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I don't remember shit


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I've got selective memory. I can't remember to pick up some items from the store, but I can remember a pizza party from 1997 or a random day I went to the mall 15 years ago.


yeah. i'm getting that way. i have to go to the store like 3 times a week because i keep forgetting things.


i could make a list, i suppose, but it's right up the street anyway and I'd probably forget where i put the list.  :|

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i dont remember pretty big important stuff. like i have ZERO collection of getting my drivers license.. isnt that some important milestone? i have no idea how many time i took the test.. i guess i passed the first time?? i had been driving illegally with a permit for a few months but i dont know what car i took for the test, if i was nervous or not, if i was happy, did i call my mom?? i dont remember shit.. just straight from illegally driving.. to having a license.. wtf


theres huge gaps in my memory all over the place. like swiss cheese. i started keeping a journal but of course im lazy and dont journal


also, i write... and i go back and read stuff i wrote and i have ZERO collection of writing. its kind of neat. like reading something someone else wrote.



also good for re-reading novels i read when i was a teenager. dont remember shit that happened in them. its a whole new book! LOL

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