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Is this the inspiration for the Quick Draw Mcgraw cartoon's El Kabong?

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Yes it's him after he was diagnosed and tried to focus on his music


The description says it's comedian Kenny Moore

Guest Zintar

The description says it's comedian Kenny Moore


You are correct, Sir!


Quick Draw McGraw is a white horse with a red hate and a gun. Not even good clickbait on your end


he had an altar ego named El Kabong who hit people with a guitar







Guest Zintar

Mix[/member] . .  Awesome. I still have a shit-ton of VHS stuff, fucked up tv, religious programming, musical performances, rare cartoons, etc . . . .

stuff I have  filmed over the past 30+ years, I had traded tapes through the mail for many years. There used to be all kinds of avenues for that type of stuff and trading before the internet. I transfer much of it, some gets archived, some gets uploaded on various sites for people

like myself who collect and archive.  There is soooo much crap that is not on the Internet still . . . . Archiving is fun.


Mix[/member] . .  Awesome. I still have a shit-ton of VHS stuff, fucked up tv, religious programming, musical performances, rare cartoons, etc . . . .

stuff I have  filmed over the past 30+ years, I had traded tapes through the mail for many years. There used to be all kinds of avenues for that type of stuff and trading before the internet. I transfer much of it, some gets archived, some gets uploaded on various sites for people

like myself who collect and archive.  There is soooo much crap that is not on the Internet still . . . . Archiving is fun.


that's awesome....i'm light on details, but a friend of mine told me he watched an old vhs of a news feed being somehow hijacked and some crazy shit being televised on live tv...heard of anything like that?



Guest Zintar

that's awesome....i'm light on details, but a friend of mine told me he watched an old vhs of a news feed being somehow hijacked and some crazy shit being televised on live tv...heard of anything like that?


Haha. yeah, there were many examples of that type of stuff that happened. The most famous being in Chicago . . I think.. I'm outside in my backyard smoking some grass...lol. I'll go inside and post an example in  a few.. there was also Max Hedroom....

Guest Zintar

Oh, the Max Headroom was from Chicago! Good, my mind is still working good enough.






Guest Zintar

I know, but the guy in your video isn't a horse. :|



Guest Zintar

Zintar[/member] omg, that was it....that shit's awesome.....never caught those scamps  :D


They showed "marital aids".


That mother fucker broke his guitar over a heckler.  ::]::


choices were made.....regrets were had......refunds were demanded


thread title made me think






video made me think





solid references all around...high five


y'know I don't even remember watching that episode of the critic.....but I think the quick draw McGraw version of el kabong came first...



you guys remember when Boomerang first became a thing and they use to show Quick Draw Mcgraw and all the older cartoons on it?


now it's like CN but instead of Teen Titans Go for 12 straight hours it's Tom and Jerry marathons


you guys remember when Boomerang first became a thing and they use to show Quick Draw Mcgraw and all the older cartoons on it?


now it's like CN but instead of Teen Titans Go for 12 straight hours it's Tom and Jerry marathons


I haven't seen that channel in more than a decade....it takes me back....gawd i'm getting old.... :'(


dude I'm 30 and look like i'm 14


when people discuss beards and such I quietly leave the room


I turned 28 last month...i'm well into the down slope....


we can't all bathe in the blood of virgins like you  :'(..............or can we  :|


hey Zenigundam[/member] wanna hang out  :robot|


No Bullshit, Genealogy.com has a DNA test you can do.  52% Italian, I mean there's a shit ton of other stuff but mayhaps the fountain of youth lies therefore in Italy? 


I dunno what to tell you.  I was blessed with mental illness in the form of OCD/Anxiety/Depression... but I got those Nick Cage looks, I mean I may be John Carter but whom knows

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