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Which 'Steven Universe' character are you?

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I got...




"Without fail, you’re often the voice of reason in your group. Though you tend to prioritize safety and being cautious, you have your own special way of being strong to look out for those around you. You might not always realize it, but you’re also an incredibly intelligent and multifaceted person who a lot of people look up to."






I thought I was a cooler character.


Pearl sucks.



Let's be brave and stuff on 3....1 ....2....meh let's get burgers

yaaaay burgers


I don't even know who tf that is >.> I just like taking quizzes


yaaaay burgers


I don't even know who tf that is >.> I just like taking quizzes

Haha she's a pretty cool character honestly I'm ok with who I got, but yeah quizzes are fun as long as they are short




I got...




"Without fail, you’re often the voice of reason in your group. Though you tend to prioritize safety and being cautious, you have your own special way of being strong to look out for those around you. You might not always realize it, but you’re also an incredibly intelligent and multifaceted person who a lot of people look up to."






I thought I was a cooler character.


Pearl sucks.

Pearl is also a Rapist

and tried to murder a baby


so....y'know..........just putting that out there


also I got



"You come across as fun and funky, but you’re also incredibly deep and complex. Without fail, you provide the comedic relief of your group and you’re unafraid to call people out for acting out or being a nuisance. Your ability to speak your mind, especially to defend those around you, is treasured by your closest friends."


I don't watch it, but fuck it.




"You got: Steven Universe

You’re bright, eager, and always determined to do the right thing. Though people might not realize it at first, you’re incredibly brave and unwaveringly courageous, even if the face of enemies much larger than yourself. You’re also endearingly honest and loyal to everyone around you."


You got: "Peridot"

Clever and calculating, you know how to use your vast intelligence and quick wit to your advantage. You’re a determined and ambitious individual who will go far to accomplish what you want. Let’s just hope those pesky Crystal Gems stay out of your way!




And this is your favorite show huh.


Heavy stuff, mochi.



you're the one who got Pearl not me ::]::


edit: also my opinion of the show is strained currently


tried this for shits and giggles ...got greg universe


Sure, you’re fun and goofy, but what people often don’t realize is you’re an incredibly passionate individual. You go to tremendous lengths to help out those you care about, and you’re incredibly loyal to your friends and family. Even when you’re not sure of yourself, you still push forward for the sake of those around you.

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