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[as] has so many problems right now its sorta scary.  Their feud with Women is just a part of their problems. 


I might be alone here but I dont think [as] has any really huge hits, apart from R&M, that have pierced the mainstream lately.  ATHF and Robot Chicken moved [as] outside of a cult following, R&M has done the same.  But has anything else? 


Its like [as] is trying to double down on being this strange eclectic entity that only wants to make shows for a very small market.

  • 2 weeks later...

Such an inferior sex.


I feel like you post this or something similar to this in every gender related thread, starting to think your mother never hugged you.


Unrequited love turned to rage and self loathing.


No, seriously though, where is my Robot Chicken sketch that destroys Steven Universe in one shot?


The dumb broad almost destroyed ASA with poor programming choices.


Bitch knows her place.



Master-Debater131[/member] how many of [as]'s new projects have been released yet though? i dont think many.


on a separate note i want [as] to succeed, but surely some of their best works were watched by few.




Master-Debater131[/member] how many of [as]'s new projects have been released yet though? i dont think many.




I honestly couldnt tell you.  I dont have cable so the only way I can watch anything [as] makes is on Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, or "the internet". 


I do know though that when I go to my parents house I often simply skip over [as] when it comes on.  Its either a rerun of some Fox show, or some OC that I just dont find funny. 




Just remember.  As long as they have Family Guy it's all good.


Also someone get Seth Green to rip Steven Universe a new asshole.  Make it burn!


I wonder if that has anything to do with why Million dollar Extreme just kinda vanished from the airwaves.  Not the article, but - well nvm it was probably just nobody watched it.


but it was tough to find when it was on, and then feels like it ran once and that was that.  Haven't seen or heard about it since.


certainly though - you know, the ASMB was attractive to alt-right type posters, who first came there through the block.  ASMB was never a sort of leftists paradise or whatever.  It always had a pretty extreme-right element.  I mean always.


so - you know, in its way, that may have been a sort of early indicator of where things were headed.


...Never thought of it that way, mostly because I always thought said trolls were just trying to start shit for the lulz.


Lazzo has never been one to take stuff off for outside reasons.  Squidbillies is a great example.  When the public rejected it, he doubled down and pushed it harder.


Squids did well from the get go.  It had a tiny moment of controversy when Lazzo ran the pencil testy version as one of the pranks.  which was actually kind of cool, but people didn't seem to get that it was roughs/pencil animation tests.  They seemed to think it was what the actual show was going to look like. 


but when the pilot aired, it did well.  And the show hasn't particularly faltered since. 


also Squids hasn't really ever been "pushed".  Usually it just ran in its slot.  And then I guess for awhile a loooong time into the show, it began running nightly w/ATHF.  But never really pushed in the same sense as ATHF, Fox licenses, or some of the other shows

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