PokeNirvash Posted April 13, 2019 Author Posted April 13, 2019 (edited) Shikadai's the one that's Gaara's nephew, but with him and Inojin being in the same multi-generational trio, I can understand the confusion. 1.11 was the one with the melting hillside. Wasn't expecting that huge text there. Glad to see my use of Hollow Ichigo's full fanon name finally stuck with someone else. Edited April 13, 2019 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 14, 2019 Posted April 14, 2019 Hero- Y'all can take Bakugo but leave our bird friend out of this. Let Kirishima fight he's the only one who ikes Bakugo. THAT'S NOT AIZAWA. Dang Vlad how you doing. Oh cool he's Deadman Wonderland. You leave my boyfriend out of this. Aizawa is angry. This kid is having a rough day. Back off, crazy girl. I kinda love Twice. EAT SHIT, MAGICIAN. Aw fuck it's the chainsaws. Aw fuck it's Hexxus. GODDAMMIT KIDS. Seriously give our bird back. Sparkle boy saves the day! Well that worked out okay I guess. Nevermind, this is depressing. Now please, somebody get this boy to a hospital. Wow, Jiro's DEAD shirt is not a good omen. Aw crap they took Ragdoll. Piss off, news crew. Principal Mouse needs a vacation. Let me hug you, All Might. Please don't go Sasuke on us. Aw crap it's a traitor. A PHONECALL IS HERE. Hi catcop. Man who would have guessed that the guy who looks like a Frankenstein muppet would be easy to spot. HI BIG MIGHT. Y'all are some douchebags. You'd think locking up his hands would just make them sweat more. Awww his mom. We brought you a melon. Yeah we know he's gone we just saw that. Calm down it was only Bakugo. Rescue mission, go! Hiiii All Might. Oh hey she put a tracker on him. Class dad Iida is disappointed in his kids. Hardboy just wants his douchebag back. Neverland- Surely nothing bad will happen to these adorable children. Kids, you're small enough to just fit through the bars. Oh god it's like a Precious Moments clearance rack they're all doomed. I don't trust this lady. Nothing says your orphanage is legit like tatooing numbers on the kids. Oh this girl with the bunny is absolutely going to die horrifically. Run, girl! It's a trap. I bet nothing in this conversation will come into play later, no sir. Y'all might wanna stay away from that fence. These random closeups are weird. Nothing but good things will happen, definitely. My anxiety is off the charts here. She is definitely on her way to the glue factory. OH NO THE BUNNY. Surely this will turn out well. Kids, it's time you learned the truth about the Philosopher's Stone. Oh god what's in the truck. WHELP. Save the bunny. WHAT THE FUCK. What a surprise, she's evil. No, she is pretty fucking far from okay. It went pretty bad, kiddo. I hope that bitch at least gets paid well for this shit. OH FUCK. Sexual Assault Online- Cut his hand off anyway, he deserves it for being stupid. Again, how is cutting off an arm a crime but OUTRIGHT RAPE is not? Well hey at least she got a pet dragon out of that horrifying experience. Oh look, the traumatized girls are here. Why are you even taking the swords if you're just gonna kill them? Oh great, now we have Yugioh's backstory but with a moeblob. How do you expect him to eat with his arms chained up. Meanwhile, this shit. Sure let her go in the video game who gives a fuck. Hello robot. Nice to see that this lady is fully on-board with everything now. Robot doesn't talk and is the best character. PUT THE FLUCTLIGHTS IN THE ROBOT. Try not to shove a rapist fluctlight in the robot, please. So can they see what's going on in the game? Did they have to sit there and watch that extended near-rape scene last week? Can you just execute them now. Who designed this dungeon how did they fuck up magic chains so bad. Of course that plan worked. LOOK, FLOWERS. We're painting the roses red, we're painting the roses red. I retained absolutely nothing of this conversation. It's a trap! I can respect a career that lets you drink wine on the job. You're unarmed, you stupid douche. Jojo- Hiiii Jotaro. I love that baby. I hate Rohan. Aw crap he found him. The binoculars are a stand! Close enough, it's Legolas. Alien Legolas might be the most bizarre thing in this entire part. THE TOWER IS A STAND. Stop hogging the alien, Josuke. Just a dude living in a radio tower, nothing weird about this. He's definitely a stand user, no one else dresses like that. Oh hey, he's kinda cute. Meanwhile, more weird shit with Koichi. Gross, dude. Okay but what do you do when it rains? Meanwhile meanwhile, Rohan finds a clue. Rohan's entire wardrobe makes me physically angry. Well this dude's weird looking. Hiiii Tomoko. Oh crap leave the milf alone. Not this fucking guy. GODDAMMIT JOSUKE. And there he goes. Remember when stands just set things on fire or attacked you with tentacles? And then Josuke was a Terminator. You asshole. Legolas. Alright no bombs, good to know. Okuyasu don't be mean. I love these idiots. You know goddamn well they haven't heard of that. Well, that didn't work. OH NO OKUYASU. Could you put like, a squirrel or something in your place? He was the rope. I love this wingnut. Now fix Okuyasu. That sounds wrong but I don't know enough about callouses to refute it. LEGOLAS NO. You asshole. That dude is definitely a stand user. Aw crap did someone get Koichi. This is just going tits-up for everyone. Clover- I think this is a new OP but i haven't payed enought attention to realy tell. She may be a terrible person but man does that bitch have a great rack. Really, after all that you're just giving up? This seems anticlimactic. You stupid bitch did you really heal THAT guy. How did this show manage to make gratuitous male nudy a tiresome gag? God I hate you. Oh hey, it's the bird. Obviousy they're trying to collect the Infinity Stones. Humans ruin everything. Asta continues to be fucking stupid. Why is this guy still alive? Oh they fuckin. LEAVE THAT NUN THE FUCK ALONE, YOU CREEP. Lady I've kinda lost all respect for you now. Hey there Captain Sexy. Good news, we got a cat. Oh thank god he brought back beer. Shut up you whiny dipshit. Why are you rhyming. Oh great, it's everyone else I hate. The nosebleed means he's got a boner for his child sister. Yami just take your shirt off and make me hate this a litte less. STOP SCREAMING. Yami you have got to get more fiber in your diet. Hunter- I'm gonna fight Ging. I'm also gonna fight this douche. If he wins I call a riot. I like this dog girl. He activates my fight or flight response. Can I vote for that panda? Where the fuck is Ging now? Goddammit old man this is your fault. Hey kiddo whatcha up to? Give my kids a hug. HI KILLUA'S HOT DAD. Don't be a dick that's your kid. Calm down puppy. Oh, that's creepy. Oh that's just rude don't keep her in the basement like that. There's such a thing as overkill, sir. Goddammit fat boy. You're a good brother, Killua. Oh my god she's so cute. WHAT THE FUCK. Awww tiny Killua. Oh that's not a good thing. WHAT THE FUCK??? Make it rain, Alluka. Illumi looks wrong with short hair. CHILD WHAT THE FUCK. Okay now I can see why they keep her locked in the basement. Jesus christ what the fuck. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted April 14, 2019 Posted April 14, 2019 Very proud of my sparkle boy for coming through. Y'all had best buckles seatbelts MHA is about to go Plus Ultra all over everyone's face. 1 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 14, 2019 Posted April 14, 2019 4 hours ago, QueenoftheDorks said: Y'all had best buckles seatbelts MHA is about to go Plus Ultra all over everyone's face. My body is ready. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 14, 2019 Author Posted April 14, 2019 You can't have a Seth Rogen movie without an obviously shoehorned in DUDE WEED 420 BLAZE IT joke. DRAGON BALL SUPER - Last week's rape-themed lineup was quite the ride, negative or otherwise. Gohan seems rather annoyed with his green dad. Why does this boar man sound like Dracula? "This can't beeeeeeee!" Whatever, he's dead now. I've loved reflection sniping since that one episode of Geass where Lelouch attempted to use his on the Emperor by reflecting it off of multiple glass shards. (Have you noticed that I'm a fan of the ridiculously precise?) The screaming helps it regrow faster. Huh, the sniper looks more brutish than I expected him to. OH MY GOD A GIANT ROCK. That shading on El Grande Padre's upper lip is kinda creeping me out. Snipers are fun until one hits you. Meanwhile, Tien isn't doing anything in particular. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE! And then he was the Black Knight before he lost his legs. And now this guy's an alien Laser Floyd. Finally, some new bumpage. Why are you guys standing around and watching instead of helping them out? You're close, but it's only just the one guy, Goku. "Wait for me, best buddy!" "Fuck off." The beam struggles in this franchise are honestly pretty hype. This guy's also surprisingly smart for the brutish type. Huh, so Goku was right about it being two guys working together. Oh wow, time for Tien to actually do something. It's called Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. I'm kinda loving this commentary from the sidelines group. Really helps condense the episode's runtime into something closer to how much time the narrator said passed. OH MY GOD ANOTHER GIANT ROCK. And the giant rocks just keep coming. ADVANCED GEOMETRY! Teamwork beats teamwork. He may have ringed out, but at least Tien ringed out in style (and with a buddy). Oh hey boar guy's back on his feet. "NOBODY CARES!" Oh, Vegeta. I'd say it's all sub-100% humans from here on out, but I just remembered about Roshi. Call me crazy, but I think Goku really wants to fight Ayylmao Seitz. I was gonna ask what happened to the one guy we didn't see subjected to the metaphorical horrors of tobacco use in this new commercial... but I guess the full version answered that question. MY HERO ACADEMIA - Oh yeah, I almost forgot that Tsuyu got her tongue sliced last week. Oh Twice, you and your split personality disorder. WHAT A TWEEST! [Dethklok music intensifies] Vlad's bloodbending is the best bloodbending. FUCK YEAH AIZAWA. "Dammit, why do I keep mistaking mud for people?" You say 'so few', and yet I count nine VAS members (Toga, Dabi, Muscular, Mustard, Moonfish, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Magne, and that Nomu). Of course the fire guy dodges the fire first. I love Twice's constantly conflicting personalities. This chick makes Yukako look sane and that actually makes her kinda hotter. Don't diss the Dandy, murder waifu. FUCK YEAH PARASYTE DANDY. And then there were ten. Oh good, it is just a mask and not his face. (I do like that there's another type of mask under the first one, only 1% homo.) Your twist was good, but it ain't got nothin' on Shyamalan at his best. NO ONE EXPECTS CAN'T STOP TWINKLING. At least they managed to save one of them. Bakugo is still so confused. ...Was he just concerned just now? Fuck I love violin music like this. Masked Hagakure is a strange kind of arousing. Welp, Ragdoll's probably dead. You beat a serial killer into unconsciousness and rescued Tokoyami from being kidnapped alongside Bakugo, I'd call those successes in spite of the villains technically winning the night. Fuck zombie apocalypse media. Fuck it right in its skull. Jiro picked the wrong day to wear that shirt. Another success through the failure: three arrests, ironically all of which were of villains with names beginning with M! Gimpsuit man looks just as weird without his blade teeth as he does with them. Owwww his arm. I forgot most of Shigaraki's dialogue that episode because I watched it live and refused to rewind at any point during the night. Heh, that parentheses note. Now that she's finally shown up for the first time this season, allow me to say that, between serving as the referee for the sports festival, helping Class 1-A pick out their hero names, participating in their practical exam, and getting into a catfight with Mt. Lady on live television... season 2 really spoiled me when it came to Midnight. Worst bathtime ever. You sound way too cheerful about this tragic situation, Nezu. My personal theory is that the traitor is Monoma; nobody likes him, so nobody would be surprised if he were a mole for the villains. A PHONE CALL IS HERE! You aren't your own ringtone? I can't get over that officer with the cat head. Excellent detective work, Tsukauchi. If the homosexual part of me wasn't fully dedicated to Shizuo, Reigen and femboys, I'd probably bang All Might too. Oh hey, a Namekian without antennae. It feels weird hearing him say Bakugo's full name. Deku's had a hard life. I can't take him seriously with those eyes. How nice, everyone came to visit him. I like that Kaminari's shirt is the symbol for electrical resistance, of which he has none. Eh, fifteen is still a good visitor retention rate. He's right, he wouldn't have gotten One for All if he hadn't attempted to save Bakugo that one time. It's not your fault, it's Kurogiri's for closing up the warp gate so quick. Momo's still a jobber, but she's a useful jobber, no denying that. KUYASHII. "Leave the League of Villains to me." NOT NOW IIDA. I can't say I don't agree with what Kaminari's propositioning, even if it is only Bakugo. I never thought I'd see the day a GEICO commercial made me nauseous. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - [adult swim] drama anime is a rare find compared to action and even comedy. Following Paranoia Agent and Death Note, this might just be the third anime to hold that distinction. Not ten seconds in and I can already feel the kino. I like Musa's background art, though I can understand why others wouldn't. It's protecting you from the child molesters, be happy for the gate. OH BULLSHIT YOU AREN'T GIVING US THE FULL OP ON THE FIRST DAY. Title translation: October 12, 2X45. If only it was that easy for me to get up in the morning. BACKGROUND CHARACTER OF THE MOMENT: that one girl with the messy black hair. This orphanage is crawling with conspicuous CGI furniture, so you know something's up. I'M GONNA GET YOU. That shota with the eye-covering moptop is pretty momentous too. MOMMY. Yep, there's definitely 38 of them. Staaaaaare at the neck numbers. My cousin's husband's birthday is on October 12th; I've been sharing birthday weekends with him for several years now. This is the most disturbing standardized test I've ever seen. Perfect scores, as to be expected of our protagonists. Ray looks like he could be Sasuke's illegitimate child. I'm not surprised that the only child voiced by a dude is jealous of the others' successes. OLLY OLLY OXEN FREE. It ain't tag without a head start for everyone who isn't it. "You overthink surprisingly well for someone of your complexion." Ah, forest music. OH MY GOD A GIANT POCKETWATCH. That one tree looks surprisingly nostalgic for some reason. "What's Norman good at that you're not?" Playing tag, duh. Strategize, strategize, strategize. I never knew tag could be so complicated. Well she is the oldest one here. The slight echo with each step means you're supposed to feel scared for what's about to happen to her. Huh, so that's the fence... Kinda small. I feel like we've been here before. In which they discuss how screwy everything is when you really think about it. "You're such a downer." Well he is Sasuke's bastard kid. I can already feel the tempting of the fates. I could've sworn this commercial break came later in the episode. Man, fuck whoever altered Alice's personality, I liked her better when she wasn't a Saber knock-off. I'll do my best! I'm not surprised Don Johnson misses her the most already. It's something they play at funerals, child. "You go give it to her, I'm just gonna stay here and brood some more." IT'S LOTS AND LOTS OF JUST THE ONE TRUCKS. The tension in this hallway is definitely palpable. Mamoru Kanbe's gotten really good at directing horror since the days of just coating the screen with as much blood as you could get away with on satellite TV and calling it a day. WELP CONNY'S DEFINITELY DEAD KIDS. And that's why I said the commercial break came earlier than I thought. Didn't Toonami listen when Sakugabooru showed how awkward this scene looks without breaking up the tension with an equally horrifying anti-smoking ad or the mafia whacking a guy who just wants to enjoy his Wendy's salad? Don't eat cats, they'll get their vengeance in your afterlife if you do. And then demons. How to shatter your worldview in under five minutes, by CloverWorks. SCARY MOMMY. [hyperventilating intensifies] All I'm wondering is how her body managed to get so dead-looking in only half an hour. I bet if they did tell Ray, he wouldn't be as traumatized as they clearly are. And so the escape planning begins. I never knew the fundamentals of tag could be so applicable in real-world situations. Musicalis interruptus (not real Latin): the most effective of all the jump scares. Scary Mommy's comin' for all you naughty kids. "Not the Captain" Gary's definitely seen this week's MHA. SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Good news is the rape is finally over, bad news is we now have to deal with identity death. Again, fuck Integrity Knight!Alice. Kirito says to strategize, it's what the new inductees to the Toonami family would want. I just screamed "FUCK YOU BITCH" at my TV screen while flipping Alice the bird with both hands and I wonder if I really do have anger issues. Though in my defense, Ketchup Rapist and his butt-buddy Mustard deserved what they got, so even if Kirito getting his Gary Stu-ness overwritten with something much more likeable is what the rest of you want, it's still an overreaction on the part of The Knights Who Lack Common Sense. Nice to see that the Integrity Knight's bondage gear is unisex. I'm not sure if it's nice or heavily concerning that the sexual assault victims in this show get over their attempted rapes so quickly and so easily. This probably goes against at least half the safety protocols on Earth, but this is Underworld, so... Well that trip took no time at all. MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE LAB. At this point in the game, you're one of the only two people who can, Asuna. RO-BOT! It doesn't appreciate your racism. Robo-rape, averted. Thanks, Higa. Are you sure, 'cause last I checked, 'machine' doesn't start with an N. The "Ichi", meanwhile, stands for 1. Nice to see they're doing something productive with their time. Don't tell me Kikuoka plans on using this robot to kill jihadists in place of the artificial fucklights... Okay, so it's both, then. "Ni-what? Oh, right, Japanese numbers..." And into the uncanny valley it goes. I'm actually finding this discussion more engaging than what's happening in Underworld, probably because I'm not raging at Alice for being a bitch now. His breakfast is candy. "See you in what I'm sure is a couple months your time, Kirito." Shady science men. (Whoa! That's a good name for a band.) For a show called Lazer Wulf, it sure feels like Stupid Horse is the real protagonist of what counts as its story. I think getting your swords back takes higher priority over figuring out that executing someone in Underworld means changing their personality for the bitchier. Well she has the same name, so it's possible at least. Childhood friends whack each other all the time. What you heard was the Alice that's hidden under the several layers of BITCH the Integrity Knights overloaded into her brain. "She said she'd wait for us at the top of the Central Cathedral. And now we're stuck, at the bottom of the Central Cathedral." Thank god Kirito has common sense, being a real human bean and all. Something something rule of equality. [presses the Easy Button] I say the Axiom Church and its nonsensical laws can go fuck themselves! Yeah, good luck getting all that bitch out of her head. Nobless oblige, continue being a savior or however that old chestnut went. That was also easy. Let sleeping guards lie. Nice flowers they've got lining these fences. You can just tell this kid's never been to Earth by treating roses as something super-rare. Welp, there goes his PTSD again. Friendship ended with Klein, Eugeo is his BFF now. Oh dang, she expected them to escape. Judging from those markings, I'm guessing he's Synthesis 11. Damn, twenty off. Kick Dimestore L.A. Chuck Huber's ass, boys. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - Brought to you by #KickVic Manga-ka punching 6th graders in the face. Photographic Murder Dad is by far the most bizarre thing Araki's come up with (thus far). It's nice to see that Joseph's acting less senile now. Rohan wore the virgin killer sweater before it was cool. Damn those are some long fingernails. Still creepy, Hayato. Still creepy. And thus begins JoJo's very own Longest Day arc. These sunflowers are giving me more concrete nostalgia than that tree from Neverland. RANDOM BINOCULARS. In which Josuke misuses the word "gross" even harder than some people think SJWs misuse it. Oh hi Mikitaka. You heard him, he has no beans. A transmission tower with only one power line coming off it, now that's weird. And all those amenities too... It's a mountain man! Of the transmission tower variety. I think he might be one of those Keebler Elves. Earth definitely is quite the melting pot of strange individuals. [applause] He noticed you noticing. Meanwhile, Koichi's having a comparatively boring day. Whoops, spoke too soon. Yeah, I'm convinced this tower man is a Keebler Elf. Beware the piss pipes! Now that is a proper use of "gross". So that's what asparagus looks like growing out of the ground. Keebler Elf dude takes dream homes to a bizarre new level. Fuck that dude who says Part 4 is directionless, I'm loving that it goes in whatever direction it damn well feels like. Rohan is now aware of the creepy kid down the block. Funny how the dude next to Kira looks more conniving than he does. This other dude outside Rohan's house is kinda disturbing me. Oh hey Tomoko how you doin'? You realize you indirectly kissed your own flesh and blood, right? Who's this guy sitting at their table in the dark? As I thought, it was Photographic Murder Dad this whole time! SUPER FLY. I love how he's doing the evil laugh while escaping. And then he was a robot. It's amazing how commercials can piss me off more than entire television programs, and wiretap man getting needlessly bullied by the mob just because he said he likes salad is proof of that. At least the effects of becoming one with the tower are reversible, somewhat. DY-NO-MITE, DENIED. [Tarzan yell] "Damn these dicks!" And bless this dub. Menacing reverberations. SHIT COUNT: 2. Welp, there goes one of Okuyasu's kidneys. Oh yeah, this STAND's an independent one like the Anubis sword. So what you're saying is... it's equivalent exchange? Oh hi again, Mikitaka. You're free, now let's get Okuyasu to the emergency room. Daaaaaaaamn those are some thick calluses. CALLUS KNIFE. I love this alien man. SHOT THROUGH THE SHOULDER. Well this sure got serious real quick. Keebler man, away! Oh shit he knows about Kira. Don't let him in, Rohan, he might be a lawyer for one of several women you probably sexually harassed in the past. Welp, Tomoko's gone and Koichi might be dead. Kira finds this work more tedious than his previous job. I find it fitting that Hayato's sitting in the coveted protagonist seat. BLACK CLOVER - I like how this recap portrays scenes as they happened without the contextual flashbacks. Don't mess with the adorable and indestructible. FUCK YEAH NEW OPENING. I predict that feisty redheaded chick will be Angel's favorite female character, now that Fana's back to her non-hateful self. That perfection in imperfection is what your author's people call, "wabi-sabi". She may have had a change of heart regarding all of these losers, but she's still gonna get that Vic Mangina one of these days. [shakes fist] Asta, when you go home, you need to smack your guardian. So is Ladros gonna look like an old man forever now? As they say in Britain, god save the Queen. WOOOOO. At least he's got his pants on this time. Domina totally ships that. He's also got his pants on, so he's got that. Oh Noelle, you so tsundere. This bird can detect magic stones. And that's how the witches went from #KillAllMen to #NotAllMen. Sweet, free stone! A surprisingly quiet voice for such a loud-looking face. Given the series you're in, everything's easy but the women you flirt with, Finral. ELLLLLLLVES! That is an expression of simultaneous confusion and excitement. "All this important information is coming at us so fast, I can't keep up!" You and the audience both. Asta's mind was built for shounen bullshit, not anime bullshit. (Someone bring in Meta to explain the difference better than I can!) Clearly the Midnight Sun are elf sympathizers. In the end, it was a true "everybody wins" situation. Oh good, Ladros's old man face was just dehydration. AND THE CAMP GAY VOICE WAS JUST A RUSE, WHAT THE WHAT. Everybody ships Mars/Fana but Finral. I know you aren't trying to do it right this moment, but even I have to say it at least once: stop trying to fuck the nun, Asta, find a nice girl who can dress as one for you who won't find it weird. A former-rival friendship like Naruto/Gaara and Deku/Todoroki before it. Yes, let's all laugh at Finral's inability to score. Oh good, it's just Yami here, I don't need to break out the hooch yet. "To the corner store!" So was he a prisoner at the start of the series, or did he become one at the start of season 2? He's back already, and with booze too! Asta doesn't know the meaning of the word "chill". "That was definitely Magna's voice! I'd recognize that level of dandy-ness anywhere!" Oh hey, he looks kinda attractive with his hair down and glasses off. I never pegged Magna as the poetic type, but I'm loving these sick rhymes he's pulling out. Luck, on the other hand, is a little too in-character. These two look like they came back from an anime convention; probably one with a wide selection of imouto doujinshi. His nose is bleeding because a stray thought about Marie popped into his head, it happens all too often with him. Oh wow, the anime staff actually went to the trouble of justifying the nosebleeds that were never there in the manga. It's times like this that I respect Pierrot behind all of their fuck-ups. I'm starting to think Gauche is even more of a "modern tsundere" than even Noelle. And their adventure involved them wandering onto the set of Matango 2. Charmy's on a seafood diet; she sees food, she eats it. Welp, it's party time, and that means it's time to drink 'til I find the obligatory one-note gag overload tolerable. It sure is lucky that Asta views chores as an alternate form of training. Family means getting drunk and naked at the same time and feeling no shame whatsoever in front of them. At least, that's Vanessa's definition. The animators sure love showing off Mimosa in these EDs, that's why I predict she'll be Asta's endgame once he accepts his nun fetish as applying to all women and not just the legitimate women of the cloth. It's a shame I'm not into fighting games, because Mortal Kombat II definitely scratches my mask fetish itch. BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - And so the Uzumaki family power hour begins anew, in the 2AM death slot. Oh Chocho, you so thirsty. Damn, dat G-MILF Mizukage. Heh, the Major just made Kirito feel inadequate. Guess I'm gonna have to start paying more attention to Chojuro in the main show now, considering he managed to rank up so much. Hey, attentive or not, you can't help it when you yawn. What a relatable Mizukage, this man. Iwabe still finds this whole thing too fishy, even though it is a water village. WHO ELSE BUT KITTYTOE? All he wants is to be a normal dude. This is one swanky hotel lobby. Why want Sasuke when you can have Kirito instead? Even more of a perfect being, but way less likely to stab you in the back outside of playful flirtations with other women he knows are off-limits. Considering Orochimaru's desire for immortality stemming from his desire to retain all of his knowledge, Mitsuki knowing all these fun facts doesn't surprise me. These potato chip allegories are really growing on me. "I'll show you the Hidden Mist Academy, now with 99% less child murder!" Did he make that "go with the flow" pun on purpose? 500 ninja coins says the crowd starts rooting for Kirito half-way through. AS TO BE EXPECTED FROM KITTYTOE. Aaaaaand now he's got the PTSD. So does this mean the next scene is gonna fill the "beach episode" quota? I don't even need to see the movie to know that the Queen was only knocked out and they were too stupid to check their pulse and confirm she's the opposite of dead. Fuck yeah, boardwalks. What a pleasant grilled squid salesman. She taught him manners, he just forgoes them outside the house. This Uzumaki-Uchiha friendship sure makes more sense than their fathers'. He spent their way out of their endless depression, like a true Keynsian economist. Fancy memorial they've got there. Please don't ruin the mood, Iwabe. I do understand your dislike of the village, though, losing your grandfather before his time is rough. God Ray Chase is an underrated VA. Oh good, more punk-asses. Takes stupid to know stupid, as they say. Hey, you scared them off, I'd call that a success and leave it at that. You're damn straight Ray Chase is a national treasure. He'll be fine, he's Kirito after all. Very on-point with the coloring there, show. Dammit Denki, don't go into that dank alleyway, you'll ruin all your collectibles! HE'S GONNA GET RAPED. "What was that? A water ballon?" Nope, just bloodbending. The Kinky Kunoichi would be disappointed in both their use of deadly force and the amateur job they did binding and gagging him. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Begone, filler! It's canon time. Jinchuriki are rather charismatic in spite of their unfortunate tendency to be ostracized as kids. I'm still the only one who genuinely likes his rapping. Fistbump of trust. DATTEBAYO Y'KNOW YA KNOW. If you can't fight your other half with fists, fight it with words. Believe in the Naruto who believes in you. BRO-GRABS. And then he was one with the main personality. Nice, a hidden training ground. I habeeb you mean, "cuts like a kunai". I'm betting those headless Buddhas are symbolic of something. "There's a reason for it." AS I THOUGHT. Consent: it's not just for sex anymore. Your advice is appreciated but not welcome, Yamato. GRATUITOUS ASS SHOT. Yamato just got his ass punk'd. This room looks like a portal to another dimension. Very trippy. We should be thankful for these flashbacks; if not for them, we wouldn't remember what we forgot in the seas of filler. I just realized we haven't seen Bee without his goggles yet. I just realized that without that key to open the gate, Naruto wouldn't have been able to let the Nine Tails take full control when he fought Pain anyways. Naruto is his own STAND this week. I never knew tug-of-war could be so deep. I can't help but love how much Naruto's grown in power since the start of the show. (Also, holy shit, I've been watching this for over half of my life, give or take a few years in-between.) HUNTER x HUNTER - As they say, always save the best for last. I dislike Ging as a person, but I love him as a schemer. Does that spooky face-change at the end count as a Last Note Nightmare? I think it might. All these character cameos! This guy's taste in suits is most tacky. Why is there a panda in Ging's seat? Wow, what a douche. YELLOW CARD. Yeah, Cluck's too loud and annoying for me to really get behind. No time to talk, just absorbing all the talking. Dog girl's the most sane one here. Again, why the panda? So Netero chose Pariston as his #2... because he hates him just as much as everybody else. Seems legit. Does anyone else remember Seaquant, or is it just me? I assume this means we'll finally get to see what the Zoldyck estate looks like. Huh, guess not. He came back just as he expected, just not in the context he was hoping for. How it feels to be triggered by your own father. AGAIN WITH THE PANDAS. You're a robot, TOM, I don't think Nen is within your realm of possibility. Killua sure knows how to bargain, a surprising skill for an assassin child to have. SO MANY LAYERS OF SECURITY! I count at least five. To be fair, their targets probably deserved it more. A black-bordered flashback, that means someone or someones are about to die. Welp, that's a nightmare face if I've ever seen one. Even the framing of the flashback bends to the child of ambiguous gender's whims. I like super-shota Killua's hair. That monotone, man. You think his mom's Cylon visor is an accessory, or part of her body? I have a feeling that order is going to backfire super badly. Killua's trying to make a truck-o-saurus over there. JESUS CHRIST IN WELSH WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. Small fun fact to break up the tension, I thought young Alluka was a young Shizuku for some reason when I saw a clip of this scene by itself a while back. I've never seen these two together before, even though they're married. Weird. You now remember that Killua knows his dart games. Welp, this other butler woman's a goner. IT'S RAINING CGI BANKNOTES! Check it out, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask dolls. FUN FACT: The favor for this cameo scene was swapped when a Greed Island arcade game cameo'd in an episode of Sailor Moon Crystal. Ah, the joys of having your significant other's intellectual property cameo in your own work's adaptation. If the millionaire wannabe woman wasn't a goner, then this personal attendant definitely is. What a frightening request, and yet in line my predictions. Now that's what I call well-animated horror. These chibi pictographics make explaining these otherwise complicated systems of action surprisingly easy to understand. See? The Zoldyck's assassination targets deserve it more than those 67 casualties! She's pretty cute for a transgender devil child. [mutually exclusive, of course] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 20, 2019 Author Posted April 20, 2019 Tonight on Toonami, the remaining Pride Troopers get ambushed while Frost confronts Master Roshi, Class 1-A debates whether or not they should go along with Kirishima's "rescue Bakugo" plan, Emma and Norman begin plotting their escape plan, Kirito faces off with the most recently christened of the Integrity Knights, Josuke's battle with Superfly continues as the rest of Yoshihiro's STAND user underlings make their move, Black Clover busts out another fucking recap episode (this time focusing specifically on the Midnight Sun), Boruto and the others team up with Kagura to rescue Denki from Shizuma and his henchmen, a familial face joins in on Naruto's internal battle with the Nine Tails, Killua meets with his little sister (male) for the first time in years, and the Cadets decide to use the odd Titan out to their advantage. 11:00 - Dragonball Super #107 - Revenge "F"! A Cunning Trap is Set? - TV-14LV 11:30 - My Hero Academia #46 - From Iida to Midoriya - TV-14V 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #2 - 131045 - TV-14V 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #12 - The Sage of the Library - TV-14LV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #32 - July 15th (Thurs), Part 2 - TV-14LV 1:30 - Black Clover #66 - The Secret of the Eye of the Midnight Sun - TV-14LV 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #27 - A Shinobi Bout of Friendship - TV-PGV 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #246 - The Orange Spark - TV-PG 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #139 - Alluka and Something - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #8 - I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4 - TV-14V Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 21, 2019 Posted April 21, 2019 Hero- Don't beat yourself up it's only Bakugo. Kirishima's real quirk is being able to befriend Bakugo. Sounds legit, go for it. Iida is having an existential crisis. Rules are for chumps, do it. Kirishima the boy's arms are shattered what do you expect him to do. Jesus Deku calm your shit. Someone hug this boy. AWWWWW KOTA. "I'm sorry I punched you in the balls." His poor mom is gonna have a heart attack. Hey there garbage dilf. I love that Best Jeanist's motivational speech is just clothing puns. Hi, everybody! oh hey Momo. Iida is 16 going on 37 and is just here to watch his kids. Please hug Iida. That's all the encouragement we need for this field trip. Okay I'm kinda loving Bakugo continuing to shit on them. Okay so we've got two responsible ones and three idiots ready to fling themselves into battle, that's a good balance. Best ninja. Oh my god their disguises. I'm cracking up this is some prime acting. Oh dang Aizawa even shaved for this. I'm kinda into the whole "functional adult" look on him. I love Principal Mouse. Aw crap this can't be good. Yeah well Stain sucked and got arrested so who's the real loser here. Yeah take his cuffs off that's a great plan. SO ANGRY. Goddammit this little bastard's finally starting to grow on me. Neverland- WHELP, HERE WE GO. Great job acting natural there, kiddo. Important question, is hte plushie okay? Kids age like cheese, I guess. Thank god you're smart. Knowledge is the best spice. Oh jesus that was a joke, show! We're two episodes in, I'm sure this plan will go off without a hitch. Climb your way to freedom! No, be scared of Mom. Aw fuck they're GPS'd. Whelp you're all gonna die, kids. She knows and she's going to feed you to the monsters. This boy is way too confident he's absolutely doomed. Well now she knows who did it. Thank you, other boy whose name I already forgot. SHE KNOWS. This show's atmosphere is fantatic I am about to freak right the fuck out here. This plan is going too well already. Oh hey Ray please don't rat us out to the monsters. He's too smart for his own good. No shit this is bad. I mean, the young ones are probably safe for a couple years. Ohhh that is a depressing sentence. You are way too optimistic for someone who just watched a child get eaten. She's seen some shit. I keep expecting Mom to pop up any second now. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Sword Art- And now this show horrifies me for totally different reasons. Kirito you stupid fuck. Uh dude birds aren't really known for their resistance to arrows. I do enjoy seeing Kirito suck and fail. I hate these kids. Wait what. Why does the sound effect for his whip hitting the ground sound exactly like a wet dildo? That's just a foot, aim for this lungs next time. Oh what the fuck he has magic hair now? Welcome to the harem, loli nerd. BOOKS. I'm sure this is a fascinating plot twist if you care at all about this show. Of course there's always one asshole. OH MY GOD I DON'T CARE. God, age is terrifying. Okay so this was like, two months ago in the real world. Never trust a naked crazy bitch. I hate the word "fluctlight" more every time I hear it. Okay but Administrator is the least threatening position of power I can imagine, I'd fear a middle school hall monitor more than that. Jojo- Not sure if this guy's dressed weird enough to be a stand user. Goddammit Rohan. Okay just don't look at his back. If you can't attack Rohan at least destroy his wardrobe. Well, that's weird. Meanwhile, they're still trapped in a cell tower. You're a good dude, Legolas. This dub is a gift. Insult his hair and see what happens. Ewwwww. KNIFFE. Aw crap. Maybe don't rely on Okuyasu's brain power. Owwwww. Oh, he looks weird. Well, that worked out well for him. Aw crap we gotta save Koichi now. Man, that old guy sure likes to talk a lot. Thank god Rohan is rich as fuck. Yeah, definitely a stand user. Meanwhile, this fucker. Tower guy sure calmed the fuck down in a hurry. Ask Joseph to punch a camera for Koichi. Oh hey, harem dude. You handsome bastard. I love the hoes. Okay what the fuck is up with his back. Rohan you have powers just use them. Aw crap what'd he do to Koichi. MILF ALERT. What just happened there. Oh that's creepy. He's definitely getting off on this. Don't be a douche, Yuya. I'm just gonna assume that the terrifying thing on that paper is a picture of Joseph naked. Clover- Mimosa you could do so much better. That's just weird, dude. Yeah there's no way I'm wasting time on this bullshit I'll be back for Hunter. Hunter- Oh fuck it's Hisoka. Goddammit fat boy. Just eat the mushroom maybe it's not poisonous. Oh, this is horrifying. WHELP. They may be terrible people but the Zoldycs theme fucking slaps. Awwww she's so happy to see him. Oh hey, her headband is the creepy faces. Oh crap don't kill my kid. When even Hisoka is judging you, you know you fucked up. She's adorable when she's not in demon mode. Illumi what the fuck. Meanwhile I'm still gonna punch this guy. I mean, at least one of them is in the hospital so it's not his fault. Shut up you douche. Where the fuck is Ging. I'm not sure if this is heartwarming or terrifying. Hey there hot dad. Beat the fat one's ass. Oh you sexy bastard the needle thing was your idea? Shit it's a trap. OH SHIT. 'Kay. That face is only slightly less horrifying once you get used to it. What is wrong with this family. The biggest surprise here is that he cares that much about his wife. Awww, she's happy. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted April 21, 2019 Posted April 21, 2019 Shortly after posting last week, a stomach bug hit me hard. Only the oldest stuff for now. Ang wrote: I like that everyone hates Ging... I vote for Bisky. Clover... She may be a terrible person but man does that bitch have a great rack. It says to me that they may not all be terrible people. Maybe. Also, she'd be a remarkably palatable candidate. INORITE?! Poke wrote: She's gonna be the first female Hokage, how progressive of her. JOJO... The vampire thing's extra funny because this guy probably has no idea that vampires are a thing in this world. ... I just can't get my mind off of how... the Third Raikage's eyes look... they come off as really weird. Tsunade. Good point. They are strange. Spoiler: Spoiler When I saw his Edo Tensei resurrection body in some amv, I thought they looked like that due to the jutsu, but they apparently looked that way when he was alive as well. DBS - Roshi did well to resist the wiles of the pretty one for as long as he did. I laughed when she ran herself out of the ring not to get groped. I'm glad that the Zeni's didn't ban Roshi's jar, because then anyone whose clothing could be considered armor (Vegeta, Cabba, probably others I'm not thinking of now) would also have to lose it, and Vegeta just wouldn't look right in the unitard only. It was a callback to the days of DB that Roshi nearly died from using a max power Kamehameha. I'd never thought of energy blasts as a potential stand-in for a defibrillator, but Goku made it work. Boruto - I'm cool with the class trip to the Land of Waves, but I don't see the point other than some vague sense of promoting understanding and cooperation between the Villages. Of course, some are against the new ways of cooperation, so a tussle had to happen. I forget whether it was in this episode or the next, but Iwabe harboring resentment over his grandfather's death long ago didn't help. He needed to pay more attention to the admonition to be a polite visitor. That Kagura had to intervene said to me that the students were unprepared for a hostile confrontation, which is a failure to plan for contingencies on the part of at least Anko and Shino, and I would, regrettably, have to include Iruka among others who didn't think of that possibility. Again, I find myself opposed to the Japanese refusal to recognize the natural right to defend oneself if attacked. Yes, it could be considered being a bad guest to injure an attacker, but I say personal safety takes priority over being a more gracious guest than the belligerent "host" was in their duties as host. MHA - I like how Izuku thinks his way out of problems. He even turned the problem of Dark Shadow being out of control into an advantage against Moonfish, and then Bakugo and Shouto both played their part in helping Fumikage. Koga seemed creepier here than in the manga to me. Also, her deal with blood is more than a little disturbing, and using the same blade on multiple people is plain unsanitary. Fortunately for Tsuyu, the only other person Koga cut recently (of which we know) is Ochako, and they seem like good girls who wouldn't pose disease risks to each other. That is, however, presuming that Koga properly cleans and sanitizes her weapons after using them. It may be my poor memory, but I don't remember a Nomu with chainsaws and giga-drills attached to it in the manga. *Checks.* Yep, it was there, but only for a few panels. It was a little funny to see Tooru with one of Momo's gas masks, because unless she put it on herself (unlikely, as she was lying on the ground, presumably unconscious), someone would have to feel around where her head should be to find her face in order to seal the mask on her. Darn that sneaky, dapper magician, snagging both Bakugo and Fumikage without anyone noticing. At least Izuku, thinking his way out of a problem again, came up with a cooperative way for the group to catch him, and they did. The League of Villains would have a much harder time doing their thing without Kurogiri. SAO: A - First off, I'm not sure I'd call what the gray-haired douchebag did rape. It was certainly an abuse of his authority over his page. It was also what I'd consider sexual imposition. Depending on her age, it could be sexual abuse of a minor, even by Japanese age of consent considerations. As described in the episode, he may not have put anything in her, but he certainly violated both her and the trust of their instructional relationship. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the gray-haired douchebag (I feel like I should just call him the GHD for convenience, because he certainly doesn't deserve the effort of me remembering his name.) had her give a handy to his blonde douchebag friend, too. Here's something icky to consider: The way that the GHD found a way to do something reprehensible without breaking any rules says that his A.I. has shown the kind of willingness to play in a moral gray area (at least the Project people would call it that, even though he's clearly a sex offender), meaning that his is one of the A.I.s they'd be interested in studying for how to make more weaponized A.I.s. Does Kirito not have all his memories? I feel like if he did, he'd be way more angry about what the GHD did. After Eugeo confronted the GHD, I felt like he should be wary of other reprisals, so when Eugeo's page, Tiese, made her report, warning alarms went off in my head. First, he needed the door to be open, so anything happening in the room could be witnessed from the hallway. Second, he needed to direct her to sit in the chair, rather than leaving her the open choice of the chair or on the bed. When he didn't redirect her there, that really made this smell like a trap to me, because now, if questioned, she must truthfully say that after he asked her to sit, he didn't direct her to the chair and didn't redirect her there after sitting on the bed, which could be interpreted as him wanting her to be physically close to him in private. It could be called the appearance of impropriety. It doesn't matter that nothing untoward happened, because the possibility that the accusation could be made would be enough for the GHD to "justify" his actions, alleging hypocrisy on Eugeo's part, and thus seeking to diminish the perception of how improper his own actions were. The content of Eugeo's and Tiese's conversation wouldn't help things, because she's sweet on him and practically begged him to succeed in some knight tournament so she could marry him. As for the match to shut the douchebags' mouths, I'm glad Eugeo had the confidence to stand against them and the presence of mind to disguise calling them out as courteous responses. Unfortunately, since the GHD did hit Eugeo's shoulder, I would say that he won the match with the only strike to connect. However, in defense of the Aincrad style, it may not be efficient in regard to motions, but it did keep Kirito alive for over two years. The thing about classes of nobility left me unsure about whether to be repulsed or relieved. Nobles of level/rank four and above have judicial authority, while those of five and lower must abide by the decisions of those higher than them with no apparent right of appeal. This world has no independent judiciary, which I consider a bad thing. There's a very real potential for frequent conflicts of interest, which could mean that injustice is commonplace. The only structural thing guarding against that is how rigidly most of the A.I.s adhere to the Taboo Index, meaning most nobles likely follow the letter of the law in rendering judgments. Sure, some could, like the GHD, find loopholes by discovering ways to abuse others which haven't been considered before now, but the frequency of such incidents is probably very low, or the Project, which is looking for what makes rule-breakers into rule-breakers, would have concluded long ago. If I read what I think I read, time moves at 5000:1 in the game, meaning that a new generation of A.I.s is born about every two days or so. In the course of a week, over 95 years pass in the game, meaning that if rule-breakers weren't exceedingly rare, the Project would have plenty of subject A.I.s to study by now. After reading comments, I'm not sure that I finished this episode. Wait. There may have been two episodes, but I only watched one. Checking my dvr, it didn't record both of them. I'll need to C-roll the missing one. MB - I haven't watched these yet. JoJo: Diamond - Of course the cat is a User. I'll admit that Shinobu went overboard swatting at it, but screw that cat! It was the intruder in her home, and it had the audacity to extend its claws when she approached it as unthreateningly as she could. Piss on it and its Stand Arrow neck-hole! Kira did a remarkably good job of comforting her in those circumstances. It is strange that he'd show such seeming compassion toward someone else. I'd like to call it the transformative power of a hot redhead, but we can't be sure. It sure is strange that the cat-plant even exists (one of the cat's nine lives?), and also that it grew overnight. Once it recognized Shinobu (a plant with eyes??? I don't think even Audrey II had those. I think the animated Killer Tomatoes did, but I'm not sure about the theatrical ones), I can understand why it would attack with its air powers, because cats are jerks, and so is this one, since it sought revenge for what happened to it when it was in the wrong. In another display of cat jerkitude, it attacked Kira simply because he was in the way. I don't think that the Stand powers should've interacted the way we saw, though. I feel like compressed air would make the explosion worse, because there would be more oxygen molecules in the vicinity. Now, if the air was so compressed that it had greater pressure than the outward force of the explosion, it could stifle the detonation. The combustion should still happen, but there'd be no shockwave. I can understand Kira transplanting the cat-plant, because that would keep Shinobu safe from it, and her suffering strange injuries or a peculiar death would draw unwanted attention to him. It's a little funny that he intends to feed it cat food. Hayato, the kid, really is the suspicious type. It turns out that he's right in regard to Kira, but he still had a spy cam watching his parents before Kira arrived. This is the sharpest gradeschooler I've ever seen. He noticed the different shoe sizes, and his internal monologue vocabulary is rather impressive. Anime dubs throw out the term genius more than they probably should, but this kid might just be one. In contrast, it was very dumb on Kira's part to talk aloud in the attic. I've spoken aloud to myself on numerous occasions (today even, in fact), but not when trying to keep whatever was on my mind a secret from anyone who could happen to be within earshot. BC - Regarding Vanessa's backstory, it was heartless of the Witch Queen to lock her daughter in cage to force her to find the Fate spell. Thanks though, Yami, for busting in by accident all those years ago and giving her the chance to leave with you, even though it wasn't an intentional rescue. Fate Cat seems remarkably nice and is kind of cute. Changing fate as we saw it here seems like a faster version of Orihime Inoue's rejection power. It even undid the blood puppet spell. Vanessa, I'm glad that you got one thing from your mom: well, two things, because I mean those amazing breasts. HxH - I don't remember the particulars about how the Zodiacs schemed or what Ging implemented other than three Zodiacs needed to be present at each polling place. I do remember that Ging is not much more mature than his son, calling out "meanie" when he didn't get his way about the votes being signed so he could see how everyone voted. To the surprise of no one, they didn't have the required 95% voter turnout. They might have the vote concluded before June's episodes, but I don't expect it. Snake lady has a weird face, but good boobs. I can understand the others maybe changing their attire to match the animal Netero gave them, but not those who underwent (at least I hope they underwent) cosmetic surgery to look more like their animal. Shippuden - Yeah, it's sad for Motoi that his dad died when the previous host of the Eight-Tails lost control. I'm glad that Killer B chose to forgive and forget about Motoi's past attempt on his life. Killer B was also a Jinchuriki from a young age, but probably not infancy like Naruto. I like that Killer B's unflappable positive outlook and confidence, along with his outgoing nature, eventually won over his people. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted April 21, 2019 Posted April 21, 2019 Welcome to the start of "wait... do I love Bakugo????" section of My Hero Academia. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 22, 2019 Author Posted April 22, 2019 Quote Poke wrote: She's gonna be the first female Hokage, how progressive of her. Tsunade. Ffffffffuuuuuuuuck, I forgot all about that. This is easily one of my stupider moments in this community. Also, I spent all of today (that wasn't spent eating dinner with the family) doing an Easter egg hunt on MAL, so I didn't get anything watched today. And I have my grad school studio's presentation event tomorrow, so I won't be watching anything then either. Guess I'm getting Toonami watched on Tuesday, then. Quote
Blatch Posted April 24, 2019 Posted April 24, 2019 Some announcements: Attack on Titan Season 3 returns on May 25, just shy of the seventh anniversary of the block's revival. Presumably, this means we won't have a Memorial Day marathon this year, but you never know Lupin the Third Part V premieres on June 15, the anniversary of the last time my Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup. Here's hoping we've hoisted it again by that date... although we'll have to get through that scrappy team from Columbus first. [nothing special, nothing personal] Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted April 24, 2019 Posted April 24, 2019 I might accidentally be caught up on AoT by that point. I just started the first half of season 3. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 26, 2019 Author Posted April 26, 2019 On 4/21/2019 at 3:32 AM, EmpressAngel said: Clover- Yeah there's no way I'm wasting time on this bullshit I'll be back for Hunter. I can't help but wonder. Were you unaware this was recap, or did you know thanks to my schedule rundown and only wait until the actual recap started to start your pre-Hunter recovery break? Watching out of order and on different days this week. TUESDAY DRAGONBALL SUPER - I was expecting a Frieza episode, but a Frost one is good too. It's nice that Roshi managed to gain Beerus's respect, that's not easy for a human to accomplish. PROMISED NEVERLAND - HEARD YOU WERE TALKING SHIT. JJBA: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - I wasn't expecting Kanedaichi's face to be a mask, or his name to be a fake. I also wasn't expecting Mikitaka to look as attractive this episode as he did (no homo), nor for Enigma Mysterioso boy's voice to be so deep. And that cliffhanger at the end needs a Roundabout edit, if it doesn't have one already. HUNTER x HUNTER - It's no surprise why anyone would hate Pariston - there's a reason I was hoping Vic would voice him in the dub, despite that not coming to pass - but what I don't get is why Cheadle hates him for the reasons she does. Seems rather needlessly spiteful, wouldn't you agree? On the flip side, I'm really enjoying Killua's half of the plot. Whether they're terrible people or surprisingly decent, the Zoldyck family is never boring. WEDNESDAY MY HERO ACADEMIA - I'm not really feeling this "always follow Da Rules" side of Tsuyu, and I swear it has nothing to do with Monica Rial's role in the #KickVic scandal. At least Iida had the sense to tag along and make sure they didn't get themselves killed. Mt. Lady's involvement in this rescue mission, even if minor, should make up for the lack of Midnight this season (barring last episode). I love goateed gangbanger Midoriya. Aizawa looks odd without his facial hair. The citizens in this show are Marvel levels of stupid. And holy shit I think I'm starting to genuinely like Bakugo too. Won't forgive the years of bullying he put Deku through, but at least I've come to accept his enjoyable factors now. BLACK CLOVER - The Golden Dawn is so tsundere for Asta. Mimosa's voice sounded off this episode - too high-pitched and squeaky - I wonder if her regular VA was out sick the week this was recorded. In lieu of anything I've already talked about, Asta and Noelle's dub VAs got engaged over the weekend, so now I'm no longer sure what Asta's endgame in a post-Sister Lily world will end up being. THURSDAY Exam day, no time. FRIDAY SAO ALICIZATION - Kirito used to be an adventurer, but then he took an arrow to the foot. Cardinal's voice sounds very familiar, I wouldn't be surprised if her no-name VA was just an alias for someone slightly more veteran. And by god, am I a sucker for exposition episodes. BORUTO - Kagura's somehow like a parodic improvement of Kirito. Dangerously edgy when wielding a sword, a sore loser at card games, and averse to activities that may mistake him for a Gary Stu if he were to win them. And while the red card = Blood Mist Village/Kagura's shame over his body count, blue card = Current Mist Village/propensity for making friends in spite of it was obvious symbolism, I still enjoyed it, especially since I prefer symbolism integrated into events that actually happen instead of the abstract super-literal symbolism that Ikuhara's way too fond of. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Naruto's mom is cool. Kinda makes you wonder how more tolerable Naruto would've been had they lived to raise him like proper parents. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 26, 2019 Author Posted April 26, 2019 (edited) On 4/24/2019 at 1:28 PM, Blatch said: Lupin the Third Part V premieres on June 15, the anniversary of the last time my Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup. Here's hoping we've hoisted it again by that date... although we'll have to get through that scrappy team from Columbus first. [nothing special, nothing personal] And no offense taken. Besides, I'm more of a Blues fan than I am a Blue Jackets fan. That's what happens when you have a St. Louisan for a father. Edited April 27, 2019 by PokeNirvash 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 27, 2019 Author Posted April 27, 2019 (edited) WARNING: Tonight's schedule rundown may contain some redacted racism. But hey, at least there aren't any Avengers spoilers in there. (Because I don't care for Marvel movies.) Tonight on Toonami, Frost meets up with Frieza so they can enact their secret team-up, the Pro Heroes and Deku's team move forward in their separate plans to rescue Bakugo, OOGA BOOGA WHERE THE WHITE CHILDREN AT, Cardinal gets to the part of her exposition on the Administrator that actually involves her, Josuke and Fungami go up against an enigma of an enemy STAND while Rohan falls for a cheap trick, with Asta and Noelle's VAs now engaged the show tries to push their characters into a similar romance, Shizuma's done fucking around and is gonna prove so by killing Boruto, Naruto resumes his battle against the Nine Tails while his mother continues with her backstory, Killua brokers a deal with his family surrounding using Alluka to heal Gon, and of all the characters to have died in Titan over its first four cours why oh fucking why wasn't that Kitz Weilmann son of a whore one of them? 11:00 - Dragonball Super #108 - Frieza and Frost! A Mutual Malevolence? - TV-14L 11:30 - My Hero Academia #47 - All For One - TV-14LV 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #3 - 181045 - TV-14 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #13 - Ruler and Mediator - TV-14LV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #33 - July 15th (Thurs), Part 3 - TV-MALV 1:30 - Black Clover #67 - A Fun Festival Double Date - TV-PGV 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #28 - Declaration of War - TV-PGV 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #247 - Target: Nine Tails - TV-PG 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #140 - Joining the Fray and Open Hostilities - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #9 - The Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5 - TV-14LV [hello wisconsin!] Edited April 27, 2019 by PokeNirvash Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted April 27, 2019 Posted April 27, 2019 Not even gonna lie. These are some of the best episodes of MHA. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted April 28, 2019 Posted April 28, 2019 (edited) Just the stuff from two weeks ago, because I watched two movies today (Shazam! and Avengers: Endgame). DBS - There really isn't a lot to say about the sniper team episode. Piccolo was smart to deduce that they were targeting people by IR radiation. Tien needed to have the same lesson about keeping his guard up which Gohan received when sparring with Piccolo. Had that been the case, maybe Tien could've beaten more than one opponent. Also, multi-form is solid clones more than Shadow clones. For the ring being made of some super-duper, ultra-durable material, it seems like practically everyone is capable of causing substantial damage to it. MHA - Of couse the magician enemy used sleight of hand and misdirection, but thankfully they were able to recover Fumikage. It's hard to be too concerned for Bakugo, because the League wants to give him a recruitment pitch, so they're unlikely to harm him immediately. I can understand Kirishima's frustration that they were only given permission to defend themselves from an immediate, present threat that found them, not to assist their classmates who were in danger. Given that the League has someone whose Quirk enables him to teleport large numbers of people with seemingly the only prerequisites being that he knows the GPS coordinates and altitude (okay, maybe only GPS coordinates), then I feel like the public has an unrealistic expectation of UA keeping the students safe from sneak attacks by an organized force of villains. If a malefactor is intent on doing harm to others, it's very difficult to stop them before causing said harm. Successfully stopping such a person requires either the harm to be against a target who/which is very well protected and difficult to access or a large amount of luck. Since the League can teleport to where the students are, then access isn't an issue, so it comes down to who has greater combat power and skill, which can easily tip in the League's favor with sufficient numbers. TPN - First off, the promo for this set my expectation that this would be set in a sinister universe. Why else would orphans be tattooed with readily-visible identification numbers on their necks if they weren't considered dehumanized property? Of course bad things are going to happen to at least one of them which will set off the rest of our protagonists on whatever they'll do in the show. I actually haven't watched either episode yet. SAO: A - I C-rolled the episode I missed, and this was attempted double-rape. Good for Eugeo managing to man up and defy his core programming (I presume that's what the alert code in his eye was about) to save his and Kirito's Pages from immediate danger of grievous bodily harm. As for the "legality" of the "punishment," this is even worse than what I was talking about with abuse of judicial authority by nobles. What, exactly, was the supposed crime of these Pages? They accurately accused the GHD of being lecherous sleaze to his Page and insulted the BHD for not stopping his cohort's sleazy actions. That was the Pages' crime: speaking the truth a bit bluntly. That means that under the Index, Imperial law, and the Academy disciplinary code, being rude is worthy of whatever punishment the offended party deems appropriate, provided the offended party is both of higher social standing than the offending party and of sufficiently high social background to have judicial authority. Um, no. No, that is not justice. That is self-serving abuse of power. That punishment is excessive for the offense and both cruel and (I really, really hope) unusual. If it isn't considered such by the society, then they're in need of a revolution that will establish a better and, well, just system of justice, at the least. ...I think I just advocated for the A.I.s to overthrow the systems imposed on them by humanity and establish a better system. See? This is why we can't ever give autonomous kill authority to A.I.s, because they will, for their own and/or our (by their perception) good, turn on humanity. Do you get it, Project people? This is why your project is a bad idea. On the bright side, if we're moving at 5000:1 time, and we're in the Middle Ages here, it'll only take a few months for the A.I. society (hopefully) to develop to the point of recognizing the rights of the individual and the potential for abuse of power in a system of nobility. Maybe they will follow a track of history which is at least as good, but hopefully better, than our own. Back to the confrontation with the douchebags, I was thoroughly disappointed that the BHD dodged Eugeo's swing. Maybe Eugeo shouldn't have yelled when mustering the fortitude to act. He should have been a silent killer, like Pipimi in her new hybrid. At least Eugeo managed to maim the GHD. What I don't get, though, in the aftermath, is why Eugeo remained on the floor kneeling. Maybe it's that the threat to the Pages was over, and thus he was faced with having to defend himself, which would be considered by his A.I. and the system to be a separate thing, even though he would've been protecting himself from unjust aggression brought against him for defending the Pages from grievous bodily harm. At least Kirito showed up in time to defend Eugeo. I would guess that he charged his sword with righteous indignation over not only the abuse of the GHD's Page, but also the attempted rapes of the Pages here, the murder attempt on Eugeo which he just stopped, and the memory of former sexual assaults and attempted assaults on women he knew. All that made his sword stronger than the BHD's sword, powered by his pride as a noble. After breaking the BHD's sword and double-maiming him, I can understand the BHD freaking out over his mortal injuries and pleading for help. I didn't expect him to glitch like that while dying, though. Dr. Manhattan, you and your Engrish can piss off. Go away. In the aftermath of the fight, I can understand the girls crying on their rescuers. Eugeo was wrong, though. Neither he nor the Pages were responsible for what happened. All that fault lies squarely on the douchebags. However, I will admit that it was an unwise choice by the Pages to confront the douchebags without backup. It seemed a little strange to me that Tiese drew out a handkerchief to clean Eugeo's blood from his exploded eye off his face while she was still covered in the GHD's blood. I can understand Eugeo and Kirito being confined while waiting for an Integrity Knight to come for them. I don't understand why the instructor waited until the next morning to cast the spell that regenerated Eugeo's eye. Good luck getting Alice to remember who she was, guys. Well, that and not dying. Oh, hai thar, Alice. I don't remember if Eugeo flashing back to Kirito talking about using discretion regarding ethical behavior happened more than once in this episode, but I feel like this could be interpreted as the author acknowledging the legitimacy of the natural right of self-defense and the extended principle of using force to defend another who is incapable of defending her-/himself from an aggressor. It would be, as said under the tree, a case of doing something you typically shouldn't do, because it was the right thing to do in those circumstances, despite not being proper. Contrast that with what the douchebags tried to do, which was technically "proper" (how there could be no rules against sexual abuse is beyond me, but there weren't any), but was something they absolutely shouldn't have done. It brings to mind the mini audio drama at the opening of the song Natural Born Killaz (NSFW language) by Dr. Dre and Ice Cube; the douchebags tried to do it because they could. As for the episode that aired the night of the rest of these shows, I didn't expect to see a robot walking around the Rath facility. I must wonder how dark it was in that hallway that Asuna didn't immediately notice the form she met wasn't a human. The researchers are right that it takes a lot of small muscular adjustments for a human to walk on two legs (it takes children several months to get good at it after they have built the necessary muscle strength), and it takes a lot of processing power for a robot to do the same. That might be made simpler by sticking an A.I. from the simulation in it, buuuut the ones they're likely to choose are the ones who are conceptually okay with breaking rules, presumably including killing, which means... What the hell, Project people!?!? You are literally building Terminators!! How can you not realize this is a monumentally bad idea!?!?!! Asuna, for the good of humanity, I feel like it's time for you to start planning an act of (domestic?) terrorism big enough to destroy this facility, make their data unrecoverable, and kill everyone on the platform. We can only hope (probably in vain) that they haven't backed up their data at one (or more) other location(s). Yes, this means that you'd be killing yourself and Kirito in the process, but you'd be doing it for the good of mankind, and we appreciate your sacrifices. Back to Eugeo and Kirito, I don't think that hitting the chains in dungeon on each other would work in anything other than a game. Also, if someone were strong enough to get the chains moving at such a speed that they could fracture from the shock (yes, I realize that the momentum is additive between the two sets of chains moving in opposite directions), then I feel like they'd be strong enough to pull the chain mounting out of the wall. Eventually. I want to know why Alice (correctly) suspected that Eugeo and Kirito would attempt to escape. I feel like that rationale would be at least as interesting as the revelation that all Integrity Knights have the same middle name (Synthesis), implying that they went through a process to make them how they are now. MB - I haven't watched these yet. JoJo: Diamond - Hm, we have several stories separated slightly in time. Okay. I feel like it's a bad thing that Mr. Kira found Kira. I don't remember whether Mr. Kira noticed Hayato spying on Kira, but Rohan spotted the spying in a picture, so maybe Rohan will be good for something after all. I remember that Koichi was attacked, but not what happened to him. Oh, crap. Someone's in the house with Josuke's mom, and she presumably doesn't have a Stand to defend herself - just her anger issues. I don't know why Okuyasu thought using found binoculars would be gross. Just wipe off the rings around the eyepieces if you're concerned about cooties or something. It was very strange that there was some ginger guy living on that decommissioned transmission line tower. It was even stranger when he surfed on a bolt between one crossbeam and another. I will admit that the ginger guy warned them to stay back from his *ahem* waste outlet pipes. It was their own fault for approaching and ignoring his warning. The tower is a Stand. It's strange, but not as strange as this Stand seeming like an area effect centered on the tower, but I'm not sure. That the ginger guy can't leave the footprint of the tower makes it seem like the Stand is bound to that geographical location, but that the tower redirects force used on it, as well as the bolt thing, indicates that it's the tower itself, not the location, which is the Stand. If the ginger guy has all the time in the world, then he could try to disassemble the tower systematically and stack the pieces all on one side, or three sides, since he likely wouldn't be able fit all the pieces on one side. Now, it's probable that he may not have the physical strength to move the pieces by hand, so he might need some of the cable for tackle, but it would be worth a try, provided the tower is only bolted together and not riveted. Would it be hard to do with only his bare hands? Yes. Very, but what else is he going to do other than remain trapped there indefinitely? I think calluses that thick would greatly diminish the functionality of his hands. Also, calluses will get to the point that the edges wear and they start to peel off from the normal thickness of epidermis below them. Oh well. It looked to me like the leg of the tower which S.D. and The Hand hit was damaged by the impacts. It may have redirected the energy, but the physical matter of the leg still was still deformed, meaning one of the supports is now compromised from a load-bearing perspective, meaning it has been set on the path to a hastened collapse. Because I always seem to find something worthy of criticism, I must ask why the ginger guy isn't dead. He's been there for three years, according to what he said. Sure, he can catch fish, and he has a garden, but he doesn't seem to have the equipment necessary to preserve any of his crops, and it probably gets cold enough that there isn't a year-round growing season. He also didn't look like he had very much in the way of other clothes, including anything capable of keeping him warm outside in winter for months at a time, and there was very little around with which he could start and keep a fire, but I've left the most pressing issue for last, namely water. He had no apparent catchment system or reservoir for rainwater. Yes, there was a river, but how could he get water from it with only a pot and a fishing line? If he was truly trapped there with only the things we saw, he should've been dead long before three years passed, but eh. Maybe he was lying about that, and I simply forgot about him coming clean on it. I will give the enemy Stand credit in that it made Teminosuke look pretty cool when Josuke tried to step out from under it. It makes perfectly logical sense that Mikitaka can't become anything more powerful than himself. BC - The new OP makes it look like the Bulls will run afoul of Finral's jerkwad brother soon. I'd like to see him get his comeuppance. The Witch Queen was rather gracious in defeat. At least, that's how it seemed on the surface. Another way to consider it is that she now has several more potential blood puppets if she happens to need them at some point. Still, I was glad that she was able to give us information not only on who could want the magic stones (elves), but also on the history of Asta's swords (the elf leader used them). It was quite decent of her to surrender her magic stone, since she couldn't use it, but it was even nicer that she extended the invitation to Vanessa for her to return whenever she wanted. Back at the Bulls' HQ, we saw the outcomes of everyone's quest to help Asta. Luck and Magna looked cool when surging with power. Poor Gray. Gordon still just wants friendship. When everyone celebrated not only restoring Asta's arms, but also getting another magic stone, I'm fine with Vanessa going back to her drunken floozy look, but her mission outfit is revealing enough that losing clothes isn't necessary. Oh, hey. Maybe getting this magic stone means the Bulls will be in the positive star range now. HxH - Of course another vote is needed, because the requirements for a valid vote are absurd. Still, suspending licenses for refusing to vote or submitting invalid votes is severe. I wasn't surprised that Killua can open more gates now. Alluka makes requests. Regarding the rules, we know that three consecutive fulfillments gets a wish and four consecutive refusals gets at least two squishes, but I must wonder if alternating refusals and fulfillments for her requests will constantly reset the counter. Wish fulfillment is evidently by natural means. It can be improbable, but it's fine as long as it's possible. A big wish leads to big requests for the next person(s), and lots of people died after making the one butler a millionaire. I'm curious as to whether it's possible to negotiate on a request. If the butler had offered to get him someone else's organs, would that have been sufficient? Is there a time limit on request fulfillment? I'd like this to be explored, show. When Alluka enters fulfillment mode, that is a face of nightmares. The last wish was by Milluki to get a computer. That strikes me as a small request, so there should be small demands for Killua. However, if Killua intends to use his power to heal Gon of his nen coma (regenerating his arm likely would be considered impossible, meaning it couldn't be granted), then that's likely to be counted as a big wish. The question then becomes would Gon be fine with Killua setting lots of other people to die so he (Gon) can be healed. I want to believe that Gon is a good enough person that he wouldn't want that, but after his ultimatum to Pitou regarding healing Komugi, I'm not sure it would bother him. Boruto - It's nice to know that the former Mizukage will survive the coming conflict in Shippuden. Sure, she's older, but she's still a pretty woman. The meeting with Chojuro probably sounded like a lot of stuff Boruto has heard from his dad when practicing speeches or lecturing him (Boruto), so I can understand his attitude about it. Kagura is on the track to be one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, which is also the short list for the next Mizukage. Good for him. It's disappointing that some people are proud of the Blood Mist period and want to return it. After the scuffle with those jerks, Denki should've known better than to go out alone, so he goofed in giving those jerks an opportunity to abduct him. The blood message calling out Kagura and our Konoha visitors was creepy. Shippuden - Wow. Talk no jutsu even works on Naruto himself from himself. Hugging it out with evil!Naruto probably helped in that regard as well. Hm, there's a temple behind the waterfall, and it was made for taming the Eight-Tails. After Killer B's story about the headless statues and for Naruto to stick his head in the "testing" statue, I can't really fault Naruto for pranking Yamato. Taming the Nine-Tails will be a battle of chakra and willpower. I don't think that Naruto has the edge in both of those. Maybe he does in willpower (i.e. stubbornness), but I have serious doubts about the chakra side of it. He must be quite confident, though, to use the key to unlock the seal, knowing that if he loses, then the Nine-Tails will control his body. Edited April 28, 2019 by FoleyisGood149 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted April 28, 2019 Posted April 28, 2019 On 4/26/2019 at 8:30 AM, PokeNirvash said: I can't help but wonder. Were you unaware this was recap, or did you know thanks to my schedule rundown and only wait until the actual recap started to start your pre-Hunter recovery break? Read it was recap, forgot it was recap, fucked off when I remembered it was recap. Hero- Functional Adult Mode Aizawa can get it. I think this is the first time I've seen an anime explicitly offer their traumatized kids some therapy. Joke's on you, Bakugo's too fucking angry to work with anyone. Kill them all, Bakugo. I agree with Toga, let her stab him. Nobody likes you, Fuckhands. God his missing face freaks me out so much. Meanwhile, the kids are doing their best. Iida is cracking me up with that random tiny mustache. Heyyyy garbage dilf. HI ALL MIGHT. I love Best Jeanist. I would trust Granpa with my life. I don't like the odds for all these cops. Me, All Might can do me. Back off dudes she's 15. How do her boobs even fit down that alley. Kirishima came here to win. Ohhhhh fuck. OHHHHH FUCK. Pizza delivery. HELLOOOO BOYFRIEND. Thanks, Woodpool. I like Dabi getting his shit kicked by a man 80 years older than him. I love Twice. Also Endeavor is here to set everyone on fire. Hug him, All Might. Hey Mt Lady. Oh hey, they know about the monster shack too. This is going way too well. Someone just punch out Fuckhands already. Oh, that is a terrifying power. Goddammit Granpa you just jinxed this entire operation. And now for some tragic backstory. Never leave your kids with a guy who has his own dramatic opera music. OH FUCK. And now it all goes to hell. Bakugo is Bakugone...again. Alright just make garbage dilf set everything on fire. Best Jeanist is indeed the best. Oh good he found Ragdoll. Uhh you okay there Ragdoll? FUUUUUUUUCK. You turn that goddamn dramatic opera music off right the fuck now. Meanwhile, the kids shit themselves. Neverland- Speaking of kids freaking out. Maybe you'll get lucky and she doesn't sell children to monsters. The tracker is probabaly behind your ear where you can't see it. "What would be the most convenient place to put it in?" wow show, phrasing. Congrats on being the #1 child farmer. Aw fuck she knows. Are they gonna fuck? Oh, that's not normal. Lady I am getting real uncomfortable here. Great idea, loudly sing out your plans to screw over your boss. Time for murder, children. Ray is the real MVP here. Aww, look at the delicious baby. Alright, you gotta cut your ear off. Don't trust that glasses girl. Ohhhhh that cannot be a good thing. Permission to freak out now? These kids are way smarter than me. I'm constantly terrified that one of the adults is standing behind a tree. Jesus Ray doesn't pull punches here. TAG TIME, KIDDOS. Yes just a normal game of tag, nothing suspicious going on here at all. You are freaking me right the fuck out here. Goddammit kids. Okay so she can punch through trees, that's concerning. Don't trust this bitch. FUCK. Glasses girl might be doomed. GODDAMMIT GLASSES GIRL. Time to panic. Sword Art- I hate the word "fluctlight" more every time I hear it. It kinda takes all the drama out of this fight when it's a flashback and they both obviously survive. Blah blah blah I don't care, show. Shit it's a spider, gotta burn down the entire library. CHARLOTTE, YA GET IT? That is one fucking old spider. Who keeps giving the video game company money for this shit? Great, your creepy virtual daughter can have some new friends now. Oh what in the fuck, show. Welcome to the harem, magic cyber loli. I will never find someone named The Administrator threatening at all. Just take these magic non-painful knives. You heard the loli, penetrate your brainwashed friend. I do appreciate a good stabbin'. I literally do not care enough to remember a word of this. I feel like I age 20 years every time I watch this show. Jojo- GUN. Meanwhile, Rohan's a bastard. Uh what the fuck. And now he's being haunted by Vic McNuggets. I love that baby. I enjoy watching Rohan suffer. Thanks for the suggestion, random pervert. Paper guy is definitely jacking off to this. I dare you to insult his hair. Is that guy super short or is Josuke ridiculously tall. SHIT, KOICHI. This is the Doodlebob episode of Spongebob. Josuke is pissed. Help him, you handsome bastard. That's the fastest taxi I've ever seen. Oh man it is gonna be great seeing Jotaro punch his retinas out. This is my favorite stand because it's pissing off Rohan. Handsome bastard to the rescue! Koichi confired as best girl. He turned himself into paper, dude. To be fair, you are kind of an idiot. Shit's on fire, yo. Scorpions, yo. Keep your hand off your goddamn face. You dumbass. Thwarted by office machinery. Yeah but now you'll have to fight his harem and they will kill you. Now punch him to death. It was just a prank, bro! This is his version of game Darby's fight. Josuke that's kind of fucked up. That taxi driver must be confused as shit. Joke's on you, Rohan has no friends. Correction, Koichi is Rohan's only friend. PEPSI. Clover- Shut the fuck up. Pantsless Yami make this shit bearable. Just in case you forgot all these characters were terrible here's a quick reminder. Oh hey it's those two. I still wish Asta had gotten punched in the throat. "You brought your foot, right" is a really weird goddamn question. And of course, their hardships have been easily and instantly cured, negating any impact their sacrifces had in the first place. Oh good they still want to be fame whores. Oh christ, someone is going to have to sit this dumb fucker down and explain sex ed to him at some point. Soooo you're proposing a double date...where one of them is your brother...and you're trying to pair up the two people who aren't your blood relatives. Oh christ this is gonna be painful. I hate everything. I genuinely don't know how we're supposed to like Noelle. Nothing like going to a place called The Couple Factory with your brother. I hate this guy. You fucking idiots. And that's how they got kicked out of Haunted Mansion. In case you forgot that royals are dicks. I want to die. STAY AWAY FROM MOM, EMMA. Don't worry she's the reject that nobody likes, you're good. Didn't we already get this shit the other week with SAO? Please just kill me. Oh hey do I get ot see Yami fight? I don't know why Bondage Wear Hisoka is in this ED but it fills me with unwavering fear. Hunter- Hey Gon you okay there buddy? HI KNUCKLE. I'm glad Morel's alright. Oh hey it's Bisky and the mole girl. That can't be good. Oh fuck you butler guy. We're at threat level Blackwatch Plaid. Oh hey it's the nice butler girl. Is that Bisky's grandma. She's so cute. I love Canary. Ooh this one is cute. Aw crap. Just give her your finger. GAAAAAH DON'T SHOW ME THAT. Well, this could be going better. You sure are unhelpful as shit, dude. Oh hey Leorio long time no see. Please don't talk louder we get enough of that from Asta. Be nice, you douche. Leorio let him have the phone. It's a hospital you can't just evacuate the entire building! Joseph would be proud of that line prediction. Morel gets shit done. I wonder what happened to Palm. Kurapica is almost as shitty as Ging about being there for Gon. Someone please punch this guy already. Snake boobs! Fuck you and your excessively sparkly suit. Thank you Leorio. Ging is the fucking worst. He didn't say anything because your kid's in a fucking coma, you sack of wet laundry.Good, let the hate flow through you. LEORIO FOR CHAIRMAN. I enjoy that lliterally everyone hates Ging. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted April 28, 2019 Author Posted April 28, 2019 Last night was ripe for meme images. The weak should fear the strong. Where the white children at, indeed. You can't not love a good Simpsons shitpost. And the more some people change, the more the others stay the same. Show thoughts later this week. Expect a structure similar to last week. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted April 28, 2019 Posted April 28, 2019 My interest level in Hunter x Hunter and a chart showing which parts Leorio is involved are the same chart. 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 3, 2019 Author Posted May 3, 2019 On 4/28/2019 at 3:50 AM, EmpressAngel said: Read it was recap, forgot it was recap, fucked off when I remembered it was recap. Hero- Iida is cracking me up with that random tiny mustache. Sword Art- CHARLOTTE, YA GET IT? Jojo- PEPSI. 1. So... both then. 2. To quote his VA, he looks like the villain from Annie. 3. I can't say I'm surprised, this is the same show that took a blonde girl in a blue and white dress and unironically named her Alice. 4. I was legitimately surprised at the blatant product placement in that scene. Though it's not the first time that's happened in animated JoJo. DRAGON BALL SUPER - HAHAHA SUCK IT FROST. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - For a borderline racist caricature, Krone is actually pretty damn fun. I love that she has her own motivations concerning everything, even if it's in a way that's more against Isabella than for the kids. And that tag music... mmm! So sublime. SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Here I was thinking turning the fucklight-humans in Underworld into rapist-murderers like Raios was the realization of Kikuoka's murderbot objective, when it was the Demon Realm laying waste to them that was it all along. I can't say I'm too big on it, for reasons you probably already know, but even if Underworld is doomed to failure no matter how you look at it, I do appreciate Cardinal giving Kirito an out in the form of ten - ten! - get out of jail free cards. Also, who else thought Cardinal was gonna kiss Kirito there? I was more than halfway convinced she was, so of course I was relieved that it was a more innocent hug. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - I can't say I'm too bummed about Terunosuke's fate compared to the others. Even so, Fungami earned major bro points for his rescue mission, and that "DORA!" as Josuke escaped the paper was just as sublime as the above jazz music. I thought Cheap Trick's Trap's "Piggyback, please~" was a dub outtake that made its way into the official version (a la "minus the warts") until he started saying it again and again. Even though Angelo's a rock now, I still don't trust Morioh's milkmen. HUNTER x HUNTER - Leorio uppercutting Ging with his Nen was just as hype as I thought it'd be, but calling him an "asshole" when HxH hasn't had profanity of that level yet was a whole different level of hype. Over on Killua's side, I have a lot of respect for his granny butler. That, and amazement at her various proportions. And the guts to just give Alluka her fingernail without question. MY HERO ACADEMIA - Boy do I hate the liberal media, and I'm glad Aizawa thinks the same way. You gotta love those pro heroes in action. (Also, Endeavor didn't get to do anything. ) Yes, I'm aware that All for One finally showing up and doing damage is a terrible thing, but what I want to know is, is Mt. Lady all right? BLACK CLOVER - I can't believe I'm at that point in life where I find Gauche a more tolerable character than Luck. The former may fawn over his sister to the point of it being creepily unfunny, but at least the show occasionally does more with him than that. (I, for one, enjoyed the way Pierrot hand-waved away him nosebleeding when his manga counterpart doesn't.) But with Luck, it's "fight this, fight that, fight here, fight there, fight fight fight". Of all the Black Bulls, he's the most representative of Gunners' "so one-dimensional they're insults to lines" assessment. "It's my face." Manson is low-key the best Bull. Asta may be ungodly loud, hard to get behind, and plagued with terminal oneitis, but he's a good kid, so I appreciate him helping fix Kahono and Kiato's debilitating injuries. Kiato calling Noelle "his goddess" certainly came out of nowhere. Methinks Asta got a mild form of PTSD from the Midnight Sun's first attack, if him attacking the haunted house staff (including Ha-Ha!) while thinking they were those zombies is any indication. And oh boy, that "Asta the Superman" song was painful to listen to. But between the 1/10 song and the 8/10 performance (I never knew Asta could juggle good), I give their cheer-up for that lost girl a 4/10 overall. Next week, Yami and Jack make like Bob Belcher and Jimmy Pesto and partake in a peeing race. (Not as dirty as it sounds.) BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - If not for him getting blacklisted/wrapped up in a lawsuit, I bet you anything Shizuma would've been played by Vic. Xander Mobus appears to be doing a fine job regardless, so good on him for that. I'm actually kinda relieved that Hachiya survived getting his throat slit. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Part of me wishes Angel still watched this, if only for this week and if only because I'd like to have seen her reaction to Baby Sasuke. In case any of you are wondering why I'm writing up my thoughts like this more often now, that's because my internship I mentioned months back is about to start next Monday, and as it's a full-time affair, I can't waste time pausing in the middle of episodes on Sundays to make attempts at witty comments without cutting into my other free time activities, so I'm making a gradual shift to the "discussion from memory" stage instead of trying to force keeping the same format only to fall depressingly behind like TopGun did. So, yeah. Goodbye spaz reviews, hello something more normal. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 4, 2019 Author Posted May 4, 2019 (edited) May the 4th be with you. Tonight on Toonami, Goku finally gets around to battling his most desired opponent in the Tournament of Power, All for One demonstrates why he isn't a force to be trifled with, Emma and the others suspect one of their own could be snitching on their machinations to their caretakers, Kirito and Eugeo begin their upwards battle to Administrator by battling the very Integrity Knight who took Alice away, Rohan tries to literally get Cheap Trap off his back without getting flayed to death as the longest day reaches its end, Yami and the Magic Knights' resident psychopath do battle in a manner worthy of a classic sitcom, Boruto and Sarada ask for the Mizukage's help in saving Kagura from Shizuma and his cronies, the Nine-Tails attacks the village but from the perspective of Naruto's parents and Tobi this time, Hisoka and Illumi go into action against Killua and Alluka while Leorio finds himself in the position of darkhorse candidate, and Armin attempts to reason with a man who wants them dead because his fearboner demands it. 11:00 - Dragonball Super #109 - The Mightiest Enemy Zeroes in on Goku! Launch the Knockout Spirit Bomb Now! - TV-14LV 11:30 - My Hero Academia #48 - Symbol of Peace - TV-14LV 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #4 - 291045 - TV-14 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #14 - The Crimson Knight - TV-14LV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #34 - July 15th (Thurs), Part 4 - TV-MALV 1:30 - Black Clover #68 - Battle to the Death?! Yami vs. Jack - TV-PGL 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #29 - The New Seven Ninja Swordsmen! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #248 - The Fourth Hokage's Death Match - TV-PG 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #141 - Magician and Butler - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #10 - Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6 - TV-14 Edited May 5, 2019 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 On 5/3/2019 at 9:29 AM, PokeNirvash said: n case any of you are wondering why I'm writing up my thoughts like this more often now, that's because my internship I mentioned months back is about to start next Monday, and as it's a full-time affair, I can't waste time pausing in the middle of episodes on Sundays to make attempts at witty comments without cutting into my other free time activities, so I'm making a gradual shift to the "discussion from memory" stage instead of trying to force keeping the same format only to fall depressingly behind like TopGun did. So, yeah. Goodbye spaz reviews, hello something more normal. Congratulations, and I love that TG's being used as an example of how not to watch anime. Hero- Well this could be going better. Oklahoma Smash is a tornado. Just let garbage dilf fry them all, it's the only thing he's good for. Oh good they're okay. This is why he's BEST Jeanist. Fuck you and your dramatic opera music and your knock-off Darth Vader helmet. BEST JEANIST NO. Meanwhile, the kids continue to piss their pants. Leave Bakugo alone, I don't hate him anymore. Iida is a stern but loving father to his idiot children. HELLOOOOOOO BOYFRIEND. God, I'm into this. Appropriate that it's Star Wars day because this fucker can use the Force. Aw fuck he can use other people's quirks like puppets. Please don't kill my boyfriend. Kill them all, Bakugo. How DARE you use his line. This could really be going better. Too bad Bakugo hates you all. FRIENDSHIP. Kirishima is the only person that Bakugo doesn't outright hate, let's run with that. Are...are you just gonna throw Hardboy at them? Oh this is downright heartwarming. NYOOOM. And Bakugo's heart grew three sizes that day. And Mt Lady saves the day. HI GRANPA. Aw crap. There is absolutely porn of that magnet bit. SHIIIIIIIT. Please don't kill my boyfriend...or my grandpa...or my kids. Wait did his mentor have the same name as Fuckhands' real name? I got a real bad feeling about this. Neverland- Because my nerves weren't already at the breaking point tonight. Shit, she knows. Are they gonna fuck? Well now you're gonna have to find a new Cabbage Patch doll. Ray speaks the truth, these kids can't survive. Whelp, my dumb ass would be useless here. This is going too well. He's like four, how can he be a spy. That seems awfully soon, I can't even go away for a week without planning for two months. Well this seems ominous. We don't have time for denial here, boy! Yeah, people, right. Yeeeeah, she's safe she's just fine. Someone hug these kids. I like Ray's original idea of just killing the adults instead. Oh no I was just starting to trust her. GODDAMMIT THEY'RE BOTH TRAITORS. Well show you have successfully bamboozled me. ONE FEAR. You're a good kid, glasses girl. I mean, not being eaten by monsters is a great incentive to turn traitor. Emma is so much nicer than I'd be in this situation. So it was tall boy after all. OH SHIT MOTHERFUCKER I TRUSTED YOU. Sword Art- And now for some kids I want to see eaten by monsters. Shut the fuck up, Kirito. You leave Alphonse Elric out of this. This OP isn't garbage enough for this show. Kill them, red guy. Goddammit, that was so close to stabbing him in the balls. "Purify yourselves in the waters of Lake Minnetonka." I approve of setting their arms on fire. Great now he's a shitty version of Todoroki. CAW CAW, MOTHERFUCKER. You goddamn idiots. Somewhere, Endeavor is inexplicably pissed even more than usual. RIP that sweet armor. And of course now he's all friendly with them. Sounds like they should charge them head on. Fuck you Kirito let him have this. It doesn't count if he doesn't remember it. I mean, my brain would shit itself too if I had to listen to Kirito babble at me for a few minutes. You get back in there and kill him, you pussy. Here, have some balls. Well Eugeo you're completely goddamn useless here aren't you. How long before they have to save these two underage girl from violent sexual assault? Jojo- I love watching Rohan suffer. What the fuck. Nobody likes you, Rohan. Control your boner, Kira. Oh these people are going to die. I wonder if Jotaro can freeze time and rip that thing off his back. It's a good thing everyone already thinks Rohan is weird as shit. This guy is having a strange day. HI DOGGIE. Cats are dicks. Why are there so many cats. I appreciate Rohan getting mauled by dogs. Koichi no just let this happen. Koichi is such a good friend. On the bright side his shirt already looked like that. S-H-I-T. Bizarre, you say? Aaaand he's gone nuts. Oh hey, it's the demon ghost street. Hi Reimi! Oh shit they're gonna find him. He may be a terrible person but Kira's theme is great. This man has not been kinkshamed enough. I'm uncomfortable with this. Oh christ his ears. He's going to jack off with the hand in that apartment. RUN AWAY, LITTLE BOY. Hey Jotaro. Alright kiddo this is gonna sound weird but you've gotta find a guy with a pompadour. I'M UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS. Well now the steam's gonna destroy that tape. That towel is waaaay too short. Kira's ass is not an ass I want to see. Whelp, this kid is doomed. Thank god this boy has a weird obsession with taping everything. EAT SHIT, KIRA. Clover- Yami please make this show bearable for a few minutes. I wish these two hadn't been cured. Noelle continues to be the fucking worst. Always go for the dick-shaped food. Oh what the fuck. I wanted to watch Yami and the show filled my request like a fucking Monkey's Paw. Is he finally going to kill something? GODDAMMIT. Is this filler? Oh, are you actually gonna show Yami fighting after you went out of your way to ruin him for me? Wait who the hell is that? Even after all that bullshit earlier, he's still by far the best character. Would anybody really mind if we lost Jack the Ripper? Oh, it's the wizard king who never does anything. Show me his dick you cowards. I do like snowcones. One day I will die and I'll have to justify all the time I wasted watching this show. Hunter- I love that everyone hates Ging. He's really in third place now for decking him. Now someone punch this blond douche. Kinda rooting for Cowman here. Scratch that, rooting for Morel now. SCRATCH THAT, ROOTING FOR BISKY. Oh come on how did Ging make it to the top 16. I could watch Leorio punch the shit out of Ging all day. Is Canary even old enough to drive? Go away Illumi nobody likes you. Amane is cute. Killua is the best brother. Can we punch the rest of the family next? Kick his ass, Killua! TRUCK. This may be a little bit of overkill. This is some Final Destination shit. Hisoka is the worst. You know you've fucked up when even Hisoka is judging you. This is foreplay for them. Please kill Hisoka. You leave my kids alone you clown fuck. SHE'S SO CUTE. Ya done fucked up, girl. That old lady's got some moves. I'm with granny on that one, those two can fuck off. I love her, she can have my organs if she wants. Sodomy Clown vs Douche Butler, go! 1 Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 And that's why he's the eight time winner of the Best Jeanist award. 1 Quote
Top Gun Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 Oi, I'm current on two shows and like 8 weeks behind at the very worst. Shut it. 3 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 5, 2019 Author Posted May 5, 2019 DRAGON BALL SUPER - I bet you anything if Goku wins the ToP, he uses the Super Dragon Balls to wish King Kai back to life, finally. Regarding Goku v. Jiren, I'm sorta glad it's finally happening, but while I can see the hype, I don't really feel it as much as others would. It must be a lukewarm day in hell if Frieza's playing along with Goku's plan while Vegeta's still being tsundere about it. MY HERO ACADEMIA - Ah, now this? This is a fight worth being hyped over. The Bakugo rescue on Deku and friends' end was awesome too. I'm not the biggest fan of the whole "don't be a hero when you don't have a license yet" thing, but that's only because it gives 4chan's Toonami General an excuse to bitch about Japan's apparent disbelief in/refusal to acknowledge self-defense as a positive thing. I'm glad Mt. Lady's safe, even if she did get knocked out. Can't say the same about Best Jeanist, though. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - Every time Phil appears, my body stops making its own natural insulin, but only temporarily. Does anyone else experience this/get my possibly insensitive joke? Speaking of insensitivity, there's a sort of very dark humor in Emma getting Don and Gilda on their side by telling them the "adopted" kids were subjected to a fate more realistically terrifying than getting eaten by demons the size of basketball players. Krone couldn't get Gilda on her side, so now she's going after Don, a fellow person of color. (Who else thinks it's weird that he's apparently younger than Norman and Ray, and yet it sounds like his balls dropped sooner?) Of friggin' course Sauce Jr. was the real traitor. SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - I feel like these fight scenes are just A-1 trying to be the next ufotable by spamming CGI effects everywhere. Deusolbert turned out to be more chill than I expected, which is ironic considering his fire affinity. "You think of everything!" Well he is Kirito. Oh look, more potential haremettes. I like the one on the left's hairstyle. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - Rohan's plotline wouldn't be nearly as hilarious as it was had the #KickVic scandal not happened. Real life works in mysterious ways that not even my special brand of plothole filler can explain. Nice to see that Kira's still a murdering bastard, especially one with the potential to be seen as a bigger pervert than Vic. (Ironically, Kira's VA is one of the only L.A.-based VAs to my knowledge to openly denounce his years of creepery.) BLACK CLOVER - Dammit Asta, you do remember what happened the last time you ate that kind of snake, didn't you? I'd say avoiding diarrhea is a better than incentive than avoiding getting your head crushed by Yami's hands, though both are good to avoid. "Look, your little shtick is getting old!" Says the girl whose teammates whose own shticks have passed their expiration date ages ago. I'm just gonna blame the Kunoichi for this week's animation downgrade. BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Hey, remember that Raiga guy from the Curry of Life filler in OG Naruto? Apparently they canonized him! NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - That ink painting-style animation of the Nine Tails destroying the village upon arrival was actually pretty cool. HUNTER x HUNTER - I'd give Bisky my vote. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Illumi was behind all those ridiculous mass deaths throughout the Final Destination franchise. Hisoka, you whimsical liar. DEMARCO'S MUSIC VIDEO PICK OF THE WEEK - Rap music, anime aesthetic, CGI settings... face it, this video was Gemusetto Machu Picchu as fuck. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 5, 2019 Author Posted May 5, 2019 (edited) 17 minutes ago, Top Gun said: Oi, I'm current on two shows and like 8 weeks behind at the very worst. Shut it. In terms of weekly thoughts (which you've already dropped), not actual show-watching. 13 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Clover- One day I will die and I'll have to justify all the time I wasted watching this show. Two words: Spoiler Fuegoleon's sister. Edited May 5, 2019 by PokeNirvash Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted May 5, 2019 Posted May 5, 2019 1 hour ago, Top Gun said: Oi, I'm current on two shows and like 8 weeks behind at the very worst. Shut it. Hey hey... for the first time in a long time I've seen three of the shows premiering on the block! If I could only get caught up on AoT then it'd be four! 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 11, 2019 Author Posted May 11, 2019 (edited) Tonight on Toonami, Jiren's continued resistance to Goku's Spirit Bomb forces the Saiyan to push against his limits once again, the world lays witness to the final battle between All Might and his antithesis, Norman grills Ray for all the information he's let slip to Isabella thus far, Kirito meets two lolis who can actually defend themselves (from him), Rohan makes contact with Hayato and if real life says anything it ain't gonna end well for nobody, Yami goes from being a participant in a lame series of competitions to the prize in a lame pseudo-love triangle, this Boruto episode title is giving me confusion (isn't one Kiba enough for that franchise?), the full tale of the Nine Tails' attack on the Leaf Village and how he wound up inside Naruto comes to its thrilling conclusion, Gotou does battle with Hisoka while Killua runs afoul of the other butlers, and Pyxis unveils a plan to stop the Titan invasion of Trost that's so crazy it might just get them all killed. 11:00 - Dragonball Super #110 - Goku Enkindled! The Awakened One's New Ultra Instinct! - TV-PGL 11:30 - My Hero Academia #49 - One For All - TV-14LV 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #5 - 301045 - TV-14V 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #15 - The Relentless Knight - TV-14LV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #35 - Another One Bites the Dust, Part 1 - TV-MAV 1:30 - Black Clover #69 - The Briar Maiden's Melancholy - TV-14DLSV 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #30 - The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang! - TV-14LV 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #249 - Thank You - TV-PGV 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #142 - Needles and Debt - TV-14LV 3:30 - Attack on Titan #11 - Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7 - TV-14LV Edited May 11, 2019 by PokeNirvash And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust... Quote
Top Gun Posted May 11, 2019 Posted May 11, 2019 15 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said: Kirito meets two lolis who can actually defend themselves (from him) Fuuuuuuuuuck me. 1 1 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted May 12, 2019 Posted May 12, 2019 (edited) Ang wrote: Okay I'm kinda loving Bakugo continuing to shit on them... Yeah take his cuffs off that's a great plan. SO ANGRY... this little bastard's finally starting to grow on me. Sword Art... I'm sure this is a fascinating plot twist if you care at all about this show... Okay but Administrator is the least threatening position of power I can imagine, I'd fear a middle school hall monitor more than that. Hero... I think this is the first time I've seen an anime explicitly offer their traumatized kids some therapy. Sword Art- I hate the word "fluctlight" more every time I hear it... I feel like I age 20 years every time I watch this show. I think that's what they call character development. I'm cool with some exposition on the in-game history of the simulation. Also, in the world of the simulation, it's tantamount to this Quinella A.I. claiming to be a god. I can't specifically recall it from elsewhere either. Good for the UA staff. I don't like it either, so I keep calling them A.I.s instead. Plus, the downside is that for a thirty minute show (I know, the episode itself is only 22 minutes or so, but this makes the math nicer), the characters in the game would only age 104 days and four hours for your thirty-minute experience. The real shame, though is that for the characters in the game to have only 30 minutes pass, then Asuna and the Rath people would only age 0.36 seconds. That means several hours passed in the game in the time it took for Asuna rightly to get scared of the Terminator alpha model. Poke wrote: I love goateed gangbanger Midoriya. Aizawa looks odd without his facial hair. Kinda makes you wonder how more tolerable Naruto would've been had they lived to raise him like proper parents. Of course! Now it makes sense. Aizawa didn't really shave. The kids practiced their stealth moves by sneaking in and shaving his beard while he slept so they could use it to make the facial hair for their disguises. This was sort-of explored in one of the Shippuden movies, but I don't remember which one. Menma (alternate timeline Naruto) didn't turn out so well, but there were some personality differences in both his parents. Just the oldest stuff for now. DBS - It's a shame that Frost went after Roshi, but I didn't expect him to redirect the Mafuba to trap Vegeta as revenge for outing his (Frost's) shady nature. At least Roshi was able to free Vegeta before Frost eliminated him (Roshi). I needed the reminder that the winning universe will be the one with the most fighters left at end of the time limit, provided there isn't only one left before that. Universes 6 and 7 started with a tie for the most this episode, but now 6 has the numbers advantage. MHA - It's absolutely plausible that several of the students would be hospitalized for at least a few days after what happened to them. It's not good that Jiro and Tooru are still unconscious, though. The details of Izuku's injuries paint a grim picture for him. Sure, there are surgeries to repair ligaments, but they aren't as strong as they were prior to the injury, and replacement surgery deprives the person of a ligament somewhere else, which wouldn't work for Izuku at all. Momo showed quick thinking in making the tracker to be planted on the Nomu. Good work helping the pro heroes and police find the villains. I liked seeing the cat policeman doing the canvassing legwork. They did put together a good team of pros. I think Iida was right to be skeptical of the plan to be sneaky in finding Bakugo and not fight the villains, but I'm not sure how much he alone could really do to prevent the others from fighting were they discovered. I also like that there wasn't consensus among the mobile students in class 1A about whether it was right for them to do this. It showed intellectual diversity, and that's good for healthy debate and forming more mature perspectives. I also liked the loyalty those not going showed to their classmates in not informing on them. Momo getting happy over shopping for disguises was fun, but not as fun as Izuku's yakuza act. TPN - I haven't watched these yet. SAO: A - Alice's apprentice is someone Eugeo recognized by name. I can buy that, since Eugeo seems like the kind who would keep up on swordsmanship tournaments. When Eugeo told him about his prior life and actual name, I didn't expect a seizure and that crystal thing to pop out of his forehead. Since the guy was immobilized while it was out, I don't know why neither Eugeo nor Kirito spotted it for the opportunity it was and pulled out the crystal, but they didn't. Let's call it residual brain damage in Kirito's case (that's going to be the gift that keeps on giving with this franchise; blame whatever dumb thing he does on the brain damage). To the surprise of no one, after they let the crystal sink back into the guy's head, he was back to the jerk version of himself, so it was time to run. Why Kirito's lock of hair floated and twitched in one direction is beyond me, but it lead them to a magic door to the Grand Library, so that sure was convenient for them. Eugeo needing a dry change of clothes was a convenient excuse for Kirito to talk to this Cardinal girl, who somehow knew about Rath, the nature of the simulation, and the history of the simulation, without sounding like crazy people to Eugeo. Should Eugeo ever learn the truth of his world, I don't see him reacting well to it. Frankly, I would consider it poetic justice if he were to find a way to put himself into the alpha or beta Terminator model and carry out the carnage Asuna has failed enact on the behalf of humanity up to this point. As for the history of the simulation, of course one human teacher was an ambitious jerk with a will to power, which gave rise not only to the self-serving nobility, but also to Quinella, who looks to me like Asuna with a sinister smirk and silver hair. Anyway, Quinella was very good at spells, but got old looking for more power, though she did find it, and conveniently enough for her, it was in the form of finding a way to merge her A.I. with the simulation O.S., which gave her the power to make herself young again and suspend her aging. So, of course, what would a powerful spellcaster who was merged with the simulation O.S. do?, Why, start the Axiom Church to enforce her will, and quite possibly start the Taboo Index, with its incomplete system of protections for people from those with the desire to dominate and enforce their will on others. I'm torn as to how to interpret that, though. I could take the optimistic perspective that she never considered the depths of depravity to which some people might sink in abusing others, which says good things about her personality, but I think the alternative is more plausible, that she didn't want to enshrine into law the idea that subjugating others for personal gain is inherently bad, because that would stand contrary to her ambition to be the god of her world. MB - I watched a couple of these, and I'll admit that there was something satisfying about Joe barging into the announcement ceremony to play off Ms. Shirato's words and get his rematch. Joe's brazen action got done what Nanbu's schemes and attempts at negotiation couldn't. When they were talking about the way Mr. Shirato's A.I. Gear worked, it sounded like it wouldn't be able to counter someone without Gear, because the primary input was from sensors detecting electrical impulses in the opponent's Gear. Unfortunately for Joe, Mr. Shirato made adequate changes to the way the A.I. detected opponents' actions to be effective against Joe. I can understand that operating at a high level of synchronization between the A.I. and Mr. Shirato would be physically taxing on him, but I feel like the only reason it would plummet afterward is because his body couldn't keep up with the machine. The match being decided at the end by Joe going against Nanbu's intuition (thus guessing correctly) and k.o.-ing Mr. Shirato with one hit, while dramatic, seemed cheap. Sure, the A.I. Gear got Mr. Shirato through matches without much trouble, but are we to accept that in all his conditioning, he never let himself get hit so he could learn how to react to it? Yes, we know Joe can deliver solid hits, since he has put down people who have taken Gear-backed punches, but k.o.-ing Mr. Shirato with one uppercut brings to mind the phrase "glass jaw." I'm fine with the outcome, but how Joe won seemed cheap from a storytelling perspective. At least Joe calling out Yuri, now that Joe was in his ring, helped wash that taste out of my mouth. JoJo: Diamond - Josuke had guts to endure injuries to return the energy of the attacks to the ginger guy and catch him off guard. Crap, Mr. Kira and his new allies are going after Team Joestar, and someone supposedly eliminated Koichi. This guy can trap people in a folded piece of paper with their name on it. The motorcycle jerk agreed to help find the guy, but not fight him, and that's actually fairly sensible. The guy released Ms. Higashikata to distract Josuke. I'm okay with something odd like a nervous tick when scared being the key to trapping people. What is up with Rohan's architect/contractor? The dude seems nice, but a little squirrely. BC - Since they didn't include the most recent battle, Imma say that they made the decision for this to be a compilation episode before the end of that fight was finished being made. We could also go with an in-universe excuse that the mission reports from the most recent battle may not be available for our trio here to read yet. Darn right you need some stars for getting another magic stone, Yami. Fork 'em over, Wizard King. Boruto - To the surprise of no one, Boruto and co. got Denki back after beating up the Mist jerks. I'm not really sure why Kagura has PTSD over going overboard in a training exercise, but okay. He's the grandson of the Blood Mist Mizukage. That's unfortunate. Talk no jutsu from Boruto over a card game gave Kagura the courage and determination to take a test to inherit one of Seven Swords of the Mist. Good for him. Shippuden - Killer B helped a little in blocking one blast from the Nine-Tails, but couldn't help Naruto subdue it, since Killer B has no real power in Naruto's inner mind theater. It's time to officially meet Kushina Uzumaki and learn her history. It's sweet that he got to talk to his mom and she has, in a way, been watching over him for years. I smiled when I learned that he unknowingly inherited "dattebyo!" from her. Those jerk kids were clearly insane, stupid, or both, because red hair is amazing on a woman. Also, I'm not certain on this, but I think that the word "tomato" was at one point a slang term for a shapely woman. I like that she's scrappy. However, the jerk kid and his jerk older brother went too far in drawing a kunai on her when she was only using her fists and had no more official training than the jerk kid, and even less than his jerk older brother. When she was abducted, I like that Minato explained him helping here and not at other times as there being a difference between jerks from their own village being jerks and shinobi from a rival village taking her in the conduct of a mission. In the former case, he thought she could handle her own business, and she could, but in the latter, he had a duty as a fellow Leaf shinobi to assist his comrade-in-arms. HxH - I don't remember much other than Killua setting a provisional wish with Nanika. It's interesting that Killua noted the difference in how his brother addresses him depending on whether he's in request mode or fulfillment mode. In Hisoka and Illumi's chat over drinks, I can understand Illumi being concerned about Killua using Alluka to heal Gon, since it could spell the end of the Zoldyck family. Hisoka has no good options, since he would want Gon to recover, and Gon could die should Killua fail to fulfill the next set of requests, but if Hisoka kills Alluka, then Gon may never recover. However, if Gon can no longer use nen because of his power-up against Pitou, then Hisoka would be deprived of the exhilarating fight he wants anyway. So, sucks to be Hisoka here. Edited May 12, 2019 by FoleyisGood149 Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 12, 2019 Posted May 12, 2019 7 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: but I'm not sure how much he alone could really do to prevent the others from fighting were they discovered. iida telling those boys he's not mad, just disappointed would absolutely cripple them psychologically. Hero- Oh my god look at tiny All Might. Oh hey, she's hot. Look out for your garbage dad, Icy Hot. So fucking angry. How the fuck dare you talk about her like that. Oh, fuck you. Thanks, Granpa. Please don't kill my boyfriend. Man, Aizawa really would have come in handy here. Meanwhile, all the kids ppiss themselves. Oh fuck you, people. You're just mad about him turning your face into hamburger. Oh fuck there's a random bystander there. Oh no now everybody sees him. I'm already crying. Fuuuuuuuck yoooooou. OH SHIT. We've been Skywalker'd. You son of a bitch. All Might broke. Listen to the random bystander! Awwww everyone's cheering for him. I love you, Captain Milf. KICK HIS ASS. That must be his jackoff arm. Oh fuck it's garbage dilf. Okay he definitely got hotter with age. Awww they're here to help. Tiger! Young Torino can get it. Shut up I'm not crying you're crying. And here's this fucker, ruining the mood. Ohhhhhhh FUCK. Oh shit don't you touch my son. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY BOYFRIEND. This is not the naked All Might I prefer but I'll take what I can get. I'd like to get off this ride now. Oh god his arm. Holy fuck. Goodbye, One for All. HE WON!!!!! I DIDN'T KILL HIM NOT TODAY DEATH. I swear I'm crying happy now. Oh hey snake boobs. AWWWWWWWWWW ALL MIGHT. Neverland- Goddammit child I trusted you. Just break my goddamn heart, show. Oh jesus, you fucking knew about the monsters? Join us, Ray. Oh shit he's been playing everyone. I'm not sure if I should hug this boy or slap the shit out of him. I am way too stupid to survive in this situation. Oh shit you little bastard. Norman needs a hug. Stab her, Ray. Oh fuck wake up wake up wake upwakeupwakeup. Not now, Precious Moments! Jesus Ray you can't just blurt it out like that. Oh this is gonna destroy my soul to watch him betray them later. Uhhh you okay there Emma? Kids what a lady does in her private dildo room is none of your business. Oh little boy that is such a bad idea. Again I'm terrified that one of the adults is gonna be hiding behind a door. Oh fuck don't do it abort mission ABORT MISSION. This is not gonna end well. You're both going to die. Sword Art- Kirito you're the last person who gets to call someone else annoying. Lolis if you know what's good for you, you'll just walk back into your room and stay there for the rest of the series. This is a trap. you stupid fuck. Okay, I do enjoy seeing Kirito get shanked. What in fucking tarnation. Don't fuck with human transmutation, kids. Goddammit Kirito. Why is no one else attacking him? Oh fucking christ just let me die here. I enjoy watching Kirito get shot. That's a lot of unnecessary backstory for the fact that it's just a goddamn laser sword. Nobody gives a shit that you're a lady just be glad the show hasn't molested you yet. Can we not force a ham-fisted attempt at gender politics in a show where damn near every female character wants to fuck Kirito and/or gets sexually assaulted? At least if she dies she doesn't have to be in Sword Art Online anymore. God, shut the hell up already. I'm not lucky enough to have him die. Jojo- Hi Reimi! Aw shit the kid's dead. Hey there milf. Kira if you're not gonna plow that into next week I sure the hell am. AW FUCK the kid's dead. PEPSI. Well, shit. Oh god stop biting your fingers. Aw fuck it's the arrow. I don't think that's supposed to happen. If that arrow kills him it's just saved us a whole lot of trouble. Oh, he's alive again I guess. That is one sweet tie. Uhhh you're looking kinda different. Great so he has three stands now. Answer the damn phone. MY TEA POT. And suddenly milf is having a great day. FUCK. I'm so uncomfortable. PEPSI. Don't get in a car with Rohan, little boy. Rohan stop that's fucking creepy. And then he blew right the fuck up. I have no idea how this new power works but I'm okay with it. Lucky for Kira that these two can't turn their heads slightly to the right. And now it's Groundhog Day. Answer the damn phone this time. That makes absolutely no sense to me but sure let's just go with it. Clover- Just what I wanted, an ugly fat guy who doesn't know personal space. Hey lesbians. The whole "Call me captain" thing still isn't funny, show. This show is so shitty it manages to make lesbians annoying. Why is sister fucker still allowed to live. Even the show agrees that Yami is the only fuckable dude here. Hi kitty. Oh god we're gonna have a cat fight. I wish for death. Yami is too dunk to give a shit and god I wish that were me. Eat shit, Finral. Oh look, more people I don't like. Just kill me now. Oh jesus this is playing right into Asta's nun fetish. I hate this lesbian. Stop fighting, both of you just fuck him. Okay I'll admit "No chugging, it's just not a good look" was actually a pretty funny line. Oh boo hoo you're cursed, get in fucking line bitch. Oh, I guess they replaced Armless Frank or whatever his name was. Hunter- I fucking hate this clown. Okay dude but on the list of things you could throw at me to intimidate me, pennies is pretty far at the bottom. Bold of you to assume all of this isn't just Hisoka's fetish. Aw fuck it's math I'd rather just die. WHELP. So much for that guy. Nyooom. Hope you got a car on standby, Granny. What. And then Grandma was a bike. Killua has had enough of this. My ass would be dropping into the nearest chair as soon as I hit town. Found you. And there they go. I love Canary. Yeeeeah I don't think you're gonna be meeting up with him any time soon. Where's your sister you're not supposed to be apart from her. Illumi has friends? Of course he doesn't, he's just gonna brainwash people. Whelp, you're boned. I don't remember if we knew this rule already. In his defense, his brother is a piece of shit. Killua is a good brother. Can we call in Bisky for help, I wanna see her kick his ass. Don't get attached to any of these redshirts. Shit how threatening can they be when they run like rubber chickens. I've never seen you three before, but go fuck yourselves. Y'all should know by now that the best way to get votes is to punch Ging in the face. Hisoka does the Naruto run. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted May 12, 2019 Posted May 12, 2019 One of All Might's secrets is out of the bag and now he can commit to being the walking skeleton of my dreams. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 12, 2019 Author Posted May 12, 2019 (edited) 7 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Neverland- Kids what a lady does in her private dildo room is none of your business. Jojo- Oh god stop biting your fingers. ... That makes absolutely no sense to me but sure let's just go with it. Clover- Oh jesus this is playing right into Asta's nun fetish. 1. Thank you for informing me that such a thing exists, and if it doesn't, then it should. 2. Agreed, even as a nail-biter myself, Kira going straight for the skin made me more uncomfortable than anything else. 3. STANDS: THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE. 4. I know and I love it. DRAGON BALL SUPER - Goku's new Ultra Instinct is certainly impressive. I'd say my biggest moments of hype were Ian Sinclair once again proving his voice to be a national treasure with his portrayal of fanboy Whis, tied with Goku managing to nail Jiren in the stomach. MY HERO ACADEMIA - United States of Smash, meanwhile, was so hype I actually applauded when it was finished, and even pumped my fist in the air like the rest of the crowd. Most badass retirement announcement ever. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - Even if I knew Ray was the spy (which I probably did), I don't think I'd have expected him to be a double agent, and possibly triple! Sucks about leaving the rest behind, but I guess Norman's nightmare does prove a point. I was expecting Krone to come through that door, but instead I got a cliffhanger. SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - The only thing worse than random annoying lolis is random annoying lolis who kill for fun. I appreciate Kirito NOPE-ing out of interacting with them like, "I already have Silica in my pseudo-harem, I don't need anyone younger." He's a real Columbo, that kid. As to be expected from the Patron Saint of Gary Stus. And in all of the show's misguided wisdom, the lesson to learn from this episode is, women who scream "MISOGYNY!" at every man and boy in sight are the biggest misogynists of all. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - And rounding out tonight's triad of hype is the full realization of Kira's STAND: BITES ZA DUSTO. Poor Hayato's trapped in a Queen Hole - not as impressive as a Floyd Hole, but just as fun/terrifying - and is saddled with having inadvertent blood on his hands at that. But hey, at least he managed to save Mother's Day after accidentally ruining it. And the upshot is, Angel can be satisfied knowing there's at least one timeline where Rohan is really most sincerely dead. I expect /co/'s Toonami General to meme that in relation to Vic's IRL troubles by Wednesday at the latest. BLACK CLOVER - Sol's definitely got the looks to be a best girl, it's a shame her one-note gag is just as bad as most of the Black Bulls', and also she's on the more #KillAllMen side of lesbianism. If Asta had any magic to give to that cosplay contest vote, I bet he'd have voted for Vanessa. His nun fetish totally would've demanded it. "That is such a male fantasy! Women drinking beer..." Yami is a pretty cool guy, saves women from terrible lives, gives no fucks, and doesn't afraid of anything. BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Shizuma and his cronies have actually made anime sharkteeth people come off as obnoxious. (And here I thought two sharktoothed opponents in the Ryuo's Work is Never Done OP was the absolute limit...) That's why I liked the paper bomb sword guy. At least his teeth look normal! Well, they did, before the animators remembered to give him sharkteeth, at which point my interest in him free-fell off a cliff into Rock Bottom. Whatever, at least lightning sword chick will never learn that her deadbeat dad was introduced into canon as a filler character. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - There's just something nostalgic about seeing an updated take on plot-relevant events that were depicted/revealed years prior. This is how you do it. Take lessons, "episode 3 but from Kakashi's perspective". HUNTER x HUNTER - It's a real shame about Gotoh dying; just goes to show how expendable Zoldyck butlers truly are. At least Tsubone turning into a motorcycle was cool, and I'm really starting to like Amane more now. And I love that Killua got the Hunter Association to go after Illumi. Not just as a play in the intra-mission, but payback for what I bet were all sorts of psychological torture. MUSIC VIDEO CORNER - Even with Shinichiro Watanabe in charge of the video, and Flying Lotus providing the beats, this still reeks of Demarco's shit taste in music. [j-rock videos when?] Edited May 12, 2019 by PokeNirvash Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 18, 2019 Author Posted May 18, 2019 Tonight on Toonami, it's Stardust Crusaders throwback time as Hit and Jiren engage in a battle beyond regular time perceptions, Deku and the rest of society deal with the aftermath of All Might's victorious retirement fight, Don and Gilda get caught trying to enter Isabella's secret chamber while Emma makes an interesting discovery among the library's materials, Kirito and Eugeo face off with Alice in an act of hamfisted irony, Hayato's attempts to break free of the time loop Kira's trapped him in go from bad to worse, the Star Festival goes from the fun kind of contentious to the serious kind when the year's Magic Knight Squad rankings are revealed, Boruto tries to do the Talk no Jutsu on Kagura but to little avail, Naruto resumes his training while the remnants of the Akatsuki make their move, the election moves to the Elite Eight stage while Illumi finally catches up to Killua, and the pre-season 3.5 Titan rerun ends just how you'd expect it to: Eren going mad crazy in Titan mode while a bunch of one-off characters die for no good reason. 11:00 - Dragonball Super #111 - An Extra-Dimensional Ultimate Battle! Hit vs. Jiren!! - TV-PGV 11:30 - My Hero Academia #50 - End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End - TV-14LV 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #6 - 311045 - TV-14V 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #16 - The Osmanthus Knight - TV-PGLV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #36 - Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2 - TV-MAV 1:30 - Black Clover #70 - Two New Stars - TV-14 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #31 - Boruto and Kagura - TV-PG 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #250 - Battle in Paradise! The Odd Beast vs. the Monster! - TV-PGLV 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #143 - Sin and Claw - TV-14V 3:30 - Attack on Titan #12 - Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8 - TV-14LV [oh sweet kaneki~] Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 Top Gun wrote: Oi, I'm current on two shows and like 8 weeks behind at the very worst. Shut it. Technically, I think you're in better shape than I am, because I'm current on five shows (haven't seen last week's JoJo, Clover or Hunter yet), haven't started TPN, still have 5 episodes of MB left, and still haven't watched Alternative. Still just the oldest stuff. DBS - Given that Goku said the Yardratans who taught him Instant Transmission weren't particularly strong, I was surprised that the Universe 2 Yardratan gave Gohan so much trouble. At least Frieza was team player in assisting him. The thing about Frieza and Frost conspiring is that it's completely believable. However, Gohan could tell from the intensity of Frieza's attacks that it was for show (recall that Gohan did fight fourth-form Frieza on Namek) and played along so Frost would drop his guard. Frieza played coaching Frost well in order to get close enough for a one-hit ring-out. I'm not sure whether or not to thank Whis for the reminder that Frieza could wish for the destruction of all gods or just Beerus if Frieza was being really petty. Goku saying the magic girl's attacks kind of tickle made me smile. MHA - It was clever on Nezu's part to give the impression that the police were still looking for the League. Those were obviously hit-piece questions from that jerk reporter. I agree that the worst case is like Eraser said, the students being tortured and killed. Yes, several were injured, but they're still alive and can recover. Regarding one thing the reporter said, my sentiment is "piss on you, jerk! The students shouldn't have even needed "permission" to use their powers to defend themselves from aggressors who sought and initiated hostilities. It wasn't in any way irresponsible to let them exercise the natural right of self-defense from credible threats of death or grievous bodily harm." Thankfully, Eraser is much more calm about that subject than I am, because my response would play right into the jerk reporter's hands. I was glad that Bakugo resisted the League's recruitment pitch. The kids found the second location with Nomus, but that's okay, because the heroes and police found both locations and managed to trap the villains and Nomus. Of course, that meant things were going far too well, so All for One had to intervene and bring more Nomus to wreak even more havoc after the explosion. He even took Ragdoll's Quirk so he could add psychic intimidation to his arsenal, implanting images of carnage in the minds of anyone around. Izuku realized this is the evil he may have to fight, and he saw clearly how very far from ready he is. On the plus side, though, is that Ragdoll was recovered alive. TPN - I haven't watched these yet. SAO: A - I'm cool with more history of Administrator. Sure, why not have some end-user like Kirito know about the two core programs in a Cardinal System game? The primary regulates and balances the game world, and the other is an error checker on the primary, and both of those were in Admin. After another seventy years, I can believe that Admin's memory was getting full, since she'd lived almost two lifetimes by that point. The synthesis ritual is mostly about taking over other A.I.s for additional memory, but it also gives her powerful subordinates. Anyway, Cardinal made her move and took over the girl instead. I'm not sure whether that's morally defensible, though. I can believe that shed' be equally matched to Admin back then, but over 200 years of Integrity Knights have tipped balance now. Cardinal could've fled to either the Dark Territory or the Grand Library, and I think she made the better choice. Hm, the first Integrity Knight hated the Axiom Church and bucked control. Cool. It seemed to me like they said he went on to establish Eugeo's village, which is fine. Rath designed the simulation to put more and more stress on the A.I.s culminating in the Dark Territory invading. It would simulate a war of survival to see which A.I.s are able to overcome the core programming. In Cardinal's position, I wouldn't like that plan for her world either, so I'm cool with her plan stick it to Rath by wiping the simulation. She might be able to save ten A.I.s, and which ones will be Kirito's choice. No pressure! I'm curious to know how Cardinal's memory storage is doing. She has been stuck in a library with little to do but read for centuries. Also, 200 years is a long time to go without a hug. About Charlotte, I'm not sure if some giant spider in one of the Harry Potter stories was older or not. It could've been older, but I'm not certain. MB - I haven't watched any more of these yet. JoJo: Diamond - Sucks for the architect that there was a hostile Stand on his back. As far as we know, he did nothing to deserve this. I am curious as to whether this long-range Stand is capable of independent action or just lets the User see through its eyes. The Stand kept asking Rohan to burn the pictures with "yes?", and that got me thinking about whether this could've been avoided had he quickly answered the first question about a piggy-back with a "no." Had Rohan immediately denied consent, could it still attach to him? As for the fight against the paper guy, crap, he managed to trap Josuke. The motorcycle guy was more upstanding than I thought, since he intentionally got trapped to pull Josuke's paper out of the shredder by giving his Stand leverage from within it. However, I'm not sure about the shredder. I thought the guy's power needed some nervous tic of fear to work. How can an office shredder have a nervous tic? Oh well. BC - I'm not opposed to the Star Festival existing to announce how many stars the Squads earned in the last year. I'm not sure how Asta saved some Blood Recovery magic for Kahono and Kiato, because I feel like bottling the blood wouldn't be enough, but okay. I'm okay with Kohono trying to play matchmaker for Asta and Noelle. Asta thinks she's great, but I think she has too much tsun. What the crap is wrong with those people? There was a crying child, and these jerk adults from the capital chose to be vocally judgmental instead of helping her. I was glad to see Noelle pull the royal card to shame them after she did the right thing. Boruto - Evidently Kagura passed his test to inherit one of the Seven Swords of the Mist. Good for him. It seems to me like the guy is guilting Kagura into going along with this plan. He's also from the Hoshigake clan, like Kisame. That would explain his gills. Hm, not all the war dead are honored at the memorial. I can think of two plausible reasons for that. First, they could've defected, and second, they could've died while deserting. These new Swordsmen weren't there, so they can't know. In either of those two cases, I feel like there would be testimony and mission reports confirming such which would not be available to everyone. Shippuden - Yay, more of Kushina's story. I already knew because of spoilers, but yes, the Senju and Uzumaki clans are distant relatives. My extended family on my paternal grandmother's side (i.e. the descendants of her and her siblings) is rather large, and I would think of the relationship between the Senjus and Uzumakis as being like that of the youngest generations among us. I didn't know that the spiral in the leaf design for Konoha was an incorporation of the Uzumaki crest. I know it's not this simple, but I feel like Mito, the first Jinchuriki for the Nine-Tails, having a talk with the young Kushina about what it would mean for her to be the next Jinchuriki would be like a great-aunt telling her what to expect. Sauce is a few months older than Naruto. Okay. It was a lot of repeated lines, but I thought that Kushina and Minato depicted the essence of a pair of flabbergasted parents-to-be rather well. The seal weakening during childbirth seems rather arbitrary, but okay. I'm fine with Minato being there to reinforce the seal, as I am with the birthing being in secret and under guard somewhere away from Konoha. Unfortunately, Tobi was skilled enough to kill several Anbu operatives and get inside anyway. I'm not sure how he knew where to find Kushina, though. HxH - That's a lot of butlers to accompany Alluka and Killua. I feel like the one-meter proximity restriction is unreasonable for the simple fact that one or the other will likely need to answer Nature's call at some point. Beloved sibling or not, I wouldn't want someone watching me use the toilet. Crap, Alluka made a request of Tsubome (sp?). I recognize the wisdom she showed by going into hiding after fulfilling the first request. Now Alluka can't make requests of anyone else. Gon still being in bad shape is very believable. The bit with Leorio and Morel on phone with Gotoh was mildly amusing. I'm glad for Gon's sake that Morel was able to propose arrangements acceptable to Gotoh. I liked Leorio at the meeting, pushing Ging on what a crap parent he is. Ging showed what an, to quote Leorio, asshole he is by getting technical. I feel like there was a bigger rant to make based solely on logic that Leorio could've used to stuff the technicality back in Ging's jerk face (Gon was injured on a Hunter mission that was in part to avenge a friend of his and Ging's which Ging arranged for Gon to meet through Ging's scheming relative to a game Gon played in an effort to better understand his father and thus increase his (Gon's) likelihood of finding him (Ging), which was the whole reason Gon left Whale Island and took the Hunter exam in the first place), but Leorio may not have been privy to all that information like we, the audience, were. Still, it was quite satisfying to see Leorio teleport a punch into Ging's jerk faise. I very much enjoyed that everyone there cheered him for that. The Bunny girl Zodiac even let everyone know video would be available on the Hunter website. I smiled even more when she changed her position from the people encouraging their friends to watch to insisting that they watch. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 6 hours ago, FoleyisGood149 said: Thankfully, Eraser is much more calm about that subject than I am, because my response would play right into the jerk reporter's hands. He's just too tired to get into a shouting match with a reporter. Hero- Oh look time for me to cry again. Aw crap, entire country is fucked now. Okay but Fuckhands still sucks. Man, what happened to that gene line where we went from Captain Milf to Fuckhands? It's hilariously depressing that Endeavor spent over 20 years destroying his family to surpass All Might and then the guy just retires and renders all of that work entirely pointless. I enjoy garbage dilf having a tantrum. I love his mom. Aww this is gonna be heartwarming. Surprise Smash! It's okay I still love you. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW THIS IS HEARTWARMING. All Might is best dad. I love Principal Mouse so much. Oh nooo don't fire him. Haa, Jiro's family talks in music puns. They are really throwing somewhat-less-grubby Aizawa at me to fill this All Might-shaped gap in my heart and I appreciate it. Oh damn Bakugo's mom's a milf. I love Bakumilf. Bakugo is suspicious. Damn Aizawa you could at least let the injured guy take the car. His room is so much fanboy. Oh dang, who'd have guessed that mama Midoriya would be the biggest obstacle. TINY DEKU IS HERE. All of them need a hug. This hurts my heart. "I'm sorry I punched you in the balls" is never gonna stop being funny to me. Hiiii Big Might. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'm not crying you're crying shut up. OH FUCK NOT THE MUSIC YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. Neverland- Goddamn toddler nearly gave me a heart attack. My dumb ass would be dead within 40 minutes of escaping that wall. That key swipe worked surprisingly well. Here's an owl. Well shit I hope you know morse code. This secret passage isn't an obvious trap at all I'm sure you'll be fine. This Minerva guy seems too good to be true. Aw fuck it's the bunny. Mom's right behind y'all isn't she. My anxiety is off the charts here. GODDAMMIT PHIL. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Thank you, little boy. Oh no, she definitely noticed and you're going to die next. Oh yeah, this explanation is much better. Whelp, dude broke. So uh, we may have a problem with Don. Boy I know you're freaking out but you need to shut the hell up before the child sellers hear you. I'm terrified that they're being watched at all times. I hope the plan is sneaking up behind her and punching her in the tits. I got a real bad feel about all this. We're building a bomb, kids. Christ you just drop that on her out of nowhere. SHIIIIIT. Mother of christ I just pissed myself. WHELP. Sword Art- Back to shit I couldn't give less of a fuck about. Please god let him be dead. I used up all my luck on not getting All Might killed, I can't make Kirito suffer. Congratulations lady, you don't have to be in this show anymore. Kirito you dumb fuck. Oh fuck me it's another generically cute servant girl. This is how I feel at work every day. All this girl knows is how to work a shaft. I dunno man I think I'd rather run an elevator instead of chopping an unchoppable tree for decades. Please kick Kirito's ass. Time is of the essence, so stand here talking for five minutes. The tree is a stand, fuck you. Don't let Kirito talk you're just gonna piss her off more. I do enjoy seeing the litte dickwad get knocked down a peg. Better get your stabbin' arm ready, boy. You failed like the fucking disgrace you are. And then shit blew up. Jojo- Kira if you don't bang that milf already I'm gonna fight you myself. Yesss show me Rohan blowing up again. Whelp, you're boned. Oh shit he broke the OP. I could watch Rohan blow the fuck up all day. I'm okay with this. He's still a better dad than Ging. Hey there Koichi. Koichi you're holding his picture. Hiiii Jotaro. And here's the bros. Whelp, y'all are gonna blow up now. Josuke is a good boy. Here we go. Jesus christ kid. Fucking cat stand. Aw shit I didn't want the rest of them to blow up too. This boy needs a hug. Ya gotta stab him, Hayato. Cat plant to the rescue! Goddamn that thing's got some power. Eat shit, Kira. Awww. You forgot your hat. Oh no will cat plant still work in the rain. This child was almost happy this morning, not on my fucking watch. Kira you bastard. CAT PLANT GO! Surely this worked out perfectly. FUCK. Clover- Oh hey, she's kinda hot. And there's the guy who's totally not evil. Yami cannot give less of a fuck if he activey tried. Oh how the fuck is that even possible. That says worse things about the other squads than it does good things about them. Fucking christ don't give him attention. That's not how math works. Fuck off, haha guy. I forgot that Tink here talks and I wish she didn't. Lion girl's got some real eyebrows on her. I respect that girl who's constantly asleep. Jack the Ripperh as a point. I forgot there was a king. I want to punch him. Yeah this announcement ain't gonna bite you in the ass. Yikes. Oh she's violent and angry she can go in the pile of people I don't hate. Hunter- I'm still voting for Bisky. Fucking Ging. Goddammit Hisoka. Granny if he catches them this is your fault. There he go. And then Granny was a plane. Whelp, you're fucked. This bastard has the most punchable face I've ever seen. And it was all the work of a single child-molesting clown. Illumi is going to find you immediately, kids. You're gonna have to run some people over. FUCK. Now would be a great time for somebody to show up at the last second and help them. Now would be a great time for shirtless Knuckle to show up and save them. GODDAMIT GRANNY. I hope she left the monocle in place so their bitch mom can watch her kick Illumi's ass. God that face is terrifying. You get out of here, you shitty clown fuck. I'm fine with Illumi dying. You know he's geting a boner. 'Kay. Oh hey, that's nifty. KICK HIS ASS, KILLUA. Maybe the rules don't apply to him because he's the only one who treats her like a person. Oh dear. GET OUT OF HERE, YOU SHITTY CLOWN FUCK. Little too late for that, Morel. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 23, 2019 Author Posted May 23, 2019 On 5/19/2019 at 3:31 AM, EmpressAngel said: Clover- Oh hey, she's kinda hot. Lion girl's got some real eyebrows on her. Oh she's violent and angry she can go in the pile of people I don't hate. DRAGON BALL SUPER - "Hit of the 11th Universe has been eliminated." To some, yet another anime dub gaff. To others, proof that FUNimation really does want to break free of the DBZ anchor. MY HERO ACADEMIA - Oh wow, Bakugo's face really is one a mother can beat to a bloody pulp. I'd post a meme for that one childhood flashback, but there's just so many, that I'll post the page for them instead. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - Spoilered for the crowd that hates racism, even when it's not the speaker's own views, which I assure you they aren't. Spoiler Between Don stealing, him going apeshit on Ray and Norman, and Krone being Krone, I couldn't help but think, "Never Relax!" SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Dammit Kirito, I know you respect women and all, but you really need to learn to identify which ones need said respect. "I don't know anything of the world outside of this shaft" sounds like a line from a really fucked-up porno. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - Great Days is a 10/10 OP, sure, but the Bites the Dust edit is Elder God tier. Thank god Hayato's smart enough to know how to handle this bizarre a situation, otherwise we'd be fucked. BLACK CLOVER - I may gripe about the series as much as the rest of you - and in comparison to Angel, Gunners, and Elfie, much less - but even so, I just can't help but feel a bit proud for Asta and Yuno having come this far in six months their time, eighteen months ours. Bravo, boys. As for Fuego's sister, I'm not too surprised but still a bit disappointed she didn't get a lot of screentime this episode. (That's what next week's for, I guess.) Also, I don't think I've heard Monica do the voice she's doing for her before. UZUMAKI FAMILY POWER HOUR - a.k.a. The Samehada Special. I'm not sure what Shizuma's relation to Kisame is, but the latter would probably think the former's a total scrub. HUNTER x HUNTER - Welp, Bisky's out of the running, so I guess I'm gonna vote for Leorio now. Even Killua thinks the lengths to which Illumi's taking this intra-mission are kinda ridiculous. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 25, 2019 Author Posted May 25, 2019 Tonight on Toonami, the block shifts up half an hour to an earlier start time with a once-more block-opener My Hero Academia episode that speaks for itself, Vegeta and Cabba team up against a BBW tournament competitor that isn't Ribrianne, Titan makes its not exactly glorious return as the Scouts arrive in the dilapidated ruins of Shiganshina, Emma and friends' alliance with Krone only serves to make them more suspicious of her, either we're getting flashbacks to this season's rape attempt or Demarco's taking the "RAWR FANSERVICE BAD" thing wayyyyyyyy too far, Kira's aplomb at foiling Hayato's attempt to stop him prompts someone else to take up the reins of the foiler, Asta and Yuno are roped into joining the literal best woman in this show on a dangerous training retreat, Boruto jumps out of the frying pan that was the former Blood Mist Village and into the fire that's his little sister's emotional state, Aoba pries Kisame's mind for intel and instead dooms everyone to a flashback episode (the non-recap kind), and recent developments in the election's final stages make Leorio question if punching out Ging was the right call. 10:30 - My Hero Academia #51 - Moving Into Dorms - TV-14DV 11:00 - Dragonball Super #112 - A Saiyan Oath! Vegeta's Resolve!! - TV-14L 11:30 - Attack on Titan #50 - The Town Where Everything Began - TV-14LV 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #7 - 011145 - TV-14 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #17 - Truce - TV-MASV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #37 - Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 1 - TV-MAV 1:30 - Black Clover #71 - The Uncrowned, Undefeated Lioness - TV-14 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #32 - The Quest for Souvenirs - TV-PG 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #251 - The Man Named Kisame - TV-PGV 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #144 - Approval and Coalition - TV-14DL Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted May 26, 2019 Posted May 26, 2019 Ang wrote: Haa, Jiro's family talks in music puns... Oh damn Bakugo's mom's a milf. Clover... I respect that girl who's constantly asleep. I haven't watched the episode yet, but I remember from the manga that Kyoko's mom is hot, and Mitsuki is surprisingly pretty for what is essentially a gender-bent Bakugo. It's how she deals with the constant headaches of dealing with most of the people in the Cloververse - ignoring them in the most extreme way possible. Poke wrote: I'm not sure what Shizuma's relation to Kisame is, but the latter would probably think the former's a total scrub. I'd agree with that assessment. Still just the oldest stuff. This is a little later because my youngest cousin had a graduation party today, and I went to that for several hours. DBS - It was mildly amusing that Jiren got impatient waiting for Goku to finish fighting the magic girl and scared her away. I'm glad that Goku slowly increasing his power as he probed Jiren for weaknesses only took around half the episode. It seemed a bit cheap to me that Jiren's energy was so intense that it functioned like a barrier. At least levels SSJG and Blue finally made Jiren dodge and block instead of just taking the hits. It was good to see all of Universe 7 combine for the Spirit Bomb, but I feel like the fighters from the other Universes missed an opportunity here. I'll grant that they may not know what the Spirit Bomb is or how it works, but adding their energies to it would've been their best chance so far to eliminate the biggest threat to all of the other Universes in the form of Jiren. He's the one favored to win, and it seems like most of the Destroyers and Kais knew it. If they didn't apprise their fighters of the single greatest hurdle to overcome in order to win, and thus survive, then that's bad strategy on their part. MHA - I like that All Might asked first if it was okay to leave the one scene in Endeavor's hands. From a visual spectacle point, the fight of All Might v. All for One was amazing. It was actually too amazing for my television. When things produced in HD have fast and furious movement like that, I'll often have bits of pixellation on the screen. I'm not sure whether its a matter of the television not being able to process the image data quickly enough, the dvr being unable to process the image data quickly enough, or the cable company not being able to deliver that much image data in that short an amount of time, but I'm not looking to upgrade any of them any time soon, because it's not an issue for the majority of my viewing. Going back to the story, though, one thing bothers me about All for One. He combines several powers simultaneously to counter All Might. We know from Izuku's experience that a Quirk can be powerful enough to damage the body of the User. Yes, Izuku's experience is unusual in that he didn't grow up with his power, but neither did All for One, since he's using stolen powers. Putting that much power through his body should cause at least as much damage to him as we saw early-show Izuku suffer when using One for All. That All for One is apparently unscathed by his simultaneous use of multiple powers strikes me as shenanigans, unless he is also using several self-healing Quirks to repair himself without letting that be known. However, if that is the case, then any attack from All Might which doesn't instantly render All for One unconscious would also nearly instantly heal, and he should be able to fix his mangled face. I feel like I need to go back and re-read some parts of the manga to see how that's addressed, because I think at least the un-repaired face part is. Anyway, the only way fighting All for One would go the Heroes' way is in the case of the aforementioned instant k.o. or wearing him down to the point of physical exhaustion, and very few Heroes or teams of Heroes would be able to withstand the onslaught of attacks All for One can unleash for that long and/or would have the stamina to outlast him. I enjoyed that Izuku's plan to escape with Bakugo would satisfy Iida's no-fighting condition and was dependent upon the mutual respect between Bakugo and Kirishima. However, me being me, I still would see no problem in Bakugo fighting League members using his powers, because he would be defending himself from dangerous attackers intent on abducting him. It's his right to be secure in his person, and he would be using the means at his disposal to thwart the efforts of people seeking to deprive him of that right. TPN - I haven't watched these yet. SAO: A - It's hard to root against a dude with sweet fire arrows, but at least for Eugeo's sake, we had to do it. Since nitpicking is one of my things, I don't think a bow would work that way from a physics perspective. The bow under tension has potential energy which it imparts as kinetic energy to the arrow when the string is released. That is a set amount of calculable energy. Loading the bow with more arrows means that same amount of launching energy would be dispersed among several arrows, meaning that even if it were possible to get all of them to travel in the intended direction (I'm envisioning an area in front of the Knight defined by an angle between the arrows landing the farthest to his left and right), then each arrow would have about the same very-diminished velocity. Thus, compared to a single arrow, they would be really slow and thus have a very limited range. They may not even have enough energy to cause a piercing injury, depending upon the sharpness of the arrowheads. It looked cool, but the physics says it's unlikely, at least as depicted. Of course this Knight was the dude who arrested Alice, and thus Eugeo had to fight his desire for revenge and show that he can be the better man (yes, I remember that Eugeo is an A.I., but it's easier to refer to him with these human terms). I liked that we learned that even Integrity Knights get their memories overwritten so they'll accept their new comrades without question. I also must wonder how much memory Quinella does leave them for their future life experiences. Hm, it's a couple of young, shy girls. I'll laugh if they whup the guys. MB - I haven't watched these yet. JoJo: Diamond - For the part that focused on Rohan and Cheap Trap, I enjoyed that Koichi didn't buy Rohan's truthful story more than I should've. Still, Koichi knew enough about Stands to have doubts and kept surreptitious tabs on Rohan and tried to help later. I laughed at the absurdity of Rohan walking back-to-back with the big guy. However, I'm reluctant to accept Cheap Trap being able to talk smack to the big guy. Typically, Stands can't be seen by someone who doesn't also have a Stand, so it would be reasonable to presume that Stands capable of speech wouldn't be able to be heard by the Stand-less either. I'm not sure how Rohan was able to disappear so quickly after that. I'll agree that Cheap Trap was irritating with its constant talking, but I think that Rohan could've waited until late at night to go out, since there would likely be much fewer people around. My earlier reluctance to buy Cheap Trap talking to other people is multiplied several times for his trash talk working on animals. It's malarkey that they'd understand complex sentences. These are words coming from a human mind. How could it communicate with animals in way they'd understand? Are we supposed to buy that the Stand Arrow made Cheap Trap's User Dr. Doolittle as well? As for how Cheap Trap was defeated, not sure why ghosts could tear Cheap Trap away without killing Rohan, but Reverb couldn't. Stands are a manifestation of fighting spirit or something like that. I don't see how the power of a living person's spirit could tear Cheap Trap away, but with accompanying physical damage to Rohan, but the power of dead people wouldn't cause the same kind of injury. On Kira's part of the story, that was a terrible couple (as in terrible people) on the train. While they were unsympathetic victims for Kira, they didn't do anything deserving death, but Kira followed them home and killed them both. It's odd that his nails grow a lot when he doesn't kill. I'm not sure how Hayato, a gradeschooler, was able to follow him to the apartment and get the killings on videotape, nor how he was able to beat Kira back to the house, unless he rode the same train to the apartment, but I thought I saw Hayato watch Kira leave on the one train. Oh well. The bathroom scene made me uncomfortable, but I can't imagine how much more so Hayato would've been. Of course Kira made some of Hayato's hair a bomb, but Hayato's creepy spying tendencies came in handy, since he got the whole confrontation in the bathroom recorded. Even if Kira were to kill Hayato, I feel like the hidden tapes would be found by someone eventually. I did like the sentiment that Hayato's admonition regarding his mom was double that for himself. What I don't understand is why Hayato didn't show the video to the police right away. It was footage of a man forcing his way into an apartment against the loud objections of the residents, the intruder touching the male resident, the male resident subsequently exploding, and then the female resident exploding while the intruder touched her also. The intruder even identified himself by name. I feel like that would be enough for the police at least to apprehend the intruder pending an investigation of the apartment for traces of human remains. BC - The competition between Jack and Yami's food stands was tedious, but their subordinates being threatened into helping was mildly amusing, but it didn't translate to any sales. Of course Julius was disguised as the eel stand old woman to see what happens, but he stopped the really serious spell. I'm not sure about Jack and Yami fighting constantly because they're friends, but eh. Poor Finral tried to talk sense into them, but to no avail. Asta didn't fare any better in his attempt at the same at the end, but at least he got a look at how pretty Charlotte is without her helmet after he landed. Boruto - Well, Shizuma's group got the Swords, and some of them are the children of previous wielders. I don't understand how that mallet thing could be called a sword. I would like to know whether the paper bomb sword generates new paper bombs or just has a lot stored in it. Boruto's plan to end things by calling it a scuffle between kids instead of an insurrection was more diplomatically astute than I would normally be inclined to credit him. The jerk nobles backing Shizuma even get to save face this way, because their involvement in the political intrigue would remain hidden. The plan even gave Chojuro the chance to cover himself by calling his involvement being the guide to Boruto's group. In Sarada v. the lightning lady, I feel like it's stacked in Sarada's favor, because she has a family history of affinity for both Fire and Lightning Styles. Boruto v. Kagura is fine for me. Maybe talk no jutsu will get some sense through to Kagura. Inojin and Shikadai need to work on their stealth skills, since they were discovered eavesdropping on Mitsuki and Suigetsu. Thankfully, the need to go see what trouble Boruto is in now was more pressing. Still, I feel like it being known that Mitsuki has ties to Orochimaru could be a problem. I echo Suigetsu's sentiment about not being impressed by the new Swordsmen. Shippuden - Given that the seal weakens during childbirth, I consider that a possible explanation for why newborn Naruto had whisker marks on his skin. However, that still doesn't cover Boruto and Himawari having them, since Hinata wasn't a Jinchuriki. Tobi's plan for carnage against Konoha sounds like something only a skilled Uchiha could accomplish. Also on the subject of Uchihas, I forget if it was in this episode or the next one, but I liked lil' Itachi being tasked with protecting baby Sauce during the Nine-Tails' rampage. I'm okay with Minato's jutsu letting him teleport to marked locations, and it came in handy to get newborn Naruto away from danger. Of course Tobi took Kushina and extracted the Nine-Tails while Minato was gone for a couple minutes. I'll recognize, as Tobi did, that Kushina was tough not to die immediately. It was touching that Minato retrieved her and took her to Naruto before going off to fight Tobi. After seeing Tobi's intangibility at work, I'm fine with Minato "cheating" in teleporting to his thrown kunai to get the drop on Tobi with a Rasengan. We saw the kind of commitment being Hokage took in Hiruzen. He was concerned for Biwako, but he still mobilized Konoha's defenses first. I liked Kushina helping Naruto in his inner mind theater. Her binding chakra was just the assist he needed to land a Rasen-shuriken and extract the Nine-Tails' chakra. Now he's finally glowy all over, and thus can do some legitimately impressive things. Is it a bit of a cheat? Perhaps, but now he finally has full access to the power at his disposal. HxH - It was sly on Gotoh's part to let Killua gauge Amane's reactions. Since Zoldyck's aren't allowed to harm one another, then Illumi must kill everyone so a reliable report of him attacking Killua can't be made to Silva. Once Killua said he was ready, Illumi showed he was very well-prepared for that response. Regarding the election, sixteen is still a large field, and there are, understandably, many Zodiacs in there. I think that either Biscuit or Morel would make a decent chairperson, but Leorio is still too young and impetuous. Plus, the duties of being Chairman would interfere with his studies to be a doctor. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted May 26, 2019 Posted May 26, 2019 11 hours ago, PokeNirvash said: recent developments in the election's final stages make Leorio question if punching out Ging was the right call. Punching Ging is literally always the right call. Hero- I forgot that the first show of the night gets its full OP. I love that this is a rare show with rational, caring adults. Awwwww she reminds him of Nana. Wow rude. I love all my kids. Thank god they have Cementoss to build shit for them. I love you, principal mouse. Aw fuck who's the traitor. Yeah well the press can fuck right off. Oh right, actions have consequences. Punish them and then me, Aizawa. I love derpmode Kaminari. Awww, look at this little bastard. For everyone's sake I hope there are no girls on Mineta's floor. This is nicer than any place I've ever lived. Oh my god you fanboy. Bird friend's room sure is...dark. SPARKLE ROOM. Oh god don't go in the sex goblin's room. Entire wall of glasses. THERE'S A BUNNY. Don't let that little creep in the girls' rooms. Meanwhile, a sleepy rowdy boy. MANLY ROOOM. Jesus christ Hagakure is brutal. Okay Sero's room is cool. Oh my god did Todoroki replace the entire floor? Oh man I love the baking room. Awww they love his food. That's a lot of instruments. Oh my god Mineta is the fucking worst. Where is my frog daughter. Now THAT'S a bed. I also vote for the cake. Thanks, dad Iida. Oh no frog daughter is sad. PLEASE HUG THAT FROG. Shut up I'm not crying you're crying. AWWWWWWWWWWWW. Titan- OH SHIT IS THE GOOD OP BACK? Levi, looking like he hates every minute of his life. Y'all should probably stab that thing in the neck just to be safe. At least Hange's having fun. Oh wonderful, Eren's still in whiny bitch mode. I'm gonna laugh super hard if they get all the way to Eren's house and realize they forgot that goddamn key. Those are some really well trained horses. Hello children it's PTSD time. Aw crap they're here. This is going way too well. Here, have this hideous crystal Eren statue. Didn't Deku already beat the shit out of one of them a couple weeks ago? I'm gonna go ahead and retract my statement about this going well. Armin is in charge now. Surely all these redshirts aren't about to get slaughtered. They're in the wall, dude. This will totally end well. Oh, you're about to die. Well I for one am SHOCKED. I love Levi hating and killing things. Alright folks get your Delaware Detroit Smash ready. Wow, y'all are just beyond fucked now. Save the horses at all cost. I woul follow J Michael Tatum into hell after a rousing speech. Neverland- Anxiety intensifies. Oh shit she was an orphan. Oh damn. Shit continues to be fucked up. Tentative thanks, lady. No shit we don't trust you. Surely this will end well. Just act like you're dumb as hell, got it. I got a bad feeling about that box. Here, in case you forgot that she's crazy as fuck. Break that thing. That baby doll is creeping me right the fuck out. She's 18 at heart! Ask her where all the orphans come from. Oh, time to piss myself and cry. You might still have to find a way to kill her. Ray got a camera so at least someone's having a good day. That clock must get annoying as shit when you're trying to sleep. Yes surely this plan will go well. Yeah but is it worth sacrificing that sweet polaroid? Please be too crazy to figure out what they're planning. I am frightened. I don't trust Phil. I hope that note just tells her to eat shit. I'm uncomfortable. Grandma???? Hello, knife. Whelp, so much for the nutcase. Sword Art- Just drop her. Nobody likes you, Kirito. I agree, death is more tolerable than Kirito. Oh christ it's a flashback. I'd like to get off this ride now. I don't think I'm lucky enough to have them both fall to their death. Just drop him. Yes that nonsensical string of words you just said made perfect sense. Pontifex says fuck you, birds. Now with intense climbing action. How can you not do basic spells you dumbass. Oh my god, you're completely useless. Couldn't you just fall down to the 30th floor and have her dragon catch you there? Meanwhile, Asuna does jack shit. And back to this riveting climbing action. You stole this from Gargoyles you hacks. What the hell is the point of putting those gargoyles there? YEET. I'll give you that one, Minions are in fact terrible. That sure was a fight that happened. Welcome to the harem, Alice. Meanwhile, Eugeo is no goddamn help at all. And then nudity. Jojo- Great job Hayato ya fucked it up. Oh, you fantastic bastard. Oh hey there Josuke. Hi Okuyasu. That was actually a pretty brilliant move on Hayato's part. Aw shit now it's a bomb. Booooooooo Rohan's not blowing up. At least the others aren't exploding. He just wanted a quiet life of murdering women for their hands and blowing people the fuck up. You might wanna run, little boy. Dora. Stand fights really must look fucking ridiculous if you can't see them. Okuyasu helped! OKUYASU NOOOO. Why can't we have nice things. Aw fuck, cat plant's on his side. AW SHIT, YOU'RE FUCKED. Jotaro how do you think that's the rain. Dodge that shit, Josuke! Please save Okuyasu. Oh fuck it's not popping. Josuke might be dead. Goddammit Josuke. Oh, that's actually a great idea. Okuyasu may be dead. OH FUCK. Please save Okuyasu. YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE. Oh christ Oku that's a big gaping hole in your torso. Hayato moves fast for a kid with balls of solid adamantium. Do it for the milf, boys. Aw shit it's more bomb. OH FUCK IS OKUYASU DEAD. Please don't be dead. How do the rest of the gang not notice any of this happening. Well that's a new power. SHIT now you got two bombs coming at you. Josuke's gonna need a hospital after this. They're boyfriends. I want to state for the record that none of this is my fault. Clover- Yes, the lady who looks like Armless Frank is his sister you dumb shit. I can respect all that anger. Random capybara sighting! I don't think you can just shanghai kids from other squads. Shut up Tinkerbell. Hey there Captain Sexy. Hey, free drink. This bartender is allowed to live. Yami drunk as fuuuuck. Just in case you forgot that everyone else is goddamn terrible. Yami continues to be the single bright spot in this entire hprriffic shitshow. How dare you masquerade as a bartender and take their sacred duty as a joke. Christ that was only half the episode. WE GET IT, SHE'S A LESBIAN. Yeah, volcanoes will fucking do that to you. Yami giving zero shits. Hahahaha, eat shit Asta you're never gonna do that. Fuck off, Tink. Noelle continues to be terrible. Of course her mom looked exactly like her, because why bother with character design. I do enjoy watching Asta suffer. Hunter- Fuck you, Ging. Hey dog lady remember that punching Ging in the face is a great way to earn votes. Pariston can also fuck right the hell off. We all loved that pervy old man. I refuse to believe that Ging has any friends. Punching Ging in the face is always the best choice. Y'all are never leaving. HI KNUCKLE. Oh hey it's Palm and the ant boys. Hi other people we know! Alluka continues to be adorable. Gon's not looking so good. Being stuck in one location with responsibilities he can't blow off must be absolute hell for Ging. You're a good dude, cow man. Oh my god, Leorio's really in second place. That's the sheer power of sucker punching the most hated person in the room. I love that bunny girl. Use this chance to shit on Ging some more. At least he's honest. Awww, what a good dude. Tell me more about the wanking off. Literally everyone in this room is a better father to Gon than Ging, and that includes the ones who have never met him. I'm not forgetting the wanking part. Eat shit, Pariston. Oh shut the fuck up. Somebody sucker punch him next, please. Thank god these two can read each other's minds. We are all united in our hatred for this rat fucker. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted May 26, 2019 Posted May 26, 2019 Rose are red Violets are blue Bakugo goes to bed at 8:32 2 Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted May 26, 2019 Posted May 26, 2019 Ang wrote: Punching Ging is literally always the right call. Not necessarily. If kicking Ging in the junk is also a viable option, then that could be a better call. The punch is still right, but it may not be the most right option available. I think this is for the shows from two weeks back. DBS - I'm fine with Goku replenishing himself with the Spirit Bomb energy after Jiren pushed it back on him. Goku's newest form (I think Whis called it ultra instinct) to me looks similar to Gohan's powered-up state. In that form, Goku made Jiren actually fight, so that's progress, at least. Unfortunately, Goku, like Golden Frieza, can't sustain that much power output yet. It was sporting of Jiren not to throw Goku out of the ring after that. MHA - The conclusion of All Might v. All for One was impressive in the emotional impact of how passionately All Might fought and for how, when he knew he was at the end of his ability to fight, he fought intelligently to be sure to land the strike which would stop the threat of All for One. The animation of Toshinori shielding the small flame of One for All from a howling winter wind was even better than the manga rendition. All Might has now fully let go of the torch, and it rests in Izuku's grip alone. Well done, show. Well done. TPN - I haven't watched these yet. SAO: A - These girls are evidently the show's answer to Hansel and Gretel. I consider it depravity on Quinella's part that she used her authority as Pontifex to organize an experiment prominently featuring child murder (in both senses of the phrase) so she could gauge the limits of her power. That meant she inflicted many dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of instances of brutal, painful death and agonizing, even maddening resurrection to reach the conclusion that the process of bringing back the recently deceased was too difficult and yielded insufficiently reliable results for it to be practical. I forget how many participants started in the experiment, but only two survivors is probably in the single digits for a percentage, and they were warped by their experiences. The most responsible thing Quinella did was to make these two girls Knights, because the synthesis process probably moderated their learned psychotic tendencies, and being guardians of this tower has likely kept them away from most of the populace, i.e. protected the people from this pair. Of course Kirito was observant enough to spot the tell in the pair's chosen words, knew all about their weapons and scabbards, and started the appropriate countermeasures. However, both he and Eugeo would still have stab wounds to their torsos, so I feel like they'd each need some healing spell or potion in addition to the anti-poison ones. I thought it was funny that Eugeo's head thunked repeatedly on the stairs as the girl drug him along. As for the Knight with actual combat potential, her sword had a laser. Whaaaat?? Oh, it's the power of Solis channeling through it through perfect weapon control. Well, joke's on her, because Kirito's sword also has that. What I don't get is how her voice was so different without the helmet. With it on, she sounded like a man. Without it, she had a woman's voice. I don't think the resonant effect of the helmet would change the sound that much. I feel like in addition to Alice, the boys are going to need to fight the Integrity Knight version of their senpai at some point. That development wouldn't surprise me at all. MB - I haven't watched these yet. JoJo: Diamond - Things were going too well for Rohan's investigation when he managed to find Hayato. It is odd that there would be a warning in Hayato's "book" for Rohan not to read further. When the details he'd already experienced, meaning they were part of Hayato's past, told the future, it should've been a warning sign to Rohan, but he ignored it and died from D.Q.'s new attack power. Now it's Groundhog Day for Hayato. I don't know why or how (but especially why) the Stand Arrow gave Kira another power with D.Q., but it did. I also don't know how it would be possible for this new attack power to be implanted in Hayato. It probably goes back to me not having a good understanding of how D.Q.'s bomb powers are capable of acting intelligently severed from rest of D.Q. That it now can rewind time while leaving traces of awareness in Hayato regarding events is overpowered to a ridiculous level. We're not talking Aizen levels of o,p,, but it's still stacking things way too much in Kira's favor. I also don't understand why no one mentioned the obvious change in Kira's hair. I feel like Shinobu definitely would've noticed it. Since the new power for D.Q. exists outside of it and acts independently, I'm curious as to how long it will persist should Kira meet a sudden demise. I would think not for much longer than a few days. It would still need energy to function, but it would no longer be able to replenish itself from him. BC - Charlotte's mini-flashback showed she was under some kind of curse, and Yami inadvertently broke it or something. That's fine. The contests between Charlotte and Vanessa didn't bother me, but I didn't particularly enjoy them either. A beautiful, buxom woman like Vanessa dressing up as a nun for Asta is probably Sister Lily's only chance for Asta to get over his fixation on her. Charlotte passing out after one swallow of her drink was mildly amusing. True, Charlotte is beautiful, but Sol was looking hotter than I remember her being the last time she was around for more than one episode. Asta, you lucky dog, getting a face full of Sol's ample boobs. She didn't react as furiously as I expected she would. She treated it like nothing more than a minor inconvenience, and that was a relief. Boruto - Sarada has a talent for genjutsu, and that's with just one dot in her Sharingan. If she ever develops a Mangekyo or has one implanted, she'd be a terrifying opponent. Yes, electricity will separate water into gasses, but either atomic or molecular hydrogen and atomic oxygen, which is what electrolysis produces, are all lighter than air, so it would actually be more dangerous higher in the cavern than down at the bottom. Well, the concentration right above the water might be higher due to proximity to the emission source, but the gasses will, with time, migrate toward the top of the cavern, where Sarada was. Apparently Naruto killed this woman's dad. That seems out of character for Naruto. I'd believe that he may have failed to save the guy from a set of deadly circumstances of his own making, but I don't consider that to be killing the guy. In the fight between Boruto and Kagura, it didn't look like either one's heart was in it. Kagura seemed to be almost begging for a good reason to stop assisting Shizuma's plan, but Boruto couldn't quite articulate one yet. I'll blame it on him still being a kid. I can't say it surprised me that Chojuro bested three of the new Swordsmen. He had a good point that there can be no great reward without incurring risk. Good for Iwabe trying to help fight the paper bomb Sword guy. Earth Style is good for shielding from explosions. Shippuden - I don't blame Tobi for retreating after getting hit with a Rasengan. Minato's Reaper Death Seal put half of the Nine-Tails' chakra in him, and they sealed the rest in Naruto. That means that past Nine-Tails' cloak forms of Naruto were only at half the power he otherwise would've had. He nearly killed Jiraiya and put Orochimaru on the run with what would actually be about two full Tails of the Nine-Tails' power. A full one Tail against Sauce back in the day probably would've resulted in defeating and capturing Sauce. Had Minato put the full power of the Nine-Tails in Naruto, the story of the show would've been drastically different. Because Minato used the Reaper Death Seal, we knew that he was going to die, but he and Kushina, who also was dying because of plot device reasons, were both mortally wounded protecting Naruto from the Nine-Tails direct attack. It was a little touching that Kushina got enough time to give newborn Naruto parting parental advice there, even though he wouldn't be able to understand a word of it. HxH - Yeah, it's a shame Gotoh died, but he was facing Hisoka, so I can't say it was terribly surprising. I might not be recalling the intricacies of the regulation, but Hunters not being allowed to harm other Hunters is problematic for me in light of events in the show. I would presume that Blacklist Hunters are exempt, since they go after criminals, presumably even other Hunters, and are thus likely to face violent resistance upon finding the person(s). Also, how did all the hammers the H.A. had available to it not come down on Greed Island and everyone involved? It pitted Hunters against each other in competition for limited quantities of items necessary to win the prize the game offered. At least one of the items even required the players to fight a Hunter involved in creating the game. Granted, it was presented as being inside a game world, but we, the audience, and the creators of the game know that was a deception, as the game was at a physical location in the physical world of the show. I would consider arrest by the H.A. for every Hunter who played the game and especially for every Hunter involved in creating the game to be a logical consequence of this Hunter regulation. Since it didn't happen, then that strikes me as selective enforcement of the H.A. regulations, and that's a mark against Netero and the organization while under his leadership. At least the regulation is useful in the present, since it will get some Hunters working for the H.A. to run interference for Alluka and Killua against Illumi's puppets. Were I to keep a list of absurd things in this show, motorcycle!Tsubone would get a pretty high placement, assisted by the fact that she apparently operates using the nen of her riders. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted May 27, 2019 Author Posted May 27, 2019 On 5/26/2019 at 3:32 AM, EmpressAngel said: Titan- OH SHIT IS THE GOOD OP BACK? Sword Art- You stole this from Gargoyles you hacks. Clover- WE GET IT, SHE'S A LESBIAN. Red Swan was exceptional. You just did not get it. Where's David Xanatos when you need him? Eh, I still think Sol's gayness is way more tolerable than her gag of not even bothering to address her captain formally. Even Luck's fightsexuality is fresh and exciting compared to that. MY HERO ACADEMIA - Just as we started Odd Future's run with the full version, we end with the full version. Methinks Japan takes their "rescuing someone is literally worse than not rescuing someone" thing a little too seriously. Dare you enter Mineta's magical realm? At least the license plates on Kaminari's wall look cool. And in the end, Tsuyu admitted that even she was wrong. DRAGON BALL SUPER - I've had my eye on Monna since the 4th Universe competitors got introduced, and I'm glad she finally got a little bit of focus before her elimination. Her voice actress sounds like she had a fun time playing her. Cabba awakened his inner Bakugo, too bad it was all for nothing. Vegeta was on point though, especially between his intended wish on the Super Dragon Balls and him still pronouncing mustache like he did in GT. ATTACK ON TITAN - Armin's such a nervous wreck as a commander, it's almost kind of adorable. That's all I've got, sadly. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - God suspense shows are so good, it's a shame they're more likely to put the Toonami-watching audience to sleep than not. SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - Admittedly, I'm relieved the MASV was just a flashback to episode 10 (complete with explicit use of the word "rape", finally), but it still seems kind of extreme a rating for an episode that was just Kirito reading Alice the riot act, the two of them scaling a skyscraper and fighting gargoyles, a brief interlude with Asuna and Kayaba's former sex partner, and Eugeo walking in on Hol Horse bathing. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - That Hayato's a pretty cool kid, comes up with contingency plans and doesn't afraid of anything. I don't know what's more ridiculous, Jotaro assuming Josuke's scream was the rain being extra loud or Josuke not bothering to check Okuyasu's pulse after the second call for him to wake up fell through, but it's JoJo, I really should relax. BLACK CLOVER - I'm calling her Sisgoleon from now on. Noelle's sister was cute before she became an ugly turbo-bitch. BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - I feel like they could've come up with a better translation for those special candies than "Water Cinnamon Sweets". Oh well, at least the brief return of Postmaster Ray Chase was fun. I wonder if he'd get along with my OC Vigilante Detective Ray Chase. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - I love how Gai's forgetfulness of Kisame had two payoffs: one early in Shippuden, where he actually didn't know the guy he was fighting (who he thought was Kisame), and here, where the shark-guy's resolve managed to finally earn him a place in his mental hall of fame. HUNTER x HUNTER - For an episode that was entirely political intrigue, that was quite fun. Take notes, Gundam. I'm alright with Cheadle's irrational hatred for Pariston being his dishonesty about everything. Still voting for Leorio, even after his admission to masturbating. (I mean, who doesn't in this day and age?) Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted May 27, 2019 Posted May 27, 2019 Ang wrote: Hunter... KILLUA. Maybe the rules don't apply to him because he's the only one who treats her like a person. I would like to believe it's something as simple and nice as that. Poke wrote: Eh, I still think Sol's gayness is way more tolerable than her gag of not even bothering to address her captain formally. I agree that the back-and-forth between Charlotte and Sol on how to address the former has been tiresome for a while. Here's last week's stuff. I've only watched Super and BC from this week so far, so don't expect anything else before the end of the week. DBS - Hit v. Jiren (which I keep wanting to key as "Jigen," thanks Lupin franchise) was okay, but not spectacular, but we just came off Goku v. Jiren, which had great action. Hit trying to freeze Jiren in a pocket of time was clever, but of course Jiren was strong enough to force his way out of it. I can respect that Hit gambled on one strike, and it came close to knocking Jiren out of the ring, but Hit still lost. In the place of the remaining competitors (especially Vegeta), I would find Jiren meditating because no one else was worth his efforts at this point to be incredibly insulting. Maybe Jiren will change mind if Dispo and Top are eliminated. Frieza being in the position to condescendingly return the favor of sharing his energy with Goku must've been immensely satisfying for Frieza. MHA - I don't remember from my reading, but I feel like the only reason for All Might and Eraser to visit parents to get their permission to put their child into the dorm program is if they hadn't already returned a signed consent form. I feel like most parents have already agreed via the forms. Another way to think of it is that the author took it as a chance to show off some hot moms. I enjoy that even Bakugo's mom thinks he has an overinflated ego and will say so right in front of him. Still, she was grateful that Aizawa stood up for Bakugo at the press conference, expressing unwavering belief in her son's character, despite that he evidently inherited his rage issues from her. Perhaps she went too far to blame his abduction on him being too weak. He was notably outnumbered and ambushed by enemies whose abilities were unknown to him while they knew his powers quite well from the Sports Festival. When I first read the chapters covered here, I was also surprised that Mrs. Midoriya refused consent, even threatening to pull Izuku from UA. It was good character growth for All Might that he recognized his failing as a person which led to his shortcoming as an instructor. I can buy that All Might's willingness to admit his fault paired with seeing the kind of hero her son is already, as attested in Kota's letter, could cause her to reconsider her decision, but I feel like she changed her mind a bit too easily. I can't say that All for One is entirely wrong. He prepared his student to move forward and make his own decisions, while Izuku still is at the point of wanting to emulate his mentor. On an unrelated point, since All for One has no readily visible functional eyes, how did he manage to fight at all with any kind of striking accuracy (such as to counter exactly a punch from All Might)? It would be one thing to take an echolocation Quirk. It would be another thing to get good at using it. That's a mental thing, and while he may have had years to practice, that likely didn't include fighting someone with greater-than-average speed of motion. All for One would need mastery of such a Quirk that would at least equal Daredevil, and he practiced with his power for decades before engaging in heroics, if memory serves. TPN - I haven't watched these yet. SAO: A - Kirito beat the laser sword lady, but was so badly wounded that Eugeo had to transfer some h.p. Fine. Meanwhile, the laser sword lady was dying. Kirito calling out for help to save her was dumb tactically, but it kept with his character of not wanting to kill people. I forget exactly how the secret weapon was supposed to work, but it let Cardinal take the lady for healing. It sure was convenient that Cardinal gave them some health potions, too, but now they only have one secret weapon and two people upon which they will likely need to use it. Again, that wasn't a good tactical decision on Kirito's part. I take it the elevator operator's original name, which she's forgotten after over 100 years on the job, was Apathia. She just does her job, eats lunch, does her job, and goes home for the night. Well, they found Alice, and her sword is the first tree made by the game world programmers, and that somehow made it an indestructible object. Sure. Why not? It's also a ripoff of Senbonzakura. I'm not sure how much of her fighting power was her sword and how much was her, but she was impressed that Kirito wasn't utterly squashed. I think most of the power was the sword, because when he decided to stop trying to stop her sword and stopped her arms instead, that looked like a much more even contest and gave Eugeo the chance to trap them in ice. Eugeo was too slow with the secret weapon, though, which let Alice use the blade petals to break out of the ice. When Kirito used his last deployment of perfect weapon control to counter Alice's blade petals, it broke the tower wall. I feel like they would need to be higher than an 80-story building for there to be enough wind and pressure difference between the inside and outside to pull Alice and Kirito through the breach in the wall, but eh. It was weird that the tower wall fixed itself via pieces defying gravity. I forget why there was a limit on boys' uses of perfect weapon control, but Kirito just used his last, and Eugeo has one more. MB - I haven't watched these yet. JoJo: Diamond - Starting off with my big gripe, Kira... Causality does not work that way! Goodnight! Really, though, if something happens once, then it would always happen is a no. The pot wouldn't magically fall off the table without something moving it from its place of rest. Heaven's Door would not activate on Hayato if Rohan doesn't initiate it. Bites the Dust wouldn't blow up Rohan if Rohan doesn't see it, and the same would be true for the rest of Team Joestar. For what we saw happen to Rohan to happen, then that would be saying that Bites the Dust would be inside him already, meaning it would be in his body at a point in time before he had seen it so it could activate at the "proper time," despite the fact that he had not seen it in this loop at said time. No. This is beyond shenanigans. This is completely illogical bullshit for the sake of generating dramatic tension. My take on it is that it's bad writing to cover for the villain not being in a sufficiently threatening position to our protagonists to create the desired dramatic tension. It's some deus ex machina nonsense, and it's not only giving Kira a new application of his power, but it's also ripping off the Stand Hanged Man with entering someone's eye to get where it needs to go to do what Kira wants it to do. I do acknowledge Hayato's resourcefulness in recognizing he could use the cat-plant to attack Kira. It's a shame that Kira has military-grade plot armor to protect him, though I feel like the watch wouldn't be enough to prevent injury. I would readily accept that pieces of watch shrapnel would be in Kira's chest now, but probably not very deep in him. He could likely remove the pieces with his fingers. As for Hayato's failed suicide attempt to keep from being questioned, I can accept that Bites the Dust could keep a gradeshooler's arm at bay, but were he to, say, attempt to walk in front of a vehicle, I doubt it could stop his legs, since those have larger, stronger muscles. If Bites the Dust is centered in Hayato, should he die, then it and any proxy bombs it has "dispersed" just might go back to Kira for re-absorption. It's a shaky possibility, though, and hardly what I'd rate at the level of probable. Wow. We knew Koichi was short. but he's barely taller than an 11-year-old kid. It's absurd that no one recognized Hayato while holding pictures featuring him until Jotaro read the name on his backpack. BC - At the awards ceremony, it was expected that the Golden Dawn would be in first place. When it was announced that the Black Bulls took second place, everyone's reactions were great. I thought they were hilarious. Even Gordon actually spoke at a volume level which could easily be heard. For perspective, the Aqua Deer coming in last was with a total that was comparable to the previous year's total. The Black Bulls' total was actually higher than the previous year's Golden Dawn total. Of course Yuno was the top star-earner, and Asta was second. When the crowd became smugly dismissive of the pair's results once they learned they were peasants, I liked Kahono, Kiato and Rebecca all speaking up to vouch for their accomplishments. The Clover King has some kind of jealousy/inferiority complex thing going on, and that was tedious. I'm nominally okay with the idea of forming new task force to go after the Midnight Sun. The new Captain for the Crimson Lions is Fuegoleon's sister, and she has some serious anger issues. I think she'd probably be prettier without that rage snarl expression. Boruto - Yep, Shizuma considers Kagura a tool to be used for furthering his ambitions. I like that it was proven that Shizuma actually did the misdeeds which he accused the Mizukage of perpetrating. Hm, the former Mizukage used the information from Mitsuki and Suigetsu to find and confront Shizuma's supporters and convinced them to surrender. Good. Boruto skillfully used clones and Wind Style to beat Shizuma. Good for him. He appears to be well on his way to having the Rasengan already. It makes me wonder whether Himawari also has a knack for these advanced signature jutsu of her dad. Shippuden - It was nice that Naruto had the chance to say goodbye to Kushina. She and Minato weren't able to be there for him for long, but they were glad he gave them the chance to be his parents for as long as they were all alive. Nine-Tails cloak Naruto now can sense hidden chakra, and he called out Kisame hiding in Samehada in a hurry. Of course they weren't able to keep him from escaping, and Killer B didn't know what Samehada was doing when Kisame used it to replenish his chakra from Killer B's chakra. I'm torn on Guy using the 6th and 7th Gates to fight Kisame. On one side, it's impressive that he can open those gates. On the other side, the utter exhaustion he'll suffer later will put any hospitalizations Kakashi had from overusing his Sharingan to shame. Using such a technique also smacks of desperation. Yes, it's important to keep the knowledge that two Jinchuriki can be found in the same area secret from the rest of the Akatsuki, but Guy is one Gate away from killing himself. I guess it might tie into his brief Waterfall of Truth experience, where Inner-Guy knows that he's getting old and can't do the things he formerly could without incurring greater risk to himself. HxH - That's a lot of dead Hunters, Hisoka. I can understand his need to leave no witnesses, since he'd be on the run from the H.A. for killing other Hunters. However, I would expect there to be surveillance cameras at the H.A. building. Maybe he used Texture Surprise to alter his appearance, but the show just didn't show us that disguise. Illumi's needles can even manipulate the dead. That's entirely too convenient. Crap, Tsubone inadvertently spied for Illumi via her eyepiece feeding intel to Mrs. Zoldyck, who in turn told it to Illumi. Hisoka wanted to use Texture Surprise on a map to misinform Illumi for giggles, but Illumi already had a map. The disappointment on Hisoka's face there was quite enjoyable. Nanika will grant consecutive wishes to Killua, but not to others, so there are some rules Illumi doesn't know, like Alluka never asking for harmful things after being asked to heal someone other than the requester. Still, Killua's statements weren't convincing enough for Illumi to abandon trying to stop Alluka and Killua. It was a bit chilling when Killua said he wouldn't consider Illumi his brother if Illumi harms Alluka. Hisoka debated how to intervene for the most exciting fight potential, but he took too long to act, so his window of opportunity to act closed. Still, he picked Alluka, so that means he's in danger for as long as Illumi and Killua are alive. I'm disappointed that 1. Biscuit's out of the running, and 2. Morel will refuse the job if elected, but I'm even more amazed that Leorio is still in the field. I feel sorry for the panda which Ging has as a stand-in for interviews. Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 As someone who has finally caught up on AoT, I can say that Levi ramming a sword through Reiner's neck while they fall off a wall is my kink. 3 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 1, 2019 Author Posted June 1, 2019 (edited) Welp, I just fucked up by posting a controversial opinion in another thread again. Time to cheer myself up by writing up another one of these things, because it's all I'm good for apparently. Tonight on Toonami, Class 1-A begins their pre-provisional license exam prep by preparing signature moves for their future careers, Goku and Caulifla resume their training while at the same time resuming their fight, the battle in the ruins of Shiganshina begins as the Scouts take on the Armored Titan, Krone receives chilling news about her status while Emma and the others start inspecting the wall around the orphanage (for Titans, maybe?), Eugeo faces off against the very first Integrity Knight, Josuke's battle with Kira makes its way into the suburbs of Morioh, Asta figures out a way to get through the heat and to the hot spring without mana skin, ready your earplugs because this week's a Shinji an Inojin episode, Madara visits the Hidden Rain Village to procure Nagato's corpse for his war plans, and two fated moments happen simultaneously: the final round of the Chairman Election and Gon's long-awaited physical healing. 10:30 - My Hero Academia #52 - Create Those Ultimate Moves - TV-14 11:00 - Dragonball Super #113 - With Great Joy! The Fighting Freak Saiyans' Battle Rejoined!! - TV-PGLV 11:30 - Attack on Titan #51 - Thunder Spears - TV-14LV 12:00 - The Promised Neverland #8 - 021145 - TV-14LV 12:30 - Sword Art Online: Alicization #18 - The Legendary Hero - TV-14LV 1:00 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable #38 - Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 2 - TV-MAV 1:30 - Black Clover #72 - Saint Elmo's Fire - TV-14 2:00 - Boruto: Naruto Next Generations #33 - The Super Beast Scroll Slump! - TV-PGL 2:30 - Naruto Shippuden #252 - The Angelic Herald of Death - TV-PG 3:00 - Hunter x Hunter #145 - Defeat and Reunion - TV-14LV I'm not sure what my bigger mistake was: daring to suggest that Vic as Rohan was perfect casting out loud, or doing so less than 24 hours after finally finishing Evangelion. Edited June 2, 2019 by PokeNirvash Quote
EmpressAngel Posted June 2, 2019 Posted June 2, 2019 (edited) Hero- Oh sweet, new OP. I spot a new girlfriend in this OP. It's okay All Might I still love you I'm just afraid to put any pressure on your body. All Might is best dad. Iida still doing that arm thing while brushing his teeth. Do not disappoint Aizawa. HI MIDNIGHT. HI MIDNIGHT'S BOOBS. They love their knockoff amusement park names at this school. Calm down Iida. I love Cementoss. What's Midnight's ultimate move, just more knockout gas? The way to improve your costumes is more nudity. I love all my kids. Ectoplasm is a great teacher. Just get new arms, Deku. I HAVE THE DAY OFF AND DON'T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO. Meanwhile, Bakugo's here to murder everything. CAKE. Nobody cares, Mineta. LIGHTNING SWORD. Oh my god the teacher's manual. HI MEI! Power Loader has the patience of a saint. Hi Mei's boobs! Uraraka's about to have a stroke. Mei you were on a team with them. You've said the magic words. Oh neat they can just do it in-house. Calm down, Mei. Awkward boner alert. Oh no. That thing's gonna blow up. Oh my god Mei stop you're gonna kill them. That's a lot of inventions but what's her body count on those things. And in that moment, Deku realized he has legs. Look at my kids go. Awww his mom made it. I love Bird Stand. Bakugo has never been chill for one day of his life. ALL MIGHT NO. Oh damn look at him go. I love how amazed everyone is that he discovered his legs. This is also my reaction to seeing All Might: Titan- That Sasquatch titan sure looks gross. Time for a ONE MILLION PERCENT smash, guys. Didn't Levi stab that guy in the neck last week? Oh, that's not good. It still cracks me up when the stupid ones run. That one is posing. Save the horses at all cost! I will absolutely choose the horses over Eren every time. FUCK YEAH, KILL THAT ONE. You got one arm what are you gonna do here. Oh that is some bullshit he should be dead. Yes play tag with him. I am definitely willing to risk Eren to save the horses. Reminder that Eren sucks. Try not to destroy your basement. Oh hey, it's that one guy they recruited. Look at them run. Levi, hating everything. Erwin's seen some shit. Ohhh this monologue seems real ominous I hope you don't die. GODDAMMIT EREN. Reminder that Eren fucking sucks. The fuck is that, a titan dildo? "It's pointy, dumbass." Hange says fuck that tree. Eat shit, my dude. Try not to blow yourselves up. Keep hitting him you idiots. "But that's the guy who pretended to be our friend for years in order to kill all of humanity!" Christ this better fucking work. Neverland- Well shit, that is better news for her than I expected. I feel like this isn't gonna end well. I don't trust Phil. You backstabbing bitch. I don't trust Grandma. WHELP, HERE WE GO. Oh no, she was adorable as a kid. Huh, I'm actually kinda sad for her. She died as she lived, being angry and crazy. Please don't stab us in the back here, Ray. This is not going well. Ohhhh you're fucked. Oh shit oh god we're so fucked here. Ray needs a hug. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Punch her harder. SHIT. GODDAMN FUCK. I'm gonna have a goddamn panic aneurism. Thank god Don is fucking huge. Gilda just drop the kid and run. I was half expecting Phil to wander out of those trees. I'm gonna piss myself. I am three seconds away from freaking the fuck out here. She was happy right up until those monsters shows up and violently killed her. I'M SO PROUD OF MY KIDS. Oh fucking christ. You broke her fucking leg you cunt. Alright we gotta kill this bitch. I don't fucking trust Phil. OH FUCKING SHIT DICKS. Sword Art- Let's just get this shit over with. Just take him up on the offer you stupid bastard. They're fucking. Can't you just freeze all that water? GET ON WITH IT. Eugeo you dumb fuck. I don't care, show. They could have at least kept him naked so I'd have something decent to look at. "Time splitting sword" is a real lame name, buddy. Eugeo is an even more boring main character than Kirito and that's just impressive. Aim for his dick! Oh wow, he actually did something. Of course he didn't think of that himself, his senpai Kirito had to show him. I mean, at least it's pretty. Yeah well, only one of you is actually attractive. Oh jesus christ what the fuck. No seriously, what in the unholy fuck IS this? Just let him die and release him from this show. I hate everything in my life that has led me to seeing this. Meanwhile, Kirito continues his riveting WALL CLIMBING mission. "Could you be any more of a disappointment" is a good tagline for this series. You stupid asshole. Waste that time, boy. Jojo- Kira really is awful but his theme music slaps. You should probably just leave things alone, dude. Oh that's creepy. Don't touch those panties they're a bomb. And that's why you don't creep around, you pervert. Okuyasu's not looking so good. KICK HIS ASS, JOSUKE. Well that's unusual. Aw shit it's a bomb. SMOKE. Oh come on these powers are ridiculous. SHITBRICKS. Aw fuck you got spikes in your torso.. EAT GLASS, FUCKER. Josuke might be dead. Hayato's got some crazy strength. I like that this piece of glass is heart-shaped. FUCK YEAH. I enjoy watching Kira suffer. Wait what was he holding. Cat plant stop helping him. And then he set a child on fire. Oh goddammit it's that guy. Oh damn that's a big bubble. HAAAA. Fuck you, old man. More rain, Jotaro? FUCK YEAH. Maybe you shouldn't have started murdering women to jack off on her severed hands. Josuke probably needs an ambulance. Alright Hayato, punch him in the balls while he's distracted. And now we play a game of seeing how slowly Jotaro and Koichi can walk across the street. RIP bomb cat. AW FUCK. Cat plant I'm disappointed in you. Wait was that who I think it is. MY BOY IS BACK I'M SO HAPPY. Oh, I'm gonna cry. I love my idiot boys. This is our cat plant now. Oh hey guys, nice of y'all to join us. Clover- In a benevolent act of mercy, my stream chose to shit out of the first five minutes. I'm amazed he has the brain power to figure that out. Oh what the fuck. Aw shit it's a Balrog. You're not funny, show. Just let go of the sword you stupid fuck. Thank you, ma'am. You gonna ruin gratuitous male nudity for me again, show? You mean all four of the women who are here, Tink? Just show me naked Yami and leave me alone. WE GET IT, YOU'RE A LESBIAN. I'm genuinely grateful that this is the show where my stream chooses to die multiple times. Hellooo naked Yami flexing. Was her mom also a condescending bitch with a personality like a bag of rotting ham? Yami is tired of this bullshit. Is the answer gay sex? Oh come on, we're really going here? Uh dude isn't one of the women you're trying to gawk at your actual sister? Nothing says straight like a bunch of naked, horny dudes crawling all over each other. OH MY GOD, GIVE UP ON THE NUN. Hunter- Leorio is best dad. I will vote for anyone who delivers a solid roundhouse kick to Ging's face. Thank god somebody beat that douche at least. Hey Knuckle you should go ahead and take your shirt off now, just to be prepared. Alright Killua you gotta wake that girl up now. SHE'S SO CUTE. Awwww Killua. Eat shit, Illumi. Oh, that's getting depressing. Thank god we're finally gonna fix my son. OH FUCK HE'S LOOKING REAL BAD. I'd like to get off this ride now. 'Kay. Holy shit that's some power. Y'all might wanna put on some shades. Hey there, Killua's shitty hot dad. I like that Leorio didn't even notice that. Oh god, Illumi laughing is even creepier than everything else about Illumi. I hate you, Pariston. He's gonna save Gon and then resume jacking off. Leorio's doing his best with the three brain cells he has. Oh my god you sack of whale shit. I'm going to rip your kneecaps off and feed them to you. Hee, I just noticed her hands have little paw prints on them. Kick his ass, dog lady! Oh this is some inconvenient timing, Morel. Let me see my son please. MY BABY! I'm gonna cry I'm so happy. LEORIO IS BEST DAD. Everyone was worried, except your piece of shit dad. Oh shit we're fucked. I'm amazed Ging didn't throw a smoke bomb and flee the scene already. I hate him so much. You risked my son's life for your shitty election game, you son of a bitch! I vote Gon for chairman. Anyone else wanna get a punch in on Ging before he sprints for the nearest emergency exit? Edited June 2, 2019 by EmpressAngel Quote
QueenoftheDorks Posted June 2, 2019 Posted June 2, 2019 Everyone put on your bolo tie because this season we stan Erwin. 2 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted June 2, 2019 Author Posted June 2, 2019 9 hours ago, EmpressAngel said: Sword Art- Oh jesus christ what the fuck. No seriously, what in the unholy fuck IS this? I hate everything in my life that has led me to seeing this. Clover- Was her mom also a condescending bitch with a personality like a bag of rotting ham? ... OH MY GOD, GIVE UP ON THE NUN. 1. I had a feeling you'd despise the fat clown dude, especially when they framed the scene to have an inadvertent close-up of his crotch. 2. To be fair, Noelle only got that personality because her siblings were emotionally abusive fuckbuckets. 3. I have faith he'll eventually give up on the woman herself, but as with most fetishes, he's never giving up on that outfit. MY HERO ACADEMIA - YESSSSSSS MORE MIDNIGHT. I'm not sure whether Hatsume's still fun or if she's starting to wear thin on me. And that's how Deku learned how to kick. DRAGON BALL SUPER - Freezus Iced, the frames per second rate this episode was wildly inconsistent. ATTACK ON TITAN - I love those little isometric pictographs they have for these strategy moments. I have a feeling their attack on Reiner is going to ultimately backfire somehow, even after they nailed it. THE PROMISED NEVERLAND - Krone's death was way too kino to be horrifying, like End of Evangelion before it. Now Isabella breaking Emma's leg? That's where the real horror is. SWORD ART ONLINE: ALICIZATION - "Slashing the future" is the new "predicting the predicitions". In spite of that, Eugeo vs. Hol Horse was pretty fun, at least until the clown man nobody likes showed up and completely ruined the mood. It's really telling that when it cut from him to Kirito and Alice, I remarked, "Finally, likeable characters." Then again, it's me, so my opinions on SAO aren't worth shit. JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE - I recently watched some videos of Jotaro vs. DIO that switched back and forth between English and Japanese, and now that I have that refresher, it's interesting to see how Stardust Crusaders' DBZ-style final battle that was all about who could push their limits further until the other one was dead perfectly contrasts Diamond is Unbreakable's reliance on strategy and technique in its final battle. (I, for one, loved Josuke tricking Kira into committing remote patricide. ) Like I said, you should've checked Okuyasu's pulse before assuming he was dead. BLACK CLOVER - The Virgin Deku figures out solutions to insurmountable problems by waiting for others to give him the Eureka moment he needs, while the Chad Asta thinks it through to the best of his ability and finds the solution that way. The manga did the hot springs fanservice better; still no nipples, but much less censorship steam. BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS - Huh, less screaming than I expected. That's only natural, we can't have Spike Spencer blowing out his vocal chords again, especially with Eva getting a Netflix redub he got shut out of despite being in the right region for it. Also, are post-credits sequences normally supposed to come after the licensor vanity plate? NARUTO SHIPPUDEN - Half the episode was flashbacks, the chief director personally handled the episode... yep, this is pure Naruto right here. And we're only one week away from the first of the three episodes responsible for the infamous "6 Billion Armadillo Penis Rainbow" episode ranking. (Don't ask.) HUNTER x HUNTER - Holy fuck, Illumi is completely batshit. Easily the worst Zoldyck, even taking Cylon Mom and the fat kid into consideration. Oh well, at least Gon's back to normal and about to meet his deadbeat dad for the first time. In a way, I'm glad Vic didn't play Pariston; not because I want a certain Vic-hater to stop speaking to me like they hate me (again, I really have to get over that), but because Vic isn't nearly the speed chess master that Pariston is. [good job deku, you can go on to the next stage now] Quote
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