Titan #57 - That Day - TV-14LV

12:00 - Attack on Titan #58 - Attack Titan - TV-14DLV

12:30 - Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 #6 - Lupin vs. The Smart Safe - TV-14DS

1:00 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma #3 - That Chef Doesn't Smile - TV-MAS

1:30 - Black Clover #79 - Mister Delinquent vs. Muscle Brains - TV-14D

2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #40 - Team 7: The First Mission - TV-PGLV

2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #259 - Rift - TV-PGL

3:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin #3 - Edouard and Sayla - TV-14LV

3:30 - My Hero Academia #59 - What's the Big Idea? - TV-14L

And a special shout-out to KyoAni. Your works might not have made it onto American television outside of specialty channels like Anime Network and FUNimation Channel, but in these times of tragedy, we here at ASMB Lite support you nevertheless.

Edited by PokeNirvash

First, yes, sympathy for the survivors and the families of all victims of the arson attack at Kyoto Animation this past week.

Ang wrote:
Hero... the meatball guy... EAT GRENADE... EAT LIGHTNING... Mei is the MVP here.

Sword Art... Juuust chilling her with my tits out during this fight... When you're naked and crazy the world is your oyster. I like that she's just having this whole conversation while bare-ass naked... "You're just mad because you don't have great tits like these."

Clover... Oh, that is just a personal insult.

What's even better is that they work without torturing the user. Maybe that trial-and-error happened off-screen in the past.

They had to keep it interesting somehow. Why not a hot, evil chick with no reservations about nudity?

I know one of the mages was a fat woman, but I don't remember on which team she was or anything she did, so I'm not sure what was particularly insulting there. Was it even about her? I feel like the show insults each of our intelligence every month or so with its stupidity/bad writing, so it's plausible you meant something there.

Poke wrote:
BLACK CLOVER... Rill... between the major art love and the more annoying voice than Asta (taking volume out of the equation), I think he might be autistic.

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN... Sakura should've ended up with Lee instead of Sasuke.

Hm. I hadn't considered that possibility. Still, cognitive and behavioral sciences are a long way off in this show's universe, so we can't really know, and there's no professional help to be had for him.

At the very least, Rock would've been a present father figure in their child's/children's life/lives.

MHA - I have no idea how flesh blob guy could mash other people into those blobs without demolishing their skeletons and rending most of their ligaments. It makes some sense that he'd need to exercise focus to keep others in that state, and thus when he was overloaded with sensory input from Kaminari's shock, his victims started to recover their normal shapes. Good work, Kaminari (with assists to Mei and Powerloader for creating his distance targeting device).

I get that Aoyama wanted to give Iida the chance to pick off someone from the group that would swarm him, but it worked out for him and all his remaining classmates as well. That comes under a plan being successful beyond all expectations. Yay teamwork!

AoT 3: Third time's a charm - I haven't watched any more of these yet.

DBS -  Good work, 17 and 18. They worked together well. However, I feel like 18 was far too maneuverable for someone with an injured ankle. I've had ankle sprains before, and even walking on it was hard afterward, let alone the kind of running and dodging we saw her do. Yes, 17 wrapped it, but I feel like there was far too little material in his sleeve to do so effectively. Anyway, the more mature concept of love won out, and I'm totally cool with it.

Both the 2nd and 6th Universes are in rough shape with 3 and 2 remaining combatants, respectively. I'm torn on which group is in greater peril of elimination. While there are fewer Namekians, they strike me as being much stronger than the trio facing Goku. However, that pair is up against Gohan and Piccolo, who are still remarkably fresh, as opposed to Goku, who is quite exhausted.

TPN - I watched the third episode. Krone is not only good at tracking without the implants, but she also did a good job of unnerving Emma while seeking her. Krone is also fast. In all, this doesn't bode well for the children's impending escape attempt.

I wouldn't have expected the implants to be in the children's ears, but it does make sense in that it's somewhere they wouldn't normally see. I feel like it could've been better hidden in one regard, though - the children's hairstyles. As Emma said, the mark was small on the new baby, but scarring is an unpredictable thing. While young children heal from injuries quickly due to their comparatively high rate of cell construction (a.k.a. growth rate), any wound that breaks the skin could leave a scar. If the hair of the child isn't long enough to cover the tops of the ears, then another child standing behind them could see it. Several of the children have hairstyles which provide adequate concealment, but not all of them. If Isabella is responsible for caring for all of the children, then I would presume that she'd have control over their hairstyles, and thus could force them, without them even knowing it, to have concealing hairstyles, but she didn't do that.

Also about the implants, it was subtle, but the placement of them was also a reminder that these children are considered livestock. I've seen market pigs and cattle years ago, and they were tagged for identification in their ears. Such tags may no longer be external items with visually-readable numbers, but the tagging locations for RFID tags (which Ray deduced would be the way the trackers worked) are likely the same.

One more thing about the implants: the children shouldn't be focused on breaking them yet. Instead, a plan for removal would be preferable. As they said, the tag likely will send a specific signal burst as a last transmission if it is destroyed, since crushing it inside the ear would be a slow crushing, due to the difficulty of delivering a swift impact which wouldn't also impart a lot of force in a blow to the child's head. While cutting the implants out would leave bleeding wounds, which might leave a blood trail, that could be mitigated with adequate bandaging, and the implants also may continue to function on a residual charge for a short time after removal. That means they would show nothing abnormal until they lost power completely, and that loss of signal wouldn't be noticed if the signal wasn't being actively monitored the moment it stopped.

I applaud the ingenuity of the trio in disguising training the other children to escape and evade as playing a lot of tag and hide-and-seek.

I enjoyed the bit of intrigue between Isabella and Krone. Isabella should've, by protocol, reported that some of the children saw the transport truck, but she didn't, presumably out of fear of losing her "mom" position and possibly even being killed for failing to control her children and keep the secret. Actually, if the m/a/ds knew that some of the children knew the secret, then they might have a set procedure to cull the entire "herd" in order to assure that the knowledge isn't perpetuated through whispers among the children. I'm not sure what they'd expect as a negative consequence other than losing children to escape attempts or suicides to spite the m/a/ds, but taking most of them before they were optimal for harvest would, in the long term, be better for their livestock production operation. So, Isabellla not reporting the breach, while intended for selfish benefit, could have saved the lives of all the children in the short-term as an unintentional side benefit.

Meanwhile, Krone knows that Isabella not only failed to control the children in the secret becoming known, but also that Isabella chose not to report the breach. I can't fault Krone for seeking to hold on to this information in hopes of leveraging it into gaining a "mom" position of her own, but the scene where she thought aloud to a doll (perhaps a representation of a former sibling orphan she had to abandon or betray to save her own life) as if having a conversation says to me that she's likely battier than a belfry. Something about Isabella mentioning that Krone had perfect test scores made it sound like sometimes, just sometimes, truly exceptional children aren't harvested, but instead are selected to become part of the farm system operations as "sisters" and "moms," though I would presume, in the interest of equal opportunity, that there are farms operated by "dads" and "brothers," unless the tendency toward aggression inherent in males attributed to testosterone was determined by the m/a/ds to be too volatile to chance charging them with a farm. In that case, if no males are allowed to age past twelve, then the production side of the farm system would necessarily be in a medical laboratory situation. However, samples would need to be taken from males periodically in order to have any males at all, since the genes of females, when recombined with other females, could only produce females, and we have male children at this farm.

Touching back on Krone's mental instability, I can understand it, since she not only knows the truth, but likely discovered it as a child herself, and the fact of her current situation is that she is perpetuating the same system which held her captive and threatened to kill her. This fact likely generates a lot of psychological stress. Additionally, I feel like the m/a/ds wouldn't hesitate to remove a "mom" or "sister" and harvest them if they failed in their position, and that's something which the "moms" and "sisters" know well, because the m/a/ds don't let them forget it. The "moms" and "sisters" must do well in order to save their own lives, but in doing well, they condemn dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of others to death, depending upon their tenure. Others must die so that they can live, and, unless they're true psychopaths or sociopaths, that guilt will weigh on them and could well drive them mad. It just seems like Krone's on the fast track to cracking, so I don't expect her to get a "mom" position.

I really hope that Gilda (glasses girl) isn't informing on the others to Isabella. If Gilda is, then the worst part is that she would think that she's doing the right thing, but she's really making it more likely that some of her fellow orphans, if not all of them, will die sooner rather than later.

Oh, and the m/a/ds have a leader they call "the One" who even their council(s) fear. I wonder if they also live under threat of death should they fail or offend their leader.

SAO: A - Alice was able to block the attacks from Chudelkin's fire giant, but not hurt it. I'm not sure why pure magic wouldn't be vulnerable to physical attacks, but oh well. At least Chudelkin was. If Alice's sword was a Senbonzakura rip-off, then I'll also call Kirito charging his motivation into his sword and making it extend a Shinso rip-off attack. Quinella callously discarded Chudelkin's body afterward. Dang, that was cold.

I'm with Kirito here. Quinella isn't a god. She's an A.I., and no amount of high control authority will change that. I found it simultaneously amusing and absurd that an A.I. in a simulation refused to accept its fate being in the hands of the simulation's creators. I forget if we were supposed to know that Quinella is aware of the outside world. I know that Cardinal is, and thus it's possible Quinella knew as well, but I don't recall if we were outright told that she knew. Her diatribe regarding religions in the outside world struck me as the author and/or writers having an incomplete understanding of the Abrahamic religions. I know that in some American Indian theologies, their past cycles of cataclysmic destruction and re-creation were tied to the wickedness and violence upon the Earth, but I can't think of other cultures which have apocalypse scenarios tied to human behavior off the top of my head. Quinella also was not aware of the culture from which Kirito hails, so I feel like her rant here was ill-informed and misguided.

Back to simple story developments, the Sword Golem was strong. I feel like it was a waste of the dagger to use it on the elevator platform to open a portal for Cardinal, but at least she healed Alice and Kirito. I'm with Ang in not really feeling anything when Charlotte died to buy time for the healing. At least it was useful.

Lupin - I haven't watched these yet.

BC - I'll agree that there was nothing prohibiting the Captains from trying out for this task force, so I'm okay with the Aqua Deer Captain going for it.

As for his history, he was always strange, i.e. nearly a shut-in, but he became dangerous about it once he got his grimoire. Good on the butler dude showing him how destructive his path was and suggesting another.

Boruto - As with Naurto, Sakura, and Sauce back in the day, collaboration was the key to success, but this time it was especially in the form of the transformation justu. It made everyone focus on Boruto and the skills and tactics they expected out of him. That deception (haaa, a ninja must be able to see through deception) let Sarada activate her genjutsu, because no one expected it from Boruto. I like that Kakashi's lessons of loyalty to teammates and cooperation were things this class was already inclined to embrace, but they simply had to demonstrate it for him.

Shippuden - It's finally time for Killer B to train Naruto in mastering use of the Nine-Tails chakra. I can believe that it would be tough to bring out the form without all the power.

The Allied Shinobi forces number 80,000 shinobi and samurai. That's impressive. I feel like Kakashi leading one corps was both a recognition of his leadership skills and helped pave the way to him being next Hokage by showing how well he handled (well, will handle, from this show's perspective) those under his command. I'm cool with Gaara being the commander-in-chief. He was able to shield Suna from a bomb blast which would've leveled the city.

I'm tempted to call shenanigans on Kabuto and Tobi's preparations. They have most of the dead ninja of note from the first series and this one set to be revived. I can buy them being able to steal the bodies, but how are the bodies still intact for most of them? Ninja may have skills, but their bodies are still those of humans. Unless the ninja society practices expert mummification like the ancient Egyptians, then both those who had the bodies and now Kabuto and Tobi would need access to cool, dry, antiseptic, and oxygen-free environments for storage in order to prevent the bodies from decaying. Also, in the case of several of them, I don't know why the bodies would've been preserved at all. In fact, I would think that some of the more dangerous ones would've been cremated in order to prevent this kind of thing. It strains the willing suspension of disbelief. Also, I have no idea how Kabuto could distribute Hashirama cells from Yamato to 100,000 White Zetsu that quickly. The way the episode ended made it seem like a place where filler would happen. I'm not sure, but I could believe that this would've roughly coincided with the Fukushima disaster, and that's why the filler comprised of Naruto material would've been necessary.

Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said:

Was it even about her?

The fat woman is named Angel, which is obviously this series just going out of its way to insult me now.

Titan- Eren, huh. I agree with Grisha, he sucks. I beat the shit out of you as a child and let your sister die so that you'd hate things enough. Oh, that's traumatic. Ya gotta eat him. Wait what they only get 13 years? To be fair, that's longer than most other people are gonna live here. Okay how does this baby thing work. Well you're just a little bitch here aren't you, Grisha? ATTACK on TITAN. Hange's the real MVP here. Mikasa's looking rough. Levi gives zero fucks. Hi lesbians! Awwwwww. Just let the girlfriends be happy, show. Oh, that's different. Sasha's okay, the show is allowed to continue. Remember when the show was just about fighting giant monsters? This show got weird. I like that everyone just sees Eren acting wacky and just goes "Eh, puberty." Ya gotta get in there and fuck like a machine, my dude. Uh wait what.

Lupin- Aww he has a fanboy. This dude is dumb as shit. Random pick jacket Lupin. :D Burn. I'm confused at how this works. Oh man I'd crack that safe in a heartbeat. It seems like the obvious answer is just to throw a dead squirrel or something in the brain chair. Hiiii Fujiko's boobs. That's some expensive coffee. Just stare at Fujiko's tits for awhile and you'll stop thinking about anything else. I kinda love this dumb bastard. POCKET BOMB. Good job guys. :D Called it. No go with the naked Fujiko plan. Thanks for the help, Goemon. Seriously you guys just grab a dead squirrel. :D Poor Lupin. Good job he's too dumb to even walk. Well the important thing is you tried. Show him your boobs, Fujiko. I love this idiot. The secret is....fish. Haaaa, he just overloaded it. Whelp, he broke. Aww they lost. The moral of this story is to eat more fish, I guess. Christ Jigen just to to a dentist. Come on you can't reject the titties plan forever.

Food Wars- Random hillbilly. Look on the bright side, if you get kicked out of school you don't have to be in Food Wars anymore. We get it show you have a thigh fetish, you don't have to keep reminding me. Hey, did y'all know Good Eats is coming back? God, she is terrible. Bakugo did that speech better. That sounds wildly irresponsible of your dad, dude. Is there anyone in this show who's actually likable? Random Frenchman. This guy escaped from the kitchen in Little Mermaid. How is the French accent the best performance in this show so far? Set a timer you dumb bitch. Welcome to Cutthroat Kitchen. NOT SALT. Oh my god just fail this girl for her own good. Why doesn't he wear the regular chef uniform like everyone else? Oh god here we go. That Frenchman is definitely having an orgasm. Should this girl really get a passing grade when she did literally nothing? I'm too old for this shit. Meanwhile, lesbians. Stop with the squid joke it's not funny.

Clover- Just kill all of them, dime store Hisoka. Charmy is still defending that Least Terrible Character trophy. You are by far the worse sparkle boy on the block. We get it, you're a lesbian. SEXISM, YA GET IT. I continue to not care about anyone's backstory, show. This is gross. Gaaaaay. Well the dudes in this town are all useless. Thank god for the lesbian squad. You suck at baseball. I hate all of you. Why didn't you just put the transmutation circle on the rock in the first place. I agree, Asta is terrible. Oh right, Mimosa's here too. Wow they won who could have predicted that. Gee I wonder who's gonna win the fight between the main character's friend and his shitbag brother.

Hero- It makes sense that they need heros to get along and work together now that All Might's out. Haaa, everyone hates Endeavor. Gang Orca does look really cool. Let's split up, gang! Thanks, tall Deku. Aw shit I guess whales are immune to vibrations. Hey Todoroki. Hey windy boy. I like Dark Shadow saving a bunch of bystanders at once. I assume Bakugo's still screaming at those two civillians. Kids don't fight each other, fight the whale. GODDAMMIT KIDS. This is all Endeavor's fault. And then they have cement. Endeavor is such a shitty dad he traumatizes kids that aren't even his. That's just rude, windy boy. Sorry kiddo, daddy issues are forever. Oh my god you killed tall Deku. Windy boy is a good boy. To be fair, you're completely right to hate garbage dilf but leave Icy Hot out of this he didn't know what friends were back then. Great now you've pissed Deku off. Well boys you tried. :D I like these minions. Oh hey, tall Deku's alive. Oooh are they gonna learn teamwork? HELL YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS. Oh cool, he leveled up. Hey kids. Let that man sleep. Froppy leveled up! Surprise assist from Cousin It. Oh god the whale is angry. Bakugo was too busy screaming at those people to do the exam. I kinda hope Selkie and Gang Orca are friends. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess Todoroki failed. Good luck kids!

Edited by EmpressAngel

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