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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Like and share. You should delete facebook if you're as bad as you say you are.
  2. Much like the bowl of petunias, it said "oh dear, Not again"
  3. Hey! Back the fuck up. Phillies is not your fucking punching bag.
  4. You should go and fuck that one really fat chick that turned you down.
  5. Dick pics coming in real hot
  6. Nah I have but not this video. I laughed through my nose on a call.
  7. Holding it together on a conference call tho
  8. I am grate arteest
  9. Cancer


    Autoplay is extremely under utilized these days.
  10. Fuck Canada, guy.
  11. Cancer


  12. He's having trouble getting up in the morning. Dudes the dimmest star in his own sky.
  13. Swing and a miss. Dude... you know you cant touch me
  14. Wut? Shouldn't you be making a thread about how close you are to the edge?
  15. I mean, I'd just say something that would make you sad or something.
  16. Can you even find conkers?
  17. Calling out because you drank too much. Fucking loser.
  18. Lol... fucking pussy
  19. None of this matters
  20. What the fuck is their obsession with kamikaze diving in to my fucking eyeballs?!?!
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