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Phillies guide on how to pleasure your waifu

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Step 1: Make romantic dinner. Use candles. Cooking sillz are a plus, but microwavable pizza and milk are fine too. 




Step 2: Bring waifu to bedroom or basement, dim lights, have romantic music playing.





Step 3: In a direct gesture, throw target appendage around waifu. Being obnoxious and lewd is acceptable, remember waifus like that- Just act like Zeni. 





Step 4: The birds and the bees. You guys remember health class.




Step 5: congratulate yourself.




billions make it without a waifu. i myself have turned to overdosing on prescription pills and oversharing on message boards.


I'd rather go with the waifu then the over dosing on the pills part. I mean don't get me wrong, the pills def help.


You should get a husbando. Is that what they are called?


I'd rather go with the waifu then the over dosing on the pills part. I mean don't get me wrong, the pills def help.


if he cant penetrate me while i lay comfortably i do not want a husbando




This is true, don't knock fucking a pillow until you try it.  O0


fuggz dun't know what shes missing. I offer her Leeks and pillows. And she just wants a Lobster.


then offer me a lobster? im tired of smelling like onions.


Its outside the weekly budget/allowance.  There are raw craw fish in the Lake Erie down the street, so we can make a brunch with those.


Negative and judgmental? Maybe learn to be more accepting.

Us weebs have feelings.



You have to have a soul to have feelings which we all know that weebs don't have souls -1

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