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You may not think so Ymir, but it looks like that's what happened :D  And maybe more in the future who knows.


Ymir bringing the harsh digs into her past and motivations.


Still need a gif Christa rolling down that hill.


That flashback?  Was that their pre-Titan days?  Confusing how they could be VICTIMS of a Titan.


What Reiner and Berthold are saying right here... what the fuck.


I'll bump this again since the rerun is still going on, whether you care for it or not during this marathon week.


It's "Warrior", of course. No skipping of the episodes-ing this time.


Here we go...

And some new clues with these reveals...with more to come later in the season.


This music is SO GOOD!


They're so lucky that Mikasa let her moment of compassion for them interrupt her kill shot.

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