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What are some of the things you've done or achieved in games that you are most proud of? It can be anything from beating a game that pissed you off all the way up to being the best in the world at game.



1. I was barred from entering a local Halo 2 tournament because the majority of the participants had played me and were threatening to leave since I'd "win anyways." I agreed to bow out in exchange for some of the food from the catering and be allowed to watch the matches. I had an ego the size of a Goodyear Blimp by the end of that event.

2. Entered another local tournament and was the lone female competitor. I could go on for hours about this one, but the highlights were as follows: I sent the former champ, and favorite to win, home early; Eliminated a player that was bragging about what he'd do with the prize money; Accidentally knocked the controller off the couch we were playing on every single game, making it seem like a mic drop; Defeated my opponent in the finals with a perfect match. The last game went so badly for the other guy, his accuracy was listed at 0% on the post game stats, on top of him getting zero kills and being tricked into his final death.




1. My best friend and my brother got 2nd place in a state-wide tournament. I was a member of the team but did not play in the matches. We were heckled by most of the spectators and players at the event, and all the people into that scene at our high school. They were all rooting for another duo that had been to MLG events and played against pros. Said duo even mocked our "jerseys" we had made, which had a hobo SPARTAN holding a cardboard sign that read "Will Lose 4 Money" (our team's name). Our team eliminated those two and went on to lose the finals by 11 points. The heavenly duo everyone was cheering for lost in the losers bracket finals and took home 4th place. Got a nice little payout from the event and lived up to our team name. Not exactly my achievement, but still memorable.

2. I was the "katana kid" in high school after I ended up getting all the achievements in Halo 3 just one week after launch. Everyone from one of my brother's to random freshmen "hired" me to get them their katanas, which unlocked once you earned all achievements in Halo 3. I accepted various types of payments and I believe I brought in about 3 dozen katanas by the time I stopped taking requests.




There's a lot to list here, but I'll hit the high points

1. Achieved a top 5 ranking in PvP on not one, not two, but five characters simultaneously. Hardcore no lifed it and brought in over 300,000 kills on other players in the span of 2 years. Highest ranking was Warlord, which was the second highest rank possible and had to be fought for every week. Classes/Specs: Fury Warrior; Enhancement Shaman; Holy Paladin; Survival Hunter; Frost Mage

2. Earned Challenger's armor sets on 3 characters when the Challenge system was introduced, following it up again with a 4th character in the next expansion. But I am more proud of the fact that I earned a realm best for one of the challenges, getting the fastest speed across all players. Classes/Specs: Blood Death Knight; Fury Warrior; Elemental Shaman; Holy Paladin

3. Obtained the Hunter-only weapons of Rhok'delar and Lok'delar from a very difficult chain of solo quests.

4. Five time Brawler (fight club). Classes Specs: Frost Death Knight; Arms Warrior; Destruction Warlock; Fury Warrior; Unholy Death Knight

5. Looted the incredibly rare Big Love Rocket mount.

6. Owner of Thunderfury, Sulfuras, Shadowmourne, Thori'dal, Warglaives, and Val'anyr legendary weapons. Sulfuras and Warglaives obtained while current content.




1. Placed in the Top 200 Players in the world; Top 150 on Xbox 360.

2. Participated in the only MLG event (was actually Game Battles and exclusively online). Lone female participant. Lost early on, but to the champs.





I was a Starcraft 2 diamond player back in season 2! The only other thing that I have that comes close is being a SS player in DOA2U, but I played Ayane...


I beat everyone at my old summer camp at Tekken 5. Most of the counselors were well-versed in fighting games and regularly beat everyone at Street Fighter and the Naruto fighting game, but whenever they played Tekken 5, I won alot of the matches with Asuka.


Whenever I've been able to overwrite my Smash Run score with Palutena on Smash 3DS.


Getting Knights of the Round and the Gold Chocobo in FFVII.


Catching a Red Gyarados in Pokemon Silver


I beat COD:World at War on Veteran difficulty


I'm 98% positive that it took a good ten years off my life with the Grenade spam glitch but I did it


I also got past the Dam stage on the Ninja Turtles game on NES

Guest squirrelygod

I got all the achievements in a Dynasty Warriors game


Also, in Enter the Matrix, I defeated an Agent by shooting it repeatedly with a grenade launcher until it disappeared. Even though the game was feces, I felt like the real Neo by actually successfully destroying an Agent without being Keanu.



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