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Gf is in the hospital over the weekend and who knows how long after...

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Having been hospitalized before, I know what a stress it can be on family and friends. I seriously hope she is going to be ok, and I really feel for you bud. I know it sucks, hang in there.


What do those terms mean? I honestly don't know :|




Pansexual is usually, as I understand it, similar to Bisexuality in that it expands possible romantic or sexual partners. Only in the pansexual orientation, it is expanded to include all humans (which includes transgendered, gender fluid, asexual, and intersex). So basically every iteration of LGBTQI+ type people you can think of.


MTF means male to female transgender transition. And FTM means female to male transgender transition.


Anyone feel free to correct me here if I am mistaken.


You have a girl friend? I thought you weren't into woman.  S:


Also, Rogue has pretty much always identified as bisexual. Not that it matters, but I would like to clarify that he does in fact like women too, which is what the crux of the running "you're gay" joke is with people picking on him from time to time (e.g. they know very well that he's not gay but are teasing him).


It's too early in the morning for me to be getting this analytical. :|

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