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stuck..no time off work til october


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All that running you mouth finally caught up with you, huh?


Seems like you're not a great of an employee as you had convinced yourself you were.


LOL at your worth....You're worth 60% of an East Indian woman with a 4th grade English vocab.


Says the man still working two jobs he hates , dead end, with no hope of advancement.

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Says the man still working two jobs he hates , dead end, with no hope of advancement.


LOL, you are so stupid.....I don't hate either of my jobs....I wouldn't have any other jobs currently.  I just hate working, period.  I get to dick around on the internet constatly, I've advanced considerably since last year but have no desire to keep the board apprised, and my night job only requires me to recocile some paperwork and sleep.  YOU....YOU have no hope of advancement.  I'm on my way to Houston in tentatively 2 weeks to head up many reconnection sites.


I make what you make in a year by May.  Even if I did hate my job, you are nothing more than a flea on my nuts.

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LOL, you are so stupid.....I don't hate either of my jobs....I wouldn't have any other jobs currently.  I just hate working, period.  I get to dick around on the internet constatly, I've advace considerably since last year but have no desire to keep the board apprised, and my night job only requires me to recocile some paperwork and sleep.  YOU....YOU have no hope of advancement.  I'm on my way to Houston in tentatively 2 weeks to head u many reconnection sites.


I make what you make in a year by May.  Even if I did hate my job, you are nothing more than a flea on my nuts.


Lol same job for 20 years and still a worker and not a boss. What a joke.

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I got you dawg.....Even though you're paid more than me, I'll still hook you up with some steak and shrimp.....Or whatever it is your complaining ass eats.

mmm steak and shrimp. bring it to the cardboard box on the corner of Ramen and Lentils.



also i really don't make THAT much money. owning a house really takes most of it away

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mmm steak and shrimp. bring it to the cardboard box on the corner of Ramen and Lentils.



also i really don't make THAT much money. owning a house really takes most of it away


I know all too well....The ONLY reason I wanted to see your house was because I've dedicated myself to a duplex like on Breaking Bad and hope the passive income leads me to a real house in the next 5.....Nay, maybe 10 years.  But as long as I own this I'm in no rush.  Especially since I might shit the bed and have to use the other unit for family.  Long story that once again I have no intention on making anyone here a part of.

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I know all too well....The ONLY reason I wanted to see your house was because I've dedicated myself to a duplex like on Breaking Bad and hope the passive income leads me to a real house in the next 5.....Nay, maybe 10 years.  But as long as I own this I'm in no rush.  Especially since I might shit the bed and have to use the other unit for family.  Long story that once again I have no intention on making anyone here a part of.

i don't even own a real house. it's a townhouse. i didn't really want a real house, too much responsibility, not enough return

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