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They will probably annihilate the human race any day now.


They have about as much interest in us as we do in an ant farm at the end of our driveways.


I heard we got some aliens RIGHT HERE ON EARTH that do that with these panels they make from crystalline silicon FROM SPACE.


They have about as much interest in us as we do in an ant farm at the end of our driveways.

quite fucking true. also, would you go announcing yourself to the ants? 'HEY ANTS!!! I'M HERE!!!"

the flat earth theory is flat bullshit LOL but hollow Earthers are on to something


The entrance to the inside of the earth is in Antarctica... and Hitler still lives down there...

Guest The Hound

there's an alien artefact in outer space harvesting energy from a sun like it's a motherfuckin' battery




scientist keep trying to put logic to it, and then a month later they keep saying "shiiiiiiiiiiit, it's really starting to look like there is something artificial around the star"



but u can't be like "aliens" because everyone on this planet is afraid of rotting in the ground with no after life so they cling to false hopes instead of realizing the law of conversation and mass protects them from a boring black veiled unending eternal slumber

Guest The Hound

and then you have retards who think that everything in our history text is fact, and their ancient role models are always right.



u can't even TALK about this kind of shit with the general populous because they are sooooooooo fucking retarded they don't even realize it.

Guest The Hound

yea thanks for sharing this



this video is entirely unedited and the logic from nasa about it's existence has been ignored since day one it was pulled off their public stream



i hate this fucking planet

Guest The Hound

Truth. it's been there for a while now. and they've been saying it's dumb shit to make themselves feel better

This ENTIRE planet for the most part believes they go to a placed called Heaven or Hell.



If that's not sad and pathetic despite what we know about the universe already - Idk what is.


Religion is cringe.


yea thanks for sharing this



this video is entirely unedited and the logic from nasa about it's existence has been ignored since day one it was pulled off their public stream



i hate this fucking planet



Guest The Hound

I'm pretty sure its a Dyson sphere being constructed TBH.


and then you have retards who think that everything in our history text is fact, and their ancient role models are always right.



u can't even TALK about this kind of shit with the general populous because they are sooooooooo fucking retarded they don't even realize it.

indeed. most of was written as history was the account of a lunatic

I've seen the videos of vortex & ejection that ppl say are aliens but what's this about something alien permanently surrounding/orbiting the sun? Links plz?

I don't have links. I get my information from extra-dimensional beings by ritual. it is more reliable than some stupid scientist looking at things with a telescope but like Viper said you can't even talk to people about it without them frothing at the mouth over it. so I don't bother most of the time

I've seen the videos of vortex & ejection that ppl say are aliens but what's this about something alien permanently surrounding/orbiting the sun? Links plz?

and also nobody ever said it was our sun. they said it was a sun.

No, our star is the sun. Sun is not a synonym for star. Look it up.


Uh I think he would know better since he gets his info direct from aliens via rituals, not earth's stupid scientists


this isn't even this shit I'm talking about. this is more or less fueling on the go. I'm talking about a structure built around a star like scaffolding


Shit like this is why the aliens will never visit us. Paranoid nonsense like this thread. I mean hollow earth, 2012 shit? I


f I were an alien overlord I would sterilize the solar system from a few hundred light years away then colonize it. A reasonably large gamma ray emitter would do the trick, or just directing the explosion of a sufficiently large star, any type 2 civ could pull that off. We wouldn't even know what hit us before we start melting.


We would deserve it.

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