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New whip


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Bye bye Beeeemah, you served me well.


Toned it down a bit, picking up my new WRX today, have to stick with the AWD.... and it's pretty quick too.




I didn't get a white car this time either, I think I am making very good steps to not being as "white" anymore..... still have so much to learn though.

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Traded it in, pretty close to even trade for the miles I had on it and there was a scuff/rub mark on the front left from some shithead that banged in to me in a parking lot... oh well, no money really out of pocket and the remainder will just pay off my insurance for the year.


Mass sucks though, I gotta pay through the fucking nose in taxes and excise tax..... eh, whatcha gonna do.

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Bye bye Beeeemah, you served me well.


Toned it down a bit, picking up my new WRX today, have to stick with the AWD.... and it's pretty quick too.




I didn't get a white car this time either, I think I am making very good steps to not being as "white" anymore..... still have so much to learn though.


I'm so disappointed. This is not the whip I anticipated when I opened this thread, and I was so looking forward to asking if you'd gotten new high heeled boots to go with it.

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da biggest


I have a friend down in PA building some extreme boxer engine for his '08...



It's been two years and he is close to done... can't wait to see it rip.



On the downside, my other friend who is a Mustang guy spend $15k on a badass rebuild/upgrade... the car made 550 at the wheels and blew a hole in the side of the block in about a month.

- The shop had to reimburse him and he still made money on the car  >:D

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