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Grape-kun, Tobu Zoo's Humbolt penguin that fell in love with the cardboard cutout of the Kemono Friends' Humbolt, has died.  He was 21 (which is old for a penguin).  I hope she was by his side to comfort him during his illness before he passed away.  May he swim with his waifu in Japari Park Heaven.  :(  :'(


I have to admit that I wasn't too crazy about this story at first. I thought it was about trying to rekindle the "Weird Japan" moniker for no good reason, and this show could stand as awesome on its own merits. But, in the end, it's a prime example of a rare heartwarming story in today's world. For that, I guess I'm grateful.


Grape-kun can hang out with his waifu in heaven and not have to witness Kemono Friends S2 be bastardized by a different staff. B}


Grape-kun, Tobu Zoo's Humbolt penguin that fell in love with the cardboard cutout of the Kemono Friends' Humbolt, has died.  He was 21 (which is old for a penguin).  I hope she was by his side to comfort him during his illness before he passed away.  May he swim with his waifu in Japari Park Heaven.  :(  :'(


::D::  :'(  This is the most beautiful anime tragedy ever. It shall be made into an anime, or at least I hope.


Whelp. I made a thread about this. In the wrong section. Several days late. Oops.


Still, he's going to be missed. What I find quite sad is that even though cardboard cutouts cannot reciprocate love....he didn't care. He still loved that cutout. That kind of love is hard to find these days.

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