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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a girl scout so I'll let him do it by himself.


A Girl Scout? Cringe (flashes back to being a cookie mother and being stuck with cases of whatever the lo-fat healthy cookie of the year was...)


A Girl Scout? Cringe (flashes back to being a cookie mother and being stuck with cases of whatever the lo-fat healthy cookie of the year was...)


That's too bad.  That's sad being stuck with low fat cookies.

Thin Mints and peanut butter patties were the best.


That's too bad.  That's sad being stuck with low fat cookies.

Thin Mints and peanut butter patties were the best.


My favorite were smoa's. A lot of people seem to not like them, but I guess you have to be a coconut fan.

  • 1 month later...

So, am I getting like 10 karmas per post or something?  oO  Are there even 150 unique users here?  Can you karma someone more than once?  I don't understand.


Also, what are those little tan cubes over the icon, like Misaka has 5 of them?  I had 1 for awhile, but then it went away.  :(


they're supposed to be like stars/rank symbols.  They've never really worked.  sometimes they show up and sometimes they don't.


Originally it was just volunteers have 5, and newbs had 1 and then higher ranks had 2 then 3 then 4.


So, am I getting like 10 karmas per post or something?  oO  Are there even 150 unique users here?  Can you karma someone more than once?  I don't understand.


Also, what are those little tan cubes over the icon, like Misaka has 5 of them?  I had 1 for awhile, but then it went away.  :(


as far as the karma goes, somebody must ... reallllly like u.


could be good could be creepy.  that's the fun of karmas!


somebody must ... reallllly like u.


That's why I asked if one person could [karma] the same person multiple times or only once.  Since [karma] is a generalized sentiment compared to liking a post, it seems like once per user should be the limit.


Can you unkarma someone you karma-ed?  ::protectively grabs all her karmas before someone takes them away::


That's why I asked if one person could [karma] the same person multiple times or only once.  Since [karma] is a generalized sentiment compared to liking a post, it seems like once per user should be the limit.


Can you unkarma someone you karma-ed?  ::protectively grabs all her karmas before someone takes them away::




Dunno.  I'm not the sort to pry into your private life.  What kinky or illegal things you get involved with are none of my business.  But I'm here to listen if you need to unburden.  :-X



As for me, I'm still trying to find out if you can karma the same person more than once, or if karmas can be taken away.  So far, it appears that at least one of those is a no,  but which one, or if it's both, I can't suss out from the ambiguous clues I've been given.  :)


Smite isn't activate so you can only gain not take

Now the karma is limited to the like on your mini-profile


So you can only karma like one per mini-profile on the page

So for instance in this thread you posted 4 times so the user can only up you 4 times based on your posts in a thread


Now when they are removed from the board post/thread they don't get removed from your counts the only thing deducted is your posts/thread count everything else stays the same


Does this help?




I'm not sure.  So 6 people karmaed every post I made so far?  oO  I find this hard to believe.  :)  Most people can't be bothered even liking a post, let alone both liking and karma-ing, which sounds like what it would take to achieve those numbers.  Even less likely that 150 different people karmaed me.  I figured someone must've just been mashing away on the karma button for the hell of it, which sounds more reasonable to me.


I assume that means you just hit me 5 times.  When I first asked, I had about 15 posts, 15 likes, and 150 karma, which, if I understand it correctly, means that more people (10 to 1 more) were giving me karma than likes for each post.  That's kinda bizarre, based on other people's ratios of posts:likes:karma.  So it's still baffling to me.  Weird.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I assume that means you just hit me 5 times.  When I first asked, I had about 15 posts, 15 likes, and 150 karma, which, if I understand it correctly, means that more people (10 to 1 more) were giving me karma than likes for each post.  That's kinda bizarre, based on other people's ratios of posts:likes:karma.  So it's still baffling to me.  Weird.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Before it was unlimited where you could bash it now it's restricted to on 1 per user


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