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Why is the "post a picture of anything but yourself" no longer floated?

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There were like 10 threads floated for no good reason.  Someone finally complained about it.  I just didn't care because I was having an internal bet with myself about how long it would be before  the entire front page was stickies.


There were like 10 threads floated for no good reason.  Someone finally complained about it.  I just didn't care because I was having an internal bet with myself about how long it would be before  the entire front page was stickies.


Well, luuv died so that would never happen.


There were like 10 threads floated for no good reason.  Someone finally complained about it.  I just didn't care because I was having an internal bet with myself about how long it would be before  the entire front page was stickies.


I was very tempted to do that when Kidney cried like a little bitch. >:D


I didn't un-float that one... just the other ones that were taken down. Don't ask me  -_'


that's because I did

and the hurricane one phillies made will be next to be floated since that is an important subject


that's because I did

and the hurricane one phillies made will be next to be floated since that is an important subject


So "Post pictures of yourself" is on par with a hurricane but pictures of everything else? No dice.


that's because I did

and the hurricane one phillies made will be next to be floated since that is an important subject


I think you should float a thread on that Girls game in your sig.


So "Post pictures of yourself" is on par with a hurricane but pictures of everything else? No dice.


I had multiple requests before to pin that one

Luuv even made a comment to just leave it alone since its hard to find


You changed your sig, that's good


Now no one will know you like scantily dressed kids


I was waiting for a good cover to be revealed and the katos event was good


i just noticed that minion has utters


I simply have no idea what's going on in that pic.....There's a glass of spilled milk, which I'm not sure if it's a metaphor of some sort, or the milk is turning him into a cow.......Or.....Did he skin a cow.  It's confusing.

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