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I had a dream that one of my tarantulas escape. the blue one. the one that can put a man in a coma with 1 bite


like starpanda said it was only a dream


What are the laws about keeping venomous animals as pets in your state?

there isn't any really. as long as it's not something like a big cat or a bear or something you took out of a state park they don't really care

there isn't any really. as long as it's not something like a big cat or a bear or something you took out of a state park they don't really care

Reason I asked is that I recall a friend a few years back who bought a skunk.  Then, the game warden said he couldn't keep it unless the vet would take out the spray glands.  Since NJ is that strict about a walking stink bomb, I'd guess nobody could have a tarantula or a black mamba in this state.
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