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I had a ghost pepper yesterday

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Guest The Hound

and i just pooped and my butthole really burns now.

Guest The Hound

You make some shitty threads. :it:

thanks  shithead
Guest The Hound

Shit thread indeed.

:poop: :poop: :poop:

you and your 3 inch cock!


maybe you should prove me wrong and send me a totally unsolicited dick pic!


DJ Sona[/member]


Just to make sure he sees it, he did promise after all.


I know the feels. Been there before. I have the same problem with Cheyenne peppers when I use them. Hope you have some Preparation-H or at least some soft Tp. My recommendation is some baby wipes. You have no idea how great they feel on a burned butthole.

Guest The Hound

na he a punk...he gonna rage quit after having a bitch fit of puss out

go look for yourself

go look for yourself


na id rather not...nothing you have and nothing you are interests me....you're a walking time bomb of disappointment and from what I've been reading....so is yer dick

Guest The Hound

na id rather not...nothing you have and nothing you are interests me....you're a walking time bomb of disappointment and from what I've been reading....so is yer dick

my dick is bomb as fuck and i have been on your side in recent events




Guest The Hound

I know the feels. Been there before. I have the same problem with Cheyenne peppers when I use them. Hope you have some Preparation-H or at least some soft Tp. My recommendation is some baby wipes. You have no idea how great they feel on a burned butthole.

dude my butthole still suffered today

na id rather not...nothing you have and nothing you are interests me....you're a walking time bomb of disappointment and from what I've been reading....so is yer dick

Its actually not that bad. I thought he was full of shit too but his cock is decent.


dude my butthole still suffered today

I’m telling you, man. Invest in some baby wipes. It’ll still suck for a little bit, but once the wiping is done, a baby wipe will bring some moisture back to the area with healing salve.
Guest The Hound

there are no "sides" viper...and your opinion here holds no weight

my opinion is better than yours




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