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things to note


1. the artstyle being used is NOT Masaki Kajishima's, the reason for using another artists style isn't known, other than that maybe how different Kajishima's style has become was a turn off to the producers (he's fond of saggier low hanging breasts now and he draws Ryoko with droopy goat-like ears)

2. the new girl who seems to be getting added to his Harem is LITERALLY HIS AUNT!, she's his mother's Sister, her name is Minaho Masaki, so we've come full circle with the "all the girls in Tenchi's harem are his aunts" thing




elaborating on his harem being made up of his aunts(I've explained this before)

Ayeka is his Grandfather's half sister

Sasami is the same

Washu is the sister to Tsunami, a Goddess that physically merged with Sasami making her Sasami's sister

Ryoko is Washu's biologial daughter

as is Ryo-ohki....Ryo-Ohki is also apperently a clone of Tenchi's dead pet cat which.....adds a whole nother layer of weirdness to the fact that once she gains a human form she becomes an offical member of his harem

Mihoshi is Washu's Granddaughter from a previous marriage though she might not be aware of it (the man's parents forbid him to marry a human woman (Washu's mortal body is apparently human, not Juraian, weird)so he and her baby were taken away from her)

Noike (the ova version of Kiyone Makibi) is POSSIBLY a direct Genetic replica of Ayeka's Grandmother

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, also because of all the mentioned things in the spoiler, She is Ayeka's Aunt, Noike also used to be Kagato....it's really hard to explain



Why is this still alive and Gunsmith Cats never getting anything past 3 episodes?


Why is this still here and we don't have a Cannon God Exxaion anime?


Why?  Why?  Why?

  On 12/29/2016 at 5:36 AM, Jman said:

Why is this still alive and Gunsmith Cats never getting anything past 3 episodes?


Why is this still here and we don't have a Cannon God Exxaion anime?


Why?  Why?  Why?


And why is One Piece still on Toonami anyway? And why do we complain so much?


One Piece is on Toonami because DeMarco views it the same way Vince McMahon views Roman Reigns, not aware both are about equally as popular with live audiences (i.e.: not at all).

  On 12/29/2016 at 5:42 AM, Jman said:

One Piece is on Toonami because DeMarco views it the same way Vince McMahon views Roman Reigns, not aware both are about equally as popular with live audiences (i.e.: not at all).




How do you shoehorn your hate-boner of OP for every damn thread? Geez man, go kill Oda or something if you hate it so much.

  On 12/29/2016 at 6:33 AM, Daos said:

I love tenchi muyo but holy shit the art looks awful. What's the deal?

Kajishima(the creator of tenchi)'s artstyle has changed radically and a lot of people hate it now, that's the only explaination I can come up with for why they're using someone else's character designs


contrast this is the Choushin (Washu and her sisters) back when the show was on toonami


and this is how they look now






edit: for a better comparison here's a group shot of tenchi's Harem from the older style


and here's them now (note the saggier tits and smaller eyes)


  On 12/29/2016 at 8:29 AM, moose said:



How do you shoehorn your hate-boner of OP for every damn thread? Geez man, go kill Oda or something if you hate it so much.


The OP hate will continue until morale improves (in other words, when it's cancelled).


As for the thres, GXP and its fail will ensure this never airs on Toonami.  Given how many circles this plot goes in (does anyone give a shit about the convoluted goddess plot?  I don't think so) that's a good thing.


I'd like to also explain "Noike's"


connection to Kiyone Makibi



people who hate Noike say she's a bad immintation of Kiyone, but ostensibly they are the same character, the reason they are so different is because of many factors

Kajishima originally designed this character very early, when the anime's producers Saw her, they wanted to use her in the TV anime, but they thought she was too ugly with short hair, and made her hair longer, Kajishima had also not come up with a name for her yet, so they named her Kiyone in the TV series (however in the OVA's Kiyone was Tenchi's mother's name, so in the TV series they renamed Tenchi's mother "Achika"), another reason for the difference is that in the OVA continuity everybody has extremely complicated and bizzare Backstories, Noike is no exception


where they are the same

they are both Teal Haired Galaxy Police women who are Mihoshi's ex partner and hate Mihoshi greatly and who are introduced somewhat later in the story than all the other girls, they are also both

kiyone_36197.jpeg prone to massive overractions

15TMRO22.jpg over very minor problems


Yeah I hate this new art style already, but given the pics of Kajishima's current stuff I understand why they changed it.


This also looks terrible, in general, but so is pretty much anything Tenchi recently.  The only Tenchi stuff that I actually liked was the stuff that aired on OG Toonami and the Tenchi Universe movies.  I truly can't believe Tenchi has enough popularity, especially after that third OVA, to warrant a fourth OVA series. 

  On 12/29/2016 at 1:47 PM, CaptainStarwind said:

Yeah I hate this new art style already, but given the pics of Kajishima's current stuff I understand why they changed it.


This also looks terrible, in general, but so is pretty much anything Tenchi recently.  The only Tenchi stuff that I actually liked was the stuff that aired on OG Toonami and the Tenchi Universe movies.  I truly can't believe Tenchi has enough popularity, especially after that third OVA, to warrant a fourth OVA series.


I will always contend that it was a case of "Right place right time."  Boys entering puberty watching a show about a bunch of hot alien wanting to fuck a teenager's brains out?  Where the women were clearly portrayed as sexual?  This was so radically different from other cartoons at the time that it was no wonder teens and tweens took to it.

  On 12/29/2016 at 2:19 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Huh, I remember Noike looking much different in her GXP cameo.

if you mean her hair, she starts off more or less with Kiyone's hairstyle (but pulled into a back pony) but cuts it an episode in making a short bowl cut


also, after Washu reveals that she used to be Kagato(explaining how doesn't make sense so I won't) her hair starts getting wavy like his hair was


This show is hurting me.  Why can't this franchise just die?


They should have made more Gunsmith Cats or Exxaion.  Now we're getting a damn ballroom dancing show.

  On 12/29/2016 at 7:33 PM, Jman said:

This show is hurting me.  Why can't this franchise just die?


They should have made more Gunsmith Cats or Exxaion.  Now we're getting a damn ballroom dancing show.

I have no arguments, Tenchi is a.....strange anime


I enjoyed pretty much all of it but I'm not gonna say it's good


just the best of the Harem Genre.......because the harem Genre sucks


what makes the whole, "Noike and Kagato are the same person" thing even weirder is that Kagato's redesign in Universe made him look EVEN MORE like Noike....even though that storyline was removed in Universe


OVA Kagato





TV Kagato (He has noike's hair and eyecolor)


the explaination for OVA Kagato's hair was that he was originally a clone of this Woman


but "stuff" happened and he turned into a man......and turned evil


  On 12/29/2016 at 5:36 AM, Jman said:

Why is this still alive and Gunsmith Cats never getting anything past 3 episodes?


I don't know if I agree with most of your opinions but back that one up.


  On 12/29/2016 at 11:16 PM, MasqueradeOverture said:

The fecal tendencies of this new OVA is astounding.


It is physically impossible for this to be good in any way.

yeah they should've stopped after OVA 2, or made OVA 3 sooner when the series was still popular
  On 12/29/2016 at 11:21 PM, mochi said:

yeah they should've stopped after OVA 2, or made OVA 3 sooner when the series was still popular


OVA 3's existence is made a lot easier to ignore by the fact that Funimation doesn't even have it in the same boxset as OVAs 1 and 2, or at least they didn't when I bought my set.

  On 12/30/2016 at 3:03 AM, CaptainStarwind said:

OVA 3's existence is made a lot easier to ignore by the fact that Funimation doesn't even have it in the same boxset as OVAs 1 and 2, or at least they didn't when I bought my set.

they actually count it as a different series, they call it Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki


of course another reason we all hate OVA 3 is because they failed to get Ryoko's original Sexy voice actress Back

and replaced her with.....this


she sounds like a boy....probably because the woman they replaced her with exclusively voices boys


That's one of the reasons.


The other is the plot being so convoluted and they talk about it constantly.  No one.  Fucking.  Cares.  Just have him pick a damn girl already!


Did anyone find the three goddesses bullshit interesting?  The strength of Tenchi was always the characters, not the overarching plot.  But the third OVA and now this became obsessed with it.  And it is so boring.


So is Moribito.

  On 12/30/2016 at 6:13 AM, Jman said:

That's one of the reasons.


The other is the plot being so convoluted and they talk about it constantly.  No one.  Fucking.  Cares.  Just have him pick a damn girl already!

he Canonically Marries all of them since Polygamy is considered okay on Jurai
  On 12/30/2016 at 9:09 AM, CaptainStarwind said:

I think the the OVA series is just going to continue as long as they can keep thinking of new girls to add to the harem.  That's the conclusion I've come to.

I'm a little confused as to why they're even adding Minaho frankly, consideing Kajishima previously claimed the endgame was gonna be Ryoko, Ayeka, Washu, Mihoshi, Sasami, Noike, Ryo-Ohki and possibly Tokimi (he even published several doujins showing Tenchi's and Seina's future Kids.....apperently one of Seina's sons ends up with one of Tenchi's Daughters)

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