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Everything posted by Figure09

  1. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, this is such a great game. Troy Baker does a pretty great 1980's Harrison Ford.
  2. Figure09


    They haven't started production yet but to know it's gonna happen is wild. 🤩
  3. Anyone else playing this? Troy Baker absolutely nails it as Indy, maybe with a slightly higher pitch, but the vocal mannerisms are spot on. I just want to go home and play it every day while I'm at work, it's so fun.
  4. McDonald's again, I should bring my own lunch more often.
  5. I thought The Lost Legacy was fantastic and just as good as the rest of the series. I really like Claudia Black though so having her as the protagonist for the entire game kind of made me biased I guess lol
  6. Picked up the new Indiana Jones premium edition so I've been playing that with Early Access for the last couple of days and I'm really enjoying it so far.
  7. Large Domino's Pizza, half cheese half pepperoni and the 16 piece Parmesan bread bites with marinara dipping sauce. I only ate a couple of pieces of pizza and saved the rest but I did finish off the bread bites lol
  8. Here goes nothing 🫠
  9. I'm so fucking tired of retail. I want to get out of working in retail but I don't know how to do that.
  10. Figure09

    Steam Deck

    I got one a few weeks ago and I've mostly been playing TCG card shop simulator which is a bit ironic because I work in retail lol
  11. My join date was July 21st 2003 I think.
  12. I'm about to have Chick-fil-A on lunch break at work, but more like dinner break cuz it's 7:15 lol
  13. Not to get too sappy but I'm thinking about how I just really want a girlfriend right now. I'm 38 and I've never been in a serious relationship and I've just been really wanting to have that in my life. I try not to think about it too much cuz I wanted it to just come about naturally but it hasn't yet. I was seeing a girl for a little while and I still like her just not in that way, I think it just didn't really work out.
  14. Happy birthday, molar! 🥳
  15. Speaking of finishing games, I still have yet to finish Legend of Zelda: minish cap. Never got past the final boss.
  16. Someone also made a Figure08 alt but I never figured out who it was...
  17. I'm thinking about how I don't want to go into work today and I have vacation in 2 weeks. And then about 2 weeks after I come back from that vacation I have another 12 days off work trying to use up my vacation before it disappears, and I desperately need the time off.
  18. I'll see about posting one once I get a haircut. I look kind of raggedy right now.
  19. My 20th boardiversary was back on June 27th I think. Possibly May but I'm pretty sure it was June.
  20. The first trailer is usually more about world building than gameplay. We'll see gameplay stuff in the months to come I'm sure. That said, I am hyped as hell. It looks amazing. Character models are leaps and bounds better than GTA V and it just looks beautiful. It gives the vibe of a huge map which I'm glad about.
  21. https://youtu.be/EHOsydVfMtg?si=l7Bto7SCBnloNCb4
  22. I always remember Squeaks and I wonder how she's doing. Also blind_fushing_monkey (I think that was it) and how she was slowly going blind so she had to leave the boards.
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